Metagame NP: RU Stage 17: Slow (Linoone Banned)

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Banned deucer.


The RU Council has decided to test Linoone.

With the rising trend in Screens teams on the ladder and tournament play, Linoone has emerged as the predominant force on those teams. With its ability to get to +6 in a single turn coupled with numerous coverage options and STAB Extreme Speed, Linoone has become the most threatening sweeper in the tier. With the ability to activate 50% pinch berries after setup, Linoone is capable of taking turns off of most Choice Scarf users in the tier and various staple Pokemon such as Florges. Under Screens, Linoone is capable of setting up on nearly every offensive threat lacking a strong Fighting move, making it difficult for many teams to subdue, thus warranting a suspect.

There will be no suspect ladder. Instead we will use the normal RU ladder which will remain open for the duration of the test. A message will pop up at the beginning of ladder games to indicate that the suspect is going on (Tagging Marty to implement, thank you!). Anyone who wishes to participate in this suspect test will use a newly-made alt with a suspect-specific tag to indicate that you are trying to achieve reqs. The requirements for this suspect test are the following:
  • All games must be played on the Pokemon Showdown! RU ladder on a new alt with the following format: "RUFAST (nickname)" For example, I might register the alt RUFAST phantom to ladder with.
  • Do NOT impersonate other people in your ladder alt, do NOT use any usernames which are offensive, flame-baiting, or targeting specific users, and do NOT use usernames which could be interpreted as breaking any of the username rules on Pokemon Showdown! Failure to abide to this will result in you being barred from voting in this suspect, and potential infractions.
  • To qualify for voting, your alt must play either minimum 40 games with a minimum GXE of 80 or 35 games with a minimum GXE of 82
The suspect test will last for 10 days, ending on Wednesday, June 26th at 23:59 EST.

/!\ NOTICE /!\
RU will not be tolerating any form of voting manipulation. Any attempt to manipulate votes can result in an infraction, loss of eligibility to vote in the current test, and loss of the Tiering Contributor badge. While we won't necessarily enforce super strict punishment, this won't be tolerated and will be handled accordingly. Voting manipulation can simply be described as attempting to get people to vote a way on the test in inappropriate manners. Bribing with teams to vote a certain way, directly messaging people to vote a certain way, publicly announcing "vote this way" all fall under voting manipulation. For more query feel free to PM me.
For anyone who's less involved in RU and possibly baffled by this seemingly out-of-nowhere suspect, I highly recommend checking out the previous discussion thread, where a lot of us have already given thoughts on Linoone:

My perception of Linoone has not yet changed since then.
Extreme Speed puts it on a level no other sweeper can hope to match, with or without screens, by almost completely removing Speed and opposing priority from the equation. It can further narrow the scope of counterplay with the least bit of team support, whether that's through screens, Sticky Web, Spikes, Memento, or whatever else you can come up with.
Building to have a consistent matchup against Linoone is pretty much impossible unless you're using Pyukumuku; otherwise, there is some permutation of Linoone set + support that just beats you. To summarize without using buzzwords, it's the last stain on a metagame that's otherwise in great condition.
hi, this isn't gonna be a long post lol

* linoone has adapted to beat so many of its former checks to the point that it's way too fucking hard to really be prepared for it, former checks like slowbro / pdef mandibuzz are now very shaky, forcing you to run multiple answers to linoone or slap something stupid like pyumuku on your team

* linoone thrives even without screens: way too many pokemon - notably walls and scarfers - in the tier give it free set up, and many underexplored support options are readily available, ranging from memento to trick / switcheroo to whatever your mind can think of

if anyone on either side of this suspect has further doubts, i would strongly suggest playing with linoone (for you lazy bitches, here's a team), reading up on better, more fleshed out discussion posts, and watching replays (1 2 3 4 5) before making your final decision

if any unsure voters want to play non ladder games hmu and i'll hop on for a few
For anyone who's less involved in RU and possibly baffled by this seemingly out-of-nowhere suspect, I highly recommend checking out the previous discussion thread, where a lot of us have already given thoughts on Linoone:

My perception of Linoone has not yet changed since then.

Building to have a consistent matchup against Linoone is pretty much impossible unless you're using Pyukumuku; otherwise, there is some permutation of Linoone set + support that just beats you. To summarize without using buzzwords, it's the last stain on a metagame that's otherwise in great condition.
Tsareena, being immune to Extreme Speed and able to survive a Seed Bomb, Stomping Tantrum or Shadow Claw and to kill it with Power Whip or HJK, is a funny check too. But it requires to keep it at 100% if Linoone has Shadow Claw; without it it's a really good check.
Tsareena, being immune to Extreme Speed and able to survive a Seed Bomb, Stomping Tantrum or Shadow Claw and to kill it with Power Whip or HJK, is a funny check too. But it requires to keep it at 100% if Linoone has Shadow Claw; without it it's a really good check.
With Return being more and more common Tsareena isn't the best check anymore, though Scarf Tsareena can definitely be used as one of the better offensive answers (just crit HJK through screens imma right?)
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