Hello all! The NU Council has finished voting on phase 1 of Camerupt-Mega, the results can be seen here. As we received the required "Retest" votes, we will be proceeding with Phase 2 of the NU Retest process.

Camerupt-Mega is a fearsome wallbreaker with a sky-high Special Attack stat, strong STAB moves, unresisted coverage, and Sheer Force to boot. It also boasts a great defensive typing allowing it to freely come in on a plethora of Pokemon such as Vileplume, Rotom, Comfey, Delphox, Vikavolt, Weezing, and Garbodor. Camerupt is also a fantastic Stealth Rock setter which can 2HKO or OHKO every form of hazard control in the tier. These properties make it very difficult to switch into for balanced teams without running Specially bulky Water-types like AV Slowking and Vaporeon. However, Camerupt is incredibly slow, and has common weaknesses to Ground- and Water-types which can make it difficult to come in safely and do much against offensive builds. Will Camerupt's downsides lead it to being a balanced part of the NU Metagame, or do its positive attributes make it too hot to handle?
There will be no suspect ladder. Instead, we'll be using the normal NU ladder which will remain open for the duration of the test. A message will pop up at the beginning of ladder games to indicate that the suspect is going on. (Tagging Marty to implement, thank you!) Camerupt-Mega will be legal for the entirety of this suspect test. Anyone who wishes to participate in this suspect test will use a newly-made alt with a suspect-specific tag to indicate that you are trying to achieve reqs. The requirements for this suspect test are the following:
- All games must be played on the Pokemon Showdown! NU ladder on a new alt with the following format: "NUCAM (nickname)" For example, I might register the alt NUCAM Eternally to ladder with.
- Do NOT impersonate other people in your ladder alt, do NOT use any usernames which are offensive, flame-baiting, or targeting specific users, and do NOT use usernames which could be interpreted as breaking any of the username rules on Pokemon Showdown! Failure to abide to this will result in you being barred from voting in this suspect, and potential infractions.
- You are not allowed to ladder on shared accounts.
- You are NOT allowed to ask / threaten people to forfeit games, you will be banned from participating in the suspect and infracted.
- To qualify for voting, your alt must play a minimum of 35 games, and achieve a minimum GXE of 81.
- No one liners nor uninformed posts;
- No inappropriate / meme posts that would be deemed off-topic.
- No discussion on other potential suspects;
- No discussion on the suspect process;
- You are required to make respectful posts;