The bigwigs from the network said we needed to shake it up, so here we are! I'm Tidal, and I'll be hosting the show today. No need to dig any deeper into it. On today's episode of OM Interviews, I got the chance to talk to two newly prominent faces in the community, NeonJolteonWasUsed and Chessking345, right off the heels of both of them become tier leaders! With such a drastic shakeup, I couldn't pass up on the chance to talk to these two. Welcome, the both of you! How are you doing today, and what can you tell me about yourselves?
: Hey all! Thank you for having me on, Gimmicky. This is Neon here, the up and coming tier leader of STABmons, reporting that I'm doing well. I'm sure people that aren't active on the Smogon Discord won't recognize me, as my appearances over Smogon as a whole are quite sparce compared to other members, usually taking some backseat role in some offshoot tier or silently helping with resources for other metas and teams during tournaments, such as with STABmons itself. I've been on STAB council for almost a year now and have done my best to maintain resources and help make this tier everything it could be. I have been hanging around the sidelines of this community for about 11 years now and going strong! Funnily enough, I had hardly gotten into OMs much at all until this generation, and even then it was just STABmons, which is a tier I already played on and off back in Sword and Shield. (I could name you every viable set on every viable mon in STAB but if you asked me literally anything about AAA, M&M, etc. I would have absolutely no idea.)
My first ever Pokemon game was White 2, and I have been in the community ever since. Aegislash is my all time favorite Pokemon, and I am probably the biggest Steel type defender you will ever meet. I'm ready to take on this role and continue where the rest of the STAB council left off. I look forward to making this tier everything it can be and more alongside a council and community willing to pitch in! As for who I am outside of Smogon. I'm a college student enrolled in a computer networking course and looking to become a computer network manager. I'm also a big fan of cooking, and hiking.
: Hi! I am doing well today thanks for having me. I'm Chessking, 22 years old and currently studying computer science in university. Some stuff I do outside of mons are other games and watching anime. I joined Smogon apparently back in 2016, and I don't remember how I found myself in BH one year later. Later mid gen 8 I lost some interest and ended up taking a break before coming back for SV, arguably not an outstanding choice considering the gen but it is what it is.
Happy to have you both here. Congratulations on both of your promotions! You've both touched on this a little already, but what has your journey throughout Gen 9 looked like? What drew you to STAB and BH respectively?
: Like I mentioned before, OMs as a whole wasn't really my thing. In many cases I simply felt like I was playing too different of a game than Pokemon to really hold interest in it for an extended period of time. I have absolutely nothing against them, just not something I find myself getting into. STABmons was an exception to this, feeling the most like "Pokemon but with a little extra sauce". For a while, that was all it was to me too, I never looked too much further into it until Gen 8 where I gave it a proper shot. Eventually, the endless possibilities combined with the sense of familiarity STABmons still provides would lead to me loving it more and more, accumulating in Gen 8 to where I began pouring far more time into the tier and having an absolute blast with it. Getting in to Gen 9, I had taken a small break from the tier, but eventually came back to it reignited with the passion I had for it before.
There wasn't a huge community to go off of, really just the council and its few players discussing in the OM Discord. Just for my own interest, around the release of the Teal Mask DLC, I began working on several different personal projects for the tier, such as a personal VR creator, and set compendium. Eventually, these efforts would be recognized and I would be asked to join the council for STABmons. From there, I would begin transferring what was originally a silly little passion project of my own making to the actual strategy dex! All the sets you see on the strategy dex at the moment are from work I've been putting into it over the course of a couple months now. I would also go on to help Marnie with the propoga- I mean social media aspect and send sets to them to be highlighted on Smogon's social media pages when asked.
The strange part is I feel like I'm still only scratching the surface. Simply due to the sheer expanse of STABmons' mechanics new things are being tested and discovered on the regular, with very little sign of stopping, and I plan to be there for every second of it.
: It's been a long time so I don't remember at all how I got in BH. I want to guess that it's because its like the highest power level tiered meta and I've always been more attracted to higher power level/Ubers based metas (and it was pretty big back then). Afterwards got engaged with the very fun community, started playing in tours, and ended up sticking with it.
Regarding what is attractive about BH, I think the overall nature + definition of the tier leaves a lot of room for innovations even in seemingly established metas so you can always look for interesting stuff if you are bored of the meta, while the consistency of tried-and-true stuff also allows you to easily build a foundation for the weird techs you are trying out if you want. And it feels incredibly satisfying when some of these end up working out especially in tournaments (or if it doesn't you can always shift the blame to the rest of the team). Full EVs is also addictive it's so nice not needing to check/remember speed tiers or weird spreads just click the PS button.
Gen 9 has been a pretty great experience so far despite being gen 9. I think I came back just before it dropped for ? reason. Exploring a completely new meta is always extremely fun so I'm glad I was around for it. Shortly into the gen council had some shuffling with several members stepping down and I got in as I was a big yapper. From there I've helped with trying to tier this meta through some crazy stuff and been pretty active on smogon and discord. Tournament-wise I played in a few and got carried a few times, no luck involved. Haven't done very well in any individuals though I do think this gen has been my best due to various reasons. Always fascinating to realize that its only been 2 years into this gen and we likely have 2 more years to go.
Well, I speak for everyone when I say we're happy to see how far you've come this generation! Now, could you give us a peek into your own tiering philosophy? Is there anything on the radar in your tiers, or any changes you're planning to make?
: For a while now I've been quite an outspoken critic of STAB's recent tiering decisions. (Especially if you remember the Wicked Blow Unban) As I'm sure many would agree, this generation has been, to put it lightly, a disaster for STABmons as a generation. I can't exactly blame anyone as this was also the generation that introduced an incredibly high amount of mechanics tied to a bunch of different moves that make certain Pokemon even more polarizing and unpredictable. But it certainly does make tiering a lot harder. If I may, my biggest issue I took with the council was its borderline radio silence with the rest of the community, oftentimes from an outsiders perspective kind of just doing their own thing. Helped in part thanks to the lack of consistent surveys, and action that seemed to have no real warrant to it among the playerbase without even proper suspects.
This is something I want to try and set back in the right direction. I have immense respect for everyone on the original STAB council, and a lot of them really were just that busy so it couldn't be done most of the time, but this has been a problem for too long, and I want to fix it. As for my own ways of tiering. I feel as though I might be a bit more strict in my tiering views. But I'm hoping the council I have recently brought together will be able to help me look outside of my own perspectives. (Shoutouts to Bonk and Rudi! You guys rock!) As for what's on the radar. A lot of things really, but two of the main things I am looking towards are action against Damp Rock, and the return of Kingambit to the meta.
Expect much more to come up! There's a lot to unpack and we hope to hear your voice better the tier and get it back in business!
: In terms of tiering preferences I used to be a lot more banhappy, though more recently less so with some elements starting with Protean that I feel like could use more time. I still like rapid tiering actions after major meta shifts because it allows the meta to settle a lot faster into more balanced states for players, and this is also nice because the tier usually gets more activity during this time so it feels valuable for this activity to go towards useful development. Overall I'm pretty happy with basically all the tiering changes we have had so far this gen, might've disagreed with the timing or stuff at the time but I think everything currently on the banlist are there for perfectly valid reasons.
Going into more detail, BH as a tier fosters a fair amount of cheese/uncompetitive strategies, and personally I do not think these are healthy in any way for a meta as they simply are just looking to matchup fish and reduce skill. These elements do actually tend to be somewhat "controversial" mainly due to the notable tour/ladder discrepancy for BH with cheese strategies often being viewed as "fun" and uncompetitive strategies not usually being used nearly as much. Some examples would be Fillet Away/ClangSoul for the former and Baton Pass/Liquid Ooze for the latter. For straight up simply being too good elements, it depends. Usually these lead to high usage and centralization but some are healthy, such as Imposter generally (Zac-C in NDBH is also a great example but thats a different meta) because they offer a lot to the meta and have variety of counterplay options, while something like Mega Diancie straight up mandates very few pool of counterplay, which it could reasonably tech past, and for Diancie specifically it also invalidates like 90% of other offensive mons.
Regarding current state of BH, I think its about as good as it can get and am pretty happy with it. It has probably an ideal distribution of offensive breakers where its not too centralizing but also not decentralized enough to be impossible to account for everything; a majority of playstyles and structures are viable; defensive options are somewhat limited but there is still diversity; any cheese elements remaining are either somewhat skill-rewarding and/or fairly counterable and/or too inconsistent. With no standout threat teams have the freedom to fit innovations and techs and we are seeing consistent innovation and meta shifts in the past months despite basically no significant tiering changes, and the centralization of the meta is also quite reasonable and comparable to many other OMs. Because of this I personally don't see BH having any major tiering changes for the rest of the gen, and any changes we end up having are going to be for minor impact elements.
For these elements we actually have very recently put out a
tiering survey to more accurately gauge opinions because there's a lot of differing views and overall somewhat polarizing views on meta state with some finding it to be in a very good spot while others heavily disliking it. I would like to main the current state and banlist, though Victory Dance stands out for me. I have also entertained some more fascinating ideas such as having Forme Clause instead of Species Clause (multi Arceus) but I don't think anyone can predict the result of such large changes and considering how stable and enjoyable current meta is I think such changes are very unlikely.
Thank you both for sharing! This kind of transparency in planning and the state of our metagames is important, especially when Gen 9 has been so turbulent in so many ways. Wishing you and your tiers the best! Nearing the end of the interview, I've got to ask: how does it feel to be a tier leader? With these plans in hand, are you confident in the ability of you and your tiering councils to guide the metagame in a direction that everyone can be happy with, or does this position come with a bit of worry?
: Definitely scary. But I have confidence in myself to be able to carry this out. This is my first time as position as a tier leader of...anything really, so I can't make promises I won't make some of my own mistakes, or be asking every question under the sun before doing something just to make sure I don't screw up. But I urge anyone in the community to please reach out to me if there is any issues regarding tiering as one of the biggest things I want to fix when it comes to the STABmons community as a whole is communication between council and playerbase.
We want your voice more than ever, whether that be on Smogon Forums, Discord, or the OMs Chatroom on Showdown, please let it be known to us.
: Ngl it doesn't feel much different being tier leader compared to before. I think the biggest change is I can now edit some posts more easily and ping BH role without needing to bug QT about it. I think moving forward considering the current state of the metagame I'm pretty confident that we are going to be able to keep it enjoyable and competitive, especially as we do plan on likely organizing tours for any larger shakeups to the meta to have a better understanding first. Obviously it is going to be impossible to make everyone happy especially considering how polarizing the meta seems to be in that regard, but I would be pretty happy if we can maintain the current scores for the rest of the gen. This does mean it could lead to a more "stale" metagame as time passes, but I trust the creativity of the players to be able to keep the meta interesting.
I will say that I strongly encourage the playerbase to express their opinions on Smogon as forum posts are best at encouraging well thought out and constructed arguments to stimulate higher quality discussions that is seen by the most people, and I do think this is something that BH has not exactly been the best at. Discord discussions are easy to start up and fast, but they can get sidetracked and buried very quickly.
You heard it here folks, make sure to make your thoughts and voices known! Before we close out for the night, thank you both for agreeing to come on the show. Would you like to give a shout-out to any members of the community?
: Obviously to the STAB community that has stuck with this silly little tier through everything. As well as the former and new oncoming STAB council members. You guys rock! Let's make this tier great together!
: BH community, other people that I talk to frequently, and teammates in the tours I've been in. I think I'm bound to miss someone if I do every individual, so shoutout to Akira in particular for being the main person I yap to.
Once again, I'd like to thank Chessking345 and NeonJolteonWasUsed for their time! You've both got a whole community behind you who will be here through whatever the rest of the generation and beyond has to bring us. To the viewers at home, now's your chance to ask them your own questions! In the meantime, I'm going to think of a way to make this interview not seem dated when our profiles swap back...