Flygon @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Roost
- U-turn
- Toxic / Defog
Flygon's great typing and solid bulk when invested make it a great check to the likes of Copperajah, Salazzle, and Toxicroak, and it's also a useful bulky pivot that can threaten the likes of Dragalge, Talonflame, Mudsdale, and Vaporeon with its STAB Earthquake or Toxic. U-turn also gives Flygon opportunities to safely bring in teammates against Pokemon like Bronzong, Vileplume, and Weezing that it can't do much to. Defog can be used over Toxic if necessary, with Flygon being a decent Defogger thanks to its ability to continuously pivot into Copperajah, the tier's most common Stealth Rock setter; it becomes a lot more passive, though, and is completely blanked by Pokemon like Mantine and Mudsdale without Toxic. Flygon fits well on balance and offense teams that appreciate its ability to act as a useful glue that doesn't give up momentum, and it's appreciated by teammates like Salazzle and Copperajah that can beat Pokemon that come in on Flygon like Sylveon and Vileplume. Defensively, Bronzong has great synergy with Flygon and appreciates its ability to handle the likes of Salazzle and Arcanine, dealing with annoyances like Sylveon and opposing Flygon in return.
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