Refering to the first statement you refered to, an outrage would kill regi, yes, but then when you get stuck into an outrage, and heatran comes out, what happens? Does it 1HKO Heatran? Then the Confusion HAX which has given me two unsuccessful runs comes into play, and you could end up facing a flash cannon from heatran...
I'll take it step by step on the Regigigas scenario described earlier:
- Starmie Surfs Regi twice, taking two shots from Regi, but Starmie's still alive (described earlier).
- Switch to Garchomp.
- Chomp takes a shot on the switch, likely a Stone Edge for ~12% damage.
- If you did decent damage on the Surfs, Chomp can EQ preferably. If that happens, it's gg.
- If the AI really screwed you on your Surfs, you have to Outrage Regi to take it out.
- Then you will be stuck with another Outrage. If the AI sends out Heatran, Outrage will do about ~30% damage to it.
- Heatran should hit you with Flash Cannon, which does ~40% damage to Garchomp, on top of the paltry damage Chomp already took from Regigigas. But, Chomp should still be alive and well with roughly 50% health.
- If the AI decides to grace you with another Outrage, you can still take another shot from Heatran. Garchomp is such a fucking stud, it's amazing. This is where those HP EV's on Garchomp come into play. Jumpman didn't put them there by accident.
- Anyway, whenever the Outrages are finished, switch in Starmie to take the next Flash Cannon. Starmie will die, since it already got pounded by Regigigas.
- Now, switch back Garchomp and KO Heatran with Earthquake.
- If Garchomp ever dies to Heatran on hax or really big damage calcs, it's still OK. Bring in Tyranitar, who outspeeds Quiet Heatran and OHKO's with Earthquake.
- Finish off Cresselia with Tyranitar, and give Palmer the finger.
This is really a worst case scenario. If Palmer sends the pokemon in any other order, it's a cakewalk.
If the worst case happens, it's a tough match, but winnable. Obviously crits or hax can kill you, but that's a possibility against any BT opponent. From the steps outlined above, you can see how a very "unlucky" match is still very winnable by this squad. You just have to play carefully, and know what your pokemon can dish out and what they can take. Trust me, Jumpman's team is good on both ends of that spectrum.