Here I go again on my own
Going down the only road I've ever known
Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone
And I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time

It’s time for the first suspect after the Indigo Disk DLC! After the discussion on the previous metagame thread and the most recent survey, the council has elected to suspect Flutter Mane!
With this being the third suspect of Flutter Mane this generation, it's no secret that its place in SV DOU has been contentious (See the metagame thread for the first suspect here, and the second here). We have talked in great detail about how it's a powerful offensive attacker with its Choice Specs set due to its sky high Special Attack, Speed, and excellent offensive typing. However another set has really emerged as of late, the booster speed set with icy wind. This set makes Flutter Mane outspeed all of the metagame, and even a lot of it in Tailwind, and use Icy Wind for speed control next to powerful allies that have great offensive synergy with Flutter Mane like Landorus-I, Chi-Yu, or Glimmora. These Pokemon are able to break through common Flutter Mane checks like Fire & Steel types, to then allow Flutter Mane to take over with its signature strong Fairy & Ghost attacks.
There has also been new changes to the metagame after the release of the Indigo Disk DLC that have made Flutter Mane even more of a staple, specifically multiple new Dragon Pokemon & Expanding Force. It's no secret why Flutter Mane would get better with more Dragon types running around, but it also pairs perfectly with Psychic Terrain teams, able to protect itself from priority moves and remove Dark types that are immune to Expanding Force. Between its excellent offensive coverage and how well Flutter pairs with most of the top offensive threats, many feel that Flutter Mane has made offensive teams too difficult to handle, not allowing more balanced style teams to be successful.
With that being said, Flutter Mane is not infallible. With its low physical defenses and reliance on special attacking moves, physical attacking Assault Vest or just specially bulky Pokemon can give it trouble, such as Rillaboom, Entei, Kingambit, Ogerpon-Wellspring, and others. Priority moves like Sucker Punch from Chien-Pao & Kingambit, or Grassy Glide from Rillaboom, can hit Flutter Mane first and often take it out before it is able to fire off its powerful attacks. Adequate speed control - either prankster tailwind from Tornadus & Whimsicott, or bulky Trick Room from the likes of Porygon2, Diancie and others - is also able to limit Flutter from attacking first, making it much easier to beat.
As usual, 60% of the vote must be in favor to ban Flutter Mane.
Important: For this suspect, there will be two ways to qualify. The first is the typical laddering period, where players must reach the minimum GXE. The second is by winning a live suspect tournament, to be held in the Smogon Doubles Room. You may compete in the suspect tournament on any account, and will need to post proof of you winning the suspect tournament on the voter ID thread.
There will be two live suspect tournaments:
Suspect Tournament Times
Saturday, February 3rd at 12:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-5)
Sunday, February 4th at 4:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-5)
The laddering period will last for a total of nine days.
Laddering Period
Start: Friday, February 2nd at 8:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-5)
End: Sunday, February 11th at 8:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-5)
All games must be played on the Pokemon Showdown! Doubles OU ladder on a fresh alt with the prefix DOUFL [name]. For example, I might register "DOUFL Actuarily” to ladder with. You must follow this format to qualify.
To qualify to vote, you must achieve a minimum GXE of 80 with at least 50 games played. In addition, you may subtract 1 game for every 0.2 GXE you have above 80 GXE, down to a minimum of 30 games at a GXE of 84. As always, needing more than 50 games to reach 80 GXE is fine.
GXE | minimum games |
80 | 50 |
80.2 | 49 |
80.4 | 48 |
80.6 | 47 |
80.8 | 46 |
81 | 45 |
81.2 | 44 |
81.4 | 43 |
81.6 | 42 |
81.8 | 41 |
82 | 40 |
82.2 | 39 |
82.4 | 38 |
82.6 | 37 |
82.8 | 36 |
83 | 35 |
83.2 | 34 |
83.4 | 33 |
83.6 | 32 |
83.8 | 31 |
84 | 30 |
Flutter Mane will be legal during this suspect.
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