Corsola-Galar @ Eviolite
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Night Shade
- Whirlpool
- Strength Sap
- Stealth Rock
With a great Defense stat, good typing, and Strength Sap, Galarian Corsola serves as one of the best physical walls in the NFE metagame, keeping some of the biggest offensive threats like Raboot and Thwackey at bay. Whirpool is the star of the set, allowing Galarian Corsola to trap some of the biggest threats in the tier such as Machoke and Piloswine and whittle them down with Night Shade. Strength Sap is the only form of recovery Galarian Corsola has and allows it to weaken its physical targets while gaining a large portion of its HP back. Galarian Corsola can also easily set up Stealth Rock on Pokemon that are switching out to try and avoid getting trapped, or on Pokemon that are already trapped. Galarian Corsola should aim to keep its Eviolite for as long as possible in a match to keep its amazing bulk, so Pokemon that can act as a switch-in to Knock Off like Vullaby and defensive Machoke make for great partners.
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Night Shade
- Whirlpool
- Strength Sap
- Stealth Rock
With a great Defense stat, good typing, and Strength Sap, Galarian Corsola serves as one of the best physical walls in the NFE metagame, keeping some of the biggest offensive threats like Raboot and Thwackey at bay. Whirpool is the star of the set, allowing Galarian Corsola to trap some of the biggest threats in the tier such as Machoke and Piloswine and whittle them down with Night Shade. Strength Sap is the only form of recovery Galarian Corsola has and allows it to weaken its physical targets while gaining a large portion of its HP back. Galarian Corsola can also easily set up Stealth Rock on Pokemon that are switching out to try and avoid getting trapped, or on Pokemon that are already trapped. Galarian Corsola should aim to keep its Eviolite for as long as possible in a match to keep its amazing bulk, so Pokemon that can act as a switch-in to Knock Off like Vullaby and defensive Machoke make for great partners.
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