You lying so low in the weeds
I bet you gonna ambush me
You'd have me down, down, down, down on my knees
Now wouldn't you, barracuda? Oh

Onto the next suspect! Many community members have been calling for Basculegion’s head, so now is the time to put it to a suspect vote!
Basculegion has emerged as one of the biggest threats in DOU thanks to its two great abilities in Swift Swim and Adaptability, as well as its great movepool with attacks like Wave Crash and Last Respects. While the female version has access to all of these attributes, the male version boasts a respectable 112 Attack stat compared to the female’s 92. On rain, Swift Swim allows Basculegion to outspeed everything that doesn’t hold a speed boosting item, allowing it to attack first with its strong rain boosted Wave Crashes or lets it clean up late with Last Respects. Basculegion is not limited to rain however, as it also has one of the most powerful abilities in Adaptability, that powers up its STAB moves to enormous levels - especially when considering the high base power of its moves. Once two of Basculegion’s teammates have fainted, Last Respects has 150 base power, and with Adaptability on top of that, it is able to OHKO most Pokémon, even without a damage boosting item. Speaking of items, Basculegion can make great work of so many different options such as a Choice Scarf, Choice Band, Life Orb, Assault Vest, etc. which makes it slightly unpredictable to play against.
Now, while there is another weather sweeper that gets access to Last Respects in Houndstone, Basculegion is on a different level. Firstly, Basculegion has more optimized stats, with higher Attack and Speed to get off its powerful Last Respects and KO an opposing slot. Secondly, with a much better movepool and typing, Basculegion is able to do more than just use Last Respects, either with rain boosted or Adaptability boosted Water moves. This typing advantage is notable, allowing Basculegion to hit prominent Ghost resists such as Chi-Yu, Ting-Lu, and Garganacl super effectively with its Water moves. Water also gives Basculegion a good defensive typing that allows Basculegion to resist attacks from top Pokémon such as Heatran, Volcanion, Palafin-Hero, and Goodra-H.
Basculegion is not perfect, however. It is often reliant on waiting for a few of its teammates to faint for it to be the offensive threat it wants to, which can require good positioning. It also has a rather mediocre speed tier, meaning that even in tailwind or rain, it still gets outsped and checked by many Choice Scarf or Booster Energy Pokémon, such as Flutter Mane, Iron Bundle, Roaring Moon, and Regieleki. On Trick Room builds, it is not very slow, meaning that it can often be undersped by opposing Trick Room Pokemon. On top of this, it can be pressured by some of the top offensive threats (if they move first) such as Rillaboom, Chi-Yu, Flutter Mane, Chien-Pao, & Gholdengo. Basculegion can also be heavily affected by redirection, as Amoonguss can take most of its hits, and Indeedee-F and Maushold are immune to Last Respects. As Basculegion really wants to move first and eliminate threats, it can be very limited by speed control - both Trick Room and Tailwind, as well as Thunder Wave from the likes of Grimmsnarl or Thundurus.
As usual, 60% of the vote must be in favor to ban Basculegion.
Important: For this suspect, there will be two ways to qualify. The first is the typical laddering period, where players must reach the minimum GXE. The second is by winning a live suspect tournament, to be held in the Smogon Doubles Room. You may compete in the suspect tournament on any account, and will need to post proof of you winning the suspect tournament on the voter ID thread.
There will be two live suspect tournaments:
Suspect Tournament Times
Saturday, July 8th at 12:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-4)
Sunday, July 9th at
The laddering period will last for a total of nine days.
Laddering Period
Start: Friday, July 7th at 8:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-4)
End: Sunday, July 16th at 8:00 PM Eastern time (GMT-4)
All games must be played on the Pokemon Showdown! Doubles OU ladder on a fresh alt with the prefix DOULR [name]. For example, I might register "DOULR Actuarily” to ladder with. You must follow this format to qualify.
To qualify to vote, you must achieve a minimum GXE of 80 with at least 50 games played. In addition, you may subtract 1 game for every 0.2 GXE you have above 80 GXE, down to a minimum of 30 games at a GXE of 84. As always, needing more than 50 games to reach 80 GXE is fine.
GXE | minimum games |
80 | 50 |
80.2 | 49 |
80.4 | 48 |
80.6 | 47 |
80.8 | 46 |
81 | 45 |
81.2 | 44 |
81.4 | 43 |
81.6 | 42 |
81.8 | 41 |
82 | 40 |
82.2 | 39 |
82.4 | 38 |
82.6 | 37 |
82.8 | 36 |
83 | 35 |
83.2 | 34 |
83.4 | 33 |
83.6 | 32 |
83.8 | 31 |
84 | 30 |
Basculegion will be legal during this suspect.
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