(Old) Scavengers Ladder (February 2017 - May 2018)

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Here are the results of the past week's mini's (dates based on EST):
February 27th - Host: Snap, top 3 winners: LordNwahs6, lovemathboy, and gallant's pear! (QC/Host: Meicoo)
Host: Darthikyu, top 3 winners: luzdud, A Wandering Caelum, and GuiShark! (QC/Host: Devoxys)

February 28th - Host: TerraWard19 (RossW), top 3 winners: Rory Mercury, WhirlwindBulbasaur, and fearfire22! (QC/Host: Dot Agumon)

March 2nd - Host: RossW, top 3 winners: chupps, GuiShark, and pokemonvortex! (QC/Host: Devoxys)

March 3rd - Host: Devoxys, top 3 winners: CloudyNatu, pokemonvortex, Aethernolt! (QC: 3.14dgeot-Mega)

March 4th - Host: RossW, top 3 winners: DarkShinyGiratina, Devoxys, WeepingDevil! (QC/Host: pokemonvortex)
Tuesday 11:30PM ET
Hunt was made in collaboration with LegendaryMouse!
Thanks to Rory, CN, Pesp, and LMB for qc!

Winner: WhirlwindBulbasaur (04:28)
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-mega (06:15)
3rd place: Colossal Mario Fan (10:33)
4th place: LCWCY2 (11:47)
5th place: gallant's pear (17:15)
Consolation Prize: fearfire22 (18:06), WeepingDevil (21:01)

1) PMD Hunt! In PMD Time/Darkness, of the Pokemon who can exclusively be recruited in a Seven Treasures dungeon, this Pokémon is also the sole boss of another dungeon and never serves as an ally of the player.
2) This is the only Legendary-Exclusive item available in Sky that is not available in Time/Darkness
3) Of the self-inflicted status conditions exclusively caused by one move, this one has had the most name changes.
4) Psywave! [Base SI Unit]+[Span of 2 linearly independent vectors in cartesian space] (Answer is the name of a dungeon)
1) Gabite
2) Purify Veil
3) Solar Beam
4) Amp Plains
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Totally Absolute 100% Real Authentic Official Hunt!
March 8th 2018 5.30 PM EST

1st place: Meicoo [05:15].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [12:43].
3rd place: WhirlwindBulbasaur [14:27].
4th place: SergioRules [21:45].
5th place: ScorrchingTheaph [23:13].

1) This character of the day's goal is to catch a Totem Pokemon and has a 'scar' as a proof of his battle against the Pokemon. [master fisherman]
2) In Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen, this trainer have party of only 1 Pokemon. Also, it might be a level 100 Seaking. Exclude trainer class. [kaden]
3) Sole Spear Stalker, anagram of 2 Pokemon of the same body type and tier. (alphabetically) [eelektross lapras]
Thanks to LegendaryStylus combo for QC

Blame me for any inconvenience.
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Here are the results of the past week's mini's (dates based on EST):
March 5th - Host: Meicoo, top 3 winners: pokemonvortex, Painter Espeon, and Wan the Avatar! (QC: Rory Mercury)

March 7th - Host: Meicoo, top 3 winners: SunGodVolcarona, Emboar02, and HeroicTobias! (QC: CheeseMuffin)

March 8th - Host: TerraWard19 (RossW), top 3 winners: A Phantom, fearfire22, and 3.14dgeot-Mega! (QC/Host: CloudyNatu)

March 9th - Host: RossW, top 3 winners: Wan the Avatar, WhirlwindBulbasaur, and luzdud! (QC/Host: Stylus)
Reserving an official hunt for Tuesday, March 13th @ 8:00 PM EDT. Something to lessen the pain of the presumably busy week, maybe?

QC'd by the wonderful Stylus and Rory Mercury.
Official hunt on Tuesday, March 13 @ 8:00 PM EDT

Winner: Wan the Avatar (01:16)
2nd Place: Meicoo (01:53)
3rd Place: gallant's pear (02:44)
4th Place: LCWCY2 (03:48)
5th Place: ScorrchingTheaph (03:51)
Consolation Prize: BigPimpin12, ABDRD
1.) Only one move to ever be a HM in the main series Pokemon games does not share a type with any other move to be an HM. Where is this HM received in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum?
2.) This is the only Pokemon not introduced in Generation VII to still have an unreleased hidden ability in Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.
3.) In order to encounter Cresselia in Pokemon B2W2, the player has to receive an item from a certain location to summon it. Name the Pokemon used by a trainer in this location that does not share a type with any other Pokemon used by a trainer there.
oreburghgate, heatran, numel
Thanks to all participants, and congratulations to those who completed the hunt!
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Hosted my first Official on Sunday, March 18th @ 11:00 PM GMT

Huge thanks to Meicoo and Devoxys for QC

Winner: CloudyNatu (01:50)
2nd Place: terrapieseven (02:46)
3rd Place: Spooktune (03:35)
4th Place: ScorrchingTheaph (04:13)
5th Place: SergioRules (05:27)
Consolation Prize: askdf, luzdud, LJB14

Q1: There were a number of Pokemon that debuted in the sixth Pokemon movie. Out of these Pokemon, this is the Pokemon with the highest BST that is under the ownership of a character in the movie.
Q2: This Pokemon is the only Pokemon that used to have a unique evolution method that had its method of evolution changed. Name the evolved form.
Q3: In an episode of the Pokemon anime, an Elite four member was shown defeated by a trainer that wasn't a Champion for the first time in the anime series. Of all the pokemon that could mega evolve in this episode, this pokemon has the lowest special attack.

Salamence, Milotic, Heracross

The answers were my Pokemon Emerald Battle Fronteir 7 gold medal winning team. It's what brought me to discover Showdown and eventually here :P
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Here are the results of the past week's mini's (dates based on EST):
March 12th - Host: Rory Mercury, top 5 winners: 3.14dgeot-Mega, CloudyNatu, Wan the Avatar, BigPimpin12, and fearfire22! (QC: Meicoo)

March 14th - Host: SergioRules, top 5 winners: Wan the Avatar, Devoxys, GuiShark, Flerovium, and Emboar02! (QC/Host: Meicoo)

March 17th - Host: Meicoo, top 5 winners: Devoxys, pokemonvortex, SunGodVolcarona, fearfire22, and CloudyNatu! (QC: Rory Mercury)
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Some small bird told me there was gonna be an official collab hunt by Painter Espeon, Dylas, and CloudyNatu happening on Monday, March 19th @ 7:00 PM EDT. Stop by and see if the rumors are true?

Thanks to Meicoo and LegendaryMouse for QCing!
Official hunt on Monday, March 19th @ 7:00 PM EDT

Winner: SunGodVolcarona (10:23)
2nd Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega (10:57)
3rd Place: pokemonvortex (11:43)
4th Place: LCWCY2 (24:04)
5th Place: Seafaring (32:10)
Consolation Prize: yaicanea
1.) One of this artist's songs was often played on Pokemon Sunday to reference the then-upcoming Pokemon Black & White games. (First and last name)
2.) Of all locations in Pokemon Platinum the trainer will discover between the Ravaged Path and the town containing the second gym, this one contains only one trainer, and said trainer uses this Pokemon for the first time in their final rematch. (Format as location + pokemon. EX: Castelia City + Pidgey)
3.) In Pokemon Rumble World, a certain Adventurer Rank is required for Pokemon with a specific trait to begin appearing. What Pokemon's national Pokedex number is the same as said Adventurer Rank requirement number?
michaeljackson, floaromatownraichu, golduck
Thanks to everyone who participated, and congratulations to the finishers! Special s/o to Pesp for making Q1 and Dylas for making Q2.
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1st place: Wan the Avatar [04:01].
2nd place: Rory Mercury [08:22].
3rd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [24:55].
4th place: LCWCY2 [30:21].
5th place: WhirlwindBulbasaur [40:02].

1) In HGSS, this character states that she loves watching the sunset, but she is found staring to the east. [Misty]
2) Two trainers in the Pokemon anime have fought a Pokemon themselves (not with a Pokemon), and then caught them. Name the Pokemon that they caught in alphabetical order. [SeviperStunfisk]
3) Some of the monthly issues released of this Pokemon manga by VIZ Media appears to have been named after an (in)famous dance move. [TheElectricTaleofPikachu]

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to Meicoo and CloudyNatu for QCing!
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Hosten an official on March 23rd, 4:00 P.M. EDT (8:00 P.M. GMT).

Thanks to Pants and CloudyNatu for QC'ing!

Winner: LCWCY2
2nd place: Wan the Avatar
3rd place: Emboar02
4th place: fear火fire火22
5th place: Gui & Shark ><^>
Consolation Prize: WhirlwindBulbasaur
There's a unopenable safe in this building that may have been intended to be opened based on an unused item in the game's data.|Parts Shop
If this Super Mystery Dungeon item had a variant, that variant would have the least amount of slots, out of all the other items like that one, for another Super Mystery Dungeon item.|Unity Looplet
This Pokemon Trainer has a different English name in Ruby and Sapphire and their remakes, Emerald, and the anime, but the Japanese name is the same in all of them. (Answer with romanized Japanese name)|Shinobu
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Official Hunt Results for 10:00 PM EST, thanks to CloudyNatu and Dot Agumon for QC!

1st place: LordNwahs6 [02:39].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [03:47].
3rd place: Meicoo [06:13].
4th place: DarkShinyGiratina [08:26].
5th place: Milkshook [09:54].
Consolation Prize: Wan the Avatar<_< [16:38], fear火fire火22 [21:41], LCWCY2 [28:07]

1) These ORAS Megas can be used in X and Y. (Alphabetical, format as PS does) [Latias Mega Latios Mega]
2) The members of this ingame group can each be fought in a Single, Triple, and Rotation Battle. [Shadow Triad]
3) Not including forms, this is the Pokemon with the highest BST capable of performing Bold Transformation. [Genesect]
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Made an official hunt hosted by Cheese at 5:00 PM PDT on 3/29/18. Thanks to the QCers, Stylus and CheeseMuffin!


1. Devoxys has finished the hunt in 1st place! (07:10)
2. CloudyNatu has finished the hunt in 2nd place! (07:34)
3. yaicanea has finished the hunt in 3rd place! (10:16)
4. Rory Mercury has finished the hunt in 4th place! (11:48)
5. BigPimpin12 has finished the hunt in 5th place! (11:58)

Consolation: p^_^okemonvortex, Kunclord Andrew


1. [Super Smash Bros. Melee] Please name the character that gains the smallest increase in speed from fast falling.

2. [Super Smash Bros. Melee] - What move is this?

3. [Smash Smash Bros. Melee] Using this picture, name all the player tags of the players wearing glasses featured in this image in alphabetical order. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/181/569/bb0.jpg (Ex: KirbyKaze instead of KK)

Q1. Young Link
Q2. U-Smash;Up smash
Q3. Armada Mew2King Wizzrobe
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The February/March Ladder has now concluded. For information on the reason for the double-length ladder, see these posts: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/scavengers-ladder-february.3597196/page-14#post-7698862
Congratulations to the top three placers: 3.14dgeot-Mega in first place with 241 points, Wan the Avatar in second place with 148 points, and pokemonvortex in third place with 108 points!
3.14dgeot-Mega: 241
Wan the Avatar: 148
pokemonvortex: 108
Devoxys: 100
DarkShinyGiratina: 90
LordNwahs6: 82
WhirlwindBulbasaur: 73
CloudyNatu: 69
lovemathboy: 68
SunGodVolcarona: 66
Rory Mercury: 65
Milkshook: 64
fearfire22: 62
Meicoo: 61
gallant's pear: 51
LCWCY2: 51
GuiShark: 40
adiass: 40
ScorrchingTheaph: 35
weepingdevil: 30
Emboar02: 26
terrapieseven: 25
yaicanea: 20
SergioRules: 16
awesome96birdy: 16
boe: 15
ninjadog13: 15
hikanu: 13
BigPimpin12: 12
Stylus: 11
aethernolt: 10
painterespeon: 10
Colossal Mario Fan: 10
Bronzecrank: 10
heroictobias: 10
aphantom: 10
snap: 10
scarfwynaut: 10
LilyAC: 10
Spooktune: 10
ckilgannon: 10
awanderingcaelum: 10
mgperson: 10
chupps: 10
kunclordandrew: 6
cheese: 5
keeping it icy: 5
applo: 5
cheese555: 3
ant: 3
alex: 3
flerovium: 3
zyg10: 3
th4n3: 3
Seafaring: 1
Wan the Avatar, the highest finishing non-staff member of February/March's ladder, will now receive the opportunity to have the mouse cursor icon in the Scavengers Room intro be the Pokemon/Item sprite of their choice, so long as that choice is available!

The ladder twist for the month of April will be: Once a week (most likely each weekend), a special-style hunt will be held that grants double points to each of the top 5 placers!

Make sure to have a blast this month!
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And with those monthly ladder results, we also have the results of this past week of (many) mini-officials! (all dates based off of EST)

March 26th (2) - • Host: Alexender (Alex), top 5 winners: adiass, Wan the Avatar, LordNwahs6, Milkshook, and lovemathboy! (QC/Host: Gallant Spear)
• Host: Level 51, top 5 winners: 3.14dgeot-Mega, Cheese, Rory Mercury, Hikanu, and WhirlwindBulbasaur! (QC: Meicoo)
March 27th (3) - • Host: Snap, top 5 winners: lovemathboy, 3.14dgeot-Mega, LordNwahs6, Alex, and Zyg-10! (QC/Host: Gallant Spear)
• Host: lovemathboy, top 5 winners: Milkshook, CloudyNatu, LordNwahs6, WhirlwindBulbasaur, and Th4n3! (QC: Gallant Spear)
• Host: Stylus, top 5 winners: Wan the Avatar, Devoxys, Milkshook, 3.14dgeot-Mega, and p^_^okemonvortex! (QC: CloudyNatu)
March 28th - • Host: Stylus, top 5 winners: yaicanea, 3.14dgeot-Mega, Meicoo, WhirlwindBulbasaur, and Emboar02! (QC: Rory Mercury)
March 29th - • Host: Milkshook, top 5 winners: c.kilgannon, BigPimpin12, fear火fire火22, LordNwahs6, and Kunclord Andrew! (QC/Host: CloudyNatu)
March 30th (2) - • Host: Brawl MK, top 5 winners: terrapieseven, Milkshook, Awesome96Birdy, BigPimpin12, and 3.14dgeot-Mega! (QC: lovemathboy)
• Host: Manaphy286 (Seafaring), top 5 winners: mgperson, Sun☼GodVolcarona, applo, Awesome96Birdy, and Wan the Avatar! (QC: Devoxys)
March 31st (3) - • Host: Gallant Spear, top 5 winners: lovemathboy, WhirlwindBulbasaur, Awesome96Birdy, Gui & Shark ><^>, and LordNwahs6! (QC: BrawlMK)
• Host: TerraWard19 (RossW), top 5 winners: Meicoo, lovemathboy, 3.14dgeot-Mega, ScorrchingTheaph, and Awesome96Birdy! (QC/Host: Stylus)
• Host: BigPimpin12, top 5 winners: 3.14namon (3.14dgeot-Mega), Ninjadog13, p^_^okemonvortex, Kunclord Andrew, and LordNwahs6! (QC/Host: Meicoo)
March 26th to March 31st:

3.14dgeot-Mega: 10 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 5 + (10) = 41
3 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 28
5 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 24
3 + 10 + 5 + 5 = 23
Wan the Avatar:
5 + 10 + 3 = 18
Awesome96Birdy: 5 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 16

Meicoo: 5 + 10 = 15
3 + 3 + 3 + 5 = 14
adiass: 10
c.kilgannon: 10
mgperson: 10
terrapieseven: 10
yaicanea: 10
5 + 3 = 8
3 + 5 = 8
Kunclord Andrew: 3 + 3 = 6
applo: 5
Cheese: 5
CloudyNatu: 5
Devoxys: 5

fear火fire火22: 5
Ninjadog13: 5
Rory Mercury: 5
Sun☼GodVolcarona: 5
Alex: 3

Emboar02: 3
Gui & Shark ><^>: 3
Hikanu: 3

ScorrchingTheaph: 3
Th4n3: 3
Zyg-10: 3
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k this was a literal mess
moo won
goodmorningespeon got second
fearfire22 got third
milkshook got fourth
kunclordandrew got fifth
hunt 1 questions and answers: https://hastebin.com/raw/pavivulama
hunt 2: gone forever
digimon sux
meicoo is bad
good bye
april fools: meicoo is really bad
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Made an official, happened today (April 2nd) at 1 PM PDT / 4 PM EDT. Hosted by Stylus, QCd by Stylus and Gallant Spear.
Congrats to everyone who finished.

1st place: Zorua Trainer [04:28].
2nd place: Devoxys [05:23].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex [07:26].
4th place: Cynara [08:05].
5th place: Emboar02 [09:12].
Consolation Prize: applo [10:47]

1) [Manga] With the aid of this pokemon, a Pokemon Ranger was able to capture Darkrai. [Pachirisu]
2) [Manga] During an attempt to capture Deoxys, a Pokemon Ranger wrote a message in the ground made out of multiple poke-assists. What did this message say? [Normal]
3) [Overwatch Animated Short]
Who does this bullet strike? Please use their full name. [Tekhartha Mondatta]
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Reserving an official hunt for Tuesday, April 3rd @ 1:00 PM EDT [Convert to your time]

Thanks to CheeseMuffin and GoodMorningEspeon for QC'ing!
Official hunt on Tuesday, April 3rd @ 1:00 PM EDT

Winner: Milkshook (01:36)
2nd Place: Zorua Trainer (01:51)
3rd Place: Awesome96Birdy (01:59)
4th Place: LCWCY2 (02:48)
5th Place: Geene (03:36)
Consolation Prize: Emboar02, ShadowSirens
1.) If the theme of Guzzlord's world, Ultra Ruin, is played in reverse, a chopped up version of a certain Pokemon location's theme is heard. The TMs for what two moves can be found (not purchased) at this location? (alpha order)
2.) Monster Houses first appear in a certain dungeon in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. What two Pokemon in this dungeon are version exclusives? (alpha order)
3.) These two Pokemon were grouped in a certain pair of main series games' 'Sea Pokemon' habitat list despite not being water types. (alpha order)
echoedvoiceround, aipomroselia, cradilylileep
Thanks for playing, and congratulations to all finishers!
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reserving an official for april 4th 5pm est
QCd by lovemathboy and rory mercury
hosted by rory mercury
1st place: Emboar02 [01:15].
2nd place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [01:17].
3rd place: CloudyNatu [01:54].
4th place: Andrew [02:28].
5th place: moo [02:30].
Consolation Prize: BigPimpin12 [02:46], Gui & Shark ><^> [02:50], Geene [03:07], Devoxys [03:19], Awesome96Birdy [03:33], LCWCY2 [04:21], 3.14dgeot-Mega [05:39]

1. This is the last LC pokemon by National Pokédex order where none of its evolutionary relatives have ever had a signature move.
2. Before FireRed and LeafGreen were released, this was the only fully evolved Pokémon that could know Meteor Mash in Ruby and Sapphire.
3. This was the first move introduced that can only be obtained via events.

1. Stufful
2. Metagross
3. V-Create
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Hosted an official on April 4th @ 7PM EDT
Devoxys and Rory Mercury

It was a collab with Meicoo and GoodMorningEspeon!

1st place: yaicanea [03:14]
2nd place:
BigPimpin12 [04:13]
3rd place:
CloudyNatu [06:06]
4th place:
Wan the Avatar [06:55]
5th place:
applo [08:30]
Consolation Prize
: 3.14dgeot-Mega [10:49], WhirlwindBulbasaur [11:51], Emboar02 [12:13], Andrew [17:50]

Q1: [Meicoo] Which Pokemon move is mentioned in the lyrics of the game over music of the Generation 1 spin-off Pokemon game based on Tetris?
Q2: [Stylus] This is the first Pokemon (alphabetically) that is featured solely as a silhouette on any Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Box Art.
Q3: [GoodMorningEspeon] Two trainers in the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl demo share their trainer class and name with trainers in actual main series titles. List the Pokemon that these main series trainers use in battle (alphabetically).

Q1: Fly
Q2: Charizard
Q3: Lillipup Snubbull
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Reserving a Double Point Jump Start Official Hunt for Sunday, April 8th, 2018, at 7:30 pm EDT. QC'd by Stylus and Pants.

1st place: applo.
2nd place: Andrew.
3rd place: LCWCY2.
4th place: Seafaring◕‿◕
5th place: Milkshook

Hunt 1:
1) The design of the walls of one iteration of this Pokemon Gym seems to be a reference to a failed Nintendo product meant to compete with LEGO. Include word ‘gym’.|ViridianGym
2) The description of this Pokemon TCG theme deck says that this allows you to use Cyrus’ team in the TCG, but none of the Pokemon in the deck are used by Cyrus in the main series games.|Ignition
3) After making a series of trades in a certain Pokemon game, you can make one final trade using a Pokemon Egg obtain this Pokemon.|Mew
Hunt 2:
1) According to an NPC, this Elite Four member can eat ramen noodles at such a pace that they were dripping with sweat.|Glacia
2) These two characters are faced more than 3 times in the Trainer Challenge in Pokemon Trading Card Game Online. (alphabetical order)|KendallMick
3) Due to an oversight, this stone could not be sold to the Ore Maniac in Pokemon Black and White. (include word ‘stone’)|LeafStone

Congrats to all finishers! Thanks to Stylus and Pants for QCing this official!
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Official Hunt - Apr 8th, 2017 @ 8 PM GMT-4

Winner: xfix
Second Place: Dylas
Third Place: LCWCY2
Fourth Place: Milkshook
Fifth Place: Cloudynatu
Consolation prize to: TheyCallMeSweeper

Q1: Which character in the Generation 4 games has the most frames in their animated battle sprite? (Do not include trainer class)
Q2: Who is the highest ranked Super Smash Bros for Wii U player whose main character is from the Pokemon series?
Q3: In certain games, this Trainer Class is unable to "challenge" the player from any distance, and always requires the player to talk to them first.

Q1: Darach
Q2: WaDi
Q3: Twins

Thanks to everyone who came out to my first solo official in, like, forever! Sorry about Q3, there were a whoooole lot of alts, even after I clarified some stuff through hints. Wouldn't be a pesp official without one shaky question! Congrats to all who solved it, and thanks to Meicoo and Gallant Spear for QCing. See y'all again soon!
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Hey y'all! Thanks again for participating in all of this week's mini-officials! Not as many as last week, but nonetheless we hope you enjoyed 'em. Here are the results:

April 1st - None :(
April 2nd (2) - • Host: TerraWard19 (RossW), top 5 winners: Sun☼GodVolcarona, p^_^okemonvortex, Awesome96Birdy, TheJ3estPenguin, and Devoxys! (QC/Host: Stylus)
• Host: WhirlwindBulbasaur, top 5 finishers: GoodMorningEspeon, 3.14dgeot-Mega, Milkshook, Alex, and ScorrchingTheaph! (QC/Host: Meicoo)
April 3rd - • Host: Alexender (Alex), top 5 finishers: Milkshook, Dylas, 3.14dgeot-Mega, applo, and fear火fire火22! (QC/Host: Meicoo)
April 4th - • Host: Alexender (Alex), top 5 finishers: 3.14dgeot-Mega, p^_^okemonvortex, LordNwahs6, ScorrchingTheaph, and Devoxys! (QC/Host: Stylus)
April 5th - None
April 6th - None
April 7th - • Host: Alexender (Alex), top 5 finishers: p^_^okemonvortex, gallant's pear, adiass, Wan the Avatar, and aegii! (QC/Host: Rory Mercury)

April 1st to April 7th:

3.14dgeot-Mega: 5 + 5 + 10 = 20
5 + 5 + 10 = 20
5 + 10 = 15
GoodMorningEspeon: 10
Sun☼GodVolcarona: 10
3 + 3 = 6
3 + 3 = 6
adiass: 5
Awesome96Birdy: 5
Dylas: 5
gallant's pear: 5
LordNwahs6: 5
aegii: 3
Alex: 3
applo: 3
fear火fire火22: 3
TheJ3estPenguin: 3

Wan the Avatar: 3

Good luck and mhave fun this week, and don't forget to stop by on Friday the 13th @ 9AM EDT for our weekly Friday Tournament (this week: [Gen 4] Random Battle)! We hope to see you there!

but beware.... ԅ(☉Д☉)╮
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Official Hunt - Apr 9th 2018, 7pm EDT

Winner: Wan the Avatar
2nd: Devoxys
3rd: BigPimpin12
4th: LordNwahs6
5th: Rory Mercury

Finishers: WhirlwindBulbasaur, applo, Emboar02, DarkShinyGiratina, RossW, keeping it icy, Cheese555

Q1: This NPC in a main series game has battled using Pokemon of all types that existed during the generation that they debuted in.

Q2: Due to Pokemon Stadium's name restriction of 7 maximum characters, this NPC's name was intentionally misspelled by removing an 'N'.

Q3: In a Gen IV game, this NPC used all dual-type Normal Pokemon that do not have Flying as a secondary type in a battle.

Q1: N
Q2: Giovanni
Q3: Whitney

Grats to all finishers ^-^

QCed and hosted by the lovely Milkshook and Stylus
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