Quick thoughts on a few Pokemon/things:

I think most people agree this is a bit of an issue. I haven't played against it much myself, but Shell Smash + almost perfect STAB coverage + an actual defensive profile all does seem pretty ridiculous. Walling Drednaw is pretty tough without physically defensive Gastrodon or some weirdo Tera Palossand, and you can pretty easily slot on Tera Blast Grass or even Tera Dark Strong Jaw Crunch for these (the latter also helps vs Prankster and Sucker Punch). Cleanly revenge killing it seems a little tricky too without something like Mach Punch Pawmot, and the resistances to common types like Fire, Poison, Flying, and Normal all give it easy chances to set up. It's also worth mentioning that rain makes it harder to deal with, but it really doesn't need rain to function. I'll try to use it more before this weekend, but it's probably not worth keeping this around.
Speaking of rain, it has too many good tools right now imo. Drednaw and Kingdra pretty easily put holes in teams and aren't easy to revenge kill under rain, Kilowattrel and Tornadus get to spam Thunder/Hurricane + Weather Ball without much drawback, and there's even other stuff like Tauros-W and Qwilfish-H to get past Goodra, Bronzong, and Wo-Chien. Banning Damp Rock is probably the logical solution, since I'd argue none of the rain breakers/sweepers feel problematic yet except Drednaw.

Literally Decidueye-H but better, probably also broken. Choice Flamigo has to predict fairly often, but guessing wrong isn't even always a huge deal because Intimidate can't slow it down and Close Combat is pretty free without Ghosts/Tera Ghost to stop it. SD sets make its STAB moves even freer and can even run Feint to somewhat compensate for the mediocre Speed. Nothing really switches in on Flamigo except Oricorio-Pom-Pom, and it's not entirely inept defensively. Fun to use, but not my amigo.

Possibly cheap, maybe, question mark? Not really unkillable, but Calm Mind sets feel hard to take down without dedicating a ton of resources when I use them. Psychic Noise is also annoying and makes outlasting it even harder. Non-Calm Mind sets are very balanced, though, and Florges itself struggles against Psychic Noise and Encore. Its physical bulk is also mediocre even with investment, though it doesn't struggle to stay healthy imo and requires strong physical attackers to cleanly take down.

Still kind of toxic with the mindgames it forces, though I'm not entirely sure how unhealthy I'd say it is. Balance is on the up and up, and Zoroark is really good at cheesing through it, so we'll see how it goes. If it ends up on the slate, though, I'm probably voting ban.

This feels like Hoopa again, though +1 (potentially STAB) Boomburst is much scarier than anything Hoopa can do. Choice Specs and Shift Gear sets break through teams really easily, and not a whole lot actually tanks hits from Toxtricity without being outright immune. Need more time to fully decide how I feel about it.

Was initially worried about Cetitan, but I'm not convinced it's that good anymore. Cetitan currently has to contend with rain and can easily fail versus walls like Milotic, Rotom-H, and Bronzong as well as even Wo-Chien, all of which pretty easy to include on teams. Down to keep an eye on it, but idk seems a bit overblown.

Grouping these all together because they're mildly dishonest imo, but I'm not fully convinced that any of them need to go yet. None of them feel too crazy relative to the stuff I've already mentioned, but maybe they will after the initial ban wave.

These all feel incredibly good and will probably be top Pokemon once the initial ban wave happens and as balance continues to develop/improve.

These transitioned pretty well into the new meta, don't forget about them just because of all the new stuff we got!
Since our samples aren't updated, here are some fun teams I've been liking!
(the florges ev spread on the third team came from a team sensei axew made, credit to him for it)