Project OM Mashup Megathread


too much spreadsheet data aaaaa
is a Tiering Contributor
OMPL Champion
glue on my hands

art by Bummer :)​

Welcome to the OM Mashup Megathread! This thread plays host to a variety of metagames that combine two other metagames. There are three primary types of mash-ups on this thread. First, the standard mashups/variations of Other Metagames, can be found here. Second, doubles versions of standard Other Metagames, which can be found here. Finally, Little Cup versions of Other Metagames, are found here.

Join our Public Subroom to discuss OM mashups and participate in tours.
Join our Discord for a similar discussion on OM mashups! Thanks to Isaiah for hosting!
Check out Trashchannel, the showdown server dedicated to hosting mashups maintained by CringeMeta
Haha gamer'd

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does tiering work for OM Mashups?
A: The primary method of tiering begins with the banlist of the derivative metagames. However, most mashups have additional bans.

If the councils of the derivative metas wish to take an active role in tiering that will be at their discretion. If not then any decisions regarding bans / unbans / suspects will be made by the mashups staff, or by whatever council is set up for a particular meta. If you wish to discuss tiering for the specific tiers feel free to do so in this thread!

Q: Will other mashups be added to the list?
A: It's possible. However, any changes to the list are subject to approval by the OM submissions team, so don't expect it to happen overnight. A solid concept and high levels of interest may increase the likelihood of a metagame being accepted as a mashup.

Q: So... what exactly should I do in this thread?
A: What you would do in any other meta's thread; post sets, talk about threats and how to check them, post teams, talk about general impressions, etc. However, here you should take care to quote the posts you are responding to and reference specifically which meta you are talking about to avoid confusion.

Q: How can I contribute to the tour code?
A: We'd love to have your contributions! Please contact CringeMeta either here or on showdown and let me know. Please check out our standards for code posted right below to see what we expect for all of our tours.
  • Must be functional
    • The most obvious, but also extremely important. We cannot make tours using code that has errors that will cause it to fail. This is easily testable using a group chat.
  • Must be complete
    • It may be tempting to make shortcuts, such as not banning a competitively unviable Pokemon in a long list of Pokemon. However we require all code to adhere to the banlist it is following in order to avoid complex or arbitrary bans.
  • Should be as simplified as possible
    • All of our banlists are subject to be edited and changed as the tiers evolve. A banlist that is neat is much easier to edit than one that is all over the place.
      • Keep like with like (move bans with move bans, clauses with clauses, etc.)
      • Do not have redundant bans or clauses
    • Overall this is subjective and how you choose to keep organized is up to you.
All code can and should be tested at least for validator functionality in a group chat.
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OM Mashups
Almost Any Ability with a higher power level!
AAA Ubers Hub: Link
You share your ability to your teammates when switched in, and you can use one restricted Pokemon to donate stats to the rest of your team.
Godly Gift Shared Power Hub: Link
Pokemon have access to 1 new ability in addition to all their released abilities active at once.
Pokebilities Almost Any Ability hub: Link
Pokemon can use almost any ability and any (non restricted) move of their typing.
STAAABmons hub: Link
Pokemon can use any move of their typing and mega evolve with any stone to gain the respective boosts.
STABmons Mix and Mega hub: Link
Pokemon can use almost any ability in a Tier Shift environment.
Tier Shift Almost Any Ability hub: Link

Doubles Mashups
A collection of various Doubles Mashups!
Find out more on the Doubles Mashups hub: Link

Little Cup Mashups
A collection of various Little Cup Mashups!
Find out more on the LC Mashups hub: Link
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Spotlight record
20/03 - 09/04: CAPvergence
10/04 - 30/04:
What is Pokebilitues Mix and Mega?
Pokebilities Mix and Mega (often shortened to Poke MnM) is a mashup between Pokebilities and Mix and Mega - Pokemon have all of their native abilties active and can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions. The chosen ability in the teambuilder will be replaced by the Mega one.

Ruleset and Banlist:

Terastal Clause - Terastallization is banned.
Standard OMs - The standard ruleset for all Smogon OMs.
Evasion Items Clause - Bans items that lower the accuracy of moves used against the user.
Sleep Moves Clause - Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.
These moves are banned:
  • Baton Pass
  • Shed Tail
These items are banned:
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Bright Powder
  • Gengarite
  • Kangaskhanite
  • King's Rock
  • Lax Incense
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Swampertite
These abilities are banned:
  • Shadow Tag
  • Moody
These combos are banned on a Pokemon:
  • Sand Veil + Sand Stream
  • Snow Cloak + Snow Warning
These pokemon cannot be used at all:
  • :koraidon: Koraidon
  • :miraidon: Miraidon
These Pokemon cannot hold a mega stone:
Azumarill, *Baxcalibur, *Breloom, *Diglett, *Dondozo, *Dragonite, *Dugtrio, *Espathra, *Garganacl, *Kingambit, *Roaring Moon, *Salamence, Dragapult, Flutter Mane, Gengar, Iron Bundle, Kilowattrel, Sandy Shocks, Slaking
  • :azumarill: Azumarill
  • :baxcalibur: Baxcalibur
  • :breloom: Breloom
  • :diglett: Diglett
  • :dondozo: Dondozo
  • :dragapult: Dragapult
  • :dragonite: Dragonite
  • :dugtrio: Dugtrio
  • :espathra: Espathra
  • :flutter-mane: Flutter Mane
  • :garganacl: Garganacl
  • :gengar: Gengar
  • :iron-bundle: Iron Bundle
  • :kingambit: Kingambit
  • :kilowattrel: Kilowattrel
  • :roaring-moon: Roaring Moon
  • :salamence: Salamence
  • :sandy-shocks: Sandy Shocks
  • :slaking: Slaking

Resources: - Double weather balance by Hahagamer'd - Medicham balance by Advt
01/05 - 21/05: Ultra Mix - Hub hopefully after Home
22/05 - 11/06: AAA Doubles
12/06 - 02/07: AAA Ubers
03/07 - 23/07: Spirit of Giving (Tera Donation + Godly Gift + Force of The Fallen)
24/07 - 13/08: MnM AG
14/08 - 03/09: Frantic Fusions Ubers
04/09 - 24/09: Alphabet Soup
25/09 - 15/10: CAAAmo
16/10 - 05/11: LC MnM
06/11 - 26/11: Protean PAAAlace
27/11 - 17/12: LCGG
18/12 - 07/01: Camove
08/01 - 28/01: Mighty Mega
29/01 - 06/03: Pokebilities BH
07/03 - 03/31: LC Mix and Mega
01/04 - 02/04: Inverse CAP Mix and Mega
03/04 - 02/06: CAP Mix and Mega
03/06 - ??/??: LC Pokebilities AAA
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What is STAAABmons?
STAAABmons is a mashup of STABmons and Almost Any Ability (AAA), which means that Pokemon have access to (almost) any ability as well as every non-restricted move they share a type with. As a metagame, this mashup combines the rulesets of both its component metas (with STABmons used as a base), however the council makes additional bans (pokemon, abilities and move restrictions) at their discretion. In the same vein, some elements that are deemed broken in AAA or STABmons are manageable in STAAABmons, and thus get unbanned by the council.


Bans and Restrictions

Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Single Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing.

  • Annihilape
  • Arceus
  • Baxcalibur
  • Calyrex-Ice
  • Calyrex-Shadow
  • Chien-Pao
  • Cloyster
  • Darkrai
  • Dialga
  • Dialga-Origin
  • Dragapult
  • Dragonite
  • Enamorus
  • Enamorus-Incarnate
  • Eternatus
  • Flutter Mane
  • Giratina
  • Giratina-Origin
  • Gouging Fire
  • Groudon
  • Hoopa-Unbound
  • Ho-Oh
  • Iron Bundle
  • Iron Valiant
  • Koraidon
  • Kyogre
  • Kyurem
  • Kyurem-Black
  • Kyurem-White
  • Landorus-Incarnate
  • Lugia
  • Lunala
  • Magearna
  • Manaphy
  • Mewtwo
  • Miraidon
  • Noivern
  • Palkia
  • Palkia-Origin
  • Rayquaza
  • Regigigas
  • Reshiram
  • Shaymin-Sky
  • Slaking
  • Solgaleo
  • Sneasler
  • Spectrier
  • Ursaluna
  • Urshifu
  • Urshifu-Rapid-Strike
  • Volcarona
  • Walking Wake
  • Zacian
  • Zacian-Crowned
  • Zamazenta
  • Zekrom
  • Arena Trap
  • Comatose
  • Contrary
  • Fur Coat
  • Good as Gold
  • Gorilla Tactics
  • Hadron Engine
  • Huge Power
  • Ice Scales
  • Illusion
  • Imposter
  • Innards Out
  • Magic Bounce
  • Magnet Pull
  • Moody
  • Neutralizing Gas
  • Orichalcum Pulse
  • Parental Bond
  • Poison Heal
  • Pure Power
  • Shadow Tag
  • Simple
  • Speed Boost
  • Stakeout
  • Triage
  • Unburden
  • Water Bubble
  • Wonder Guard
  • Acupressure
  • Astral Barrage
  • Belly Drum
  • Boomburst
  • Ceaseless Edge
  • Dire Claw
  • Dragon Energy
  • Electro Shot
  • Eruption
  • Extreme Speed
  • Fillet Away
  • Final Gambit
  • Gigaton Hammer
  • Glacial Lance
  • Jet Punch
  • Lumina Crash
  • No Retreat
  • Population Bomb
  • Rage Fist
  • Rising Voltage
  • Shell Smash
  • Shift Gear
  • Surging Strikes
  • Take Heart
  • Triple Arrows
  • V-create
  • Victory Dance
  • Water Spout
  • Wicked Blow
  • Wicked Torque
  • Baton Pass
  • Revival Blessing
  • Last Respects
  • Shed Tail
  • King's Rock


/challenge [Gen 9] Anything Goes @@@ Standard OMs, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, STABmons Move Legality,*Acupressure,*Astral Barrage,*Belly Drum,*Dire Claw,*Extreme Speed,*Fillet Away,*Gigaton Hammer,*Last Respects,*No Retreat,*Rage Fist, *Shell Smash,*Shift Gear,*V-Create,*Victory Dance,*Wicked Blow, -Annihilape,-Arceus-*,-Baxcalibur,-Calyrex-Ice,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Chien-Pao,-Chi-Yu,-Cloyster,-Dialga,-Dialga-Origin,-Dragapult,-Dragonite,-Enamorus-Incarnate,-Eternatus,-Flutter Mane,-Gengar,-Gholdengo,-Giratina,-Giratina-Origin,-Great Tusk,-Groudon,-Hariyama,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Iron Bundle,-Iron Hands,-Iron Valiant,-Koraidon,-Kyogre,-Landorus-Incarnate,-Magearna,-Mewtwo,-Miraidon,-Noivern,-Palkia,-Palkia-Origin,-Rayquaza,-Slaking,-Sneasler,-Spectrier,-Ursaluna,-Urshifu,-Urshifu-Rapid-Strike,-Walking Wake,-Zacian,-Zacian-Crowned,-Zamazenta,-Zoroark-H,- Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Good as Gold,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce,-Magnet Pull,-Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Unburden,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard, -King's Rock, -Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing, -Shed Tail, -Last Respects

/tour new [Gen 9] Anything Goes, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] STAAABmons
/tour rules Standard OMs, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, STABmons Move Legality,*Acupressure,*Astral Barrage,*Belly Drum,*Dire Claw,*Extreme Speed,*Fillet Away,*Gigaton Hammer,*Last Respects,*No Retreat,*Rage Fist, *Shell Smash,*Shift Gear,*V-Create,*Victory Dance,*Wicked Blow, -Annihilape,-Arceus-*,-Baxcalibur,-Calyrex-Ice,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Chien-Pao,-Chi-Yu,-Cloyster,-Dialga,-Dialga-Origin,-Dragapult,-Dragonite,-Enamorus-Incarnate,-Eternatus,-Flutter Mane,-Gengar,-Gholdengo,-Giratina,-Giratina-Origin,-Great Tusk,-Groudon,-Hariyama,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Iron Bundle,-Iron Hands,-Iron Valiant,-Koraidon,-Kyogre,-Landorus-Incarnate,-Magearna,-Mewtwo,-Miraidon,-Noivern,-Palkia,-Palkia-Origin,-Rayquaza,-Slaking,-Sneasler,-Spectrier,-Ursaluna,-Urshifu,-Urshifu-Rapid-Strike,-Walking Wake,-Zacian,-Zacian-Crowned,-Zamazenta,-Zoroark-H,- Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Good as Gold,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce,-Magnet Pull,-Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Unburden,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard, -King's Rock, -Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing, -Shed Tail, -Last Respects
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 5
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STABmons Mix & Mega Hub

What is STABmons Mix and Mega?
STABmons Mix and Mega (often shortened to STABnMega or SnM) is a mashup between STABmons and Mix and Mega - Pokemon have access to any move of their typing and can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions.

:budew: PociekMociek

Ruleset and Banlist:

STABmons Move Legality - Allows Pokémon to use any move that they or a previous evolution/out-of-battle forme share a type with.
Standard OMs - The standard ruleset for all Smogon OMs.
Evasion Items Clause - Bans items that lower the accuracy of moves used against the user.
Evasion Abilities Clause - Bans abilities that boost Evasion under certain weather conditions
Sleep Moves Clause - Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.

These moves are only legal on their natural users:
  • Acupressure
  • Astral Barrage
  • Belly Drum
  • Blood Moon
  • Boomburst
  • Clangorous Soul
  • Dire Claw
  • Extreme Speed
  • Fillet Away
  • Gigaton Hammer
  • Last Respects
  • No Retreat
  • Power Trip
  • Revival Blessing
  • Shed Tail
  • Shell Smash
  • Shift Gear
  • Triple Arrows
  • V-create
  • Victory Dance
  • Wicked Blow

These items are banned:
  • :Beedrillite: Beedrillite
  • :Blazikenite: Blazikenite
  • :Bright Powder: Bright Powder
  • :Gengarite: Gengarite
  • :Kangaskhanite: Kangaskhanite
  • :King's Rock: King's Rock
  • :Lax Incense: Lax Incense
  • :Mawilite: Mawilite
  • :Medichamite: Medichamite
  • :Pidgeotite: Pidgeotite

These pokemon cannot be used at all:
  • :arceus: Arceus
  • :calyrex-shadow: Calyrex Shadow Rider
  • :eternatus: Eternatus
  • :enamorus: Enamorus-Incarnate
  • :koraidon: Koraidon
  • :kyogre: Kyogre
  • :miraidon: Miraidon
  • :komala: Komala
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:
  • :Basculegion: Basculegion-Male
  • :Calyrex-Ice: Calyrex-Ice
  • :Dialga: Dialga
  • :Dragapult: Dragapult
  • :Flutter Mane: Flutter Mane
  • :Gengar: Gengar
  • :Giratina: Giratina
  • :Groudon: Groudon
  • :Iron Bundle: Iron Bundle
  • :Manaphy: Manaphy
  • :Meloetta: Meloetta
  • :Mewtwo: Mewtwo
  • :Palkia: Palkia
  • :Rayquaza: Rayquaza
  • :Slaking: Slaking
  • :Sneasler: Sneasler
  • :Ursaluna: Ursaluna
  • :Ursaluna-BloodMoon: Ursaluna-Blood-Moon
  • :Urshifu: Urshifu
  • :Walking Wake: Walking Wake
  • :Zoroark-Hisui: Zoroark-Hisui
  • :Zacian: Zacian
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve in regular Mix and Mega but CAN in this tier:
  • :Gholdengo: Gholdengo
  • :Kilowattrel: Kilowattrel
  • :Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike

/challenge gen9mixandmega @@@ STABmons Move Legality, +Gholdengo, +Kilowattrel, +Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, +Zapdos,*Meloetta, *Ursaluna-Base, *Ursaluna-Blood-Moon, *Walking Wake, *Zoroark-Hisui, -Arceus, -Enamorus-Base, -Komala, -King's Rock, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum,*Blood Moon,*Boomburst, *Clangorous Soul, *Dire Claw, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away,*Gigaton Hammer, *Last Respects, *No Retreat,*Power Trip, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Triple Arrows, *V-create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow
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Tier Shift Almost Any Ability Hub
What is Tier Shift AAA?
Tier Shift + Almost Any Ability, or TSAAA if you're inclined to keep it short and sweet, combines the Other Metagames tiers Almost Any Ability and Tier Shift. Pokemon may use almost any ability, and are given a stat boost to all of their stats except HP based on their tier- UU and RUBL get +15, and for each tier below, an extra +5. This caps out at PU/ZUBL/ZU mons getting +30.

Our Lovely Council:
:Monferno: adpg.alt
:Avalugg: Advt
:Jolteon: Best Gal

Ruleset and Banlist:

Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Single Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability.

Arena Trap
Fur Coat
Gorilla Tactics
Huge Power
Ice Scale
Innards Out
Magic Bounce
Neutralizing Gas
Orichalcum Pulse
Parental Bond
Poison Heal
Pure Power
Shadow Tag
Speed Boost
Water Bubble
Wonder Guard

:Arceus: Arceus
:Calyrex-Shadow: Shadow Rider Calyrex
:Deoxys-Attack: Deoxys Attack Forme
:Eternatus: Eternatus
:Ho-oh: Ho-oh
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa Unbound
:Koraidon: Koraidon
:Miraidon: Miraidon
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: Dusk Mane Necrozma
:Pikachu: Pikachu
:Rayquaza: Rayquaza
:Regigigas: Regigigas
:Slaking: Slaking

King's Rock
Baton Pass
Last Respects


/tour new [Gen 9] Anything Goes,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Tier Shift AAA
/tour rules Standard OMs,Tier Shift Mod,!Obtainable Abilities,Sleep Moves Clause,Ability Clause = 1,Terastal Clause,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce, -Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Triage,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Kings Rock,-Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing,-Arceus-*,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Deoxys-Attack,-Eternatus,-Ho-Oh,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Koraidon,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Pikachu,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Slaking,-Last Respects
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7
/challenge [Gen 9] Anything Goes @@@ Standard OMs,Tier Shift Mod,!Obtainable Abilities,Sleep Moves Clause,Ability Clause = 1,Terastal Clause,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce, -Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Triage,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Kings Rock,-Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing,-Arceus-*,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Deoxys-Attack,-Eternatus,-Ho-Oh,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Koraidon,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Pikachu,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Slaking, -Last Respects

TBA :3

TBA :3

TBA :3
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Pokebilities AAA Hub
What is Pokebilities AAA?
Pokebilities AAA, often shortened to PokeAAA, is the mashup of Pokebilities and Almost Any Ability. In this format, all of a Pokemon's obtainable abilities are active simultaneously, plus one extra ability given via AAA.

:exeggutor-alola: Eggs
:clefable: RICEMAN

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Single Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability. This does not apply to abilities granted by Pokebilities.
Regenerator Clause: No more than one Pokemon per team may have the ability Regenerator.
The following abilities are banned and cannot be used. Native users of these abilities are banned.
:dugtrio: Arena Trap
:magnezone: Magnet Pull
:octillery: Moody
:gothitelle: Shadow Tag

The following abilities are restricted and cannot be used as the extra AAA ability in the teambuilder. Native users of these abilities are not banned unless otherwise stated.
:komala: Comatose
:serperior: Contrary
:furfrou: Fur Coat
:gholdengo: Good as Gold
:darmanitan-galar: Gorilla Tactics
:mawile-mega: Huge Power
:snom: Ice Scales
:zoroark-hisui: Illusion
:ditto: Imposter
:pyukumuku: Innards Out
:xatu: Magic Bounce
:weezing-galar: Neutralizing Gas
:koraidon: Orichalcum Pulse
:kangaskhan-mega: Parental Bond
:gliscor: Poison Heal
:medicham-mega: Pure Power
:bibarel: Simple
:blaziken: Speed Boost
:thievul: Stakeout
:glimmora: Toxic Debris
:comfey: Triage
:sceptile: Unburden
:araquanid: Water Bubble
:shedinja: Wonder Guard

The following combinations of abilities cannot be used on the same Pokemon. The abilities are still useable individually and while on the same team.
Drizzle and Swift Swim
Primordial Sea and Swift Swim
Drought and Chlorophyll
Drought and Protosynthesis
Desolate Land and Chlorophyll
Electric Surge and Surge Surfer
Electric Surge and Quark Drive
Hadron Engine and Surge Surfer
Hadron Engine and Quark Drive
Emergency Exit and Regenerator
Wimp Out and Regenerator
:annihilape: Annihilape
:arcanine-hisui: Arcanine-Hisui
:arceus: Arceus
:azumarill: Azumarill
:basculin: Basculin
:basculegion: Basculegion
:baxcalibur: Baxcalibur
:blaziken: Blaziken
:braviary-hisui: Braviary-Hisui
:calyrex-ice: Calyrex-Ice
:calyrex-shadow: Calyrex-Shadow
:chi-yu: Chi-Yu
:chien-pao: Chien-Pao
:clefable: Clefable
:conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:darkrai: Darkrai
:Deoxys-Attack: Deoxys-Attack
:Deoxys: Deoxys-Base
:dialga: Dialga
:dialga-origin: Dialga-Origin
:dondozo: Dondozo
:dragapult: Dragapult
:dragonite: Dragonite
:enamorus: Enamorus-Base
:espathra: Espathra
:eternatus: Eternatus
:excadrill: Excadrill
:flutter mane: Flutter Mane
:gholdengo: Gholdengo
:giratina: Giratina
:giratina-origin: Giratina-Origin
:gouging fire: Gouging Fire
:groudon: Groudon
:hawlucha: Hawlucha
:ho-oh: Ho-Oh
:hoopa-unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:iron bundle: Iron Bundle
:iron valiant: Iron Valiant
:kingambit: Kingambit
:Keldeo: Keldeo
:kleavor: Kleavor
:koraidon: Koraidon
:kyogre: Kyogre
:kyurem: Kyurem
:kyurem-black: Kyurem-Black
:kyurem-white: Kyurem-White
:landorus: Landorus-Incarnate
:lugia: Lugia
:lunala: Lunala
:magearna: Magearna
:meowscarada: Meowscarada
:mewtwo: Mewtwo
:miraidon: Miraidon
:necrozma-dusk-mane: Necrozma Dusk-Mane
:necrozma-dawn-wings: Necrozma Dawn-Wings
:noivern: Noivern
:ogerpon-hearthflame: Ogerpon-Hearthflame
:palkia: Palkia
:palkia-origin: Palkia-Origin
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z
:rayquaza: Rayquaza
:raging bolt: Raging Bolt
:reshiram: Reshiram
:serperior: Serperior
:shaymin-sky: Shaymin-Sky
:smeargle: Smeargle
:sneasler: Sneasler
:solgaleo: Solgaleo
:spectrier: Spectrier
:ursaluna: Ursaluna
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon
:urshifu: Urshifu-Single-Strike
:urshifu: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike
:walking wake: Walking Wake
:Weavile: Weavile
:yanmega: Yanmega
:zacian: Zacian-Hero
:zacian-crowned: Zacian-Crowned
:Zamazenta: Zamazenta
:zapdos-galar: Zapdos-Galar
:zoroark-hisui: Zoroark-Hisui
:slowking: King's Rock
:smeargle: Baton Pass
:houndstone: Last Respects
:pawmot: Revival Blessing
:orthworm: Shed Tail

/tour new [Gen 9] Pokebilities, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Pokebilities AAA
/tour rules !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Toxic Debris, *Triage, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Arcanine-Hisui, -Azumarill, -Basculin, -Blaziken, -Clefable, -Darkrai, -Dondozo, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, -Enamorus-Base, -Gholdengo, -Gouging Fire, -Hawlucha, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Keldeo, -Kleavor, -Kyurem, -Meowscarada, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Serperior, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Weavile, -Yanmega, -Zamazenta, -Zapdos-Galar, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator + Emergency Exit, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin
/tour autostart 10
/tour autodq 7

/challenge gen9pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Toxic Debris, *Triage, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Arcanine-Hisui, -Azumarill, -Basculin, -Blaziken, -Clefable, -Darkrai, -Dondozo, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, -Enamorus-Base, -Gholdengo, -Gouging Fire, -Hawlucha, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Keldeo, -Kleavor, -Kyurem, -Meowscarada, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Serperior, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Weavile, -Yanmega, -Zamazenta, -Zapdos-Galar, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator + Emergency Exit, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin
Q. How do the abilities get added to the Pokemon?
A. In the teambuilder, select the AAA ability in the ability slot. Your Pokemon will have its regular ('native') abilities added in battle.

Q. Why so many complex bans?
A. Due to the nature of the format, it is healthier to restrict broken combinations of abilities (mostly combinations that boost the user's speed) instead of banning one or both of the base abilities, which are not broken by themselves.

Q. Why is Regenerator Clause in effect?
A. Without it, Regenerator cores consisting of multiple native users and an AAA user dominate the metagame and are able to (effectively) infinitely stall other teams that cannot break through their cores.

Q. How do Weezing/Weezing-Galar work? :weezing: :weezing-galar:
A. At the moment of writing (7/30/24), Pokemon with Neutralizing Gas as a native ability will only have Neutralizing Gas active while on the field. Neither form will be immune to ground moves with Levitate, and Weezing-G's Misty Terrain will not appear. However, because Regenerator activates after Neutralizing Gas wears off, they can still benefit from running Regenerator.

Q. How does Palafin work? :palafin: :palafin-hero:
A. TLDR use Ability Shield. Base Palafin will benefit from its AAA ability prior to the Zero-to-Hero transformation. If Palafin is holding an Ability Shield, Palafin-Hero will continue to benefit from its AAA ability after the transformation. Without ability shield, Palafin-Hero's only active ability is Zero-to-Hero.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
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:calyrex-ice: :eternatus: :giratina:Godly Gift Shared Power Hub:scizor: :basculegion: :rillaboom:

What is Godly Power?
Godly Power, an OMM founded by HiZo, is the mashup of Godly Gift and Shared Power, which means that once a Pokémon switches in, its ability is shared with the rest of the team; as well as each Pokémon receiving one base stat from a God (AG/Uber Pokémon) depending on its position in the team (if there is no Uber Pokémon, it uses the Pokémon in the first slot). Which means 6 abilities + 1 changed stat can be at play at any time. See the Godly Gift thread for a more in depth explanation of how that format works.

:Solgaleo: The Hisui Region (Tier Leader)
:togedemaru: dreepy
:zoroark-hisui: HiZo
:gengar-mega: shadowmaster6789

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Godly Gift's Restriction: You may have only one Uber Pokemon as your 'god'.

(* means the ability is restricted and able to be used by its native learners but not passed to other team members)

:dugtrio:Arena Trap
:farigiraf:Armor Tail*
:persian-alola:Fur Coat*
:talonflame:Gale Wings*
:gholdengo:Good As Gold*
:azumarill:Huge Power
:frosmoth:Ice Scales*
:espeon:Magic Bounce*
:reuniclus:Magic Guard*
:magnezone:Magnet Pull*
:haxorus:Mold Breaker*
:gliscor:Poison Heal*
:medicham:Pure Power*
:garganacl:Purifying Salt*
:tsareena:Queenly Majesty*
:slowbro-galar:Quick Draw*
:jolteon:Quick Feet*
:excadrill:Sand Rush*
:garchomp:Sand Veil
:lunala:Shadow Shield*
:gothitelle:Shadow Tag
:beartic:Slush Rush*
:glaceon:Snow Cloak
:flittle:Speed Boost
:raichu-alola:Surge Surfer*
:barraskewda:Swift Swim
:lokix:Tinted Lens*
:araquanid: Water Bubble*

:koraidon: Koraidon
:Miraidon: Miraidon

Restricted (usable as gods):
:flutter-mane:Flutter Mane
:iron-bundle:Iron Bundle

:drapion: Acupressure
:eevee: Baton Pass
:houndstone: Last Respects
:cyclizar: Shed Tail

:bright powder: Bright Powder
:focus-band: Focus Band
:kings rock: King's Rock
:leppa berry: Leppa Berry
:quick claw: Quick Claw
:starf berry: Starf Berry


/challenge [Gen 9] Shared Power @@@Godly Gift Mod,+AG,+Uber,+Clefable,+Dondozo,+Greninja,+Kingambit,*Annihilape,*Arceus,*Baxcalibur,*Calyrex-Ice,*Chi-Yu,*Chien-Pao,*Dialga,*Eternatus,*Flutter Mane,*Giratina,*Groudon,*Ho-Oh,*Iron Bundle,*Kyogre,*Kyurem-Black,*Kyurem-White,*Landorus,*Lugia,*Lunala,*Magearna,*Mewtwo,*Necrozma-Dawn-Wings,*Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,*Ogerpon-Hearthflame,*Palafin,*Palkia,*Rayquaza,*Regieleki,*Reshiram,*Shaymin-Sky,*Sneasler,*Solgaleo,*Spectrier,*Terapagos,*Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,*Urshifu-Base,*Zacian,*Zamazenta-Crowned,*Zekrom,*Toxapex,*Maushold,*Hoopa-Unbound,-Blissey,-Chansey,-Deoxys-Attack,-Deoxys-Base,-Huge Power,-Pure Power,-Triage,-Focus Band,-Quick Claw,-Shed Tail,*Chlorophyll,*Opportunist,*Turboblaze,*Teravolt,*Shadow Shield

/tour new [Gen 9] Shared Power, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Godly Power /tour rules Godly Gift Mod, +AG, +Uber, +Clefable, +Dondozo, +Greninja, +Kingambit, *Annihilape, *Arceus, *Baxcalibur, *Calyrex-Ice, *Chi-Yu, *Chien-Pao, *Dialga, *Eternatus, *Flutter Mane, *Giratina, *Groudon, *Ho-Oh, *Iron Bundle, *Kyogre, *Kyurem-Black, *Kyurem-White, *Landorus, *Lugia, *Lunala, *Magearna, *Mewtwo, *Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, *Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, *Ogerpon-Hearthflame, *Palafin, *Palkia, *Rayquaza, *Regieleki, *Reshiram, *Shaymin-Sky, *Sneasler, *Solgaleo, *Spectrier, *Terapagos, *Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, *Urshifu-Base, *Zacian, *Zamazenta-Crowned, *Zekrom, *Toxapex, *Maushold, *Hoopa-Unbound, -Blissey, -Chansey, -Deoxys-Attack, -Deoxys-Base, -Huge Power, -Pure Power, -Triage, -Focus Band, -Quick Claw, -Shed Tail, *Chlorophyll, *Opportunist, *Turboblaze, *Teravolt, *Shadow Shield /tour autostart 7 /tour autodq 4 /wall **HUB LINK**

12/27/2022: Tier initialized
8/2/2023: Tier recreated as a result of home
7/14/2024: Triage banned, hub updated
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Doubles Mashups Hub

What is AAA Doubles?
Almost Any Ability Doubles is a mashup of Almost Any Ability and Doubles OU, where Pokemon gains access to almost any ability in a Doubles OU environment.

:dragonite: longhiep341 (Tier Dictator)

Ruleset and Banlist:

Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Moves Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Gravity Sleep Clause: Bans sleep moves below 100% accuracy, in conjunction with Gravity or Gigantamax Orbeetle
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Ability Clause = 2: Prevents teams from having more than two Pokémon with the same ability
  • Arena Trap
  • Comatose
  • Contrary
  • Costar
  • Gorilla Tactics
  • Huge Power
  • Illusion
  • Imposter
  • Innards Out
  • Moody
  • Neutralizing Gas
  • Parental Bond
  • Pure Power
  • Rattled
  • Shadow Tag
  • Simple
  • Stamina
  • Steam Engine
  • Water Bubble
  • Wonder Guard
These moves are banned
  • Beat Up
These items are banned:
  • King's Rock
These pokemon cannot be used at all unless you bribe the tier leader:
  • :arceus:Arceus
  • :calyrex-ice:Calyrex-Ice
  • :Calyrex-Shadow: Calyrex-Shadow
  • :Dialga:Dialga
  • :Dialga-Origin: Dialga-Origin
  • :eternatus:Eternatus
  • :giratina:Giratina
  • :Giratina-Origin:Giratina-Origin
  • :groudon:Groudon
  • :koraidon: Koraidon
  • :kyogre:Kyogre
  • :mewtwo:Mewtwo
  • :miraidon:Miraidon
  • :palkia: Palkia
  • :Palkia-Origin:Palkia-Origin
  • :rayquaza:Rayquaza
  • :tatsugiri:Tatsurigi
  • :zacian:Zacian
  • :Zacian-Crowned:Zacian-Crowned
  • :Zamazenta:Zamazenta

:Typhlosion-Hisui::Volcanion::Mew::Great Tusk::Swampert::Gouging Fire: - Sun by longhiep341
:Ursaluna::Mew::Kommo-o::Iron Hands::Rillaboom::Volcanion: - Bulky setup by longhiep341
Start of SV - Start of AAA Doubles meta
30/5 - Home meta
/tour new [Gen 9] Doubles OU, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] AAA Doubles
/tour rules Standard OMs, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 2, -Slaking, -Zamazenta-Base, -Arena Trap, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -King's Rock, -Neutralizing Gas, -Parental Bond, -Pure Power, -Rattled, -Simple, -Stamina, -Steam Engine, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, -Beat Up, +Urshifu-S
/tour autostart 10
/tour autodq 6
/challenge [Gen 9] Doubles OU @@@ Standard OMs,!Obtainable Abilities,Ability Clause = 2,-Slaking,-Zamazenta-Base,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-King's Rock,-Neutralizing Gas,-Parental Bond,-Pure Power,-Rattled,-Simple,-Stamina,-Steam Engine,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Beat Up,+Urshifu-S
What is STABmons Doubles?
STABmons Doubles is a mashup of STABmons and Doubles OU, where Pokemon gains access to any moves of their typing, in a Doubles OU environment.

:cyndaquil: Roldski32 (Tier Leader)

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Moves Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Gravity Sleep Clause: Bans sleep moves below 100% accuracy, in conjunction with Gravity or Gigantamax Orbeetle.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • :arceus:Arceus
  • :calyrex-ice:Calyrex-Ice
  • :Calyrex-Shadow: Calyrex-Shadow
  • :Dialga:Dialga
  • :Dialga-Origin: Dialga-Origin
  • :eternatus:Eternatus
  • :giratina:Giratina
  • :Giratina-Origin:Giratina-Origin
  • :groudon:Groudon
  • :komala:Komala
  • :koraidon: Koraidon
  • :kyogre:Kyogre
  • :magearna:Magearna
  • :mewtwo:Mewtwo
  • :miraidon:Miraidon
  • :palkia: Palkia
  • :Palkia-Origin:Palkia-Origin
  • :rayquaza:Rayquaza
  • :tatsugiri:Tatsurigi
  • :zacian:Zacian
  • :Zacian-Crowned:Zacian-Crowned
  • :Zamazenta:Zamazenta
  • :Zamazenta-Crowned:Zamazenta-Crowned
  • Acupressure
  • Astral Barrage
  • Belly Drum
  • Diamond Storm
  • Extreme Speed
  • Fillet Away
  • Follow Me
  • Glacial Lance
  • Last Respects
  • Revival Blessing
  • Shed Tail
  • Shell Smash
  • Shift Gear
  • Spore
  • Shadow Tag
/tour new [Gen 9] Doubles OU, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] STABmons Doubles
/tour rules STABmons Move Legality, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Diamond Storm, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Follow Me, *Glacial Lance, *Last Respects, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Spore, -Komala
/tour autostart 10
/tour autodq 7
/challenge [Gen 9] Doubles OU @@@ STABmons Move Legality, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Diamond Storm, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Follow Me, *Glacial Lance, *Last Respects, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Spore, -Komala
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Little Cup Mashups Hub
:sv/toedscool:What is Almost Any Ability Little Cup?:sv/toedscool:
Almost Any Ability Little Cup is a mashup of Almost Any Ability and Little Cup, where Pokemon gains access to almost any ability in a Little Cup format.

:cyndaquil: Roldski32 (Tier Leader)
:tropius: bleahey

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Single Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :cutiefly: Cutiefly
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :murkrow: Murkrow
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :rufflet: Rufflet
  • :scraggy: Scraggy
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :stantler: Stantler
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Arena Trap
  • Chlorophyll
  • Comatose
  • Contrary
  • Fur Coat
  • Gorilla Tactics
  • Huge Power
  • Ice Scales
  • Illusion
  • Imposter
  • Innards Out
  • Moody
  • Neutralizing Gas
  • Parental Bond
  • Protosynthesis
  • Pure Power
  • Quark Drive
  • Sand Rush
  • Shadow Tag
  • Simple
  • Slush Rush
  • Speed Boost
  • Stakeout
  • Surge Surfer
  • Swift Swim
  • Triage
  • Unburden
  • Water Bubble
  • Wonder Guard
  • Baton Pass
  • Sticky Web
/challenge [Gen 9] LC @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Terastal Clause, -Arena Trap, -Chlorophyll, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Moody, -Neutralizing Gas, -Parental Bond, -Protosynthesis, -Pure Power, -Quark Drive, -Sand Rush, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Slush Rush, -Speed Boost, -Stakeout, -Surge Surger, -Swift Swim, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, +Diglett-Base, +Flittle, +Meditite, +Porygon, +Snivy, +Vulpix, +Heat Rock

/tour new [Gen 9] LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] Almost Any Ability
/tour rules !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Terastal Clause, -Arena Trap, -Chlorophyll, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Moody, -Neutralizing Gas, -Parental Bond, -Protosynthesis, -Pure Power, -Quark Drive, -Sand Rush, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Slush Rush, -Speed Boost, -Stakeout, -Surge Surfer, -Swift Swim, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, +Diglett-Base, +Flittle, +Meditite, +Porygon, +Snivy, +Vulpix, +Heat Rock
LC AAA Setpedia
:ss/munchlax:What is Balanced Hackmons Little Cup?:ss/munchlax:
Balanced Hackmons Little Cup is a mashup of Balanced Hackmons and Little Cup. In this metagame, Pokemon that hasn't evolved yet and is at first stage can use nearly anything possible that you can battle with in a local battle.

:cyndaquil: Roldski32 (Tier Leader)

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :type null: Type: Null
  • Baton Pass
  • Belly Drum
  • Ceaseless Edge
  • Dire Claw
  • Imprison
  • Last Respects
  • Population Bomb
  • Quiver Dance
  • Rage Fist
  • Revival Blessing
  • Shed Tail
  • Shell Smash
  • Victory Dance
  • Arena Trap
  • Comatose
  • Contrary
  • Gorilla Tactics
  • Hadron Engine
  • Huge Power
  • Illusion
  • Innards Out
  • Magnet Pull
  • Moody
  • Neutralizing Gas
  • Orichalcum Pulse
  • Parental Bond
  • Pure Power
  • Shadow Tag
  • Stakeout
  • Water Bubble
  • Wonder Guard

/challenge balancedhackmons @@@ Little Cup, +Poison Heal, -Basculin, -Duraludon, -Scyther, -Sneasel, -Type: Null, -Population Bomb

/tour new balancedhackmons,elim,,,[Gen 9] LC Balanced Hackmons
/tour rules Little Cup, +Poison Heal, -Basculin, -Duraludon, -Scyther, -Sneasel, -Type: Null, -Population Bomb
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall BH includes the national dex of Pokemon but they will not show when searching via the LC filter. Remember that this is still Level 5!
BH LC Speed Tier
:sv/treecko:What is Camomons Little Cup?:sv/treecko:
Camomons Little Cup is a mashup of Camomons and Little Cup, where Pokemon gains new typing based on their first two moves, in a Little Cup setting

:cyndaquil: Roldski32 (Tier Leader)

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :cutiefly: Cutiefly
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :flittle: Flittle
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :meditite: Meditite
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :murkrow: Murkrow
  • :porygon: Porygon
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :rufflet: Rufflet
  • :scraggy: Scraggy
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :stantler: Stantler
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :vulpix: Vulpix
  • :vulpix-alola: Vulpix-Alola
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Baton Pass
  • Sticky Web
  • Heat Rock
  • Moody

/challenge [Gen 9] LC @@@ Camomons Mod, Terastal Clause, +Diglett-Base, +Snivy

/tour new [Gen 9] LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] Camomons LC
/tour rules Camomons Mod, Terastal Clause, +Diglett-Base, +Snivy
Camomons Little Cup Setpedia
:ss/sandshrew-alola:What is Mix and Mega Little Cup?:ss/sandshrew-alola:
Mix and Mega Little Cup is a mashup of Mix and Mega and Little Cup. In this metagame, players may only use Pokémon that have not yet evolved, are capable of evolution, and are obtainable at level 5 in-game. These Pokémon can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions.

Yoru97 (Tier Leader)
:ekans: Clas
:mienfoo: zastra
:pikachu: TheIronPikachu
:tropius: bleahey

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Mega Stone Clause: A limit of one of each Mega Stone may be used.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
These Pokemon are banned
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :meditite: Meditite
  • :rufflet: Rufflet
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :stantler: Stantler
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :buizel: Buizel
  • :cutiefly: Cutiefly
  • :dratini: Dratini
  • :elekid: Elekid
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :mienfoo: Mienfoo
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :murkrow: Murkrow
  • :pawniard: Pawniard
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Gengarite
  • Kangaskhanite
  • Lucarionite
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Pidgeotite
  • Baton Pass
  • Sticky Web
  • Moody

/challenge [Gen 9] Mix and Mega @@@ Little Cup, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Meditite, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, +Red Orb, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Buizel, *Cutiefly, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Mienfoo, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Pawniard, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma

/tour new [Gen 9] Mix and Mega, elim,,, [Gen 9] Mix and Mega Little Cup
/tour rules Little Cup, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Meditite, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, +Red Orb, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Buizel, *Cutiefly, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Mienfoo, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Pawniard, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma
Mix and Mega LC Viability Ranking
Mix and Mega LC Speed Tier
:ss/fletchling:What is Pokebilities AAA Little Cup?:ss/fletchling:
Pokebilities AAA Little Cup is a mashup of Pokebilities, Almost Any Ability, and Little Cup, where all of a Pokemon's obtainable abilities are active simultaneously, plus one extra ability given via AAA in a Little Cup format.

:sandile: Velcroc

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Single Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability. This does not apply to abilities granted by Pokebilities.
Regenerator Clause: No more than two Pokemon per team may have the ability Regenerator.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :cutiefly: Cutiefly
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :murkrow: Murkrow
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :rufflet: Rufflet
  • :scraggy: Scraggy
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :snivy: Snivy
  • :stantler: Stantler
  • :yanma: Yanma
The following abilities are banned and cannot be used. Native users of these abilities are banned.
  • :octillery: Moody

The following abilities are restricted and cannot be used as the extra AAA ability in the teambuilder. Native users of these abilities are not banned unless otherwise stated.
  • :dugtrio: Arena Trap
  • :komala: Comatose
  • :serperior: Contrary
  • :furfrou: Fur Coat
  • :gholdengo: Good as Gold
  • :darmanitan-galar: Gorilla Tactics
  • :mawile-mega: Huge Power
  • :snom: Ice Scales
  • :zoroark-hisui: Illusion
  • :ditto: Imposter
  • :pyukumuku: Innards Out
  • :xatu: Magic Bounce
  • :magnezone: Magnet Pull
  • :weezing-galar: Neutralizing Gas
  • :koraidon: Orichalcum Pulse
  • :kangaskhan-mega: Parental Bond
  • :medicham-mega: Pure Power
  • :gothitelle: Shadow Tag
  • :bibarel: Simple
  • :blaziken: Speed Boost
  • :thievul: Stakeout
  • :sceptile: Unburden
  • :araquanid: Water Bubble
  • :shedinja: Wonder Guard

The following combinations of abilities cannot be used on the same Pokemon. The abilities are still useable individually and while on the same team.
  • Drizzle and Swift Swim
  • Primordial Sea and Swift Swim
  • Drought and Chlorophyll
  • Desolate Land and Chlorophyll
  • Sand Stream and Sand Rush
  • Snow Warning and Slush Rush
  • Sand Stream and Sand Veil
  • Snow Warning and Snow Cloak
  • :slowking: King's Rock
  • :smeargle: Baton Pass
  • :houndstone: Last Respects
  • :razor fang: Razor Fang
  • :pawmot: Revival Blessing
  • :orthworm: Shed Tail
  • :Cutiefly: Sticky Web

/challenge gen9pokebilities @@@ Little Cup, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Neutralizing Gas, *Parental Bond, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, *Orichalcum Pulse, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Basculin-White-Striped, -Aipom, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Gastly, -Girafarig, -Gligar, -Murkrow, -Misdreavus, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Rufflet, -Scraggy, -Snivy, -Stantler, -Yanma, -Meditite, -Cutiefly, -Sand Stream + Sand Rush, *Triage, -Snow Warning + Slush Rush, -Regenerator > 2, *Magnet Pull, *Sand Veil, *Snow Cloak, *Arena Trap, -Sand Stream + Sand Veil, -Snow Warning + Snow Cloak, *Shadow Tag, +Heat Rock

/tour new [Gen 9] Pokebilities, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] LC PokeAAAbilities
/tour rules Little Cup, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Neutralizing Gas, *Parental Bond, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, *Orichalcum Pulse, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Basculin-White-Striped, -Aipom, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Gastly, -Girafarig, -Gligar, -Murkrow, -Misdreavus, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Rufflet, -Scraggy, -Snivy, -Stantler, -Yanma, -Meditite, -Cutiefly, -Sand Stream + Sand Rush, *Triage, -Snow Warning + Slush Rush, -Regenerator > 2, *Magnet Pull, *Sand Veil, *Snow Cloak, *Arena Trap, -Sand Stream + Sand Veil, -Snow Warning + Snow Cloak, *Shadow Tag, +Heat Rock
/tour autostart 10
/tour autodq 7
Q. How do the abilities get added to the Pokemon?
A. In the teambuilder, select the AAA ability in the ability slot. Your Pokemon will have its regular abilities added in battle.

Q. Why so many complex bans?
A. Due to the nature of the format, it is healthier to restrict broken combinations of abilities (mostly combinations that boost the user's speed) instead of banning one or both of the base abilities, which are not broken by themselves.

Q. Why is Regenerator Clause in effect?
A. It is in effect because of the code being largely based on the code of PokeAAA. Action to remove the clause may be taken by council in the future as LC is significantly less bulky than level 100 metagames, making the issue of Regenstack potentially being capable of infinitely stalling opposing teams less feasible.
:ss/dreepy:What is STABmons Little Cup?:ss/dreepy:
STABmons Little Cup is a mashup of STABmons and Little Cup, where Pokemon gains access to any moves of their typing, in a Little Cup format

:cyndaquil: Roldski32 (Tier Leader)

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :cutiefly: Cutiefly
  • :dewpider: Dewpider
  • :diglett: Diglett
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :murkrow: Murkrow
  • :porygon: Porygon
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :rufflet: Rufflet
  • :scraggy: Scraggy
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :snivy: Snivy
  • :stantler: Stantler
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :vulpix: Vulpix
  • :vulpix-alola: Vulpix-Alola
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Acupressure
  • Astral Barrage
  • Belly Drum
  • Extreme Speed
  • Fillet Away
  • Gigaton Hammer
  • Last Respects
  • No Retreat
  • Population Bomb
  • Revival Blessing
  • Shed Tail
  • Shell Smash
  • Shift Gear
  • Spore
  • Surging Strikes
  • V-Create
  • Victory Dance
Moves (Full-ban):
  • Baton Pass
  • Sticky Web
  • Heat Rock
  • Moody

/challenge [Gen 9] LC @@@ STABmons Move Legality, -Dewpider, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Gigaton Hammer, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Population Bomb, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Spore, *Surging Strikes, *V-Create, *Victory Dance

/tour new [Gen 9] LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] STABmons Little Cup
/tour rules STABmons Move Legality, -Dewpider, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Gigaton Hammer, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Population Bomb, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Spore, *Surging Strikes, *V-Create, *Victory Dance
:mienfoo::mareanie::pawniard::vullaby::toedscool::torchic: Torchic by Roldski32
:mienfoo::foongus::pawniard::vullaby::chinchou::eevee: Scarf Eevee by Roldski32
:mienfoo::mareanie::mudbray::diglett-alola::vullaby::gothita: Diglett-Alola by Roldski32
STABmons Little Cup Setpedia
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STAAAB Garchomp
Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Glaive Rush
- Headlong Rush
- Shore Up

i feel sad that tech sets lost bonemerang, i played in gen 8 staaab and got reminded how brutally powerful +1 bonemerang is (ohkoed ferro (25% chance)). it did get cool toys for an adapt set in glaive rush and headlong ig. shore up is there for longevity but you could swap it with edge, and jolly might be better than adamant but teambuilder gave me adamant and i forgor to swap it
I'm currently refixing LC Mashup Resources, so for now, i'm posting few things

Camomons LC
Toedscool @ Eviolite
Ability: Mycelium Might
Level: 5
EVs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 36 SpA / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
- Spore
- Flash Cannon
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off

Toedscool has some cool typing option, but unfortunately, its completely strapped on moveslot.

Pawniard @ Eviolite
Ability: Defiant
Level: 5
EVs: 156 Atk / 36 Def / 116 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Gigaton Hammer
- Sucker Punch
- Stealth Rock

This thing is a menace and is hard to switch into without bulky Fighters (Mienfoo and Timburr are currently not in this game). Gigaton Hammer is busted, and in Pawniard's case, it has absolutely no drawback, because its either Pawniard switches out, or its gonna click Sucker Punch or Knock Off on the next turn anyway.

Mix and Mega LC
Scyther @ Eviolite / Heavy-Duty-Boots
Ability: Technician
Level: 5
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 196 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SpD / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Quick Attack
- Aerial Ace
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance

Scyther lost Dual Wingbeat this gen, but it gains Close Combat and there's no Onix currently in this tier, and apparently Terastallizing is legal in MnM?, and Scyther easily abuses it. This particular set uses Normal-Type Tera to gain STAB on Technician Quick Attack, and its enough to one-shot any frail mon at +2.

Dunsparce @ Eviolite
Ability: Serene Grace
Level: 5
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 36 HP / 196 Atk / 36 Def / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Headbutt
- Bite
- Earthquake
- Agility

Hax, Hax, Hax. A single agility boost is enough to outspeed every megas there is, and an unboosted Headbutt is strong enough to 2HKO a great portion of LC Pool, especially with the help of Tera.
:corviknight: :scream-tail: :breloom: :Iron-Valiant: :Roaring-Moon: :Iron-Moth:

Quick little staaab team I made for the start of gen-9. Scream-Tail is a mini bliss from last gen with wishport and rocks, and corviknight makes a good physical wall with furcoat. Iron-Moth is a nice breaker with eruption and armor canon, and access to uturn for momentum. Breloom is a good triage user with having access to both horn leech and drain punch, and roaring moon makes a nice scarf user with uturn and stab knock-off. Lastly, there's Iron-Valiant with sheer force which I really like for STAAAB, as it has an extended move pool to choose from and makes a great mixed breaker.

It's very early on and the meta is still pretty chaotic, but I've really enjoyed it so far! I hope to have more posts like this in the forward once my schedule frees up.
Here are some of my quick thoughts on Doubles Mashups:
STABmons Doubles

Booster Energy:
Having it remain banned really didn't solve anything in STABmons Doubles in the grand scheme of things since you can now pair it with Torkoal or Pincurchin, especially since Pincurchin gets Volt Switch and Rising Voltage now.

Glacial Lance:
I'm not a big fan of this move. While it's true that it has been nerfed by lowering its power by 10, at the end of the day, Glacial Lance is still a powerful spread move with excellent coverage. One particular user that comes to mind is Chien-Poa thanks to its Sword of Ruin that reduces defense on every other Pokemon. Another one is Baxcalibur, which can now opt to wreak havoc immediately with tailwind support instead of setting Dragon Dance up beforehand with its astonishing 145 Attack.

Bleakwind Storm/Wildbolt Storm/Springtide Storm:
Unfortunately, Aeroblast is not in yet, but Bleakwind Storm serves as the best meal in town for Flying-types with it hitting multiple foes with the nasty effect of potentially lowering their speed. Iron Jugulis benefits from Bleakwind Storm as it no longer relies on Hurricane. While it hasn't been released yet, Hisuian Braviary can make good use of it thanks to Sheer Force boosting its power (yes there's Landorus-I but it's unlikely for it to stay in doubles now lmao).

Meanwhile, Wildbolt Storm and Springtide Storm serve as alternatives to Overdrive or Dazzling Gleam (respectively) if one needs more power in exchange for accuracy.

Hyper Drill:
In addition to having almost the same power as the axed Return, Hyper Drill's biggest appeal is ignoring protection moves when attacking, allowing them to pick up potential free KO if the opponent attempts to use Protect. The first Pokemon that comes to mind is Maushold thanks to its good supporting movepool and speed. Staraptor could come in handy if you want Intimidate and immediate firepower, I guess.

Edit: turns out it only ignores protect, not lift its effect completely, which are different things as the latter allows the ally to hit them while the former does not, oops

Ting-Lu is definitely a Pokemon that needs to be prepared as it greatly benefited from the mechanic of STABmons. Precipice Blades, High Horsepower, Shore Up, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, you name it. The only issue is Ting-Lu is unable to fit all these moves at once.

as soon as it's out, quickban it as soon as possible, it's like melmetal that is somehow worse in every possible way. it also learns belly drum naturally so that's fun

EDIT: I forgot one thing
Spicy Extract:
This is just Swagger 3.0. Simply hold Clear Amulet and you won't get any defense drops from it. Or you could use it in conjuction with Spectral Thief to deal massive damage while gaining Attack boost from the foe. On top of it, redirecting it is not ideal as they will get defense drops from Spicy Extraxt, making them easy prey. Might be best to restrict it.

AAA Doubles
The first ability that comes to mind is Costar with its ability to copy the ally's stats changes. Being able to copy Quiver Dance boosts upon switching in is already bad enough, but Belly Drum boosts easily takes the cake once someone pulls it off.

Rage Fist:
Ban it as soon as possible, it's actually unbelievably dumb. It can be combined with Stamina and having its ally hit it with multi-hit moves such as Population Bomb. The reason why I said Rage Fist instead of Annilape is that someone bought Primeape in as well, especially since you can terastallize into Ghost-type later to get the power boost from it.

Wind Rider:
Wind Rider is probably one of the best abilities as not only do you gain immunity to several crucial moves such as Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Blizzard or Whirlwind while boosting your attack, it also triggers when Tailwind is in effect. Might consider taking action on Wind Rider if it can easily spiral out of control.

Intrepid Sword:
Intrepid Sword was nerfed so hard that one Intimidate is enough to neutralize it for the rest of the game lol. For now, use Sword of Ruin instead. Or Wind Rider.

Since Flutter Mane is banned in Doubles now, I don't have to worry about it in both STABmons and AAA Doubles because boy was it overbearing even there
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:ss/Diancie-Mega:Camove Chaos Hub:ss/Haxorus:

:Arbok: Clas [Leader]
:Budew: BandedBodyPress
:mimikyu: Haha gamer'd
:eternatus-eternamax: aerobee
:rotom: LinkCode
:gengar-mega: Akira 153
:bewear: ElgyemSoul

What's Camove Chaos?
Camove Chaos is a mashup between Camomons and National Dex that allows almost any move! This means having all National Dex mechanics as a base, Pokemon have a typing that matches their first two moves, and Pokemon have access to any move that isn't on the banlist.

How do I play?
Camove Chaos can be played on the main PS server with the following codes. It can be seen on the OM Mashups room or on the Tours Plaza room.
/challenge nationaldex@@@!Obtainable Moves,!Team Preview,Camomons Mod,CFZ Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Team Type Preview,-Baneful Bunker,-Belly Drum,-Bolt Beak,-Boomburst,-Burning Bulwark,-Ceaseless Edge,-Chatter,-Clangorous Soul,-Dire Claw,-Double Iron Bash,-Dragon Energy,-Eruption,-Extreme Speed,-Electrify,-Electro Shot,-Final Gambit,-Fillet Away,-Fishious Rend,-Geomancy,-Heal Order,-Jet Punch,-Lumina Crash,-No Retreat,-Octolock,-Population Bomb,-Power Trip,-Quiver Dance,-Rage Fist,-Revival Blessing,-Salt Cure,-Shell Smash,-Shift Gear,-Stored Power,-Surging Strikes,-Tail Glow,-Take Heart,-Thousand Arrows,-Transform,-Triple Arrows,-V-Create,-Victory Dance,-Water Spout,-Wicked Blow,-Aerodactyl-Mega,-Beedrill-Mega,-Charizard-Mega-Y,-Comfey,-Darmanitan,-Dondozo,-Enamorus,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Kartana,-Komala,-Kyurem,-Mawile-Mega,-Medicham-Mega,-Porygon-Z,-Sceptile-Mega,-Serperior,-Tapu Koko,-Ting Lu,-Ursaluna-Base,-Xurkitree,-Zoroark,-Regenerator > 2,-Smooth Rock,-Heat Rock,-Damp Rock,+Blazing Torque,+Combat Torque,+Light of Ruin,+Magical Torque,+Noxious Torque,+Wicked Torque,+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Blastoise-Mega,+Darkrai,+Deoxys-Speed,+Dracovish,+Dragapult,+Espathra,+Gholdengo,+Iron Bundle,+Kingambit,+Magearna,+Naganadel,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Roaring Moon,+Shaymin-Sky,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,+Urshifu,+Walking Wake,+Zygarde-Base,-Shedinja,-Zamazenta,-Melmetal
/tour new gen9nationaldex,elim,,,[Gen 9] Camove Chaos
/tour rules !Obtainable Moves,!Team Preview,Camomons Mod,CFZ Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Team Type Preview,-Baneful Bunker,-Belly Drum,-Bolt Beak,-Boomburst,-Burning Bulwark,-Ceaseless Edge,-Chatter,-Clangorous Soul,-Dire Claw,-Double Iron Bash,-Dragon Energy,-Eruption,-Extreme Speed,-Electrify,-Electro Shot,-Final Gambit,-Fillet Away,-Fishious Rend,-Geomancy,-Heal Order,-Jet Punch,-Lumina Crash,-No Retreat,-Octolock,-Population Bomb,-Power Trip,-Quiver Dance,-Rage Fist,-Revival Blessing,-Salt Cure,-Shell Smash,-Shift Gear,-Stored Power,-Surging Strikes,-Tail Glow,-Take Heart,-Thousand Arrows,-Transform,-Triple Arrows,-V-Create,-Victory Dance,-Water Spout,-Wicked Blow,-Aerodactyl-Mega,-Beedrill-Mega,-Charizard-Mega-Y,-Comfey,-Darmanitan,-Dondozo,-Enamorus,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Kartana,-Komala,-Kyurem,-Mawile-Mega,-Medicham-Mega,-Porygon-Z,-Sceptile-Mega,-Serperior,-Tapu Koko,-Ting Lu,-Ursaluna-Base,-Xurkitree,-Zoroark,-Regenerator > 2,-Smooth Rock,-Heat Rock,-Damp Rock,+Blazing Torque,+Combat Torque,+Light of Ruin,+Magical Torque,+Noxious Torque,+Wicked Torque,+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Blastoise-Mega,+Darkrai,+Deoxys-Speed,+Dracovish,+Dragapult,+Espathra,+Gholdengo,+Iron Bundle,+Kingambit,+Magearna,+Naganadel,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Roaring Moon,+Shaymin-Sky,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,+Urshifu,+Walking Wake,+Zygarde-Base,-Shedinja,-Zamazenta,-Melmetal
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall This is **National Dex Camomons** with **almost any move!** HUB:

Tiering History


  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
  • OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
  • Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
  • Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • Dynamax Clause: Players cannot use the mechanic known as Dynamaxing.
  • CFZ Clause: The use of Crystal-Free Z-Moves (CFZs) is disallowed.
  • :Aerodactyl-Mega:Aerodactyl-Mega
  • :Alakazam-Mega:Alakazam-Mega
  • :Arceus:Arceus-*
  • :Blaziken-Mega:Blaziken-Mega
  • :Beedrill-Mega:Beedrill-Mega
  • :Calyrex-Ice:Calyrex-Ice
  • :Calyrex-Shadow:Calyrex-Shadow
  • :charizard-mega-y:Charizard-Mega-Y
  • :Chien-Pao:Chien-Pao
  • :Chi-Yu:Chi-Yu
  • :Comfey:Comfey
  • :darmanitan:Darmanitan (Both)
  • :Deoxys:Deoxys
  • :Deoxys-Attack:Deoxys-Attack
  • :Dialga:Dialga
  • :Dialga-Origin:Dialga-Origin
  • :Dondozo:Dondozo
  • :Enamorus:Enamorus
  • :Eternatus:Eternatus
  • :Flutter Mane:Flutter Mane
  • :Genesect:Genesect
  • :Gengar-Mega:Gengar-Mega
  • :Giratina:Giratina
  • :Giratina-Origin:Giratina-Origin
  • :Groudon:Groudon
  • :Groudon-Primal:Groudon-Primal
  • :Ho-Oh:Ho-Oh
  • :hoopa-unbound:Hoopa-Unbound
  • :Kangaskhan-Mega:Kangaskhan-Mega
  • :Kartana:Kartana
  • :Komala:Komala
  • :Koraidon:Koraidon
  • :Kyogre:Kyogre
  • :Kyogre-Primal:Kyogre-Primal
  • :kyurem:Kyurem (All)
  • :Landorus:Landorus
  • :Lucario-Mega:Lucario-Mega
  • :Lugia:Lugia
  • :Lunala:Lunala
  • :Marshadow:Marshadow
  • :Mawile-Mega:Mawile-Mega
  • :Medicham-Mega:Medicham-Mega
  • :Melmetal:Melmetal
  • :Metagross-Mega:Metagross-Mega
  • :Mewtwo:Mewtwo
  • :Miraidon:Miraidon
  • :Necrozma-Dawn-Wings:Necrozma-Dawn-Wings
  • :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane
  • :palafin-hero:Palafin
  • :Palkia:Palkia
  • :Palkia-Origin:Palkia-Origin
  • :Pheromosa:Pheromosa
  • :porygon-z:Porygon-Z
  • :Rayquaza:Rayquaza
  • :Regieleki:Regieleki
  • :Reshiram:Reshiram
  • :Salamence-Mega:Salamence-Mega
  • :Sceptile-Mega:Sceptile-Mega
  • :Serperior:Serperior
  • :Shedinja:Shedinja
  • :Sneasler:Sneasler
  • :Solgaleo:Solgaleo
  • :Spectrier:Spectrier
  • :Ursaluna:Ursaluna
  • :Tapu-Koko:Tapu Koko
  • :Ting-Lu:Ting-Lu
  • :Xerneas:Xerneas
  • :Xurkitree:Xurkitree
  • :Yveltal:Yveltal
  • :Zacian:Zacian
  • :Zacian-Crowned:Zacian-Crowned
  • :Zamazenta:Zamazenta
  • :Zamazenta-Crowned:Zamazenta-Crowned
  • :Zekrom:Zekrom
  • :zoroark: Zoroark (Both)
  • :Zygarde-Complete:Zygarde-Complete
  • Damp Rock
  • Eevium Z
  • Heat Rock
  • Smooth Rock
  • Sleep Causing Moves (exempting Wicked Torque and Relic Song)
  • Baneful Bunker
  • Baton Pass
  • Belly Drum
  • Bolt Beak
  • Boomburst
  • Burning Bulwark
  • Ceaseless Edge
  • Chatter
  • Clangorous Soul
  • Dire Claw
  • Double Iron Bash
  • Dragon Energy
  • Electrify
  • Electro Shot
  • Eruption
  • Extreme Speed
  • Final Gambit
  • Fillet Away
  • Fishous Rend
  • Geomancy
  • Heal Order
  • Jet Punch
  • Last Respects
  • Lumina Crash
  • No Retreat
  • Population Bomb
  • Quiver Dance
  • Rage Fist
  • Revival Blessing
  • Salt Cure
  • Shed Tail
  • Shell Smash
  • Shift Gear
  • Surging Strikes
  • Tail Glow
  • Take Heart
  • Thousand Arrows
  • Transform
  • Triple Arrows
  • V-Create
  • Victory Dance
  • Water Spout
  • Wicked Blow
  • Arena Trap
  • Power Construct
  • Regenerator > 2
  • Shadow Tag

Viability Rankings
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Camove Chaos Update

:comfey::Darkrai::Flutter Mane::Vespiquen::Houndstone::Kartana::Espathra::Marshadow::Aerodactyl-Mega::Butterfree::Rabsca::Roaring Moon::Ting-Lu::Zygarde:

Flutter Mane​
Heal Order​
Lumina Crash​
Mega Aerodactyl​
Quiver Dance​
Revival Blessing​
Roaring Moon​
Ting Lu​
Thousand Arrows​

Comfey, Heal Order, and Mega Aerodactyl remain in the tier.

Darkrai, Houndstone, and Marshadow have been allowed back into the tier.

Kartana, Lumina Crash (THR tiebreaker), Quiver Dance, Revival Blessing, Ting-Lu, and Thousand Arrows have been banned from the tier.

Flutter Mane and Roaring Moon have not been unbanned from the tier.
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Godly Power Update


While there was no official vote, the council was in unanimity to ban Maushold.

We may have learned nothing, but this time Technician was the in hot seat because of Maushold. While its bulk may be lackluster, it's measly 75 Atk can get nearly doubled alongside a boost from Koraidon's ability. Not only that, but it can get stacked with abilities such as Hustle + No Guard so all 10 hits from Population Bomb will connect regardless allowing it to forgo Wide Lens for Protective Pads to nullify Rough Skin damage, with a 1.5x Atk boost on top. The only real counterplay is beating it before it sets up or running stamina. The latter might be hard if the Maus user has screens, but being forced to run Mudsdale is not ideal and Sacred Sword from Gallade in Sharpness synergy makes the defensive boosts moot. We will keep Technician + Skill Link for the time being and monitor how they do without the biggest offender.
Camove Chaos Update
:Chi Yu::Weavile::Genesect::Palafin::Magearna::Melmetal::Naganadel::Decidueye:
BBPClasmiaD→luxeEggsgamer but swagResult
Chi YuBanBanBanBanBanBan (5-0)
Dire ClawBanBanBanBanBanBan (5-0)
GenesectUnbanDNUAbstainDNUDNUDo Not Unban (3-1)
Jet PunchDNBBanDNBBanBanBan (3-2)
MagearnaUnbanUnbanAbstainUnbanUnbanUnban (4-0)
MelmetalUnbanDNUAbstainDNUUnbanDo Not Unban (2-2)
NaganadelAbstainAbstainAbstainAbstainAbstainDo Not Unban (0-0)
Omniboost Z-movesBanBanDNBBanBanBan (4-1)
Triple ArrowBanBanAbstainBanBanBan (4-0)

:Chi Yu: Chi Yu is a fundamentally broken Pokemon in camove. Incredible damage, infinite movepool, any type it wants. Blissey and Chansey can not check or counter it because they have to chose between being shredded by Psystrike, Secret Sword, or Moonblast. With adequate speed support like Sticky Webs or Psychic Terrain, Chi Yu melts through anything.

:Araquanid::Scizor::Scyther: Speaking of priority. Jet Punch is an incredible move. The amount of power it can provide for a +1 priority move is second to none, not counting Prankster Copycat. Strong Technician users had no reason not to use Jet Punch, and Araquanid had an even stronger version thanks to Water Bubble. Additionally, with Punching Glove boosting Jet Punch and Surging Strikes on top of Tech/Water Bubble, those three mons could tear through most resists without fearing Rocky Helmet.

:Dondozo::Chansey::Cresselia: Dire Claw is very spammable. Steel types are naturally very hard to fit on Camove teams thanks to the mediocrity of Steel moves aside from Doom Desire and Anchor Shot, so the most defensive teams will usually have at most 2 Steel types. Dire Claw has a 50% chance to cause Sleep, Poison, or Paralysis. The Sleep is mainly the problem. Something being slept is devastating, but thanks to Sleep Clause, switching out is almost as bad as staying in, because the switch in can be Poisoned or Paralyzed. The other attacks that cause Sleep are way worse. Once they cause something to Sleep, they are comparatively bad moves because Sleep Clause prevents them from Sleeping again.

:Lopunny-Mega: Triple Arrow has a 50% chance of lowering the target's Defense by 1 stage, a 30% Flinch chance, and a 1 stage increased critical hit chance.
Camove Chaos Update
BBPClasmiaEggsgamer but swagTHRResult
MarshadowBanDNBAbstainDNBDNBDo Not Ban (3-1)
EnamorusDNBBanBanAbstainBanBan (3-1)
Surging StrikesDNBBanBanBanBanBan (4-1)
Wicked BlowDNBBanBanBanBanBan (4-1)
No RetreatBanBanBanAbstainBanBan (4-0)
TerastalizingAbstainBanAbstainBanBanBan (3-0)
Mega AerodactylDNBDNBAbstainDNBBanDo Not Ban (3-1)
Mega BeedrillUnbanUnbanUnbanAbstainDNUUnban (3-1)

:Enamorus: Enamorus is one of camove’s premier sweepers. It shares a very strong niche with Serperior:Serperior:, as a Contrary sweeper. Contrary sweepers can snowball to a 6-0er if not properly prepared for. They have a wide variety of moves and items that they can make use of Fire:Chandelure::Armarouge:, Fighting:Lucario::Machamp::Conkeldurr:, Fairy:Magearna:, Steel:Gholdengo::Revavroom:, Ground:Ursaluna:, Grass:Lurantis:, Ice:Crabominable:, Flying:Rayquaza-Mega:, and Dragon:Salamence::Kommo-o: are the types which have legal moves that can raise the user’s Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed via Contrary. They have a great variety in viable types, some of which were not listed. They can also run almost any common item that they want. Where Enamorus differs from Serperior is not type, items, or move composition. Enamorus has 40 more Attack and 60 more Special Attack than Seperior. This is incredible for a Contrary sweeper. All of the easy coverage, and quickly snowballing mixed offensive stats make it impossible to safely switch into or wall. The usual things that can wall a Serperior cannot wall Enamorus. Enamorus is only slightly slower and decently less bulky. There‘s only a few things in Camove between Enamorus and Serperior’s speed, but it’s not exactly hard to get a Spin Off out to raise speed by 2, and it’s not exactly hard to fit Tapu Lele on a team to prevent priority.

:Drapion: Surging Strikes and Wicked Blow were almost necessary on any physical sweeper due to their high power. With Sniper:Drapion:, Adaptability:Basculegion:, Tough Claws:Aerodactyl-Mega:,Technician:Marshadow:, they move a very consistently good move into oppressive. Because we agreed that Surging Strikes and Jet Punch were what made Mega Scizor:Scizor-Mega: broken, ad both of them are gone, MSciz unbanned.

:Swoobat: No Retreat is a move for the easiest boosting. It’s very simple for a mon, especially a ghost type and especially Swoobat can 6-0 teams. Swoobat especially because with +2 everything, it‘s pretty much impossible to wall or revenge kill. Chansey:Chansey: doesn’t want to take a Psystrike, Clodsire:Clodsire: doesn’t want to take a Psystrike or a Moongeist Beam, and if we have their standard Moongeist/Astral + Torch Song + Oblivion Wing/Psystrike, Clodsire is forced to use an ability shield.

Terastalizing is using Camove’s infinite move pool to an insane degree. Double boosts are super strong, using a new type to bypass that camomons requires you to use moves for your type Is antithetical to the meta.

:Beedrill-Mega: is legal now because it is basically diet Mega Aerodactyl. It has to deal with Mega Sceptile speed ties, and Beedrill is only slightly stronger than Aero, which wasn’t exactly begging for more power. Though, we speculate it will do a few sets better than Aero.

Look forward to the code change and the upcoming VR. I appreciate all the attention camove has been receiving lately, and I am very grateful for it. :quagchamppogsire:
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Camove Chaos Update

Two big announcements from us today. The first one is another ban vote.

BBPClasmiaEggsgamer but swagTHRResult
Mega AerodactylBanBanAbstainAbstainBanBan (3-0)
Mega BeedrillDNBAbstainAbstainAbstainBanDo Not Ban (1-1)
DondozoDNBBanBanDNBBanBan (3-2)
EruptionBanBanAbstainAbstainDNBBan (2-1)
Salt CureDNBBanAbstainAbstainDNBDo Not Ban (2-1)
Mega SceptileDNBDNBAbstainDNBDNBDo Not Ban (4-0)
Water SpoutBanBanAbstainAbstainDNBBan (2-1)
:Aerodactyl-Mega: Mega Aerodactyl was pretty much uncontested the easiest sweep tool. 135 Attack with Tough Claws makes pulling off sweeping incredibly easy. Though moves like Pyro Ball and Glacial Lance are not contact moves, Mega Aero could easily run them as coverage or STAB due to its immense attack. It’s 150 Base Speed allows it to outspeed every threat without a scarf. It’s decent bulk allows it to Tidy Up or Dragon Dance easily.

:Dondozo: Dondozo was just easy to slap onto any bulky team. 150/115/65 bull with Unaware made it incredibly hard to make any progress on a Dondozo with a physical mon. There are many cases of a x4 effective move, such as Fire Lash on Bug/Steel or Flower Trick on a Water/Ground, not doing over 60% damage. No boosting physical mon could run Sunsteel Strike due to Dozo pretty much always resisting Steel, Photon Geyser for the same reason, or use Mold Breaker due to an Ability Shield or Spectral Thief.

:Groudon::Kyogre: Our banning of Eruption and Water Spout was in preparation of the upcoming suspect test.

Camove Chaos Suspect Test
:Pelipper::Torkoal::Swampert-Mega::Tangrowth::Great Tusk:

We are going to be holding a suspect test on Drought, Drizzle, Chlorophyll, Swift Swim, and Protosynthesis. You can participate by joining the Camove Chaos Discord. If you’re joining for the suspect test, please ping me (Banded Body Press#6416) in #general so more details can be provided.

/tour new gen9nationaldex,elim,,,[Gen 9] Camove Weather Suspect Test
/tour rules ! Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Celebrate, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Final Gambit, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Last Respects, -Lumina Crash, -No Retreat, -Population Bomb, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Shed Tail, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Splash, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, -Wicked Blow, -Eevium Z, -Enamorus, -Kartana, -Mawile-Mega, -Medicham-Mega, -Regieleki, -Ting Lu, +Barb Barrage, +Bitter Malice, +Blazing Torque, +Bleakwind Storm, +Ceaseless Edge, +Chloroblast, +Combat Torque, +Esper Wing, +Headlong Rush, +Infernal Parade, +Light of Ruin, +Lunar Blessing, +Magical Torque, +Mountain Gale, +Noxious Torque, +Power Shift, +Psyshield Bash, +Raging Fury, +Sandsear Storm, +Springtide Storm, +Shelter, +Stone Axe, +Take Heart, +Wave Crash, +Wicked Torque, +Wildbolt Storm, +Arcanine-Hisui, +Avalugg-Hisui, +Basculegion, +Blastoise-Mega, +Braviary-Hisui, +Darkrai, +Decidueye-Hisui, +Deoxys-Speed, +Dracovish, +Dragapult, +Electrode-Hisui, +Goodra-Hisui, +Growlithe-Hisui, +Houndstone, +Kleavor, +Lilligant-Hisui, +Magearna, +Marshadow, +Overqwil, +Qwilfish-Hisui, +Samurott-Hisui, +Sliggoo-Hisui, +Sneasler, +Typhlosion-Hisui, +Urshifu, +Ursaluna, +Voltorb-Hisui, +Wyrdeer, +Zoroark-Hisui, +Zorua-Hisui, +Zygarde
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall This is **National Dex Camomons** with **almost any move!**
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