Welcome to the first round of this year's Official Smogon Tournament! The OST is one of Smogon's longest standing traditions in tournaments and has crowned many great Pokémon players as its champions across five generations. Over the next few months, over a thousand (!) players will compete to the best of their ability as they attempt to join the exclusive ranks of the OST trophy holders. Only one of those players will succeed in their journey and earn the recognition that comes with their victory, along with the iconic OST trophy.
The tournament will have a best of three format. This means that players will play until one of them wins two games. Players are allowed to switch teams in between games, or use the same team throughout the set; it is completely up to the player. If players only partially complete a series before the deadline, it will be considered an uncompleted match and action will be taken accordingly (either an activity win or a coin flip).
Just like last year, there will be a cash prize for this tournament! The winner of this year's Official Smogon Tournament will receive 200 USD!
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or a tournament director!
- This is a standard SV OU tournament.
- The tournament will be single elimination.
- Players will play a best of three series of games each round
- Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
- Liking this post increases the accuracy of your Focus Blasts.
- Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
- Evasion Clause: A player cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize in their Pokémon's movesets.
- OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
- Team Preview: Players must turn on the Team Preview feature where players can view the opposing team's Pokémon and choose their lead Pokémon.
- Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
- Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any Pokémon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play. Check this thread for more information.
- Baton Pass Clause: The move Baton Pass is banned outright.
- Uber Clause: Players may not use any items, moves, abilities, or Pokemon that appear on Smogon's OU Ban List. If the tiers change or new items, abilities, moves, or Pokemon become available in the middle of a round, the changes will take effect in the following round. There will be an announcement in the relevant round if this occurs.
About Activity Decisions
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.
For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.
In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.
Activity Decisions / Coin Flips: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.
For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.
In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.
General Tournament Rules
Players may sign up as a substitute if they didn't join in time. If you are eliminated from the tournament (i.e. you lose your games, are substituted out, or drop out), you may not sign up as a substitute. I will endeavor to substitute players in whenever a player drops out, and in the first week before the round 1 deadline, I will look through all players and activity win requests and replace any inactive players with substitutes. Given the size of the bracket this year, there might be two substitution waves. There is a decent chance that you will get to play if you sign up as a substitute. Substitutes will only be allowed into the tournament during round 1. Substitutes will be implemented on a mostly first come, first serve basis, but if you are inactive after you sign up as a substitute then you're at risk of not being substituted into the tournament.
To sign up as a substitute, please use the substitute signup thread.
Please read this guide if you're unsure how to schedule with your opponent! Alternatively, watch this video made by teal6:
Now then, without further ado..
Round 1-D
Hurricane69 vs Metali
Rhyperrier vs paolode99
naruto(sage) vs OriginalLynn
Lightniong vs Flacu
Dorron vs Raichy
TheElderCheese vs 3d
Pudistours vs Melbelle
Niko vs Christos
Kaif vs Doc_070
RiloBR vs drakey
I love Bagon vs Santu
Edstur98 vs soulgazer
manrajc vs hellpowna
Ev_Evan vs skimmythegod
Ampha vs SpookyZ
Arvinraj K III C vs PopularMods1
teal6 vs Roller K
Eelstartega vs etern
attcris vs Mysticwind
Huargensy vs Yelodash
Marshall.Law vs Yippie
imakeker vs knexhawk
seroo vs KyojuroRengoku
BluBirD vs Taka
memedose46 vs Gamebooadvanced
robjr vs zo
KeldeoCrowned vs Bella
TPP vs H!kari
SpaceCP vs Amukamara
Portrait or Ruin vs MGdos16
Gerrychu29 vs Stellar Flares
imsosorrylol vs VinGC雨舞
Fogbound Lake vs Analytic
Madsma vs Sandszx
Career Ended vs Drookez
Azluc On Top vs Vaictador
Clementine vs kayarin
blunder vs zeeLitium
Javi vs Espeonage.
Drud vs ninjadog
Laroxyl vs SoulWind
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs xdRudi.exe
hi.naming is hard vs patlop2307
nemonemonemo vs teamo
Wilfry 95 vs Leafium Z
A Welcome Guest vs McMeghan
Nikebeamz vs Mix
t0te vs Truthankamon
Juseth sepulveda vs Luirromen
toshimelonhead vs Bouff
DarkySama vs BIHI
vampere vs mil
Beraldo vs Teddy bear18
Kindyy vs decis
Fardin vs tick_tackplayz
lihj vs SwaggySammy44
Flying Beagle vs CTC
JustFranco vs VVins
RyuSnowシ vs Mr. Mendes
TejasTheGreat11 vs Cuane
Gomure vs IgorBacana
Mahathir2010 vs Zephyri
Raptor vs Dhrabb
Nowh vs bodi
gaming chiken vs Strat8246
Pinecoishot vs Axily
Heni-san vs Nyx
Tiagus vs Piyush25
DemonclawXD17 vs MegaFox888
Steez Ibanez vs FreeOmen
Alice Kazumi vs Lugior
Achimoo vs Egor
Welcome to mars vs eavo
Holiday vs NinjaDJCee
Itriedtodo vs Frozoid
MetroGloomin vs Oya/Semort
lamebagels vs Raahel
Hyogafodex vs Fant'sy Beast
Joya vs Enzonana.
z0mOG vs Zyndexx
Nashe vs tmtito
Expulso vs buttn00b
StormSeye vs sugar ovens
Dj Breloominati♬ vs db
Baddy vs pannu
JojenReed vs Antonazz
theorgnalmario121 vs Dead by Daylight
F1reyy vs BP
NHelioX7 vs ShadowSheep102
seth vs Hollow Soul
Esdeath725 vs monchooo
Soul king0 vs Vulpix03
Nowelle vs zastra
tr1x vs Tempo di anguria
ImposterOCE vs Drachenkeule
El Quixana vs luisin
NoName6293 vs hs
Quentin_bny vs maroon
johnkharkiv vs Crayscent
trebor13 vs Aurella
Bedal Roscoe vs 2manyflies
`ShadowTwo vs Yoaro48
RainVGC vs fran17
Theia vs Snackies
Alhen vs Punny
Fantos13 vs KSr
Rave Plasma vs Banbadoro
Lacks vs Bargun
Zerkas vs Shiritu
Lil Tzeitzki vs Terraquaza
it's tago! vs OhSlimee
GasaiYunoSan vs Lilo
did it done vs SlopWasTaken
outbackrabbit vs Ciro napoli
false vs Dark Shion
Finalcrusader15 vs Calambrito48
xstarr vs HolaSoyBalto
ScizorDaGoat vs heileone
Avendesora vs jackuzzler
JojoOui vs lockjaw
Tree69420 vs Tails72
sk1191212 vs Alpha1013
Lialiabeast vs Albret
Freshhhhh vs promethezine
DarmanitanDLuffy vs TerrorFang
Thebestfootwear vs Hockey1
the pharoah vs sunsets
(If your name isn't in this list check the OST Round Round 1-A, Round 1-B, and Round 1-C threads for it! Alternatively, you may be on the substitute list, and you'll be tagged to let you know your pairing when you're substituted in!)
Deadline is Sunday, February 4th at 11:59 PM EST (GMT-5).
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