Official Smogon Doubles Tournament II - Round 3

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Average Pecharunt enjoyer.
is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus

Artwork by Blazenix
Welcome to the second edition of the Official Smogon Doubles Tournament! This year's format will be a Bo3 SS Doubles OU swiss tournament with a top cut, in which the winner walks away with the OSDT trophy

Rules & Tournament Format

General Tournament Rules

  • This is a standard SS DOU tournament.
  • OSDT II will be a 10 round swiss tournament with a top cut of 32. After 10 rounds, the 28 players at 8-2 (with the Top 4 based on record > opponent's win percentage > opponent's opponent's win percentage receiving first round byes) or better will advance to a Top 32 Bo3 single elimination top cut.
    • Players will be automatically dropped when they hit three losses as they are no longer in contention for top cut.
    • Players will be assigned a random opponent out of the pool of players with the same record as you each round.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Replays are required and must be posted every round.
  • There are no extensions, so please get your games done on time.
  • Your hosts are TPP, emma, and zee. Please contact them or a Tournament Director with any questions.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot use any moveset on any Pokémon capable of intentionally causing an endless battle. Thus:
    • A Pokémon may not carry Recycle and hold a Leppa Berry in conjunction with Heal Pulse and Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, or Wish.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Pain Split.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Fling
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.
  • Gravity Sleep Clause: Sleep moves with below one hundred percent accuracy may not be used in conjunction with Gravity.
  • Dynamax Clause: You cannot dynamax.
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.

This year, in addition to the trophy, the winner will receive their choice of a custom avatar, claiming an inactive username on PS!, or choosing a custom color for their username on PS! courtesy of Zarel. The runner-up will be allowed to choose one of the two remaining prizes not chosen by the winner. There will also be a cash prize for this tournament, which will be announced at a later date.


Smogon Tournament Discord
Doubles OU Discord
Doubles OU Overview
Doubles OU Strategy Dex
Doubles OU Sample Teams
Doubles OU Viability Rankings
OSDT II Teams, Replays, and Usage Stats

Round 3


Finchinator  vs  Elfuseon
Nido-Rus  vs  cinnasaur
kythr  vs  jay
Star  vs  Blitzcvt
PolioIsNotCoolio  vs  JacintoElGrande
Quint_  vs  Ultra Shinox
z0mOG  vs  Mihowk
KennyJ  vs  KeyAnn
Artemi113  vs  ninjadog
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  HollowMoth16
pinorska  vs  Ticken
Fissure1  vs  bulufan14
GameGater  vs  chlo
Arkado  vs  Eeveon7
KyleCole  vs  Nails
Paraplegic  vs  riftqueen
SpectralThief  vs  TPN
TPH  vs  Ninja
sir jelloton  vs  dunoks
Shadowmonstr7  vs  JRL
elodin  vs  vani
Lily  vs  SuperEpicAmpharos
TJ  vs  JStanislaw
QianJiang-China  vs  Bushtush
LoSconosciuto  vs  ArcticBreeze
aim  vs  RKD
stax  vs  Alix-Farin
RadicalAxis43  vs  IBM
MZB  vs  jcbc
Chris32156  vs  jonas
Ron  vs  dnagerbdager
Whammerist  vs  Zigh
mammalu  vs  MagearnaTheBoss
yovan33321  vs  Z Strats
Éric  vs  Dflo
Realblazing  vs  EternalSnowman
K3ppr  vs  Toxigen
holly  vs  Failbor
Alexander IV  vs  Grandmas Cookin
Tenzai  vs  AuraRayquaza
xSkelly34  vs  Sificon
gorex  vs  Yourwelcomethanku
Memoric  vs  Qwello Lee
Drud  vs  Fyrenoodlez
Roversombra  vs  JP_PN
umbry  vs  Sirrom
RelicanthPrimal  vs  Raichy
Fangame10  vs  dex
CyndaKill-SH  vs  luser
Amaranth  vs  Zeal
big pichu  vs  MADARAAAA
Banbadoro  vs  GenOne
Hervalt  vs  fespy
TectonicDestroyer  vs  StallSucksBro
Inder  vs  AmericanPi
tob  vs  PokenerdCentral
Wilski780  vs  Jordy004
SingleThunder  vs  monothmallard
Lemurro  vs  Akaru Kokuyo
Fragments  vs  Khoner14
SMB  vs  Fc
shaian  vs  Acehunter1
raisedintyo  vs  Agentkeval
Gatubraz  vs  Lunar.


SiceXV  vs  Sibwind
EviGaro  vs  Aaronboyer
Shadow_Hatchet  vs  Fairy Juice Jay
TDK  vs  XKH
StuffedRavioli  vs  koleya
Lucky-Sama  vs  maxhooij
Skitty Kitty  vs  Crunchman
natsuzamaki  vs  Actuarily
Neko-The-Maid  vs  PooiestTrainer
hm why....  vs  Laurel
avarice  vs  hellpowna
MichaelderBeste2  vs  SliferSkyD
MrDoor  vs  jsshrom
giove97  vs  Champion Muaad
Jisoo  vs  sleazer25
halaman95  vs  Balomogon
nubular  vs  spiritbind
Charis_Akins  vs  Ash3r
Laz  vs  emma
Ad067  vs  John1240
Orangex733  vs  RyPi
Zipperr  vs  Ashlynn-Sama
Jckilla99  vs  Neblina
IdolCian  vs  Firedrake725
Theoneandonly78  vs  deoxys speed
kiretutu  vs  Hockey1
Halinor 8i  vs  Bilbooo
UltraCboy  vs  Og namer
TokyoDesu  vs  Val_xd
Terraquaza  vs  3rd Shift
Commander Beta  vs  Mendeez
Scout Silver  vs  Nugget O Silver
kDCA  vs  Shaneghoul
Magmoz  vs  lhce628
Steven_Stone_007  vs  Tsulkalu
xavgb  vs  bydy
whisperdoll  vs  rotnose
goldenfree  vs  j5677
lax  vs  ratpacker
Meminger21  vs  JoJoVGC
memedose46  vs  Ann nonima
qsns  vs  GasaiYunoSan
grecer  vs  FI4RFL4M3
NinjaSnapple  vs  luisin
Huargensy  vs  Quairo
Nick.see  vs  polio is coolio
Drifting  vs  Togenium Z
Dunndeez  vs  MrPablez
Flacidpanda  vs  papiloco
Xrn  vs  Sliceofbread96
Eli?IsThatYou  vs  Descending
Yoda2798  vs  Estarossa
M2T8R9  vs  Skyward78
tier  vs  Drivetacos
Radius47  vs  swag god
Asuno  vs  hooplahk
EmPlayz  vs  akaFila
Real_Corviknight  vs  yuki
poorhouse  vs  skimmythegod
Tji69  vs  MarteloDeGuerra
crying  vs  Lunala
Kingsous  vs  colors²
RDarkWarlord  vs  Liakos
Iosif  vs  Hippo Pulse
Man865484  vs  Imperial-XV
Lukeison animations  vs  Gowtham pokefan
Strange127  vs  MihoVG
CyberOdin✝  vs  NotlPrimRose
omicorio  vs  martinvtran
depress10n  vs  Yellow Paint
Watercelly  vs  Kuttispielt
Animus  vs  BlazingDark
64 Squares  vs  ryanmers
Givrix  vs  GangBangKang
Raakil  vs  5 Guns 0 Brains
JPabloSenpai  vs  Ripplecreme
txitxas  vs  OzoneSpark
Treh32  vs  TL The Legend
AcE8216_  vs  kjdaas
slyfoxybrazenboi  vs  Tikkito
Daki  vs  SpaceCP
That Dude  vs  Tgramz423
HisuianZoroark  vs  truthwhenilie
Koalacance  vs  Nephtyrix
Heika  vs  dkyvion
Perish Song  vs  CreamBeater
Undefeated Alt  vs  JustTwoBeans
zade1029  vs  J2F0RC
Sleekzeke  vs  Fluore
YoBuddy  vs  schlangiiiii2
paolode99  vs  Retrostyle
damien the genius  vs  lugonator
poopawmcgee  vs  Natnat24
Opelucid  vs  Wrld957
Hari1234  vs  nixxreaper
Adam3560  vs  Trist
robjr  vs  stravench
Chetyre  vs  BebouLove
Mack Knife  vs  Tapu Yolo
QuillenKai  vs  Aihamu3u3
Fuuka_Yamagishi  vs  Quartosa
Princess_Meofox  vs  Mai-Valentine
rollygang420  vs  Chaitanya
SoulWind  vs  king_darkness
Webwyane  vs  Redferris
Shinkuu  vs  HRCassetteTape
prtisme27  vs  TheManiacOfPkmn
PrinceSuicune  vs  Klouty
WheretheWest  vs  Keqinamu
Sagisolar  vs  maretusbasement1
Koxtler  vs  MightyAnt43
Mr.Bossaru  vs  iKiQ
Mishimono  vs  Sk4diddle
Mom Lover  vs  SamuraiSam
Goblin  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
TeamCharm  vs  DragXMaster
Mimikyu Stardust  vs  epic17x
airfare  vs  Alpha Rabbit
Buffalo  vs  Smol
Enzonana.  vs  Marshall.Law
Sirwings  vs  shedinja ninja69
Your mom op.  vs  Frania
Frixel  vs  TheRico01
Snak  vs  Bless
Drosnight4443  vs  Karttler.
Avocadorable  vs  ECPkmn
cy  vs  Rodrii-Kioya
JuanSG  vs  Spurrific


Zerotti vs Bye 1
TTV_DarkAngel25 vs Bye 2
DanDaMan99  vs Bye 3
Flybunz  vs Bye 4
simiabrass vs Bye 5
Takatk vs Bye 6
Mareeoh  vs Bye 7
Freezerman vs Bye 8
Notaguest123  vs Bye 9
King Leo V vs Bye 10
monchooo vs Bye 11
ballooncucumber vs Bye 12
SouthBySouth vs Bye 13
Bouff vs Bye 14
iamprohahah vs Bye 15
SabaMed vs Bye 16
Makatuk vs Bye 17
Bolt stiker vs Bye 18
xxGelflingxx  vs Bye 19
Vish_1806 vs Bye 20
The Strap vs Bye 21
trace  vs Bye 22
Onenance  vs Bye 23
Glamingow  vs Bye 24
SimsyBool  vs Bye 25
mj  vs Bye 26
JackPilotF2 vs Bye 27
QWILY  vs Bye 28
OhB2 vs Bye 29
Slime! vs Bye 30
Drogba In Shenhua vs Bye 31
Bonzai vs Bye 32
ZENAR3RD0 vs Bye 33
DefinitelyDani vs Bye 34
zmlgamer vs Bye 35
Aldrich vs Bye 36
BrilliantBeheeyem  vs Bye 37
Starlit173 vs Bye 38
Urban_del vs Bye 39
JasonJah vs Bye 40
bruh547  vs Bye 41
Ujustgotrecked  vs Bye 42
Kidswillrule11  vs Bye 43
Snowiera vs Bye 44
WWWinterstain vs Bye 45
Mamakoko vs Bye 46
Unax1053  vs Bye 47
souperman1439 vs Bye 48
Albany2021 vs Bye 49
Chui choo vs Bye 50
Churielix vs Bye 51
growingCataclysm  vs Bye 52
MonkeyKiss vs Bye 53
BART.not.BRAT vs Bye 54
AmongusChampion vs Bye 55
TheWarlock117 vs Bye 56
Jase Duken vs Bye 57
biberlibaklava vs Bye 58
fliskie vs Bye 59
Falaclown  vs Bye 60
FroakieJoltick  vs Bye 61
PXN Kwesi  vs Bye 62
deez fts vs Bye 63
Animal Cannibal vs Bye 64

Please read this guide if you're unsure how to schedule with your opponent! Alternatively, watch this video made by teal6:

Deadline: Sunday, July 3rd @ 9:00 PM GMT-4
Last edited by a moderator:
Highlight matches for each round will be streamed on and later uploaded to Youtube by emma and guests. All videos for the highlight matches will be recorded in this post.

Round 1 Streams
Round 2 Streams

Round 3 Stream Matches

KyleCole vs. Nails - Streamed by emma, Grandmas Cookin, & Lunar.

KyleCole - 8-6 SPL/SSD/SCL, 13-10 DPL/DWCoP, 1x DOU Individual Winner
Nails - 18-10 SPL/SSD/SCL, 6-3 DPL/DWCoP

Memoric vs. Qwello Lee - Streamed by emma, Grandmas Cookin, & Z Strats

Memoric - 26-21 DPL/DWCoP, 2x DOU Individual Winner
Qwello Lee - 11-8 SPL/SSD/SCL, Top 4 OSDT I, 1x DOU Individual Winner

Shadowmonstr7 vs. JRL - G1 / G2

Shadowmonstr7 - 11-5 DPL/DWCoP, SSD IV Doubles Support, 1x DOU Team Tour Champion
JRL - 15-10 DPL/DWCoP, 2020 Spring Seasonal Champion, 2x DOU Team Tour Champion

Artwork by Blazenix

Welcome to the second edition of the Official Smogon Doubles Tournament! This year's format will be a Bo3 SS Doubles OU swiss tournament with a top cut, in which the winner walks away with the OSDT trophy

Rules & Tournament Format

General Tournament Rules

  • This is a standard SS DOU tournament.
  • OSDT II will be a 10 round swiss tournament with a top cut of 32. After 10 rounds, the 28 players at 8-2 (with the Top 4 based on record > opponent's win percentage > opponent's opponent's win percentage receiving first round byes) or better will advance to a Top 32 Bo3 single elimination top cut.
    • Players will be automatically dropped when they hit three losses as they are no longer in contention for top cut.
    • Players will be assigned a random opponent out of the pool of players with the same record as you each round.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Replays are required and must be posted every round.
  • There are no extensions, so please get your games done on time.
  • Your hosts are TPP, emma, and zee. Please contact them or a Tournament Director with any questions.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot use any moveset on any Pokémon capable of intentionally causing an endless battle. Thus:
    • A Pokémon may not carry Recycle and hold a Leppa Berry in conjunction with Heal Pulse and Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, or Wish.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Pain Split.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Fling
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.
  • Gravity Sleep Clause: Sleep moves with below one hundred percent accuracy may not be used in conjunction with Gravity.
  • Dynamax Clause: You cannot dynamax.
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.

This year, in addition to the trophy, the winner will receive their choice of a custom avatar, claiming an inactive username on PS!, or choosing a custom color for their username on PS! courtesy of Zarel. The runner-up will be allowed to choose one of the two remaining prizes not chosen by the winner. There will also be a cash prize for this tournament, which will be announced at a later date.


Smogon Tournament Discord
Doubles OU Discord
Doubles OU Overview
Doubles OU Strategy Dex
Doubles OU Sample Teams
Doubles OU Viability Rankings
OSDT II Teams, Replays, and Usage Stats

Round 3


Finchinator  vs  Elfuseon
Nido-Rus  vs  cinnasaur
kythr  vs  jay
Star  vs  Blitzcvt
PolioIsNotCoolio  vs  JacintoElGrande
Quint_  vs  Ultra Shinox
z0mOG  vs  Mihowk
KennyJ  vs  KeyAnn
Artemi113  vs  ninjadog
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  HollowMoth16
pinorska  vs  Ticken
Fissure1  vs  bulufan14
GameGater  vs  chlo
Arkado  vs  Eeveon7
KyleCole  vs  Nails
Paraplegic  vs  riftqueen
SpectralThief  vs  TPN
TPH  vs  Ninja
sir jelloton  vs  dunoks
Shadowmonstr7  vs  JRL
elodin  vs  vani
Lily  vs  SuperEpicAmpharos
TJ  vs  JStanislaw
QianJiang-China  vs  Bushtush
LoSconosciuto  vs  ArcticBreeze
aim  vs  RKD
stax  vs  Alix-Farin
RadicalAxis43  vs  IBM
MZB  vs  jcbc
Chris32156  vs  jonas
Ron  vs  dnagerbdager
Whammerist  vs  Zigh
mammalu  vs  MagearnaTheBoss
yovan33321  vs  Z Strats
Éric  vs  Dflo
Realblazing  vs  EternalSnowman
K3ppr  vs  Toxigen
holly  vs  Failbor
Alexander IV  vs  Grandmas Cookin
Tenzai  vs  AuraRayquaza
xSkelly34  vs  Sificon
gorex  vs  Yourwelcomethanku
Memoric  vs  Qwello Lee
Drud  vs  Fyrenoodlez
Roversombra  vs  JP_PN
umbry  vs  Sirrom
RelicanthPrimal  vs  Raichy
Fangame10  vs  dex
CyndaKill-SH  vs  luser
Amaranth  vs  Zeal
big pichu  vs  MADARAAAA
Banbadoro  vs  GenOne
Hervalt  vs  fespy
TectonicDestroyer  vs  StallSucksBro
Inder  vs  AmericanPi
tob  vs  PokenerdCentral
Wilski780  vs  Jordy004
SingleThunder  vs  monothmallard
Lemurro  vs  Akaru Kokuyo
Fragments  vs  Khoner14
SMB  vs  Fc
shaian  vs  Acehunter1
raisedintyo  vs  Agentkeval
Gatubraz  vs  Lunar.


SiceXV  vs  Sibwind
EviGaro  vs  Aaronboyer
Shadow_Hatchet  vs  Fairy Juice Jay
TDK  vs  XKH
StuffedRavioli  vs  koleya
Lucky-Sama  vs  maxhooij
Skitty Kitty  vs  Crunchman
natsuzamaki  vs  Actuarily
Neko-The-Maid  vs  PooiestTrainer
hm why....  vs  Laurel
avarice  vs  hellpowna
MichaelderBeste2  vs  SliferSkyD
MrDoor  vs  jsshrom
giove97  vs  Champion Muaad
Jisoo  vs  sleazer25
halaman95  vs  Balomogon
nubular  vs  spiritbind
Charis_Akins  vs  Ash3r
Laz  vs  emma
Ad067  vs  John1240
Orangex733  vs  RyPi
Zipperr  vs  Ashlynn-Sama
Jckilla99  vs  Neblina
IdolCian  vs  Firedrake725
Theoneandonly78  vs  deoxys speed
kiretutu  vs  Hockey1
Halinor 8i  vs  Bilbooo
UltraCboy  vs  Og namer
TokyoDesu  vs  Val_xd
Terraquaza  vs  3rd Shift
Commander Beta  vs  Mendeez
Scout Silver  vs  Nugget O Silver
kDCA  vs  Shaneghoul
Magmoz  vs  lhce628
Steven_Stone_007  vs  Tsulkalu
xavgb  vs  bydy
whisperdoll  vs  rotnose
goldenfree  vs  j5677
lax  vs  ratpacker
Meminger21  vs  JoJoVGC
memedose46  vs  Ann nonima
qsns  vs  GasaiYunoSan
grecer  vs  FI4RFL4M3
NinjaSnapple  vs  luisin
Huargensy  vs  Quairo
Nick.see  vs  polio is coolio
Drifting  vs  Togenium Z
Dunndeez  vs  MrPablez
Flacidpanda  vs  papiloco
Xrn  vs  Sliceofbread96
Eli?IsThatYou  vs  Descending
Yoda2798  vs  Estarossa
M2T8R9  vs  Skyward78
tier  vs  Drivetacos
Radius47  vs  swag god
Asuno  vs  hooplahk
EmPlayz  vs  akaFila
Real_Corviknight  vs  yuki
poorhouse  vs  skimmythegod
Tji69  vs  MarteloDeGuerra
crying  vs  Lunala
Kingsous  vs  colors²
RDarkWarlord  vs  Liakos
Iosif  vs  Hippo Pulse
Man865484  vs  Imperial-XV
Lukeison animations  vs  Gowtham pokefan
Strange127  vs  MihoVG
CyberOdin✝  vs  NotlPrimRose
omicorio  vs  martinvtran
depress10n  vs  Yellow Paint
Watercelly  vs  Kuttispielt
Animus  vs  BlazingDark
64 Squares  vs  ryanmers
Givrix  vs  GangBangKang
Raakil  vs  5 Guns 0 Brains
JPabloSenpai  vs  Ripplecreme
txitxas  vs  OzoneSpark
Treh32  vs  TL The Legend
AcE8216_  vs  kjdaas
slyfoxybrazenboi  vs  Tikkito
Daki  vs  SpaceCP
That Dude  vs  Tgramz423
HisuianZoroark  vs  truthwhenilie
Koalacance  vs  Nephtyrix
Heika  vs  dkyvion
Perish Song  vs  CreamBeater
Undefeated Alt  vs  JustTwoBeans
zade1029  vs  J2F0RC
Sleekzeke  vs  Fluore
YoBuddy  vs  schlangiiiii2
paolode99  vs  Retrostyle
damien the genius  vs  lugonator
poopawmcgee  vs  Natnat24
Opelucid  vs  Wrld957
Hari1234  vs  nixxreaper
Adam3560  vs  Trist
robjr  vs  stravench
Chetyre  vs  BebouLove
Mack Knife  vs  Tapu Yolo
QuillenKai  vs  Aihamu3u3
Fuuka_Yamagishi  vs  Quartosa
Princess_Meofox  vs  Mai-Valentine
rollygang420  vs  Chaitanya
SoulWind  vs  king_darkness
Webwyane  vs  Redferris
Shinkuu  vs  HRCassetteTape
prtisme27  vs  TheManiacOfPkmn
PrinceSuicune  vs  Klouty
WheretheWest  vs  Keqinamu
Sagisolar  vs  maretusbasement1
Koxtler  vs  MightyAnt43
Mr.Bossaru  vs  iKiQ
Mishimono  vs  Sk4diddle
Mom Lover  vs  SamuraiSam
Goblin  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
TeamCharm  vs  DragXMaster
Mimikyu Stardust  vs  epic17x
jay  vs  Alpha Rabbit
Buffalo  vs  Smol
Enzonana.  vs  Marshall.Law
Sirwings  vs  shedinja ninja69
Your mom op.  vs  Frania
Frixel  vs  TheRico01
Snak  vs  Bless
Drosnight4443  vs  Karttler.
Avocadorable  vs  ECPkmn
cy  vs  Rodrii-Kioya
JuanSG  vs  Spurrific


Zerotti vs Bye 1
TTV_DarkAngel25 vs Bye 2
DanDaMan99  vs Bye 3
Flybunz  vs Bye 4
simiabrass vs Bye 5
Takatk vs Bye 6
Mareeoh  vs Bye 7
Freezerman vs Bye 8
Notaguest123  vs Bye 9
King Leo V vs Bye 10
monchooo vs Bye 11
ballooncucumber vs Bye 12
SouthBySouth vs Bye 13
Bouff vs Bye 14
iamprohahah vs Bye 15
SabaMed vs Bye 16
Makatuk vs Bye 17
Bolt stiker vs Bye 18
xxGelflingxx  vs Bye 19
Vish_1806 vs Bye 20
The Strap vs Bye 21
trace  vs Bye 22
Onenance  vs Bye 23
Glamingow  vs Bye 24
SimsyBool  vs Bye 25
mj  vs Bye 26
JackPilotF2 vs Bye 27
QWILY  vs Bye 28
OhB2 vs Bye 29
Slime! vs Bye 30
Drogba In Shenhua vs Bye 31
Bonzai vs Bye 32
ZENAR3RD0 vs Bye 33
DefinitelyDani vs Bye 34
zmlgamer vs Bye 35
Aldrich vs Bye 36
BrilliantBeheeyem  vs Bye 37
Starlit173 vs Bye 38
Urban_del vs Bye 39
JasonJah vs Bye 40
bruh547  vs Bye 41
Ujustgotrecked  vs Bye 42
Kidswillrule11  vs Bye 43
Snowiera vs Bye 44
WWWinterstain vs Bye 45
Mamakoko vs Bye 46
Unax1053  vs Bye 47
souperman1439 vs Bye 48
Albany2021 vs Bye 49
Chui choo vs Bye 50
Churielix vs Bye 51
growingCataclysm  vs Bye 52
MonkeyKiss vs Bye 53
BART.not.BRAT vs Bye 54
AmongusChampion vs Bye 55
TheWarlock117 vs Bye 56
Jase Duken vs Bye 57
biberlibaklava vs Bye 58
fliskie vs Bye 59
Falaclown  vs Bye 60
FroakieJoltick  vs Bye 61
PXN Kwesi  vs Bye 62
deez fts vs Bye 63
Animal Cannibal vs Bye 64

Please read this guide if you're unsure how to schedule with your opponent! Alternatively, watch this video made by teal6:

Deadline: Sunday, July 3rd @ 12:00 AM GMT-4

Artwork by Blazenix

Welcome to the second edition of the Official Smogon Doubles Tournament! This year's format will be a Bo3 SS Doubles OU swiss tournament with a top cut, in which the winner walks away with the OSDT trophy

Rules & Tournament Format

General Tournament Rules

  • This is a standard SS DOU tournament.
  • OSDT II will be a 10 round swiss tournament with a top cut of 32. After 10 rounds, the 28 players at 8-2 (with the Top 4 based on record > opponent's win percentage > opponent's opponent's win percentage receiving first round byes) or better will advance to a Top 32 Bo3 single elimination top cut.
    • Players will be automatically dropped when they hit three losses as they are no longer in contention for top cut.
    • Players will be assigned a random opponent out of the pool of players with the same record as you each round.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Replays are required and must be posted every round.
  • There are no extensions, so please get your games done on time.
  • Your hosts are TPP, emma, and zee. Please contact them or a Tournament Director with any questions.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot use any moveset on any Pokémon capable of intentionally causing an endless battle. Thus:
    • A Pokémon may not carry Recycle and hold a Leppa Berry in conjunction with Heal Pulse and Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, or Wish.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Pain Split.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Fling
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.
  • Gravity Sleep Clause: Sleep moves with below one hundred percent accuracy may not be used in conjunction with Gravity.
  • Dynamax Clause: You cannot dynamax.
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.

This year, in addition to the trophy, the winner will receive their choice of a custom avatar, claiming an inactive username on PS!, or choosing a custom color for their username on PS! courtesy of Zarel. The runner-up will be allowed to choose one of the two remaining prizes not chosen by the winner. There will also be a cash prize for this tournament, which will be announced at a later date.


Smogon Tournament Discord
Doubles OU Discord
Doubles OU Overview
Doubles OU Strategy Dex
Doubles OU Sample Teams
Doubles OU Viability Rankings
OSDT II Teams, Replays, and Usage Stats

Round 3


Finchinator  vs  Elfuseon
Nido-Rus  vs  cinnasaur
kythr  vs  jay
Star  vs  Blitzcvt
PolioIsNotCoolio  vs  JacintoElGrande
Quint_  vs  Ultra Shinox
z0mOG  vs  Mihowk
KennyJ  vs  KeyAnn
Artemi113  vs  ninjadog
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  HollowMoth16
pinorska  vs  Ticken
Fissure1  vs  bulufan14
GameGater  vs  chlo
Arkado  vs  Eeveon7
KyleCole  vs  Nails
Paraplegic  vs  riftqueen
SpectralThief  vs  TPN
TPH  vs  Ninja
sir jelloton  vs  dunoks
Shadowmonstr7  vs  JRL
elodin  vs  vani
Lily  vs  SuperEpicAmpharos
TJ  vs  JStanislaw
QianJiang-China  vs  Bushtush
LoSconosciuto  vs  ArcticBreeze
aim  vs  RKD
stax  vs  Alix-Farin
RadicalAxis43  vs  IBM
MZB  vs  jcbc
Chris32156  vs  jonas
Ron  vs  dnagerbdager
Whammerist  vs  Zigh
mammalu  vs  MagearnaTheBoss
yovan33321  vs  Z Strats
Éric  vs  Dflo
Realblazing  vs  EternalSnowman
K3ppr  vs  Toxigen
holly  vs  Failbor
Alexander IV  vs  Grandmas Cookin
Tenzai  vs  AuraRayquaza
xSkelly34  vs  Sificon
gorex  vs  Yourwelcomethanku
Memoric  vs  Qwello Lee
Drud  vs  Fyrenoodlez
Roversombra  vs  JP_PN
umbry  vs  Sirrom
RelicanthPrimal  vs  Raichy
Fangame10  vs  dex
CyndaKill-SH  vs  luser
Amaranth  vs  Zeal
big pichu  vs  MADARAAAA
Banbadoro  vs  GenOne
Hervalt  vs  fespy
TectonicDestroyer  vs  StallSucksBro
Inder  vs  AmericanPi
tob  vs  PokenerdCentral
Wilski780  vs  Jordy004
SingleThunder  vs  monothmallard
Lemurro  vs  Akaru Kokuyo
Fragments  vs  Khoner14
SMB  vs  Fc
shaian  vs  Acehunter1
raisedintyo  vs  Agentkeval
Gatubraz  vs  Lunar.


SiceXV  vs  Sibwind
EviGaro  vs  Aaronboyer
Shadow_Hatchet  vs  Fairy Juice Jay
TDK  vs  XKH
StuffedRavioli  vs  koleya
Lucky-Sama  vs  maxhooij
Skitty Kitty  vs  Crunchman
natsuzamaki  vs  Actuarily
Neko-The-Maid  vs  PooiestTrainer
hm why....  vs  Laurel
avarice  vs  hellpowna
MichaelderBeste2  vs  SliferSkyD
MrDoor  vs  jsshrom
giove97  vs  Champion Muaad
Jisoo  vs  sleazer25
halaman95  vs  Balomogon
nubular  vs  spiritbind
Charis_Akins  vs  Ash3r
Laz  vs  emma
Ad067  vs  John1240
Orangex733  vs  RyPi
Zipperr  vs  Ashlynn-Sama
Jckilla99  vs  Neblina
IdolCian  vs  Firedrake725
Theoneandonly78  vs  deoxys speed
kiretutu  vs  Hockey1
Halinor 8i  vs  Bilbooo
UltraCboy  vs  Og namer
TokyoDesu  vs  Val_xd
Terraquaza  vs  3rd Shift
Commander Beta  vs  Mendeez
Scout Silver  vs  Nugget O Silver
kDCA  vs  Shaneghoul
Magmoz  vs  lhce628
Steven_Stone_007  vs  Tsulkalu
xavgb  vs  bydy
whisperdoll  vs  rotnose
goldenfree  vs  j5677
lax  vs  ratpacker
Meminger21  vs  JoJoVGC
memedose46  vs  Ann nonima
qsns  vs  GasaiYunoSan
grecer  vs  FI4RFL4M3
NinjaSnapple  vs  luisin
Huargensy  vs  Quairo
Nick.see  vs  polio is coolio
Drifting  vs  Togenium Z
Dunndeez  vs  MrPablez
Flacidpanda  vs  papiloco
Xrn  vs  Sliceofbread96
Eli?IsThatYou  vs  Descending
Yoda2798  vs  Estarossa
M2T8R9  vs  Skyward78
tier  vs  Drivetacos
Radius47  vs  swag god
Asuno  vs  hooplahk
EmPlayz  vs  akaFila
Real_Corviknight  vs  yuki
poorhouse  vs  skimmythegod
Tji69  vs  MarteloDeGuerra
crying  vs  Lunala
Kingsous  vs  colors²
RDarkWarlord  vs  Liakos
Iosif  vs  Hippo Pulse
Man865484  vs  Imperial-XV
Lukeison animations  vs  Gowtham pokefan
Strange127  vs  MihoVG
CyberOdin✝  vs  NotlPrimRose
omicorio  vs  martinvtran
depress10n  vs  Yellow Paint
Watercelly  vs  Kuttispielt
Animus  vs  BlazingDark
64 Squares  vs  ryanmers
Givrix  vs  GangBangKang
Raakil  vs  5 Guns 0 Brains
JPabloSenpai  vs  Ripplecreme
txitxas  vs  OzoneSpark
Treh32  vs  TL The Legend
AcE8216_  vs  kjdaas
slyfoxybrazenboi  vs  Tikkito
Daki  vs  SpaceCP
That Dude  vs  Tgramz423
HisuianZoroark  vs  truthwhenilie
Koalacance  vs  Nephtyrix
Heika  vs  dkyvion
Perish Song  vs  CreamBeater
Undefeated Alt  vs  JustTwoBeans
zade1029  vs  J2F0RC
Sleekzeke  vs  Fluore
YoBuddy  vs  schlangiiiii2
paolode99  vs  Retrostyle
damien the genius  vs  lugonator
poopawmcgee  vs  Natnat24
Opelucid  vs  Wrld957
Hari1234  vs  nixxreaper
Adam3560  vs  Trist
robjr  vs  stravench
Chetyre  vs  BebouLove
Mack Knife  vs  Tapu Yolo
QuillenKai  vs  Aihamu3u3
Fuuka_Yamagishi  vs  Quartosa
Princess_Meofox  vs  Mai-Valentine
rollygang420  vs  Chaitanya
SoulWind  vs  king_darkness
Webwyane  vs  Redferris
Shinkuu  vs  HRCassetteTape
prtisme27  vs  TheManiacOfPkmn
PrinceSuicune  vs  Klouty
WheretheWest  vs  Keqinamu
Sagisolar  vs  maretusbasement1
Koxtler  vs  MightyAnt43
Mr.Bossaru  vs  iKiQ
Mishimono  vs  Sk4diddle
Mom Lover  vs  SamuraiSam
Goblin  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
TeamCharm  vs  DragXMaster
Mimikyu Stardust  vs  epic17x
jay  vs  Alpha Rabbit
Buffalo  vs  Smol
Enzonana.  vs  Marshall.Law
Sirwings  vs  shedinja ninja69
Your mom op.  vs  Frania
Frixel  vs  TheRico01
Snak  vs  Bless
Drosnight4443  vs  Karttler.
Avocadorable  vs  ECPkmn
cy  vs  Rodrii-Kioya
JuanSG  vs  Spurrific


Zerotti vs Bye 1
TTV_DarkAngel25 vs Bye 2
DanDaMan99  vs Bye 3
Flybunz  vs Bye 4
simiabrass vs Bye 5
Takatk vs Bye 6
Mareeoh  vs Bye 7
Freezerman vs Bye 8
Notaguest123  vs Bye 9
King Leo V vs Bye 10
monchooo vs Bye 11
ballooncucumber vs Bye 12
SouthBySouth vs Bye 13
Bouff vs Bye 14
iamprohahah vs Bye 15
SabaMed vs Bye 16
Makatuk vs Bye 17
Bolt stiker vs Bye 18
xxGelflingxx  vs Bye 19
Vish_1806 vs Bye 20
The Strap vs Bye 21
trace  vs Bye 22
Onenance  vs Bye 23
Glamingow  vs Bye 24
SimsyBool  vs Bye 25
mj  vs Bye 26
JackPilotF2 vs Bye 27
QWILY  vs Bye 28
OhB2 vs Bye 29
Slime! vs Bye 30
Drogba In Shenhua vs Bye 31
Bonzai vs Bye 32
ZENAR3RD0 vs Bye 33
DefinitelyDani vs Bye 34
zmlgamer vs Bye 35
Aldrich vs Bye 36
BrilliantBeheeyem  vs Bye 37
Starlit173 vs Bye 38
Urban_del vs Bye 39
JasonJah vs Bye 40
bruh547  vs Bye 41
Ujustgotrecked  vs Bye 42
Kidswillrule11  vs Bye 43
Snowiera vs Bye 44
WWWinterstain vs Bye 45
Mamakoko vs Bye 46
Unax1053  vs Bye 47
souperman1439 vs Bye 48
Albany2021 vs Bye 49
Chui choo vs Bye 50
Churielix vs Bye 51
growingCataclysm  vs Bye 52
MonkeyKiss vs Bye 53
BART.not.BRAT vs Bye 54
AmongusChampion vs Bye 55
TheWarlock117 vs Bye 56
Jase Duken vs Bye 57
biberlibaklava vs Bye 58
fliskie vs Bye 59
Falaclown  vs Bye 60
FroakieJoltick  vs Bye 61
PXN Kwesi  vs Bye 62
deez fts vs Bye 63
Animal Cannibal vs Bye 64

Please read this guide if you're unsure how to schedule with your opponent! Alternatively, watch this video made by teal6:

Deadline: Sunday, July 3rd @ 12:00 AM GMT-4
Contacted and scheduled.
Calling act, my opponent hasn’t been on since the signups
Not open for further replies.