Noctowl, the John Lennon Pokemon.
Ah, Noctowl. The kind of nebbish, not fitting "starter bird". With low attacking stats but HP, Noctowl has never fit in with it's brethern. But Black and White has wrought forth interesting changes. Perhaps Noctowl can step out of the tunnel(and into the liiiiiiiiight!)
[B]#164 Noctowl[/B]
Typing: Normal / Flying
Ability 1:
Cannot be put to sleep.
Ability 2:
Keen Eye
Accuraccy cannot be lowered.
Ability 3: (Dream World)
Tinted Lens
When this Pokémon uses a move that is not very effective on its target, the damage is doubled.
HP: 100
Atk: 50
Def: 50
SpA: 76
SpD: 96
Spe: 70
[B]Level-Up Moves:[/B]
Lv1: Sky Attack
Lv1: Tackle
Lv1: Growl
Lv1: Foresight
Lv1: Hypnosis
Lv5: Hypnosis
Lv9: Peck
Lv13: Uproar
Lv17: Reflect
Lv22: Confusion
Lv27: Echo Voice
Lv32: Take Down
Lv37: Air Slash
Lv42: Zen Headbutt
Lv47: Synchronize
Lv52: Extrasensory
Lv57: Psycho Shift
Lv62: Roost
Lv67: Dream Eater
[B]TM Moves:[/B]
TM06 - Toxic
TM10 - Hidden Power
TM11 - Sunny Day
TM15 - Hyper Beam
TM17 - Protect
TM18 - Rain Dance
TM21 - Frustration
TM27 - Return
TM29 - Psychic
TM30 - Shadow Ball
TM32 - Double Team
TM33 - Reflect
TM40 - Aerial Ace
TM42 - Facade
TM44 - Rest
TM45 - Attract
TM46 - Thief
TM48 - Troll
TM49 - Echo Voice
TM68 - Giga Impact
TM77 - Psych Up
TM83 - Cheer Up
TM85 - Dream Eater
TM87 - Swagger
TM88 - Pluck
TM90 - Substitute
HM02 - Fly
[b]Egg Moves:[/b]
Mirror Move
Faint Attack
Wing Attack
Sky Attack
Night Shade
- Tinted Lens
Tinted Lens is one of the most valuable abilities in the game, essentially making all of your hits unresisted save immunities. Other than Noctowl, only six fully evolved Pokemon(Yanmega, Mothim, Shinpora, Butterfree, Venomoth and Illumise) learn it. Perhaps more interestingly, Noctowl is the only non-bug type to learn it. This means that, even with it's low offensive stats, Noctowl can run offense. - Roost by Level Up
Unlike most Pokemon, who learned Roost via TM, Noctowl learns Roost by Level Up. Because of this, it is able to combine Roost with Dream World abilities and Gen 5 Egg Moves. Given Noctowl's high HP and good Special Defense, this is a good assest. - Two immunities and two useful resistances
Although Normal/Flying gives it some problems, it DOES give it valuable immunities to Ground and Ghost, in addition to good Bug and Grass resistances. This allows Noctowl to come in on things it directly threatens, not to mention grass and bug moves becoming seemingly more prevailant this generation. - Ice, Electric and Rock weaks, making it weak to Stealth Rock
On the flip side, Noctowl sports weaknesses to two very common attacking types in Electric and Ice, which are commonly seen together, and a weakness to the second half of QuakeEdge. Unfortunately, the weakness to the rock part also means it will be stripped of 25% of it's HP upon entry. This hurts Noctowl's survivability. - Somewhat weak attacking movepool, somewhat good support movepool
Noctowl's attacking movepool isn't great, with only Shadow Ball, Air Slash and Psychic immedietely jumping out. However, Noctowl has an interesting support movepool, with useful moves like Psycho Shift, Reflect, Hypnosis, Toxic and Cheer Up.
Noctowl @ Choice Specs
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Sp. ATK / 252 Speed
Nature: Modest(+SpA -Atk) / Timid(+Spe -Atk)
~ Air Slash
~ Shadow Ball
~ Psychic / Hyper Beam / Uproar
~ Hidden Power Water / Hidden Power Fighting
Or as I call it, "Rose-Tinted Glasses". The basic idea is to fire off heavy powered, Specs Air Slashes with Tinted Lens, getting through unresisted to blast anything in your way. The remaining moves are moslty coverage: HP Water for Rocks/Grounds, HP Fighting for Steel/Rocks. Shadow Ball hits ghosts SE and Psychic hits only a few things harder. Hyper Beam for an extremely strong Specs attack that goes through unresisted against all but ghosts can also work and Uproar works like a minituare Outrage, but leaves you vulnearable to ghost switches.
Because of Noctowl's low Special Attack, Choice Scarf is not an option. It might be a good idea to invest in some HP over Speed, as well.
Noctowl @ Leftovers
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 252 HP / 202 Defense / 56 Special Defense
Nature: Bold(+Def -Atk)
~ Roost
~ Whirlwind / Toxic / Reflect
~ Whirlwind / Toxic / Reflect
~ Air Slash
Supporting Owl. With 404 HP and defensive EVs, this thing can take a special hit. Roost lets it recover off hits and SR damage. After that, take your pick of supporting options: Letting Noctowl not die to physical attacks easily and supporting, Toxic killing or PHazing/Shuffling. I, personally, recommend Reflect the most out of all of them. Finally, Air Slash is the requisite attacking move so Taunters don't shut you down.
I'm not sure if it was more effiecient to EV this way or to just smash Special Defense. You can probably pump in more Special Defense if you run Reflect. Max HP seems like a must.
Noctowl @ Flame Orb
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 HP / 202 Defense / 56 Special Defense
Nature: Bold(+Def -Atk)
~ Rest
~ Sleep Talk
~ Psycho Shift
~ Air Slash
Quite possibly the only Noctowl set you'll see with Keen Eye. Insomnia prevents Rest and Tinted Lens + Sleep Talk is an illegal combination. The basic idea is to switch in Noctowl, who immmedietely draws in physical attackers due to it's shit defense but good/great Special Defense, and then Psycho Shift your status on to them, removing more of their threat. Later, if possible, Rest/Sleep Talk up and maybe even Shift Sleep onto someone!
Air Slash is there as the required attack, EVs the same as the last defensive Set.
Noctowl @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Sp. ATK / 252 Speed
Nature: Modest(+SpA -Atk) / Timid(+Spe -Atk)
~ Air Slash
~ Cheer Up / Agility
~ Roost
~ Uproar / Hidden Power Fighting / Shadow Ball
Noctowl suffers from a severe lack of stat boosters, so Cheer Up is it's best option for a Tinted Lens booster. Air Slash is your main unresisted STAB, while Cheer Up boosts it's power. Roost heals damage if you manage to survive that long.
Complimentary attack is a difficult choice. Uproar is strong with STAB, but risky. Hidden Power Fighting hits Steel/Rocks which manage to resist Air Slash for 4x effectiveness. Shadow Ball is SE against ghosts. Take your pick, really.
And...that's it for now. Noctowl might not be the best mon out there, but it's liable to be workable. Let's see you help out!
Also thanks to Rawbi for the image.