Official Smogon Tournament XXI - Round 2-B (REPLAYS REQUIRED)


shit the world
is a Social Media Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host


Welcome to the first round of this year's Official Smogon Tournament! The OST is one of Smogon's longest standing traditions in tournaments and has crowned many great Pokémon players as its champions across five generations. Over the next few months, over a thousand (!) players will compete to the best of their ability as they attempt to join the exclusive ranks of the OST trophy holders. Only one of those players will succeed in their journey and earn the recognition that comes with their victory, along with the iconic OST trophy.

The tournament will have a best of three format. This means that players will play until one of them wins two games. Players are allowed to switch teams in between games, or use the same team throughout the set; it is completely up to the player. If players only partially complete a series before the deadline, it will be considered an uncompleted match and action will be taken accordingly (either an activity win or a coin flip).

Just like last year, there will be a cash prize for this tournament! The winner of this year's Official Smogon Tournament will receive 200 USD and the runner up will win 95 USD!

If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or a tournament director!

OST Specific Rules
  • This is a standard SV OU tournament.
  • The tournament will be single elimination.
  • Players will play a best of three series of games each round
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!. If you can't agree on which server to play on, the Smogtours server is the default option.
  • Liking this post increases the accuracy of your Focus Blasts.
Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on their team. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
  • Sleep Moves Clause: A player cannot use moves that induce Sleep status on the opponent in their Pokemon's movesets.
  • Evasion Clause: A player cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize in their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Team Preview: Players must turn on the Team Preview feature where players can view the opposing team's Pokémon and choose their lead Pokémon.
  • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Any moveset on any Pokémon that is capable of intentionally causing an endless battle is banned from competitive play. Check this thread for more information.
  • Baton Pass Clause: The move Baton Pass is banned outright.
  • Uber Clause: Players may not use any items, moves, abilities, or Pokemon that appear on Smogon's OU Ban List. If the tiers change or new items, abilities, moves, or Pokemon become available in the middle of a round, the changes will take effect in the following round. There will be an announcement in the relevant round if this occurs.
About Activity Decisions

Activity Decisions / Coin Flips
: In the event that there is an uncompleted match at the deadline, it will be coin flipped unless one or both of the players involved in the match specifically request an activity win and explain sufficiently why they deserve to win over their opponent. Attempting to schedule a battle is required in order to receive the win by activity. To make it clear that you are requesting an activity win when you post, you must open your post with "Activity Win Request" in bold.

For example, if you believe your opponent is making an unfair request and that they don't deserve the activity win over you, you can either make your own request or quote their post and explain why they don't deserve it. You should try to make your activity win request posts at least 24 hours before the deadline to give your opponent a reasonable opportunity to contest it with their own activity win request.

In case of disconnections, if you played in the SmogTours server, call a Tournament Director as soon as possible and we'll see about the possibility of having a rematch.

General Tournament Rules


Substitutes will only be allowed into the tournament during round 1.[/URL]

Please read this guide if you're unsure how to schedule with your opponent! Alternatively, watch this video made by teal6:

Now then, without further ado..

Round 2-B

Mister McLovin  vs  Tarre25
Enzonana.  vs  heileone
Aberforth  vs  napimsiken
Skarpherim  vs  ~Undead~
Vulpix03  vs  swinubfan44
nemoauditur  vs  UwU1v1
FoulplayG  vs  battle_penguin_og
Kaneki-san  vs  twash
SEROO  vs  Nemosse
jetou  vs  Tace
Cape Canaveral  vs  plunder
veti  vs  A Welcome Guest
Mik3ymon  vs  Sylvi
iNC  vs  saw war newnew
HydreigonTheChild  vs  King Carbonation
Kyraku  vs  Terracotta
Drachenkeule  vs  SupaGmoney
Xrn  vs  Hybuyn
We Three Kings  vs  Always!
Adriyun  vs  Baddy
Rubyblood  vs  Zentrox
RuanTheBuilder  vs  keji
oof29  vs  ima
destroyingpotato  vs  Lugi Lugi
big tony 2014  vs  xdRudi.exe
Arc  vs  Glurakaiser
roxie  vs  Cow
Volcaronium  vs  zxCaliari
Fusien  vs  Medeia
LovelyLuna  vs  Shiritu
Isza  vs  MRP
MANNAT  vs  Wanony
LoSconosciuto  vs  Einstien74
Eternal Spirit  vs  memedose46
Niroglift  vs  giove97
NoobishTrainerJoe  vs  Elgino
Pranjalsingh  vs  Pidge
pkcc  vs  sleid
AhmedxWaleed  vs  avarice
revicteddreams  vs  gregoreturns
Waci  vs  Novax
VlTRIOL  vs  JustFranco
Gallinova  vs  XKH
Call me PK  vs  Savouras
Vileman  vs  Portrait or Ruin
cloud and book  vs  Fogbound Lake
Strictsceptile  vs  Argon657
GOATED im_m0rtal.  vs  Sieeeffmon
Feaniix  vs  Indi01
Concept  vs  mailiam45
Drifting  vs  Vxltarktimi
ZeroKitss  vs  Hacker
abra xdd  vs  Poke fan
Paycard  vs  Nashrock
M Dragon  vs  Jeidel
toshimelonhead  vs  Gaucho
Foolycl  vs  Yves Stone
Soul king0  vs  RL
JojoOui  vs  Roller K
kaipro  vs  Goro Yagami
Cielau  vs  RobinWins
Nowelle  vs  anan2004
Mgee  vs  JoelXLeaf
Light DN  vs  LityL

(If your name isn't in this list check the OST Round 2-A, 2-C, and 2-D threads for it!)

Deadline is Sunday, February 9th at 11:59 PM EST (GMT-5).
Extension Deadline: Wednesday February 5th, 11:59 PM EST (GMT-5)

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