In the wake of the Swagger Clause, we've had a number of complaints regarding the effect that Mega Gengar and by extension Shadow Tag has in Ubers. Some even called for them to be removed from the metagame. However, as you know, Ubers is and always has been incredibly cautious when it comes to discussing bans, so this is bound to be a contentious issue. I spoke to a number of experienced players as well as long time members of the Ubers community and the responses varied widely, from "please ban Shadow Tag entirely" or "please ban Gengarite" to "please don't ban a thing". What makes this different from any of the previous clauses, like the Moody Clause or the Swagger Clause, is that we would not just be banning an ability or a move, but removing a Pokemon form entirely. With that in mind, I consider this the most important decision in Ubers tiering history and, as a result, don't feel comfortable making it alone. We will therefore be putting it to the Ubers community at large, through a suspect test.
Shadow Tag, of course, prevents the opponent's Pokemon from switching out, with the exception of Ghost type Pokemon as of Generation 6. It was first introduced as Wynaut and Wobbuffet's signature ability back in Gen 3, where it was banned from OverUsed, but never from Ubers. This remained the case until Gen 5, with the advent of Hidden Abilities, where Shadow Tag was given to Gothitelle and teased to Chandelure, but ultimately replaced by Infiltrator. Gothitelle was allowed and Wynaut/Wobbuffet were both unbanned from OU play. However Gen 6 brought us Mega Evolutions and the infamous Shadow Tag Mega Gengar, boasting much better speed, offensive capabilities and movepool than any of the previous users.
Proponents of the ban argue that it limits the teambuilding process and is ultimately uncompetitive, while opponents argue either that we should never ban Pokemon or forms from Ubers or that Mega Gengar simply isn't uncompetitive enough to warrant a ban. There is a precedent for removing aspects of the metagame that are almost entirely luck based or incredibly uncompetitive, for instance the OHKO, Moody and Swagger Clauses. The aim of this suspect test is to gauge both whether we are comfortable removing a Pokemon form entirely and then whether Gengarite or Shadow Tag as a whole in fact are sufficiently uncompetitive.
Of those who are pro-ban, some argue that Shadow Tag as whole should be banned, including on Wobbuffet and Gothitelle, while others argue that Mega Gengar is the only real offender and therefore simply that Gengarite should be banned. We will start by testing Gengarite and in the event that people do vote to ban it, we will then test the ability Shadow Tag. This allows us to make a decision on Mega Gengar before the Ubers Grand Slam kicks off, but also gives us adequate time to test and consider both options.
The laddering phase of the suspect test starts now and will end at midnight GMT+1 between Sunday the 24th and Monday the 25th of August (6pm EDT on the 24th of August). To get a chance to vote, you will need to achieve a COIL rating of 2400 or more on Showdown's Ubers (suspect test) ladder, which has now been reset. After consulting Antar, we decided on a B value of 29. This means that a player with a GXE of 100 would need to play 40 battles to qualify, while 60 is the lowest possible GXE that a player can qualify with (if they play infinite battles). To work out roughly how many battles you would need to play, plug your GXE into the following formlua:
Google Calculator works great for that.
Here are a few sample values:
Once the laddering phase is over, we will have a week for voting which ends at midnight GMT+1 between the 31st of August and the 1st of September. Those who vote will also be required to personally write a paragraph explaining why they voted for the option that they did. Votes that do not include a paragraph or which are based on poor reasoning will not be counted.
The purpose of this thread is to give you guys the opportunity to discuss the test while it's ongoing. I'd love to hear how the wider community feels, but please use common sense when posting. Be polite towards others, put thought into your post and, if you can, try to back up your arguments with data or examples, rather than simply throwing out assertions. We'll be heavily monitoring the thread and deleting anything that isn't deemed helpful or appropriate. Furthermore, please don't go off topic in this thread. For example, please don't discuss other potential suspect tests or how this may affect other metagames. While it may be convenient, we are not required to use the same clauses as OverUsed. Evasion Clause, which we removed in Gen 5, is an example of this. In a similar vein, don't justify your argument based on how well Shadow Tag users perform in other metagames. There are many existing examples of Pokemon that perform better in Ubers than they do in lower tiers.
We may also be running a research tournament with Gengarite banned to gauge what the metagame would be like without it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the test. Now get out there and start laddering!
Shadow Tag, of course, prevents the opponent's Pokemon from switching out, with the exception of Ghost type Pokemon as of Generation 6. It was first introduced as Wynaut and Wobbuffet's signature ability back in Gen 3, where it was banned from OverUsed, but never from Ubers. This remained the case until Gen 5, with the advent of Hidden Abilities, where Shadow Tag was given to Gothitelle and teased to Chandelure, but ultimately replaced by Infiltrator. Gothitelle was allowed and Wynaut/Wobbuffet were both unbanned from OU play. However Gen 6 brought us Mega Evolutions and the infamous Shadow Tag Mega Gengar, boasting much better speed, offensive capabilities and movepool than any of the previous users.
Proponents of the ban argue that it limits the teambuilding process and is ultimately uncompetitive, while opponents argue either that we should never ban Pokemon or forms from Ubers or that Mega Gengar simply isn't uncompetitive enough to warrant a ban. There is a precedent for removing aspects of the metagame that are almost entirely luck based or incredibly uncompetitive, for instance the OHKO, Moody and Swagger Clauses. The aim of this suspect test is to gauge both whether we are comfortable removing a Pokemon form entirely and then whether Gengarite or Shadow Tag as a whole in fact are sufficiently uncompetitive.
Of those who are pro-ban, some argue that Shadow Tag as whole should be banned, including on Wobbuffet and Gothitelle, while others argue that Mega Gengar is the only real offender and therefore simply that Gengarite should be banned. We will start by testing Gengarite and in the event that people do vote to ban it, we will then test the ability Shadow Tag. This allows us to make a decision on Mega Gengar before the Ubers Grand Slam kicks off, but also gives us adequate time to test and consider both options.
The laddering phase of the suspect test starts now and will end at midnight GMT+1 between Sunday the 24th and Monday the 25th of August (6pm EDT on the 24th of August). To get a chance to vote, you will need to achieve a COIL rating of 2400 or more on Showdown's Ubers (suspect test) ladder, which has now been reset. After consulting Antar, we decided on a B value of 29. This means that a player with a GXE of 100 would need to play 40 battles to qualify, while 60 is the lowest possible GXE that a player can qualify with (if they play infinite battles). To work out roughly how many battles you would need to play, plug your GXE into the following formlua:
Google Calculator works great for that.
Here are a few sample values:
100 40
90 50
85 58
80 70
75 91
70 131
65 252
60 Infinite
The purpose of this thread is to give you guys the opportunity to discuss the test while it's ongoing. I'd love to hear how the wider community feels, but please use common sense when posting. Be polite towards others, put thought into your post and, if you can, try to back up your arguments with data or examples, rather than simply throwing out assertions. We'll be heavily monitoring the thread and deleting anything that isn't deemed helpful or appropriate. Furthermore, please don't go off topic in this thread. For example, please don't discuss other potential suspect tests or how this may affect other metagames. While it may be convenient, we are not required to use the same clauses as OverUsed. Evasion Clause, which we removed in Gen 5, is an example of this. In a similar vein, don't justify your argument based on how well Shadow Tag users perform in other metagames. There are many existing examples of Pokemon that perform better in Ubers than they do in lower tiers.
We may also be running a research tournament with Gengarite banned to gauge what the metagame would be like without it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the test. Now get out there and start laddering!