(Old) Scavengers Ladder (February 2017 - May 2018)

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Hosted an official on September 22nd @ 5 PM EDT / 9 PM GMT. Thanks to Gallant Spear and LegendaryMouse for QC'ing!

Winner: Loneliest (10:48)
2nd Place: pokemonvortex (11:48)
3rd Place: Darthikyu (12:50)
4th Place: Rory Mercury (13:55)
5th Place: CloudyNatu (17:15)
Consolation Prize: A Phantom, Bored Pessimist

Congratulations to all finishers!

Excluding legendaries, this is the Pokemon with the highest BST pictured on the newest Pokemon Gold and Silver 3DS themes (if tied, list alphabetically)

2. In all of the main series games introduction scenes, there is only one game that featured a Pokemon with / as the Game Freak logo. Name the game (exclude 'Pokémon') and the Pokemon, in that order

3. On the box art of Pokemon Trozei, there are two Pokemon shown that could have multiple forms at the time the game was released (excluding shinies). Name these two Pokemon alphabetically

1. Blissey Kingdra
2. Crystal Ditto
3. Deoxys Unown
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24/9/17 17:00 GMT -4

Winner: BoredPessimist
Second Place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: Darthikyu
Fourth Place: shadowtheorem
Fifth Place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Loneliest, BigPimpin12, holyrory

Solutions: pikachu, wartortle, chimecho

Q1) This is the only Pokémon species that can be received from an in-game trainer in a game that is set to Japanese and have a nickname consisting solely of letters of the Latin alphabet.
Q2) Due to an error, some TCG cards of this Pokémon seem to imply that it evolved from itself.
Q3) A trainer in Pokémon Colosseum had a name that implied him only using a certain type, but a string of dialogue points out that this Pokémon wasn’t a grass type.

Congratulations to all finishers and thanks to everyone that participated! Hope you enjoyed my first solo official in forever :D Also special thanks to mycoolquiz and eggplant lance for QC'ing!!!
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Reserving an official hunt for September 24th at 9PM EDT QC'd by Stylus and Rory Mercury also hosted by rory memecurry too!
Had a great official on September 24th at 9PM EDT. Thanks for hosting Rory!

Second: CloudyNatu
Third: shadowtheorem
Fourth: Devoxys
Fifth: MemelordExeggutor

Q1: In the first episode of the Pokemon Anime to feature the burn condition the trainer's choice segment says that this Pokemon would be the best to defeat Forretress despite the other two options being better choices based on types.
Q2: As of this episode all Hoenn legendary Pokemon had officially been seen in a TV episode.
Q3: In the episode of the previous answer, a Pokemon other than Rayquaza debuted. This Pokemon shares it's ability with many others, what is the only fully evolved Pokemon to have this ability and another secondary ability.
Q1: Seviper
Q2: Malice in Wonderland
Q3: Bronzong
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Reserving an official on September 26th 2017 at 11 PM UTC

1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega.
2nd place: BigPimpin12.
3rd place: A Phantom.
4th place: Darthikyu.
5th place: trials11.

This is the first non-human and also robot trainer in the main series games. (exclude trainer class) [julia]
This Trainer Class appeared in 3 generations and tends to rely on risky moves like OHKO moves or Explosion. (use the latest name) [pi]
In Pokemon ORAS, this villain character was defeated with the use of Thunder Wave only. [Shield Dust Man]

Thanks again to Rory Mercury and CloudyNatu for QC

Grats to all finishers and participants, blame me for any inconvenience.
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Hosted a blue fish on the 28th of September, at 5:00 PM EDT!

Winner: Rory Mercury
2nd: pokemonvortex
3rd: GoodMorningEspeon
4th: Darthikyu
5th: shadowtheorem
Consolation Prize: Aeolia, 3.14dgeot-Mega

(1) Liberty Garden, (2) Healer, (3) Shuckle
1) In the Pokemon Adventures manga, only authorized personnel may enter this place, which claims to shine with the light of freedom.
2) A certain evolutionary family of exactly four Pokemon all have the same primary ability, but each has a different hidden ability. The first of the four Pokemon alphabetically has this hidden ability.
3) In the Pokemon anime, the english voice actor of the narrator in the episode in which Medicham debuts also voices this non-mythical Pokemon.

Quality Checks from Gallant Spear and CheeseMuffin!

This Official marks the end of the September Ladder Officials!
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Reserving an official hunt at 8:30 AM EDT, on Friday, September 29!

QC'd by CloudyNatu and CheeseMuffin <3


1st place: Aegii.
2nd place: shadowtheorem.
3rd place: snz.
4th place: Ninjadog13.
5th place: ScorrchingTheaph.
Consolation Prize: HeroicTobias, Barry✗☆✬000, Gallant Spear ✘, SnapEasy

1) (Manga Hunt!) [Pokémon] I can create powerful barriers to keep my foes out and trap whoever is inside. However, if I faint, my barrier could trap someone inside forever, unless they have a certain sparkly item with them. Who am I? [Suicune]
2) [Pokémon] To activate my power, you have to truly see eye to eye with me! I'll be waiting for whatever your heart desires~! Who am I? [Jirachi]
3) [Pokémon Character] Yo! I like blowing things up with my Pokémon! I specialize in Steel type! I have no issues with playing cheap and backstabbing my friends and comrades. Loyalty? Bah, who cares about that? All that's important is that I'm the boss! Who Am I? [Carr]
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Every month, we introduce a new twist for our Official Scavengers Ladder that changes something about the points or the official hunts. For September, the monthly ladder was split into two separate sections: one from 9/1 - 9/14, and another from 9/15 - 9/28. During the 29th and 30th, the top 5 placers from each ladder will duel for the overall monthly top 10 placing. See the opponents, results, and scheduled times below!

For First Place:
Congratulations to 3.14dgeot-Mega for winning against Rory Mercury! Duel was held on October 1st, at 2:00 PM after being re-scheduled from being one hour later!
(1) Cosmoem, (2) Croagunk Yanma, (3) Victory Road
1) This is the only Pokemon that will evolve into an entirely different Pokemon (not a form) depending on which (main series) game it is in.
2) Certain Pokemon that are traded to the player by Hayley in My Pokemon Ranch come with berries that weaken the use of super effective moves against the holder. Which two Pokemon hold a berry that would weaken an attack of 4x effectiveness? (list the Pokemon in alphabetical order)
3) A certain TM number has contained move(s) that have been Normal-, Steel-, and Fighting-type. Where can this TM be obtained in the generation that it was introduced?
For Third Place:
Congratulations to Dot Agumon for winning against BigPimpin12! Duel was held on September 29th, at 5:30 PM EDT!
(1) Ozone Buster, (2) Flail, (3) Gas
1) The Pokemon Legend card featuring two Pokemon with different Base Stat Totals knows this move.
2) Which move that a Pokemon knows on the White Lake Pokewalker route has the highest possible base power?
3) In the Japanese ending theme of the 8th Pokemon movie, in a list of 12 real Pokemon types, 2 types that don't exist are mentioned. Name the second, don't include the word "type" in your answer.
For Fifth Place:
Congratulations to shadowtheorem for winning against CloudyNatu! Duel was also held on September 29th, 30 minutes earlier, at 5:00 PM EDT!
(1) Crabominable, (2) Magical Leaf, (3) Crunch
1) The most recently introduced evolutionary stone evolves a pair of Pokemon who share a type. What non-form Pokemon of that type was introduced in the same generation as the stone?
2) Minccino is the only Pokemon who evolves via Shiny Stone to not learn this move by level-up.
3) A certain evolutionary stone is needed to unlock a hidden area in the Ruins of Alph. The most recently released LC Pokemon to evolve with the stone learns what move last by level-up?
For Seventh Place:
Congratulations to coinboy for winning aginst Darthikyu! Duel was held on September 29th, earliest of all, at 12:00 PM EDT!
(1) Castform, (2) Aromatisse, (3) Dialga
1) This Pokemon in the fairy egg group has a totally unique egg group combination.
2) Which fully evolved Pokemon who can learn the move odor sleuth does not share any of its egg groups with any other fully evolved Pokemon who can learn odor sleuth?
3) Pokemon of 15 different types appear in the Amorphous egg group. What Pokemon with two of the remaining 3 types has the highest BST?
For Ninth Place:
Congratulations to Wan the Avatar for winning against Phantomgenius! This Duel was held on September 29th, at 3:00 PM EDT, after being re-scheduled from one day later at the same time!
(1) Tentacruel, (2) Chip Away, (3) Bounce
1) A trio of fighting Pokemon brothers that appear in Pokemon Chronicles all have one of this Pokemon, which is not fighting type.
2) In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, a certain Unova Leaders Tournament opponent from Unova who is not a gym leader has one Pokemon with a set gender. What non-status move does that Pokemon know?
3) The Scyther TCG card with a different type than the rest knows this main series move.

Be on time, because if one competitor is more than 10 minutes late, they forfeit the match to their opponent!
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Hosting an official on Sunday, 1st October 2017 at 10:30 AM EST (that should be nine hours from this post because I forgot to post this yesterday). QC'd by coinboy and Gallant Spear


1. Geene (05:43)
2. Ninjadog13 (11:48)
3. shadowtheorem (23:40)
4. Darthikyu (32:36)
5. adiass (34:57)
Consolation Prizes: trials11, pokemonvortex

1) This is the earliest Pokémon by Pokédex number to learn Water Gun by level up in only 1 generation. [tentacool]
2) Consider a Pokemon. You are given that it has the same appearance (but different index number and the same Pokedex number) as a famous glitch Pokemon in Pokemon R/B. It also has the same height as a snake-like Legendary Pokemon. What two non-repeated moves can this Pokemon learn by level up? (alphabetical order) [poundskyattack]
3) Across generations, this is the only STAB move that Pupitar can learn by breeding. [ancientpower]
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The September ladder has now concluded: Congratulations to the top 3 placers: 3.14dgeot-Mega as first half and overall winner with 162 combined points, Rory Mercury as second half winner and second overall placer with 100 combined points, and pokemonvortex as first half runner-up and third overall placer with 90 combined points!
  1. 3.14dgeot-Mega: 162
  2. Rory Mercury: 100
  3. p^_^okemonvortex: 90
  4. BigPimpin12: 96
  5. shadowtheorem: 103
  6. CloudyNatu: 67
  7. coinboy: 35
  8. Darthikyu: 45
  9. Wan the Avatar: 50
  10. a Phantom: 43
Aeolia: 38
Aegii: 35
Cheese: 35
Mr. Uncompetitive: 35
BoredPessimist: 25
cseel (: 20
Meicoo: 20
Ninjadog13: 20
Loneliest: 20
Ryota Mitarai: 20
Devoxys: 20
gallant's pear: 16
Stylus: 15
Stratospheres: 15
coolgamer564: 15
SnZ: 11
SnapEasy: 10
Level 51: 10
keeping it icy: 10
GoodMorningEspeon: 10
AnthemOfTheWorld: 5
Martin Freeman: 5
Barry✗☆✬000: 5
qwi (⚆_⚆ ) Li: 1
Coronis: 1
MemelordExeggutor: 1
trials11: 1
For more information on the reasoning behind the specific rankings of the Overall Top 10, see this post: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/scavengers-ladder-september.3597196/page-10#post-7526522
3.14dgeot-Mega: 102
p^_^okemonvortex: 60
shadowtheorem: 51
BigPimpin12: 40
coinboy: 35
Rory Mercury: 35
cseel (: 20
Wan the Avatar: 20
Aeolia: 16
Stylus: 15
Aegii: 15
Cheese: 15
Stratospheres: 15
a Phantom: 11
gallant's pear: 11
CloudyNatu: 11
mruncompetitive: 10
SnapEasy: 10
AnthemOfTheWorld: 5
Martin Freeman: 5
qwi (⚆_⚆ ) Li: 1
Rory Mercury: 65
3.14dgeot-Mega: 60
CloudyNatu: 56
BigPimpin12: 56
shadowtheorem: 52
Darthikyu: 45
A Phantom: 32
Wan the Avatar: 30
p^_^okemonvortex: 30
Mr. Uncompetitive: 25
BoredPessimist: 25
Aeolia: 22
Cheese: 20
Meicoo: 20
Ninjadog13: 20
Loneliest: 20
Ryota Mitarai: 20
Devoxys: 20
Aegii: 20
coolgamer564: 15
SnZ: 11
Level 51: 10
keeping it icy: 10
GoodMorningEspeon: 10
Gallant Spear ✘: 5
Barry✗☆✬000: 5
Coronis: 1
MemelordExeggutor: 1
trials11: 1
The ladder twist for the month of October will be: Once a week (most likely each weekend), a special-style hunt will be held that grants double points to each of the top 5 placers!

Good luck, and show everybody what you've got this month!
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Reserving an official on October 2nd, 2017 at 8:30 PM EDT hosted by Cheese and QC'd by CheeseMuffin and LegendaryMouse
Had a great official on October 2nd, 2017 at 8:30 PM EDT. Thanks Cheese for hosting it!

Rory Mercury [1:06]
Second: pokemonvortex [1:49]
Third: Wan the Avatar [2:46]
Fourth: cool quiz [3:57]
Fifth: BigPimpin12 [4:04]
Consolation Prize: PikachuSean [4:31], Beedrill-Mega [4:38], ZipZapadam [5:01]
Q1: This is the only Pokemon that requires another Pokemon in the party in order to evolve.
Q2: This location has a population of 25 in its game and is the first town to ever have a lab that wasn't in the Player's hometown.
Q3: A gen VI Pokemon that evolves via an item and only gets 4 egg moves which are all normal type, gets this egg move which must be chain bred onto it in generation VII.
Q1: Mantyke
Q2: Sandgem Town
Q3: Belly Drum
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Reserving an Official on October 4th, 2017 at 7PM EDT. Qc'd by Rory Mercury and Meicoo and also hosted by Meicoo!!
Had a great official on October 4th, 2017 at 7PM EDT. Thanks Meicoo for hosting it! <3

Bronzecrank [1:47]
Second: WAn the Avatar [2:19]
Third: shadowtheorem [3:10]
Fourth: Bo Red Pessi Mist [4:35]
Fifth: A Phantom [4:45]
Consolation Prize: Aeolia [5:12], Gallant Spear [6:13]

Q1: This is the most common weight for Glitch Pokémon appearing solely in Pokémon Red and Blue (Answer in pounds and numerical such as "15.2").
Q2: The only Pokémon to have less than 4 moves when battling a glitched professor in a game debuted in an episode in which another Pokémon debuted that can evolve into both of the original Pokémon's types. Name the second of these Pokémon
Q3: This glitch type appears only in a glitch move which has an accuracy of 31%.
Q1: 880.6
Q2: Eevee
Q3: 8 8 9 5
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Settle it in Scav! Congratulations to the top 10 on the September Scavengers Ladder!

Reserving a delicious fish stew on Thursday 5th at 11 PM UTC.

1st place: Darthikyu.
2nd place: cseel.
3rd place: Wan the Avatar.
4th place: Yellow$¢$Skarmory.
5th place: CloudyNatu.
Consolation Prize: Aeolia (~_), BoredPessimist

One of the Pokédex entries of this Pokémon mentions a famous Australian Northern Territory landscape. [Ponyta]
In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, this trainer refuses to be called Snorlax. Include the trainer class. [GAME FREAK Nishino]
This Pokémon TCG card has prints depicting various landscapes of Japanese regions and New York City. [Lucky Stadium]

Congratulation to all finishers and participants.
Thanks again to Meicoo and Rory Mercury for QC!
Blame me for any inconvenience.
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Serving Fish and Chips for breakfast on Friday, October 6 at 8:30 AM EDT!

Be there or you won't get your food!

Thanks to Meicoo and Stylus for gutting the fish, cleaning out the insides and checking that they're all healthy and delicious!


1st place: shadowtheorem.
2nd place: Level 51.
3rd place: Gallant Spear ✘.
4th place: Darthikyu.
5th place: Ninetales Alolan<3.

1) This Pokémon's transliterated English name was altered in the dub of the Pokémon Anime due to how the pronunciation can be viewed as "contraversial" in English speaking countries [Arceus]
2) Of all of the Japanese (katakana) characters used in Pokémon names, this rare character only appears once. What Pokémon does it appear in? [Silvally]
3) In Pokémon Sun/Moon, there is a character that gives the player a Type: Null (You saw this coming didn't you?). In out-of-battle dialogue that the player has with this character, these are the only Pokémon that he mentions by name, outside of Type: Null's evolution family. (alphabetically) [Cosmog, Nihilego]
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Reserving an official hunt on Friday, October 6 @ 8:00 PM EDT. Tip of the wings to Sparkychild and Rory Mercury for QC'ing.

Hope to see you there!
Official on Friday, October 6 @ 8:00 PM EDT

shadowtheorem (03:17)
2nd Place: Devoxys (03:41)
3rd Place: A Phantom (03:41)
4th Place: ScorrchingTheaph (06:03)
5th Place: Stylus (10:44)
Consolation Prize: Happinesss, GoodMorningEspeon, BoredPessimist, Cheese555

Q1) This is the Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 medal with the shortest name of all obtainable medals in the games.
Q2) This Pokemon Anime location flourishes with a Pokemon that is worshipped by an entire kingdom. It would be die off if it were to be ruled by a person with bad intentions.
Q3) This is the first Pokemon seen, chronologically, in the first anime-style trailer released that promoted new Pokemon games.
penpal, togepiparadise, swanna
Congratulations to all finishers, and thanks to everyone who participated!
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Reserving a Knockout Games Official for October 7th, 2017 at 7PM EDT. Qc'd by Gallant Spear and GoodMorningEspeon and hosted by Gallant Spear!
Had a great Knockout Games Official on October 7th, 2017 at 7PM EDT. Thanks Gallant Spear for hosting it (blame Gallant Spear for any inconvenience) and hope everyone enjoyed!


Second: LCWCY2
Third: CloudyNatu
Fourth: cseel
Fifth: Rory Mercury
Consolation Prize: The Nec'Rose, Wan the Avatar, Qwili, Erry, Aeolia, twix, Madison Banewood, Leinad75, Mr. Uncompetitive
Hunt 1:
This is the first Pokemon by dex number to have access to Struggle Bug.
1-2: This is the original power of Struggle Bug (Numerical format)
1-3: This is the only Pokemon that has access to Struggle Bug by TM or level up that does not share the same egg group combination with another Pokemon that learns Struggle Bug.

Hunt 2:
This Pokemon that Misty owns is known for having bad headaches and emerging out of its Pokeball to try to battle the opponent instead of the intended Pokemon.
2-2: This is the only move in Generation 7 that Psyduck must breed with a Pokemon that learned it in a prior generation to obtain.
2-3: In Pokemon Colosseum this starter Pokemon starts with Secret Power.

Hunt 3:
This is the shortest Flying Type Pokemon.
3-2: This is the only move that must be chain bred onto Natu in Generation 7.
3-3: The only Pokemon that can breed with Natu to get Simple Beam debuted in this episode.

Hunt 4:
This is the only starter Pokemon to have fighting as a type without it's primary type being fire.
4-2: This is the last move Chesnaught learns from leveling up.
4-3: This is the only Pokemon not from generation 7 that can learn Giga Impact but not learn Rest.

Hunt 5:
This is the only item to share the same effect as King's Rock.
5-2: This Pokemon has a 5% chance to be holding a Razor Fang in the wild in Sun/Moon.
5-3: This is the last move that Bruxish gets access to while leveling up that it does not get STAB on.

Hunt 6:
This is the only new Poke Ball to be released in Generation 5. (Include Ball)
6-2: This is the only location in which the Dream Ball can be used.
6-3: Battle Missions in Entralink require the player to battle the Entralink host in this kind of battle.

Hunt 7:
Shadow Pokemon in Pokemon Colosseum can enter this condition which will raise its critical hit ratio of a specific move.
7-2: This is the only move that can be used with Hyper Mode where the Pokemon will listen every time.
7-3: This is the last Pokemon by dex number to have access to Shadow Rush.

Hunt 8:
This is the only Gen 5 Pokemon that can't learn snore.
8-2: This is the only move that Tynamo is able to use that can hit Palossand.
8-3: These are the only two other Generation 1 moves to not be featured in the main Pokemon Anime series. (Alpha Order)

Hunt 9:
This is the only bug type move that only Articuno and one other Ice Type Pokemon can learn.
9-2: This fully evolved generation 5 Pokemon gets access to U-Turn in Black/White 2 despite not having access to it in Black/White.
9-3: If you continue to add 1 to the BST of Liepard repeatably, this is the first Pokemon to have a BST it doesn't share with another Pokemon.

Hunt 10:
Through a glitch in gen 1 if you send out this Pokemon in battle and level up a Staryu in battle, it will evolve without needing a water stone.
10-2: The only Pokemon able to evolve that has access to Absorb, Razor Wind, and Shadow Claw debuted in this episode.
10-3: This is the last Pokemon by dex number where its translated Japanese category name is also a nature.
Hunt 1:
1-2: 30
1-3: Shedinja

Hunt 2:
2-2: Secret Power
2-3: Umbreon

Hunt 3:
3-2: Simple Beam
3-3: So Near Yet So Farfetch'd

Hunt 4:
4-2: Giga Impact
4-3: Regigigas

Hunt 5:
Razor Fang
5-2: Bruxish
5-3: Crunch

Hunt 6:
Dream Ball
6-2: Entree Forest
6-3: Flat Battle

Hunt 7:
Hyper Mode
7-2: Shadow Rush
7-3: Metagross

Hunt 8:
8-2: Struggle
8-3: Barrage Kinesis

Hunt 9:
9-2: Liepard
9-3: Ninjask

Hunt 10:
10-2: Calling from Beyond the Aura!
10-3: Drampa
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For the first time in over 2 years, I'm hosting an official
also its my birthday tomorrow :DDDDDD
Sunday October 8th at 4AM GMT (12 AM EDT and 9PM PDT)
QC By 3.14dgeot-Mega and CheeseMuffin so thanks to them

1st place: cseel? ◕‿◕ ).
2nd place: CloudyNatu.
3rd place: Aegii.
4th place: leafage.
5th place: Rory Mercury.
Consolation Prize: SnapEasy, Ninjadog13
q1: This is the only non-signature move introduced in Gen 7 to have the same base power as % accuracy
q2: This is the move with the lowest accuracy that Nature Power has been able to become in all generations
q3: This Pokemon appears the most on Smogon's Beginner's Guide to Pokemon Showdown
High Horsepower, Blizzard, Spheal
Sorry for the late start!
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Spoopy Official Hunt on Tuesday 10th at 00:00 UTC

1st place: Yellow$¢$Skarmory.
2nd place: WhirlwindBulbasaur.
3rd place: Aeolia.
4th place: shadowtheorem.
5th place: CloudyNatu.
Consolation Prize: LCWCY2

This is the only trainer with the Haunted Kid trainer class. (name only) [celaeno]
This PMD 2 dungeon is unlocked after the player cleared a dungeon where all the wild Pokemon are some manifestations of a bad dream. [spacial rift]
A trainer from Pokémon XY, who has one ghost type Pokémon, has a name based off of someone said to have sold his soul to the devil. Name the trainer class only. [punk guy]

This hunt was cursed by Brawl MK and Rory Mercury
Curse me for any inconvenience.
hohoho~ spooopyyy~
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Hosted an official on October 12th @ 5 PM EDT / 9 PM GMT.

Thanks to Gallant Spear and Sparkychild for QCs

Winner: Rory Mercury (02:43)
Second Place:
shadowtheorem (05:33)
Third Place:
A Phantom (07:37)
Fourth Place:
Darthikyu (08:10)
Fifth Place:
WhirlwindBulbasaur (09:07)
Consolation Prize:

There are two NPCs in the main series games who trade a Pokemon immediately capable of mega evolution when offered (in the same generation) for no specific Pokemon. Name the item that both Pokemon hold.

2) A specific trainer in the main series games trades a Pokemon capable of mega evolution for a Pokemon with different evolutions in two different generations. That trainer shares their ID number with this gym leader.

3) In the main series games, two Pokemon that are traded in different generations can be obtained with the same (English) nickname, although they are different Pokemon, yet share the same type and tier. Name the nickname shared by both Pokemon.

Congrats to all finishers!

1) Lava Cookie
2) Jasmine
3) Volty
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Hosted a Jump Start official on Saturday, at 4:00 PM EDT on the 14th of October! This was be the special style of the second week of October for October's ladder twist, so the top 5 finishers of this official hunt received double points!

Jump Start:

Winner: Rory Mercury (40 second head-start)
2nd: Aeolia (20 second head-start)
3rd: shadowtheorem (20 second head-start)
4th: Geene (10 second head-start)
5th: Platinum Vinyl (10 second head-start)
Consolation Prize: Wan the Avatar (bupkis)
(1) Lickilicky, (2) Pink Gummi, (3) Sneasel
1) This Pokemon has the name of a Ghost-type move repeated in its name twice.

2) A certain gummi available in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness has a color in its name that Pokemon can be classified as in the Pokedex. However, no Pokemon of the color are among those of the type who most like that gummi. Name the gummi, and include the word "gummi" in your answer.

3) Which Pokemon with a black dex color can be found in a route neighboring Blackthorn City?
Actual Official:

Rory Mercury
2nd: Wan the Avatar
3rd: shadowtheorem
4th: Darthikyu
5th: Aeolia
Consolation Prize: GGhetsis, 3.14dgeot-Mega, Lagua, fairypixie
(1) Mist Route 5, (2) Kyogre, (3) Clefable
1) In Pokemon Yellow, Vaporeon can only learn a certain move on a certain route. Name the move, then the route. (e.g. Tackle Route 1)

2) This legendary but not mythical Pokemon is the only such Pokemon that can be found in a certain Pal Park location.

3) In the first round of Pokemon Adventures round to not explicitly mention the name of a Pokemon in its Japanese title, multiple Pokemon debut. Name the first alphabetically of these.
Apologies for q3's clarity!

Thanks to CheeseMuffin and Gallant Spear for quality checking!
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Hosted an official at 7PM EDT on October 14th!

Thanks to Sparkychild and Gallant Spear for QCing and special thanks to Gallant Spear for hosting!

First: shadowtheorem [1:52]
Second: Wan the Avatar [2:52]
Third: Rory Mercury [3:13]
Fourth: MeiBOO [3:48]
Fifth: keeping it icy [4:36]
Consolation Prize: Aeolia, beej, Darthikyu, CloudyNatu, Platinum Vinyl

1. In the first episode of the XY series of the anime, this pokemon uses a certain move to defend Team Rocket from the attacks of Ash's Pikachu and Clemont's Bunnelby. (answer with pokemon, move)

2. In the same episode, a form of a Pokemon from a previous generation made its debut under the ownership of a certain trainer. What other Pokemon does this trainer own?

3. Name all fully-evolved Pokemon that learn at least one of Meyer's Blaziken's known moves by level up but don't get STAB from them. (alpha order)

1. Wobbuffet Mirror Coat
2. Ampharos
3. Hitmonlee Salamence Skuntank Solgaleo Solrock
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Reserving an official hunt for Sunday, October 15th @ 1:00 PM EDT. QC'd by the lovely Gallant Spear and Stylus.

Hope to see you there!
Official hunt on Sunday, October 15th @ 1:00 PM EDT.

Darthikyu (02:41)
2nd Place: Wan the Avatar (02:43)
3rd Place: TheWhoDoctor (03:09)
4th Place: A Phantom (03:09)
5th Place: shadowtheorem (04:17)
Consolation Prize: Rory Mercury, snz, Aegii, BoredPessimist

Q1) A glitch in Generation III can be used to enter a certain gym prematurely. In the games with the glitch, the TM for what move is rewarded after defeating the gym leader of said gym?
Q2) The Pokemon that Falkner claimed Black used to defeat him in a certain Pokemon Gold and Silver manga made its Pokemon Adventures manga debut in this round (VIZ Media name).
Q3) My son fell ill and could not wake up, so I asked the player to acquire an item used to catch a legendary Pokemon. Who am I?
Aerial Ace, Slugging It Out With Slugma, Eldritch

Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the finishers!
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An Official Hunt will be hosted by me on Monday, October 16th at 10 AM EST. QC'd by coinboy and Gallant Spear[\hide]

Hunt was started 35 minutes late because Internet decided to die


1. Darthikyu (01:42)
2. A Phantom (02:04)
3. Trade (02:16)
4. Geene (07:25)
5. Aegii (10:20)

Consolation Prizes:


Out of all the people who have ever served as staff on Bulbapedia Archives, this person's username was the longest. [the dark lord trombonator]
Ken Sugimori was a lead artist for only two games in this decade, aside from him being the only person to work on art for a game. Name the alphabetically first game. (include Pokemon) [pokemon moon]
This trio is available by using Eureka extensions in Pokemon Dream Radar. Name the members of that trio in alphabetical order [landorusthundurustornadus]
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Hosted an official by Snap and myself!

Special thanks to 3.14dgeot-Mega foe QCing, and to Gallant Spear for QCing and hosting!

Gratz to all finishers!

1. shadowtheorem (5:43)
2. Trade (6:21)
3. Darthikyu (9:28)
4. Rory Mercury (21:35)
5. WhirlwindBulbasaur (40:35)

1. This move has a unique contest condition among all of the moves Aggron learns by level up in Gen 3.
2. At this location in ORAS you can receive two different items only able to be used by one non-legendary nor mega Pokemon as a reward.
3. In the Pokemon World Tournament in BW2, among all of the participants of the regional gym leaders tournaments, these four gym leaders use Pokemon strictly from the first generation in which they are Gym Leader (alpha order).

1. Metal Sound
2. Mauville Food Court
3. GardeniaMistyNormanSkyla
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Reserving an official hunt for Tuesday, October 17th at 9PM AEDT / 6AM EDT

Thanks to Stylus for QCing and LegendaryMouse for QCing and hosting.

Winner: adiass (19:23)
2nd Place: Stratospheres (23:20)
3rd Place: BigPimpin12 (23:31)
4th Place: Darthikyu (40:22)

Solutions and Answers:

1) Name all Pokemon that are S-Rank in multiple generations of Little Cup. (going by latest Smogon viability rankings for each gen) (alphabetical order) [DiglettMienfoo]
2) The team that finished in last place of the Eastern division in the Basketball Association of America’s inaugural season were first commemorated with a throwback jersey by an NBA team on which date? (DD/MM/YYYY) [08122009]
3) This was the 2nd last episode of Seinfeld to feature Jerry’s stand-up comedy. [TheInvitations]

Thanks to everyone who participated and congrats to all finishers!
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