Offline Battle Tower teams

I know once I ever resume the battle tower for the diamond version and make it to 100 wins, I'll quit right there, or at least get up to 105. Using Jumpman's line-up luckily got my pearl streak to 105 on the first try, but hasn't been that easy in diamond where one hax after another has often ended it again. Here's one example of that: exeggutor survives a hit with focus sash, does sunny day to rid the sandstorm and activate chlorophyll, then immediately does an explosion to end the streak. Here are some alternatives I am considering:

1. a sturdy magnezone with HP ice to counter OHKOs
2. trick-room bronzong followed by a CB or life-orb relicanth

These are things I can also try out once I hit the 100 win streak in diamond ever.
My best line up, which got me to 77 wins before being Starmied was:

Garchomp@Life Orb
-Swords Dance
-Fire Fang

Swords Dance against most common leads, can easily take a hit and then just Outrage to see how far I can get :P

Gyarados@Mystic Water/Leftovers
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge
-Ice Fang

Actually considering Bite here for quick Starmie relief, but Stone Edge does enough usually.

Metagross@Muscle Band
-Meteor Miss

Works well in tandem with Gyarados, Garchomp covers the electric weakness. Meteor Miss well..misses but hey it's Metagross.

77 wins here, but now I'm just using cool pokemon like Poliwrath and Butterfree.
I've gotten over 500 BP in the battle tower, using various teams, but my best streak is 65. Lately, I've been using Jumpman's team, which is the most cohesive team I've used, and is very well-designed. A couple of impressions from my successes and failures in the BT:

1) Try to use 100% accuracy moves, if at all possible. Anything else will miss far more than the accuracy indicated. For example, Meteor Mash was about 40-50% accurate from my experience. Maybe less...

2) Using Guts/Protect/Flame Orb combo is really nice. It allows you to setup an attack boost, scout the opponent (ie. look up in the threat list), and eliminate status all in one shot. It doesn't get much better than that in the BT.

3) Sporepunch Breloom can earn the first ribbon almost single-handedly. Every time I restart the Battle Tower, I use Breloom to cruise through the first 35 matches without a sweat. After that, it's hit-or-miss for the 'shroom.

4) Tyranitar completely owns Palmer in battle 49. Once Cresselia shows her face (which is usually first or second for me), Tar can DD in her face 6 times in a row without a problem. It's really fun to sit and laugh at a problem pokemon like Cresselia. After that, it's gg.

5) Toxicstalling is amazingly effective in the BT. It's just not very fun. I used a Toxic Milotic and was amazed how many pokes she could kill without a sweat. It was just boring as hell, sitting there waiting for them to die.

6) Having a good Fighting move is really nice. Jumpman's team doesn't have it, and I miss it badly. I used a Gengar with Focus Blast, and although inaccurate, it saved my ass more times than I can count. Brick Break on my Salamence was awesome, and I really debated putting it there in the first place. I'll do it again if I use Mence in the future. For some reason, Fighting moves come in handy in some of my worst pinches in the BT.

7) I don't understand the people with gaudy streaks that say they don't switch much in the BT. I don't know how they do it. Considering that you only have three pokes, yes there isn't a lot of switching compared to 6v6. But, strategic switching is the only way I can make it past the high 30's. I've read posts from people that say they pretty much bull-rush the opposition, but I don't know how they get away with it. I have to switch my ass off, and I have to think hard about the switches that I make. Maybe I'm missing the obvious, or making it harder than it needs to be.
That is all great information, Doug, and I hope anyone who is having a little trouble in the BT will reread that.

As far as your battle is concerned, I would have been tempted to keep Starmie in like you did, but I think I may opt to switch in Garchomp instead. If you look at the list you'll agree that that's the safest option, as all of them are faster than Starmie, but none can really do anything to Garchomp except the Ice Fang one. The only drawback is being locked into Outrage Early, as Crunch won't OHKO Aero, but three of the four Aero post a serious threat to Starmie (Thunderfang, Crunch, CB Stone Edge), and the Ice Fang one is OHKOed by Stone Edge. That was the only mistake I think you made, leaving Starmie in...otherwise you will very likely win.
I find having a priority move is a must for the later stages of battle tower. even if it's just to break a focus sash or to finish of something, it really has helped me out. Using a team of Scizor, Metagross and Light Screen Zapdos, I haven't had a lot of problems yet, but I'm only on 21 wins on this current run.

Swords Dance + Quick Attack Scizor is really useful for cleaning up the more UU threats which can be surprising with their movesets, but still fragile enough for a OHKO.
i lost my streak at 55 due to stupidity. i for w/e reason put a focus band on salamence instead of a focus sash...

vaporeon was wrecking cresselia with sp def drops on shadow ball, so i switched in heatran to take the shadow ball, hit it with HP electric for about 50%, and then died to surf. switched in mence to take an ice beam an DD up while it hung on with focus sash only to die to the ice beam and cresselia had about 10% left. i rested, but got haxed with a crit AND sp def drop and died the next turn while still asleep.

i need a better way to handle bulky waters like vaporeon, but still shut down physical threats all day long. i was thinking about weezing with rest-talk thunder and sludge bomb, but i don't know if that would shrug off the surfs/ice beams on the switch in as well.
7) I don't understand the people that say they don't switch much in the BT.
Every turn the BT gets is an opportunity for it to cheat, so the last thing you want to do is give it a free move. The best tower teams are three high-speed, high-offense pokemon with alot of type coverage on each one for this reason alone. Obviously, you need to switch every once in a while, especially in the wi-fi tower - but i keep it to an absolute minimum.

Jump's team is great, but i find both the sash and destiny bond to be incredibly broken in the tower, and tyranitar kills that strategy.
I don't see much love for Slaking in the Battle Tower, but he is really a monster. I went up to 116 with him doing most of the work in almost every fight.

Slaking@Choice Band
-Giga Impact
-Shadow claw
-Fire Punch

My Slaking doesn't have perfect IVs (ends up having 222Hp, 232Att, 119,Def, 81S.Def, 151Spe in the battle tower) but he is my wrecking ball. Choice Banded Giga Impact is really unbelievable. Almost nothing survives it. All kinds of scary pokemon get dropped... Salamence (after intimidate) Dragonite, Metagross (EQ), Garchomp, Heatran (EQ) Gyarados (after Intimidate), and obviously almost anything else that doesn't resist it with decent defense.

He's also really hard to drop in one shot. When he takes a nap, after his Giga Impact dropped the first pokemon, even a STAB'd attack from the very common Hitmonlee or Focus Blasting Alakazams won't put him down.

The real danger to Slaking are the Focus Sashers. I When it's someone I suspect is up to no-good with their sash, I switch to my Uxie.

I could think of a lot more to say about Slaking, so if anyone is fascinating I could post that stuff too.

-Sleep Talk

I use Uxie to backup Slaking by defending against Fighting types and Focus Sashers. She's also good for dropped the occasional rampaging Gyarados/Skarmory, or whatever else Slaking can't always deal with.

The last pokemon I used was rotating often, because nothing ever really seemed to fit. If anyone has any good ideas, in consideration to the rest of this team, I would be really interested to know. Keep in mind I train everything myself on my Diamond and Pearl, and don't use any cheat programs, so all of the Hidden Power moves are really hard to get. :heart:

What I rotated through to get to my higher Battle Tower tallys were standard SD Garchomp with Outrage, Standard specs Salamence, Specs/Scarf Heatran (with Overheat as his fire attack), Standard Toxic Milotic, and a standard Agili-Gross.

Sorry this got so long. :pirate:
First time I tried this team it got to low 30s
Mr. mime sent out
Tyranitar sent out
Mr. mime got crunched OHKO
Foe sent out Tangrowth
Tar used crunch ~40% damage
Tar got focus blasted.
Sent out gross Psychic killed Tangrowth
Foe sent out Arcanine
Arcanine is faster got OHKO with CH flamethrower (gross probably not survived even if it wasn't CH)
Send out Chomp. I know chomp can take and unstabed dragon pulse.
Arcanine uses Dragon pulse
It’s a CH! Ya!! Chomp fainted

Second time I tried lost cause of mistakes high 30s...
Hippowdon (yawn, sand tomb, ice fang, fissure)
I was scared so I sent out chomp just incase it was one with eq.
Hippowdon uses yawn
I used outrage ~70% damage
Sitrus berry restores hp to like 60%
Hippowdon use ice fang
Chomp takes somewhere around 66% damage.
Chomp falls asleep I switch to gross.
Hippowdon use ice fang does like 15% damage.
Gross use hammer arm. Does like 45% damage. (Lowers speed)
Hippowdon uses sand tomb does 20% damage.
Gross uses Eq hippowdon faints.
Foe sends out Chomp.
Chomp uses EQ to kill gross.
Tar is sent out.
Chomp uses Eq ~83% damage
Tar uses avalanche OHKO.
Foe sends out weavile.
Weavile uses Ice shard kills tar
So I’m left with a 34% hp sleeping chomp.
Chomp is sent out.
Weavile uses ice shard.
It misses!!! (OMFG YES !!!! TYVM sand veil)
Chomp is fast asleep.
Weavile takes sand stream damage
Weavile uses ice shard
It missed (wow twice in a row all luck rofl.)
Unfortunately Chomp is still fast asleep.
Weavile takes sand stream damage.
Weavile uses ice shard.
It misses for the 3rd time in a row talk about ultra luck.
But chomp stays asleep.
Weavile takes sand stream damage.
Weavile uses ice shard and KOs chomp after 4 tries rofl.

I’m trying this team for a 3rd time and so far I have had no problems (currently on battle 42 but haven’t continued.)

Tyranitar @ Life Orb
Trait: Sand Stream
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 in attack, 252 in speed, 6 hp
-Outrage (meh should have breed in dragon dance but I thought it might be useful.)

I used crunch a lot more than I thought I would. Almost never used outrage. Earthquake was helpful. I used Avalanche for dragon types.

Garchomp @ Choice band
Trait: Sand Veil
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 6 in HP, 252 in Attack, 252 in Speed
-Stone edge

Outrage owns BT never needed to use another attack. Sand veil helped a lot more than I thought it would

Metagross @ Brightpowder
Trait: Clear body
Nature: Lax
EVs: 252 in Attack, 252 in Speed, 6 in Hp
- Hammer arm
- Psychic
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash

Took care of Tar and chomps weaknesses hammer arm owns ice types. The other moves covered Metagross. Brightpowder also saved my butt.
After many, many runs up the Battle Tower, I have finally put together a streak worth noting. I am at 105 wins right now, and still going. I'm using Jumpman's team (Starmie, DDTar, ScarfChomp), so he deserves the credit for designing the squad. My version is slightly different than his posted version. My Tyranitar carries Leftovers and my Garchomp has Aerial Ace instead of Crunch. Since so many people are running with this team, I thought I'd post a couple of things about using this team.

I thought I was getting screwed in earlier runs with this team, and I posted a few of my losses in this thread. I really didn't get screwed too badly; I just wasn't playing the team correctly. If anyone else is losing with Jumpman's team, I have some advice that may help.

Let me get a couple of assumptions out of the way. First, if you're not using the BT threat list, don't bother reading any more. Constant reference to the threat list is a must, regardless of the team you are using. Second, breed your pokemon very well. Playing with ingame-quality pokes is a waste of time.

Now, on to the tips:

Don't sacrifice Starmie early.
Protect your Starmie at all costs. In earlier failed runs, I would leave my Starmie in against a pokemon that Starmie could hit hard, even if the opponent might have an SE move in return. I don't do that any more, and it made a big difference. Even if the chances are small that the opponent is a threat, don't ever let Starmie take a big SE hit if you can avoid it. Switch to Chomp or Tyranitar and let them scout the move. Most times, if only 1 of 4 versions of a poke on the threat list are dangerous for Starmie -- the AI sends out the one that can hurt Starmie. I think the AI places special importance on countering your lead. Tyranitar and Garchomp are both bulky and cover Starmie's weaknesses very well. Use them for this purpose early on. Only sacrifice Starmie when you are facing the opponent's last Pokemon and you still have Garchomp alive waiting in the wings.

Always consider if Tyranitar can set up with Dragon Dance.
Every time an opposing poke is sent out, check the threat list and determine if Tar can set up on it. In some of my failed runs, I would sweep an early pokemon with Starmie or Garchomp, even though Tar could have setup with multiple DD's. Then I would lose to a later pokemon on CH's, hax, or just bad matchups. Tyranitar with a few DD's can mow down just about anything. If you get a window, take it every single time -- even if Starmie or Chomp are in position and can kill the current opponent with ease. It doesn't happen a whole lot, but when it does, it's great. Certain Flying, Fire, and Electric pokemon are targets for Tar to setup. Keep your eye out. Also, three of the four Cresselia are DD-fodder -- including Palmer's. Own the bitch.

Let Tyranitar die first.
Jumpman alludes to this in his original post, and he gave me similar advice on one of my losses. It really didn't sink in until I had played this team for a while. Because Tyranitar is such a monster of a pokemon, I was hesitant to sacrifice it. It's OK to let the big lizard take one for the team. Starmie and Garchomp are the most important components of the team. Tyranitar just fills in a few of the key holes left by the other two. If Starmie or Garchomp are banged up, they are still very valuable. A low-health Tyranitar is almost worthless. Just let it die. A high-health Tyranitar is also a great pokemon to throw to the wolves, and he'll always get in a shot or two, unless you send him in against a fighting move. Chomp or Starmie can always clean up after that -- and if it's Chomp, he'll be coming in under a fully functional Sand Veil. woot.

Starmie Surf, Tyranitar Crunch, Garchomp Earthquake
These are the moves you will be using with these pokes. If you are using other moves by these pokemon too often -- you are probably doing something wrong. The only exception is Outrage for Garchomp. In reality, you will use Outrage a whole lot. But I list EQ as the "De Facto Move" for a reason. Don't use Outrage if you don't need to. I was misplaying Outrage in earlier failed runs. I was overplaying it. Here's the deal on Outrage -- it will rarely be SE, since you won't see many Dragons, and few of those will make it past Starmie. Also, it is a monster of a move, but it doesn't OHKO as much as you think. It may leave the opponent with just a little, but it means you have to take another shot to put them out. And since you'll only get two Outrages before confusion (you never get three in the BT), that Outrage comes at a high cost. Almost everything that can be 2HKO'd by Outrage, can be 2HKO'd by Earthquake. And Chomp can EQ for days without getting confused. Don't force yourself into confusion and a costly switch, if you can achieve the same result with EQ. As for Starmie, it will use lots of moves -- but if you are playing Starmie right on this team, you will use Surf far more than everything else. On Tyranitar, Crunch does more neutral damage than EQ, and Rock Slide misses. Once I started playing this team correctly, I almost never use anything other than Crunch on Tyranitar.

That's a few of the key things I have learned in playing Jumpman's team. I really like the team because it covers so much. Based on other posts, it's obvious a lot of people are playing this combination in the BT. Now that my current streak is into the 100+ range, I can safely say these strategies are "successful". If anyone else is sharing some of my earlier frustrating failures, perhaps this will help you turn it around.
After many, many runs up the Battle Tower, I have finally put together a streak worth noting. I am at 105 wins right now, and still going.

Well, that's a good news to hear, I'm happy for you.
I've already given up after a whole lot of bad luck matches, since I don't have the patience to sit through it again and again, only to lose against superluckily teams. Is just too frustrating for me and I don't want to destroy my DS for this game 'cause I'll still need it.
Again, anyone having trouble with the BT will be very well served to read Doug's posts, as he has obviously put much thought and effort into them to convey both why and how my team works, which is a thought process that can and should be applied to any team that differs from mine.
I generally use something like this:

Salamence @ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
Ability: Intimidate
EV's: 252Sp.Atk, 252Spd, 6Hp
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Flamethrower

Very generic opener, but it works wonders. Draco Meteor's an OHKO off 90% of typical leads, especially in the battle tower where switching to resists is rife.

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
Ability: Pressure
EV's: 252Hp, 152Def, 52Atk, 48Sp.Def
- Thunderpunch
- Ice Punch
- Will-o-wisp
- Pain Split

WoW physical attackers, and murder them with Bolt-Beam punch. Mixed sweepers can be burned, then switch to Blissey, CM up and go for a team sweep :P

Blissey @ Leftovers
Nature: Bold
Ability: Natural Cure
EV's: 252Def, 152Hp, 52Sp.Atk, 48Sp.Def
- Softboiled
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Again, as special attackers won't switch out, this thing can be used to set up against any special attacker for a team sweep. Works surprisingly well with Dusknoir.

The team has a fairly massive Weavile weak, but Specsmence can generally get an OHKO revenge kill. Despite the fact that online against EV'd Weavile's it'd get outrun, in the battle tower an EV'd Mence can outrun them. Had two chains, got ended at 48 by a CMBronzong which outstalled Blissey, which killed itself with struggle, and by Palmer's Cresselia. (49)
Lost at Battle 45. :/

Sceptile @ Petaya
Nature: Timid
Ability: Overgrow
EV's: 228 Sp.Atk, 252Spd, 28Hp (This is what mine is due to IVs)
- Substitute
- Endeavor
- Quick Attack
- Leaf Storm

Pretty much rapes. This guy can take out the whole team if you get lucky. But in most cases he takes out 1 or 2. I Sub until I hit 1 HP, or if I know I can OHKO, I'll Leaf Storm right away. Once I get to 1 HP, Petaya activates and so does Overgrow.

Again, If I know Leaf Storm will OHKO, I use it. If not, I Endeavor. Then depending if the sub is still up, I can use Quick Attack. Then Leaf Storm on the next Pokemon.

Starmie @ Expert Belt
Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
EV's: 252 Sp.Atk, 252Spd, 6Hp
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Grass Knot

Takes care of a lot of things. I kind of wished I had Psychic over something on this (probably Ice Beam) since I have no way of dealing with Fightings, and Ghosts.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Nature: Naive
Ability: Blaze
EV's: 232 Spd , 252 Sp Atk, 24 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Grass Knot
- Flamethrower
- Close Combat

I should have took out Nasty Plot for something, since I never had a chance to set up. I also bring this out last in most cases, so it was pretty pointless.

What should go in it's place though...

Overall, this team did fairly well in BT. I died at 45 due to hax. (A Leaf Storm missed, and a Quick Claw activated, essentially costing me the game). I use these exact Pokemon for normal competitive Battling, so they could obviously use some fine-tuning for the BT. I just felt like giving it a whirl.
Well, I just finished with Jumpman's team, and it was my first ever battle tower run. Got to number 46, but here was the scenerio.

Gardevoir is sent out, and I withdrew Starmie for Tyranitar.

I was faster then Gardevoir, but as I saw farther up, I DD'd to set up (Which I found out later would have swept his team if the following move missed)
After the DD, gardevoir used Focus Blast...I didn't know that it knew focus blast, but it was 3-2.

Garchomp comes out...and I earthquake....he ends up in red health. Gardevoir uses Psychic, and I am at 50%-55%. Next turn I KO Gardevoir, and out comes claydol...

I switch to starmie, claydol gets a crit EQ for the KO....

Garchomp comes out, uses outrage, and claydol dies.

Out comes Exegutor. I use outrage, and he is down to about 35%. He uses Sunny Day...and I thought I won.

Garchomp is confused...and hits itself in confusion..Exegutor KOs me with Solarbeam...1-0.

I am running another one, just beat the first Tycoon, wish me luck!
Every time I have played Jumpman's team, I've never had to face the Regigigas lead against Palmer the second time. I just had to face that same Regigigas later on in the tower and it was a huge problem. I got lucky later in the battle on Sand Veil hax with my Garchomp, otherwise I would have lost. With Jumpman's team (Starmie, DDTar, ScarfChomp), how should Palmer's Regigigas be fought if it leads?
Every time I have played Jumpman's team, I've never had to face the Regigigas lead against Palmer the second time. I just had to face that same Regigigas later on in the tower and it was a huge problem. I got lucky later in the battle on Sand Veil hax with my Garchomp, otherwise I would have lost. With Jumpman's team (Starmie, DDTar, ScarfChomp), how should Palmer's Regigigas be fought if it leads?

Ew, Brick Break AND Ice Punch.

I would definately save Tyranitar for cresselia, so maybe use an outrage and finish it off with tyranitar or starmie. Then just play Heatran with Starmie and Tyranitar with Cresselia. How would you face it if it wasn't a lead?
Ew, Brick Break AND Ice Punch.

I would definately save Tyranitar for cresselia, so maybe use an outrage and finish it off with tyranitar or starmie. Then just play Heatran with Starmie and Tyranitar with Cresselia. How would you face it if it wasn't a lead?

I've always faced Cresselia before Regigigas when playing Jumpman's team against Palmer (3 times, I think). Each time, I set up with Tyranitar. When Regigigas showed up, it was OHKO from Tar.

Sacrificing Chomp, just to get in one big Outrage, is certainly an option. But, Starmie doesn't always OHKO Heatran with Surf IIRC. That means Starmie will eat a Dark Pulse, which may OHKO it, depending on Starmie's IV's. If that happens, you are in deep trouble, because Flash Cannon owns Tyranitar.

Can Starmie take two shots from Regigigas? In my battle, the first hit was Crush Grip, which hurt like hell (~55% damage to Starmie, I think). I panicked and switched, but maybe I should have stayed? Another Crush Grip would be lower power (roughly 60 base), and would only do about 30% more damage to Starmie. Stone Edge would do about 35%. Regigigas would never use Ice Punch or Brick Break, but if it did, Starmie resists and would laugh at it.

Now that I've run the damage calcs, I'm convinced that's the playbook for Regigigas -- Hit it twice with Surf (doing a little over 30% each time). Then switch to Garchomp and finish it off with Outrage (~50% damage to Regi) or Earthquake (~40% damage to Regi), depending on how hard the Surfs hit.

I was faster then Gardevoir, but as I saw farther up, I DD'd to set up (Which I found out later would have swept his team if the following move missed)
After the DD, gardevoir used Focus Blast...I didn't know that it knew focus blast, but it was 3-2.

I normally can't set up on Gardevoir. I just switch to Tar and Crunch. Confuse Ray sucks and Focus Blast KO's... If it uses Shadow Ball or TBolt first, you can't pinpoint what you're up against. If it uses Energy Ball, you KNOW you have to take it out immediately. The only "green light" for a DD, is if it Calm Minds first. This happened to me once, and yes, I danced four or five times and then swept the entire team. In your case, you misplayed it. Now you know how to play it next time. Good luck!
I've always faced Cresselia before Regigigas when playing Jumpman's team against Palmer (3 times, I think). Each time, I set up with Tyranitar. When Regigigas showed up, it was OHKO from Tar.

Sacrificing Chomp, just to get in one big Outrage, is certainly an option. But, Starmie doesn't always OHKO Heatran with Surf IIRC. That means Starmie will eat a Dark Pulse, which may OHKO it, depending on Starmie's IV's. If that happens, you are in deep trouble, because Flash Cannon owns Tyranitar.

Can Starmie take two shots from Regigigas? In my battle, the first hit was Crush Grip, which hurt like hell (~55% damage to Starmie, I think). I panicked and switched, but maybe I should have stayed? Another Crush Grip would be lower power (roughly 60 base), and would only do about 30% more damage to Starmie. Stone Edge would do about 35%. Regigigas would never use Ice Punch or Brick Break, but if it did, Starmie resists and would laugh at it.

Now that I've run the damage calcs, I'm convinced that's the playbook for Regigigas -- Hit it twice with Surf (doing a little over 30% each time). Then switch to Garchomp and finish it off with Outrage (~50% damage to Regi) or Earthquake (~40% damage to Regi), depending on how hard the Surfs hit.

I normally can't set up on Gardevoir. I just switch to Tar and Crunch. Confuse Ray sucks and Focus Blast KO's... If it uses Shadow Ball or TBolt first, you can't pinpoint what you're up against. If it uses Energy Ball, you KNOW you have to take it out immediately. The only "green light" for a DD, is if it Calm Minds first. This happened to me once, and yes, I danced four or five times and then swept the entire team. In your case, you misplayed it. Now you know how to play it next time. Good luck!

Refering to the first statement you refered to, an outrage would kill regi, yes, but then when you get stuck into an outrage, and heatran comes out, what happens? Does it 1HKO Heatran? Then the Confusion HAX which has given me two unsuccessful runs comes into play, and you could end up facing a flash cannon from heatran...
Refering to the first statement you refered to, an outrage would kill regi, yes, but then when you get stuck into an outrage, and heatran comes out, what happens? Does it 1HKO Heatran? Then the Confusion HAX which has given me two unsuccessful runs comes into play, and you could end up facing a flash cannon from heatran...

I'll take it step by step on the Regigigas scenario described earlier:

- Starmie Surfs Regi twice, taking two shots from Regi, but Starmie's still alive (described earlier).
- Switch to Garchomp.
- Chomp takes a shot on the switch, likely a Stone Edge for ~12% damage.
- If you did decent damage on the Surfs, Chomp can EQ preferably. If that happens, it's gg.
- If the AI really screwed you on your Surfs, you have to Outrage Regi to take it out.
- Then you will be stuck with another Outrage. If the AI sends out Heatran, Outrage will do about ~30% damage to it.
- Heatran should hit you with Flash Cannon, which does ~40% damage to Garchomp, on top of the paltry damage Chomp already took from Regigigas. But, Chomp should still be alive and well with roughly 50% health.
- If the AI decides to grace you with another Outrage, you can still take another shot from Heatran. Garchomp is such a fucking stud, it's amazing. This is where those HP EV's on Garchomp come into play. Jumpman didn't put them there by accident.
- Anyway, whenever the Outrages are finished, switch in Starmie to take the next Flash Cannon. Starmie will die, since it already got pounded by Regigigas.
- Now, switch back Garchomp and KO Heatran with Earthquake.
- If Garchomp ever dies to Heatran on hax or really big damage calcs, it's still OK. Bring in Tyranitar, who outspeeds Quiet Heatran and OHKO's with Earthquake.
- Finish off Cresselia with Tyranitar, and give Palmer the finger.

This is really a worst case scenario. If Palmer sends the pokemon in any other order, it's a cakewalk.

If the worst case happens, it's a tough match, but winnable. Obviously crits or hax can kill you, but that's a possibility against any BT opponent. From the steps outlined above, you can see how a very "unlucky" match is still very winnable by this squad. You just have to play carefully, and know what your pokemon can dish out and what they can take. Trust me, Jumpman's team is good on both ends of that spectrum.