Merchandise hunt on Friday, January 19 at 8pm ET. QC'd by CloudyNatu and GallantSpear
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck (03:03)
2nd place: lys(◦#◦)ica (03:05)
3rd place: Flerovium (03:13)
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina (03:50)
5th place: Emboar02 (05:08)
Consolation Prize: Stylus, Devoxys, they have eyes
Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck (03:03)
2nd place: lys(◦#◦)ica (03:05)
3rd place: Flerovium (03:13)
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina (03:50)
5th place: Emboar02 (05:08)
Consolation Prize: Stylus, Devoxys, they have eyes
1) In the Just My Type series of merchandise, this Pokemon appears on product that doesn't match its type.
2) The March-August 2016 campaign that placed serial codes inside various japanese snack products featured which Pokemon (besides Pikachu, or course) as a solo mascot on the wrappers?
3) Products from this Pokemon Center location sometimes feature a snowy scene with Pikachu, Alolan Vulpix, and Popplio playing in the foreground of a winter festival.
2) The March-August 2016 campaign that placed serial codes inside various japanese snack products featured which Pokemon (besides Pikachu, or course) as a solo mascot on the wrappers?
3) Products from this Pokemon Center location sometimes feature a snowy scene with Pikachu, Alolan Vulpix, and Popplio playing in the foreground of a winter festival.
1) Pikachu
2) Eevee
3) Sapporo
2) Eevee
3) Sapporo