Offline Battle Tower teams

@ Robo Mike:

Yea, your right. I did use Ice Beam, lolz. Mind was in the right place, not the hands. That's why I said 4x weakness too ;/

Anyway, any improvements for me? I was planning on using Gengar or Mismagus over Starmie (This get's rid of 2 Pokes with Elec weakness), but I don't have a trade buddy until HOPEFULLY Friday, so I can't get either.
Jump: really? I chose to use Heracross for the 2nd Tychoon purely because of Megahorn. If it misses, you'll lose but if you can't take out Cresselia quickly anyway you'll probably lose to luck.
Died at battle 43: (Due to Horn Drill Rapidash)

Garchomp @ Lum berry
Naive Nature
16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spd
Swords Dance
Fire Blast

Metagross @ Life Orb
Adamant Nature
16 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Def / 40 SpDef
Meteor Mash
Bullet Punch

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

Darn Horn Drill. Bit of a special weakness on my team though.
which is why I need Focus Sash instead, stupid me

No, it's why you need Choice Band instead. You would have liver at full health then, and the Walrein would have fainted in one hit.
Outrage would then also take down nearly every pokemon that doesn't resist it in the battle tower with one hit as well.

Also, on the comment of Heracross for Cresselia; Tauntritar does it infinately better; it walls the Cresselia set, giving it 6 DDs, or 4 (you only need four to OHKO each of his pokemon) if you want to save time, and then you get to sweep...

Krul, I once ran a similar team (with the difference being that my Garchomp had a choice band set instead of a SD one) before dropping Metagross for Starmie in order to cover some of the weakennesses better, most specifically, the one you have towards Mamoswine.
Ice move OHKOs Garchomp, EQ for Tyranitar and Metagross...
But, then again, by adding Starmie I replaced the Mamoswine weakeness with a Weaville one.
I got to the 43rd round with this team:

Azelf @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
~Nasty Plot
~Energy Ball

A standard Nasty Plot Azelf. I have found Energy Ball to be overall more useful than Grass Knot in the BT due to the fact that it doesn't have garbage power against light-weights.

Garchomp @ Choice Band
Trait: Sand Viel
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
~Dragon Claw
~Fire Fang

Too lazy to rebreed for Outrage. Besides, I don't really want to risk something like Weavile coming in after my first Outrage to own me. Dragon Claw is still very effective.

Tyranitar @ Focus Sash/Leftovers
Trait: Sandstream
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
~Dragon Dance
~Rock Slide

If I use this again in the BT, I'll be getting rid of Taunt. Pretty useless against computers IMO. Though, it's my only defense against Double Team...

If Azelf goes down, this team will have some serious Weavile problems. In fact, the thing that beat me in the 43rd round was an Ice Punch/Brick Break Weavile. =/
Got to the 29th battle with this team...

Azelf @ Life Orb
Serious Nature (Yeah I didn't bother going with a Synchronizer)
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Nasty Plot

Nasty Plot and sweep, moves can hit any tyoe comination out there

Torterra @ Quick Claw
Jolly Nature
Don't know EV's, he was my Starter
-Wood Hammer

Basically there if Azelf faints

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Swords Dance
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw

Just something that I had at the moment to fill the third slot

I only got to battle 29 because my DS battery died in the middle of the battle
Got to the 29th battle with this team...

Azelf @ Life Orb
Serious Nature (Yeah I didn't bother going with a Synchronizer)
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Nasty Plot

Nasty Plot and sweep, moves can hit any tyoe comination out there

Torterra @ Quick Claw
Jolly Nature
Don't know EV's, he was my Starter
-Wood Hammer

Basically there if Azelf faints

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Swords Dance
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw

Just something that I had at the moment to fill the third slot

I only got to battle 29 because my DS battery died in the middle of the battle

LOL, Weavile rapes your whole team oO!!
-64 wins-

Empoleon @ Choice Specs
Nature: Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk)
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 6 Spd
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot
- Aqua Jet

Interesting lead. Hurts a lot and can shoot out a lot of attacks due to its defenses. Also used to cover up my other guys' weaknesses. Aqua Jet is really situational, but it saved my life at least twice, and there's not much else to put anyway. Gonna add a few speed EVs eventually so it'll outspeed Swampert. Anyone knows how much?

Weezing @ Leftovers
Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spd)
EVs: 168 HP / 252 Def / 90 SpAtk
- Sludge bomb
- Will-o-wisp
- Haze
- Pain Split

Bold would've been better, but oh well. Mostly for double teamers, but gets Weavile and stuff too. I think I'm the only one here with the Smogon mascot =/

Latios @ Lum Berry
Nature: Rash (+SpAtk, -SpDef)
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
- Dragon Pulse
- Calm Mind
- Safeguard
- Recover

Lum Berry is there so I can switch into things, and in case someone I don't expect statuses me. Then Safeguard right after. Can also take all of Empoleon's weaknesses. Could definitely use a better EV spread.

Apart from hax, the only real problem I've seen so far was a Pinsir. (>_>) Mold Breaker + EQ hurts.
I got to 105 this afternoon just to get the silver trainer card and stopped.

Did anyone else see that guy who says something like "Little Boys? Little Girls? Doesn't matter to me!" cause I thought that was damn creepy lol.

after battle 40- something when you fight the tycoon the 2nd time, does he ever show up again?
-I'm not gonna say how many wins-

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Modest | 252 Sp.Att, 200 HP, 24 Def, 24 Sp.Def
Trait: Intimidate
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Adamant | 252 Attack, 252 HP, 6 Spd
Trait: Poison Heal
Mach Punch
Seed Bomb
Stone Edge

Starmie @ Leftovers
Bold | 252 HP, 136 Sp.Def, 122 Def
Trait: Natural Cure
Cosmic Power
Ice Beam

This team makes me lol.
Im training up a new team for battle tower:

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Sp Att / 252 Spd
*Shadow Ball
*Focus Blast
*Destiny Bond

WILL kill at least one pokemon, hopefully more though. Hits everything neutral.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD
*Ice Beam
*Charge Beam
*Sing / Psych Up

Hits everything neutral.. Again. Sing can get me multiple Dances on Salamence, but Psych Up is a serious consideration to steal those damn double teams. That guarentees victory on a Bliss!

Salamence @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Serious
EVs: 142 HP / 16 Att / 216 Sp Att / 136 Spd
*Dragon Dance
*Dragon Claw
*Hydro Pump

Meh. Mixed Sala inspired me. 310 for both attacks, 270 speed, and give him some HP for a little bulkiness.

Simple. Attack type combos listed on each pokemon hit just about everything neutral. Gengar should win a ton of battles by himself anyway.
Im training up a new team for battle tower:

Salamence @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Serious
EVs: 142 HP / 16 Att / 216 Sp Att / 136 Spd
*Dragon Dance
*Dragon Claw
*Hydro Pump


Why don't you use:

Salamence @ Life Orb/Wide Lens (If you go Fire Blast over Flamethrower)
Mild | 252 Sp.Att, 136 Spd, 122 Attack
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Hydro Pump
Flamethrower/Fire Blast

This set gets you 270 Speed, which lets you outspeed everything after a Dragon Dance (as state above), 350 Sp. Att, which is enough to use Hydro Pump and Fire Blast unboosted, and 336 Attack, which turns into 504 after one Dragon Dance. With a STAB'd Dragon Claw, this will be enough attack to OHKO-2HKO special walls/tanks. Fire Blast will hit Skarmory for an OHKO, It will hit Levitate Bronzongs for SE, If Bronzong is heatproof, it'll hit with Hydro Pump. Unless said Bronzong is carrying HP Ice and Calm Mind, Mence has nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure Dragon Claw unboosted will 2HKO Blissey. Hydro Pump makes short work of Hippowdon and TTar. I can't think of any other tanks that might be sent in to wall this... so if anything can wall this set, let me know...
Made a new team, although I need some suggestions:

Porygon-Z@Life Orb
Modest (+SpAtk, -Atk)
252 SpAtk, 218 Spd, 40 HP
-Nasty Plot
-Charge Beam
-Ice Beam

As much as I hate to say it, I like this guy more than the first one I posted. EV's let it outspeed max speed Adamant Heracross, and OHKO's it with Tri-Attack. Standard other than the EV's and Charge Beam.

Impish (+Def, -SpAtk)
Leaf Guard
252 HP, 228 Def, 20 Spd
-Leech Seed
-Stun Spore
-Power Whip
-Knock Off

Ruins Quick Claw haxxors, and walls the shit out of a lot of stuff. He can paralyze anything, and dish out a surprising amount of damage with Power Whip. Tangrowth laughs at Weavile's Ice Punch, and paralyzes it, letting my other pokemon take care of him.

Weavile@Focus Sash
Jolly (+Spd, -SpAtk)
252 Atk, 40 HP, 218 Spd
-Swords Dance
-Ice Punch
-Night Slash
-Brick Break

This Weavile really owns BT. Almost Guarenteed 1 SD, and after that, he does a ton of damage, and is faster than hell.

I'm not quite sure about this team yet, I made it past battle 35, but I'm not sure how it's going to do later on. Any advice? I'm thinking about putting Heracross in instead of Weavile, but then it'd give me 2x flying weak instead of 2x fighting weak. Maybe Electivire instead, Tangrowth absorbs EQ like nothing, and Electivire is plenty strong. I don't like him as much as Weavile or Heracross, but oh well. I really wish I could fit Heatran in there, but 2x Sp. Sweepers and 2x fighting weak doesn't look to good to me.
Any tips for me? My stuff is above but got pretty much ignored.

I'm currently breeding for a good IV'd Larvatar.... Should I take out Starmie and Toge and switch with T-Tar and Chompy? I would have those 2 and Cranidos, but I could switch him out with a SA Poke.
Why charge beam and Nasty Plot? Thunderbolt>Charge Beam on that PZ IMO.

Charge Beam raises SpAtk, and is a great revenge killer. Thunderbolt is redundant IMO. The only time you're going to use it is against steel types. I go with Charge Beam instead.

Swellow@toxic orb
Jolly:252 attack, 252 speed, 4 HP
brave bird

Weezing@black sludge
Bold:252 HP, 176 defense, 82 special attack
pain split
flame thrower
explosion/haze (used both, currently explosion)

Relaxed: 252 hp, 176 special defense, 82 defense
Light screen

Swellow was the center of teh team, and i would stall/explode pokes she couldnt take out. For a while i ran bold max hp/defense vaporeon with wish/baton pass/icebeam/substitute. Worked well, but weezing is cool.
Well, I'm something of a nub, but this is the team that took me up to battle 49 (and then got eaten alive by Palmer).

Glaceon@Choice Scarf:
Modest: 130 Hp, 252 Speed, 128 SpA.
HP Fighting (70)
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam
Sleep Talk

Zapdos@Life Orb
Bold: 252 HP, 36 Speed, 200 Sp.D
HP Grass (70)
Light Screen

Dragonite@Yache Berry
Jolly: 252 Atk, 216 Speed, 60 HP
Fire Blast

Had Zapdos playing both physical and Special sponge to acceptable effect (Roost is so completely awesome in the face of stone edge...or Ice beam, since it effectively removes the flying type). The dragonite is pretty standard fare, just DD and EQ\Outrage appropriately. And Glaceon, I'm starting to love that thing, ice beam has been pretty much 2hKO on almost every poke. Didn't really run into issues until Palmer and his damn heatran again. Zapdos was stalling it out quite well...until it exploded >_< Next up, Dragonite and Regigigas ended up killing each other, and finally, Cressalia Moonlighted and CMed up until it killed Glaceon with psychic.
I got to battle 50 and lost because Gyro Ball and mega horn missed... seriously how can 100 accuracy move miss... i understand mega horn missing but gyro ball...

The battle went something like this

Guy sends out slowbro
I send out heracross

I use megahorn-misses
Guy uses psychic- Hera is dead

I send out magnezone and use thunderbolt- slowbro is dead
Guy sends out medicham

I switch to bronzong... i shouldnt have done this
Guy uses drain punch

Medicham tightens its focus
I use gyro ball-misses... why...
Medicham uses focus punch- Bronzong is dead

I send out magnezone

Medicham uses drain punc- Magnezone is left with 20 something hp
I use thunderbolt- medicham is dead

Guy sends out latios

Latios uses psychic- magnezone dies i lose...

This was the team:

Heracross (Female)- Swarm @ Choice Band

-Mega horn
-Stone edge
-Close Combat

255 evs in atk and 255 evs in speed

Magnezone -Sturdy @ Expert belt

-Flash Cannon
-Tri attack
-Magnet rise

252 evs in sp atk and 128 evs in def and sp def

Bronzong - Levitate @ Leftovers

-Trick room
-Gyro ball

252 evs in hp and 252 evs in atk 6 evs in def

This team worked fine for me.
Lost to Palmer's 2nd team.:



Ice Fang

Basically I lost because I got unlucky and got CH'ed Psychic while I was DDing up when it was down to my Gyarados vs. his Cressy. =/
I feel sorry for you, falling to a Critical Hit... well, we all get hit by hax OHKO moves all the time...


My Doubles Team from the previous page made it to 100, earning me a star. W00t! Now to redo it on Singles to get my Gold Trophy...

Starmie @ Focus Sash
Modest / 252 SA, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Ice Beam

Sash, Orb or not, Starmie destroys entire teams.

Gengar @ Life Orb
Modest / 252 SA, 252 Speed, 4 HP
HP Ice
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb

The backup sweeper "in case" Starmie falls.

Metagross @ Leftovers
Adamant / 252 Attack, 152 HP, 100 Speed
Meteor Mash

If there's too many defensive Pokemon, Metagross will handle it.


I plan special teams for Palmer's teams...
Battle 1: "StarMilotic" + anyone I like to give an Ability Ribbon to
Battle 2: Adamant Lucario with Crunch, Earthquake, Close Combat, Swords Dance handles everything. If "Gigas Goes First", that's 2 free Swords Dances.
Timid Roserade @ Focus Sash
252 SpA/252 Spe/6HP
-Sleep Powder
-Leaf Storm
-Leech Seed
-Sludge Bomb

Adamant Rhyperior @ Passho Berry
252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def
-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge

Modest Heatran @ Life Orb
200 Spe/252 SpA/36 SpD/Rest in HP
-Earth Power
-Dragon Pulse

I haven't played with the offline BT a whole lot, but I got to 34 with this team, then lost to hax. Killed a Breloom with Sludge Bomb and then faced an Infernape and Sludge Bombed it. It was left in the red, and had been poisoned. Then, Infernape used Flamethrower, activating Roserade's Focus Sash...and burning it. Dead, switched to Rhyperior, and because I'm stupid, I didn't expect the incoming Grass Knot. Well, Infernape finally dies of poison, and it's Heatran vs. Gallade. Heatran outspeeds Gallade and Overheat misses. Close Combat doesn't, and I white out.

And the irony is that...the trainer who I faced was the same one who stopped my streak the last time I had been on one in the BT. I remember cause his starting phrase was "You're under arrest! You're under arrest!" and I was thinking that that sounded really stupid.

My actual record is 37, but I forgot what team I used during that streak.
Win Streak 54 (I know I could have done better if I'd bother to get Explosion for Meta)

Metagross@Lum Berry
Adamant: 252 attk, 152 speed, 106 hp
Meteor Mash
Hammer Arm ^^;

Dragonite@Focus Sash
Adamant: 252 attk, 200 speed, 58 hp
Dragon Dance
Fire Blast

Snorlax@Chesto Berry
Thick Fat
Adamant: 252 hp, 158 def, 100 sp def

Between Metagross and Dragonite, everything is resisted/negated except dark/ghost, and Snorlax covers ghost. Snorlax is also resistant to fire and ice, which are SE against Gross and Dragonite respectively. Though, since switching in the BT is generally pointless, I'll probably switch out for a third sweeper... like a NP Azelf if I can trade for a one with a decent nature/IVs. I lost to hax against a Mamoswine... Battle went like this.

Metagross uses Meteor Mash, it misses (big shock)
Mamoswine uses Fissure, it hits, OHKO (another big shock)
Go Dragonite
Dragonite uses Dragon Dance
Mamoswine uses Ice Fang, Dragonite holds on with Focus Sash
Dragonite uses Outrage, 98% damage (you've got to be kidding me)
Mamoswine uses Ice Fang, Dragonite dies.
Go on Snorlax
Mamoswine uses Fissure, OHKO.