(Old) Scavengers Ladder (February 2017 - May 2018)

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Merchandise hunt on Friday, January 19 at 8pm ET. QC'd by CloudyNatu and GallantSpear

Winner: MukUsedDrillPeck (03:03)
2nd place: lys(◦#◦)ica (03:05)
3rd place: Flerovium (03:13)
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina (03:50)
5th place: Emboar02 (05:08)
Consolation Prize: Stylus, Devoxys, they have eyes

1) In the Just My Type series of merchandise, this Pokemon appears on product that doesn't match its type.
2) The March-August 2016 campaign that placed serial codes inside various japanese snack products featured which Pokemon (besides Pikachu, or course) as a solo mascot on the wrappers?
3) Products from this Pokemon Center location sometimes feature a snowy scene with Pikachu, Alolan Vulpix, and Popplio playing in the foreground of a winter festival.
1) Pikachu
2) Eevee
3) Sapporo
Hosted a Ranger Official on January 22nd, 2018 @ 9:00 PM EST

QC'd by Manaphy286 and CloudyNatu

1st place: Wan the Avatar [01:23]
2nd place:
DarkShinyGiratina [01:41]
3rd place:
Gallant Spear ✘[01:47]
4th place:
Devoxys [02:26]
5th place:
LordNwahs6 [02:49]
Consolation Prize:
Rory Mercury [04:22], A Phantom [05:46]

I know all of you missed the beautiful pink...

1) This is the only Partner Pokemon in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia that does not have any further evolutions.
2) In certain areas of Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, the player cannot save when taking event missions, in which the Save Machine will have this message.
3) These are the only Pokemon pictured on a volume of The Almia Times which are capable of mega evolving (alphabetical)

1) Pachirisu

2) Undergoing Adjustments
3) Blastoise Gyarados

Sorry about the sudden server restart cutting the official short!
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Hosted an Items-themed Official Hunt on Sunday, January 21st, at 9 PM EST!

Winner: askdf
2nd: Wan the Avatar
3rd: WhirlwindBulbasaur
4th: DarkShinyGiratina
5th: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation Prize: Devoxys, CloudyNatu, Seafaring
(1) Moon Stone, (2) HP Up, (3) Lysandre Labs
1) In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, which item that can be obtained for free through a repeatable, non-random, once-per-week method has the lowest sell value?
2) Which item that can be found at a Sinnoh lake can never be obtained after a certain portion of the game?
3) A certain Key Item of both generation 3 side series Pokemon games has the same name as a certain main series Key Item. Where is the main series Key Item obtained?
Thanks to Phantomgenius and CheeseMuffin for quality checking!
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Hosted an Events themed official at 4pm EST, Jan 23.

1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [02:14].
2nd place:
Henka ⌐◼_◼ [02:37].
3rd place:
LCWCY2 [04:04].
4th place:
WhirlwindBulbasaur [04:40].
5th place:
Devoxys [04:42].
Consolation Prize:
p^_^okemonvortex [06:59], Gui♡Shark ><^> [09:10]

This Pokemon has been part of an unreleased event the most number of times. [Celebi]
A certain event that required players to enter the name of a type in a different language gave away some mega stones. Name the last two of these by alphabetical order. [latiasite latiosite]
A certain event in Gen III involved giving 10 Pokemon that were decided through a poll. These two Pokemon of the 10 were given away without any STAB attacks (alpha order). [lugia suicune]

Thanks to Pants and lovemathboy for QCing!
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Hosted a Ranger Official on January 22nd, 2018 @ 9:00 PM EST

QC'd by Manaphy286 and CloudyNatu

1st place: Wan the Avatar [01:23]
2nd place:
DarkShinyGiratina [01:41]
3rd place:
Gallant Spear ✘[01:47]
4th place:
Devoxys [02:26]
5th place:
LordNwahs6 [02:49]
Consolation Prize:
Rory Mercury [04:22], A Phantom [05:46]

I know all of you missed the beautiful pink...

1) This is the only Partner Pokemon in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia that does not have any further evolutions.
2) In certain areas of Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, the player cannot save when taking event missions, in which the Save Machine will have this message.
3) These are the only Pokemon pictured on a volume of The Almia Times which are capable of mega evolving (alphabetical)

1) Pachirisu

2) Undergoing Adjustments
3) Blastoise Gyarados

Sorry about the sudden server restart cutting the official short!
Why hasn't this been changed to a normal and acceptable formatting yet?
1/24/18 @ 10:30 PM ET

First Place:
Second Place: BigPimpin12
Third Place: sparkychild
Fourth Place: CloudyNatu
Fifth Place: chichinitz
Consolation Prize to: TabascoTime, LordNwahs6, adiass, LegendaryMouse, askdf, SW

This is the highest leveled Pokemon that can be found in Desert Resort in all Gen 5 games, whether it is a trainer's Pokemon or found in the wild. | Hippowdon | Despite a variety of mail being released in Gen 5, most of them do not depict a Pokemon that can be caught in Unova before obtaining the National Dex. What is the only Pokemon depicted on mail that can be caught in Unova, and what is the name of the mail that depicts said Pokemon? (Format as Pokemon + Mail and include "mail" in your answer) | Minccino Reply Mail | It is possible for the main protagonist of a certain Gen 5 game to be given a dozen MooMoo Milks if they give a certain NPC these items. (Answer with the singular form of the item. Potions -> Potion) | Fresh Water

Thank you to Gallant Spear and CheeseMuffin for QCing. Congrats to all winners and thanks to everyone for participating.
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Hosted a non-adventures manga themed collab official with Pants @ 6pm EST, January 25th.

1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [04:29].
2nd place: BigPimpin12 [14:22].
3rd place:
ScorrchingTheaph [19:30].
4th place:
LCWCY2 [21:15].
5th place:
WhirlwindBulbasaur [25:50].

This chapter of the Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire manga has no people (format é as e). [Pokemon Short Comics]
Despite not being able to learn it, two Whismur use a certain move in the first chapter of this manga (full name, format é as e). [Pokemon Colosseum Snatchers]
In a certain manga, the main protagonist has the same two Pokemon in his party for the first 10 volumes, with this additional Pokemon in his party at the end of volume 11. [Tyrogue]

Thanks to CloudyNatu and Rory Mercury for QCing!
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Hosted this official made by Darthikyu! Was a competitive Pokemon-themed Official hunt, held at 8:30 PM EST, on Friday, January 26th!

Winner: BigPimpin12
2nd: Rory Mercury
3rd: LCWCY2
4th: Cheese555
5th: Devoxys
(1) Cloyster, (2) Groudon Primal, (3) Greninja
1) This is the first Pokemon alphabetically to have been OU for 3 consecutive generations, and 4 generations in total.
2) Without weight, this Pokemon has the highest usage % of any pokemon within an official smogon tier.
3) This Pokemon with 3 abilities has 4 smogdex OU sets that all have the same ability listed. Two of these 4 sets have 0 STAB moves in them, even though the Pokemon still gets a STAB-boost when using the (attacking) moves.
Thanks to LegendaryMouse and lovemathboy for quality checking!
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Hosted a Pokemon Colosseum/XD-themed official at 9pm EST, January 27th.

1st place: WhirlwindBulbasaur [02:29].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [04:51].
3rd place: CloudyNatu [06:25].
4th place: adiass [06:26].
5th place: ScorrchingTheaph [07:34].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [15:46]


1) These 2 Key Items in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, which do not exist in Pokémon Colosseum, allow for the evolution of a specific Pokémon (alpha order). [Moon Shard Sun Shard]
This Colosseum is present in game data in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, though it is not playable. [Dark Colosseum]
This trainer in Pokémon Colosseum has no music. [Nascour]

Thanks to Stylus and Rory Mercury for QCing!
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1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [15:26].
2nd place: LordNwahs6 [20:24].
3rd place: Wan the Avatar [20:40].
4th place: BigPimpin12 [28:26].
5th place: DarkShinyGiratina [29:25].

1) This location is anime exclusive, but it is based off of 2 other locations, which its name is an amalgamation of. [SinisterCave]
2) This bridge connects the second and third largest islands on a region. [BigBookerBridge]
3) Despite this route being used for swimming practice by children, there are no children trainers on this route in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire (include ‘Hoenn Route’) [HoennRoute107]

Congrats to all finishers! Thanks to QCers (and please redirect all complaints to) Pants and Stylus. Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting!
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Reserving a Smogon and PS official for January 29th, 5:00 P.M. EST (10:00 P.M. GMT)

Thanks to Rory Mercury and CheeseMuffin for QC'ing

Winner: Devoxys
2nd place: 7elo4nthony
3rd place: RossW
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina
5th place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation Prize to: Boe
This PS! command sets the Pokemon in the second slot of every randbats team.|potd
This user created the logo seen on Smogon Forums.|Zracknel
The 3-D models that PS! uses were taken from this website. [Answer with the website name, not the url]|PKParaiso
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Reserving Gen 6 Official on January 30th at 7 PM EST

1st place: Rory Mercury [02:03].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [03:27].
3rd place: BigPimpin12 [06:09].
4th place: CloudyNatu [07:30].
5th place: DarkShinyGiratina [07:44].
Consolation Prize: LCWCY2 [14:29], WhirlwindBulbasaur [16:54], Devoxys [17:45], p^_^okemonvortex [18:53]

This machine inverts all type match-ups in Pokemon ORAS. [inverse o matic]
Clemont used this machine to defeat the player in Battle Chateau. [trainer grow stronger machine mach 2]
In Pokemon XY, a TV personality tried to protect human-hating Patrat from a hundred of this pokemon. [gurdurr]
Thanks again to Pants and Stylus for QC
Blame me for any inconvenience.
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Pants and I hosted a KO games at 9pm EST, Jan 31!

1st place: DarkShinyGiratina.
2nd place: LordNwahs6.
3rd place: Rory Mercury
4th place: LCWCY2
5th place: Wan the Avatar
Other participants: CloudyNatu, PikachuSean, RossW, Stylus, Emboar02, Dylas, Devoxys

  1. /starthunt Cheese | In the Pokemon version of the Game of Life, this character that owns a Miltank appears on the cover. | Solana | This move that Watchog can use in the Pokemon TCG can potentially deal the most damage of all such moves. | second bite | The English manual for a certain ruleset states that only Pokemon with a certain maximum weight may participate. However, the actual maximum is this value, that is 0.1lb higher than what the manual states (answer in lb, don't include units). | 44.1
  2. /starthunt A Phantom | These are the only Pokemon that have different body styles than their Mega Evolutions. (Alphabetical order)|Pinsir Slowbro |Between Gen V and Gen VI, this Pokemon gained 10 Sp. Atk while its evolutionary relative gained 10 Def.|vileplume | In Gen VI, an NPC on TV describes this item as being very cool.|snowball
  3. /starthunt A Phantom | Initially, this Pokemon didn't receive a BST boost of 100 upon Mega Evolution.| alakazam | In the Graffiti Eraser game of PokeMileage Club, if a Bidoof doll appeared, the player could receive 4 of these items. (Alphabetical order).| cleverwingresistwing | Excluding Hidden Power, in Gen IV, Noctowl could learn these moves that deal super-effective damage against Bronzong. (Alphabetical order)| heatwave mudslap
  4. /starthunt Cheese | Of all items exclusive to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity that are sold at Glorious Gold, this one costs the most. | Resilient Flag | A certain Pokemon can evolve into a dual-typed Pokemon, without sharing any types with its evolution. Said Pokemon is the favorite Pokemon of this artist for the Pokemon Trading Card Game (full name). | Midori Harada. | This is the last Pokemon by alphabetical order than can be obtained from breeding a Pokemon that it doesn't evolve into. | Volbeat
  5. /starthunt A Phantom | Mirror Move will fail if either of these two flying type moves were the last used move by the target (Alphabetical order). | mirrormove supersonic skystrike |A certain Pokemon has 4 forms, each of which has a distinct cry. Despite this, when Pokemon Refresh is opened for any of the forms, all of them use the cry of this form (format as species first, then form name ie Aegislash Shield). | oricoriobaile | This character of the day voices a Machoke in a play. | Len
  6. /starthunt A Phantom | This Pokemon from this expansion has the PokeBody "Allergy Flower" (format as Pokemon, expansion name). | vileplume undaunted | This Pokemon Ranger character often says "Yes, Roger!" | murph | In Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, these two moves are used to trap Ash and Volcanion in Nebel Plateau. (Alphabetical order) | electric terrain stealth rock
  7. /starthunt Cheese | This stat trainer in DPPt cannot be found in a cave. | Cheryl | This theme deck in the Pokemon Trading Card Game for the Game Boy Color is only fought against when fighting a certain trainer for the second time. | Powerful Ronald Deck | A certain movie is the first Pokemon movie to feature the release of a Pokemon. Name the Pokemon that appears in the most song titles from the Japanese soundtrack of said movie. | Pikachu
  8. /starthunt A Phantom | This arcade game features Z-moves (format é as e).|pokemon ga ole | In HGSS, an item that causes a status condition can be stolen off of a Pokemon belonging to either of these Gym Leaders. (Alphabetical order)|Chuck Falkner | These Pokemon of Iris's in the anime have the same voice actor for both English and Japanese versions. (Alphabetical order)|Dragonite Emolga
  9. /starthunt A Phantom | There exists a certain board game in which the objective is to travel across the regions and battle three different Pokemon Academies. On the cover of this game, every starter line up until Gen 4 is represented except three. Name the unevolved member of each of the three in alphabetical order. | charmander chikorita mudkip | Of all the Pokemon that appear in Pokemon Stadium 2 in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, this one has the most weaknesses.|Snover | These items cannot be obtained on the players first visit inside Stark Mountain (Alphabetical order, only name each item once).|Max elixir nugget ultra ball
  10. /starthunt Cheese | At certain points in some Pokemon anime episodes, Pikachu's voice can be heard, but it's mouth is not moving. Name the episode that comes alphabetically first. | Big Sky Small Fry | In the Bond Forest, these two Pokemon can be encountered on the most floors (alpha order). | Foongus Pignite | This Pokemon that can be fought from the Pokemon Center Lady in the Battle Tree only has one possible moveset (format as PS does). | Oricorio-Pau

Congratulations to everybody! Sorry about the hunt taking so long...

Thanks to lovemathboy and Gallant Spear for QCing!
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The January ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three finishers: DarkShinyGiratina in first place with 253 points, Devoxys in second place with 127 points, and BigPimpin12 in third place with 121 points!

DarkShinyGiratina: 253
Devoxys: 127
BigPimpin12: 121
Rory Mercury: 110
3.14dgeot-Mega: 102
p^_^okemonvortex: 100
WhirlwindBulbasaur: 95
LordNwahs6: 77
Wan the Avatar: 56
chupps: 40
Meicoo: 35
ScorrchingTheaph: 33
CloudyNatu: 31
adiass: 30
lovemathboy: 30
Level 51: 30
LCWCY2: 30
turn off ac: 25
MukUsedDrillPeck: 20
PyoroLoli: 20
askdf: 20
lys(◦#◦)ica: 20
Gallant Spear ✘: 20
Sun☼GodVolcarona: 20
Emboar02: 16
Henka ⌐◼_◼: 15
7elo4nthony: 15
Cheese: 15
Bronzecrank: 11
Stylus: 11
GGhetsis: 10
sparkychild: 10
RossW: 10
Aeolia: 10
aegii: 10
sergiorules: 10
Cheese555: 10
Flerovium: 10
XnadrojX 萤火虫: 10
GalectiGames: 5
Seafaring◕‿◕: 5
losedude: 5
rafooa11: 5
charizard942: 2
Ankh of Anubis☥: 1
they have eyes: 1
LycAniumZ: 1
Stratospheres: 1
chichinitz: 1
psmathgeek: 1

The ladder twist for the month of February will be: official hunts will contain one "puzzle-style" hunt (including anagrams, portmanteaus, Psywaves, but excluding party puzzles).

Good luck scavenging in the upcoming month!
Hosted an official at 6pm EST on February 5th.

1st place: Devoxys [00:41].
2nd place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [00:44].
3rd place: DarkShinyGiratina [00:59].
4th place: WhirlwindBulbasaur [01:26].
5th place: fearfire22 [01:31].
Consolation Prize: Rory Mercury [01:32], CloudyNatu [01:59], WeepingDevil!?!? [02:08]

This variation on a Poke ball is only found in Pokemon Snap (don't include "ball"). [pester]
Psywave (answer is a Pokemon): [To wear] [Device to cooling yourself] [donphan]
This league conference featured double battles (include conference). [Ever Grande Conference]

Thanks to LegendaryMouse and 3.14dgeot-Mega for QCing!
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Hosted an official at 12pm EST on Wednesday, February 7th.

1st place: adiass [19:27].
2nd place: boe [20:05].
3rd place:
SergioRules [23:12].
4th place:
keeping it icy [25:40].
5th place:
Gui♡Shark ><^> [27:31].
Consolation Prize:
LCWCY2 [28:05], Geene [28:35]

This trainer class, that appeared only in RSE and ORAS, only appears one time in each of those games. [Old Couple]
This move has three possible base powers (if multiple first alphabetically). [Fury Cutter]
Anagram (2 mons, alpha order, format forms as PS does). hoopa litten pidgey smog [Pidgeot-Mega Typhlosion]

Thanks to Meicoo and 3.14dgeot-Mega for QCing!
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Reserving Official Character Oldyssey Hunt, because I sleep schedule is important last month
Sunday, February 11th Monday, February 12th 2018 at 6PM EST
1st place: DarkShinyGiratina [04:24].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex [09:10].
3rd place: LCWCY2 [10:36].
4th place: fearfire22 [15:27].
5th place: Meicoo [23:37].
Consolation Prize: boe [24:00], Gui♡Shark ><^> [25:27], ScorrchingTheaph [26:24], WhirlwindBulbasaur [28:44], SergioRules [28:55], Emboar02 [32:30]

1) According to an interview, this is Brock's last name. [harrison]
2) This gen 4 character has distinct laugh and very proud of their garden. [mr. backlot]
3) This character gave Rotom its name. [charon]
4) This character's beta name is Orlando. [brendan]
5) In Pokemon ORAS, this character traded his Salamence for a Solrock because he likes Shelgon more. (first + last name) [takao cozmo]
6) This is the only known member of Pokemon G-Men. [lance]
7) In Pokemon Platinum, this character tells the story of the Lake Trio of Sinnoh inside Celestic Ruins. Despite not having name in the game, the character is given a name in the anime. [professor carolina / carolina]
8) This character from a Pokemon side game always references baseball in her dialogues, such as pitching, inning, streak, and curve ball. [casey]
9) This character of the day shared name with a glitch pokemon who can evolve into Cubone at level 5, Arcanine at level 18, or Rhydon at level 136 and some more. [o]
10) Anagram of 2 pokemon in-game character: "Bay Manure" (alphabetically) [buena mary]

Thanks to cheesypants combo for QC

Blame me for any inconvenience.
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Hosted a Valentine's Day Official on February 14th (on the 14th page of this thread) at 8PM EST!

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega
2nd: hurricane losedude
3rd: DarkShinyGiratina
4th: Rory Mercury
5th: CloudyNatu
Consolation Prize: keeping it icy, ScarfWynaut, stellar striker, SunGodVolcarona, Emboar02, fearfire22
(1) Heatran, (2) Wyatt, (3) Heart Swap
1) Which non-form Pokemon in the undiscovered egg group that can be either male or female has the highest BST?
2) In Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, what is the first name given at birth of the third president of Altru Inc.?
3) Anagram! Answer is a Pokemon move! "SE Warpath"
Thanks to CheeseMuffin and lovemathboy for quality checking!
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official on Saturday, February 17th 2018 at 7 6 PM EST
1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [01:49].
2nd place: Wan the Avatar [04:52].
3rd place: CloudyNatu [05:59].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [09:17].
5th place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [11:22].


1) Beside Heart Scales and Color Shards, this item is used as a currency in gen 5. [pass orb]
2) In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, this shop will buy only one type of item from you at 1.5x the normal price. [oodles of orbs]
3) Anagram of 2 pokemon: "Ice Ritual Orb" (alphabetically) [beartic riolu]
Thanks to Pantylus combo for QC
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Reserving an Official Hunt for Sunday, February 18th @ 12:00 PM EST. 'Tis a collab official between myself and beej. Q1/Q3 by me, Q2 by the beejaron himself. Thanks to adiass and Dot Agumon (pokemonvortex) for QCing.

Hope to see you there!
Official Hunt on Sunday, February 18th @ 12:00 PM EST

Winner: gallant's pear (09:32)
2nd Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega (12:32)
3rd Place: Devoxys (14:41)
4th Place: DarkShinyGiratina (15:29)
5th Place: LCWCY2 (24:56)
Consolation Prize: Bronzecrank
Q1) Only one location in the Alola region contains more than one berry pile. At this location, a certain Pokemon can be obtained exclusively through Island Scan in Pokemon Sun/Moon. What move that this Pokemon learns via level-up doesn't share a type with any other moves it learns via level-up in Generation VII?
Q2) The first two images on this Bulbapedia article are an illustration of Kabuto followed by an illustration of Magikarp. (if more than one, first in alpha order).
Q3) Anagram [2 Moves, answer alpha order]: EAT MY OOFUL FLOWER
revenge, 4kids Entertainment, afteryoufollowme
Thanks to all who participated and congratulations to the finishers!
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Hey, big announcement! A new kind of official has been introduced in scavengers, known as the mini-official!

These are like regular official hunts, but on the easy side! Expect them to be hosted completely impromptu, so you'll never know when one might pop up! The first three finishers receive 10 monthly ladder points each, and there's no blitz!

Results will be posted each week on Sunday, and as such, here are the results of the past week's mini's (dates based on EST):
February 22nd - Host: 3.14dgeot-Mega, top 3 winners: Wan the Avatar, Rory Mercury, and ScarfWynaut! (QC: Meicoo)

February 23rd - Host: Ninjadog13, top 3 winners: WeepingDevil, fearfire22, and adiass! (QC/Host: LegendaryMouse)
Host: LegendaryMouse, top 3 winners: 3.14dgeot-Mega, LordNwahs6, and Snap! (QC: lovemathboy)
Host: Snap, top 3 winners: gallant's pear, Ninjadog13, and lovemathboy! (QC/host: LegendaryMouse)
Host: CloudyNatu, top 3 winners: pokemonvortex, ScorrchingTheaph, and Wan the Avatar! (QC: A Phantom)
Host: Pants, top 3 winners: pokemonvortex, WeepingDevil, and Ace Trainer Luana! (QC: Meicoo)

February 24th - Host: Gallant Spear, top 3 winners: Rory Mercury, GuiShark, and Bronzecrank! (QC: LegendaryMouse)
Host: Dot Agumon (pokemonvortex), top 3 winners: Devoxys, Hikanu, and Stylus! (QC: Meicoo)

February 25th - Host: Darthikyu, top 3 winners: fearfire22, 3.14dgeot-Mega, and DarkShinyGiratina! (QC/Host: Meicoo)
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1st place: p^_^okemonvortex [03:34].
2nd place: ScorrchingTheaph [19:37].
3rd place: LordNwahs6 [20:52].
4th place: Wan the Avatar [26:30].
5th place: Stylus [28:02].

1) People tiptoe across this bridge to avoid disturbing the Pokemon as it is a popular fishing spot. [SilenceBridge]
2) Port: [Learns move “Flying Press”][Green Pokemon][Unburden Pokemon][500 BST Pokemon][Psywave: (Team Skull’s Leader’s Laugh, second “word”)+(Fight, Struggle)][Flying Type Pokemon][Fighting Type Pokemon][Pre-evolution of previous link] [hawluchawluchawluchawluchawluchawluchariyamakuhita]
3) This Pokemon TCG deck, from a strategy guide, is named after a file extension. [WildfireDotDeck]

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to 3.14dgeot-Mega and Brawl MK for QCing!
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Official Hunt on Tuesday, February 27th @ 2 PM EST. Thanks to Pants and adiass for QCing!

Congrats to these three!

1st place: lovemathboy [11:05].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [13:27].
3rd place: LilyAC [41:02].

Quick fact, this building located in Japan was finished two years before Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was first released. Please give the English name of this building and the full name of the video game company who uses this building as their headquarters. (Ex: Empire State Building HAL Laboratory Inc) [Carrot Tower Game Freak Inc.]

2) [P.S!]
This paragraph is located within a certain Public Room's intro, what is the name of this room's only room bot? [Jeopard-E]

3) [Anagram] Vomuc Earliest - This Smogon forums staff member currently has 5 smogon badges, what is their username? [Elevator Music]
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Official Hunt for Thursday, March 1st @ 7 PM EST. Thanks to Pants and Gallant Spear for QCing!

1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega.
2nd place: fear火fire火22.
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex.
Consolation Prize: Emboar02, WhirlwindBulbasaur, Devoxys, LCWCY2

1) Overwatch - How many Overwatch League Tokens would it take to purchase one OW League skin for each currently released (live server) hero? [2600]

2) In Generation 2 there was a programming error that made only three Pokemon more likely to be caught in a Fast Ball instead of almost two dozen Pokemon. Name these three in dex order. [Magnemite Grimer Tangela]

3) In the movie "The Martian", every Ares 3 crew member had two specialties. Besides being the commander, what other kind of specialist is Melissa Lewis? [Geologist]
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