UU Nidoqueen


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Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock

Sheer Force and fantastic coverage make Nidoqueen a fierce wallbreaker that can find lots of opportunities against Pokemon like Primarina, Zeraora, and Tapu Bulu, and it's an effective offensive Stealth Rock setter that can easily pressure common hazard removal options like Rotom-H, Tentacruel, and offensive Salamence. Its solid bulk and typing offer strong defensive utility to teams, such as checking Zeraora. Fire Blast lets it pressure Celesteela and Skarmory. A Timid nature is often preferred to outspeed targets like Adamant Diggersby, Jolly Tapu Bulu, and Timid Volcanion, but Modest is an option to better pressure switch-ins like Latias and Slowking. Zeraora is one of Nidoqueen's best teammates, bringing it in against targets like Amoonguss, Tangrowth, and Tapu Bulu while pressuring Slowking, Latias, and Chansey for Nidoqueen. Other pivots such as Slowking are also great, which can switch into Psychic-types like Latias and Victini for Nidoqueen and bring it in through Teleport. Other offensive teammates like Tapu Bulu and Kommo-o can pressure Chansey for Nidoqueen; Tapu Bulu can also pressure Slowking and switch into Krookodile.
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Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock

Sheer Force and fantastic coverage make Nidoqueen a fierce wallbreaker that can find lots of wallbreaking (kinda redundant and trying to help with the fact that you're juuust over on characters) opportunities against Pokemon like Primarina, Zeraora, and Tapu Bulu, while being an effective offensive Stealth Rock setter that can easily pressure common hazard removal options like Rotom-H, Tentacruel, and offensive Salamence. Its solid bulk and typing also allows it to offer strong defensive utility to teams, especially as a Zeraora check ...kinda? it's a pretty bad zera check in all honestly. 3hkod by knock off with tiny chip dmg, HATES losing its life orb etc.. Fire Blast is preferred as its 3rd move, letting it pressure Celesteela and Skarmory. A Timid nature is often preferred to outspeed targets like Adamant Diggersby and Timid Volcanion and Toxtricity jolly bulu is the most important one, but Modest is an option to better pressure switch-ins like Latias and Slowking. Zeraora is one of Nidoqueen's best teammates, bringing it in against targets like Amoonguss, Tangrowth, and Tapu Bulu, while pressuring Slowking, Latias, and Chansey for Nidoqueen. Other pivots such as Slowking are also great, which can switch into Psychic-types like Latias and Victini for Nidoqueen and bring it in through Teleport. Other offensive teammates like Tapu Bulu and Kommo-o can pressure Chansey for Nidoqueen; Tapu Bulu can also check Water-types like Rotom-W i would just remove this mention bc bulu rlly doesnt wanna take on washtom if it can help it and Slowking and switch into Krookodile.

1047 characters.

lmk if you can't fit any of this stuff in bc of char limits and i'll try to help out, qc 1/1
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Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock

Sheer Force and fantastic coverage make Nidoqueen a fierce wallbreaker that can find lots of opportunities against Pokemon like Primarina, Zeraora, and Tapu Bulu, while being and it's an effective offensive Stealth Rock setter that can easily pressure common hazard removal options like Rotom-H, Tentacruel, and offensive Salamence. Its solid bulk and typing also allows it to offer strong defensive utility to teams, such as a checking Zeraora check. Fire Blast is preferred as its 3rd move, letting lets it pressure Celesteela and Skarmory. A Timid nature is often preferred to outspeed targets like Adamant Diggersby, Jolly Tapu Bulu, and Timid Volcanion, but Modest is an option to better pressure switch-ins like Latias and Slowking. Zeraora is one of Nidoqueen's best teammates, bringing it in against targets like Amoonguss, Tangrowth, and Tapu Bulu (RC) while pressuring Slowking, Latias, and Chansey for Nidoqueen. Other pivots such as Slowking are also great, which can switch into Psychic-types like Latias and Victini for Nidoqueen and bring it in through Teleport. Other offensive teammates like Tapu Bulu and Kommo-o can pressure Chansey for Nidoqueen; Tapu Bulu can also pressure Slowking and switch into Krookodile.

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GP 1/1