Official Smogon Tournament XX - Round 2-B (REPLAYS REQUIRED)

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Calling act opponent missed time
Activity Win Request

My opp kept constantly requesting for the set to be played at a different time than previously scheduled, even though they initially gave the "ok" to every single proposed time, more than 24 hours have passed since my last scheduling attempt, and I have yet to receive an answer, and seeing as Sunday is Off-Limits for the both of us, this Saturday would've been the only available time for us to play, proof on the opp's wall
Activity Win Request

My opp kept constantly requesting for the set to be played at a different time than previously scheduled, even though they initially gave the "ok" to every single proposed time, more than 24 hours have passed since my last scheduling attempt, and I have yet to receive an answer, and seeing as Sunday is Off-Limits for the both of us, this Saturday would've been the only available time for us to play, proof on the opp's wall
I'm avalible, just have been out of town due to urget matters. I'm avaliable to play though if you are unable to, you can take win as it is definitely my fault
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