Tournament OM Spotlight League - FINALS (TIEBREAKER) [Won by UwUrshifus]

in the hills

spreading confusion
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art by in the hills
Week 1
The list of formats for this year's Spotlight League is as follows:
All games will be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server or SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. The result between players may be decided in a best-of-one or best-of-three at the discretion of both players involved. If there is no agreement, the result will decided in a Bo1 by default.

Winning a round rewards a team with 2 points, drawing 1 point, and losing zero points. In addition, the manner in which the round has been won will also be recorded i.e. the difference between a team's wins and losses in a specific week's round (referred to as "Win Differential").

Each team will play one another for five weeks. Based on the final standings, the top 2 teams will appear in the finals and face off for victory.

In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the finals based on points and win differential, or a tie in the final round itself, we will have a tiebreaker round(s).

Tiebreaker Rules: One metagame will be picked by each manager with the higher seed picking second. The third format will be determined at random by the hosts. All three metagames must be unique, so no format can be picked twice.

Substitutes are to be used in the case of extenuating circumstances, whether on the first day of the week, or the last. At the same time, players should be relatively well-aware of who all are available to play in the opponent's camp. If last minute substitutes are being frequently used or abused and the hosts find explanations unsatisfactory, the hosts still reserve the right to veto them. In order to further prevent this being the case teams are only granted a maximum of two substitutes per week. Any substitutions after the second will be vetoed.

The hosts have decided to not include trades this year due to reasons outlined in this thread - all roster decisions will be final, so draft carefully!

Players and managers displaying poor sportsmanship will be subject to punishment, including potential removal from the tournament, at the discretion of the tour hosts. This includes:
  • Inappropriate nicknames: Games in which a player uses nicknames that break PS! rules will be forfeited, and the player will be removed from the tour. Replays are required for this tour, so it is important that PS! and Smogon rules are followed in these games.
  • Toxic Behavior: Insulting, flaming, and intentional timer stalling are some examples of toxic behavior. Instances of toxic behavior will be reviewed, and the appropriate punishment will be handed out at the discretion of the hosts and OM forum moderators.
Scheduling should be done on Smogon Profile walls, plain and simple:
  • If there is no communication on Smogon Profile walls and a game goes undone, it will be considered a "dead game" and will not count towards either team's score.
  • If there is communication on only one user's behalf, the win will go to them. Feel free to call activity in this thread beforehand
  • If there is a very healthy back and forth regarding potential times and one user is a no-show, a manager may take the opportunity to sub out the no-show competitor; if this is not done, the user that showed up responsibly will be awarded the win.
TL;DR: Post on your opponent's Smogon wall, schedule your matches, and be reliable. If you can't play for any reason, let your manager know so they can sub you out ASAP.

Use these posts as a place to initiate discussion about bo1 or bo3 as well!


Exhibitions of unsportsmanlike conduct with regards to the Other Metagame Spotlight League will be met with an infraction at the discretion of the OMSL host/OM mods. This is unlikely to include interactions within a team's private chat unless there is reason found to make an exception. This rule is meant to protect other users from being publicly flamed/bashed/provoked by another competitor for the duration of and following the tournament.

All players must complete their matches by the given deadline. Any incomplete matches by that time will be subject to an activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S WALL); otherwise, they will be decided via !pick publicly in the OM Room. All matches should ideally be done on your most notable alt (the one you registered for OMSL with) to avoid confusion and all match replays must be saved and posted in this thread. The replays will be archived in a separate thread, and will be used to calculate usage stats.

Managers, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the manager and assistant manager of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent, and all of the hosts (in the hills). This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.

:slowking: Sleepy Slowkings (Dr. Phd. BJ) - [3][3] - Stinky Stunkys (emillight & Kris) :stunky:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Vrji vs StitChuu
SS Bonus Type - TTTech vs Links
SS Godly Gift - Ren vs emillight
SS Inheritance - Heracross2.0 vs Roginald
SS Inverse - eu vs Fc
SS Sketchmons - XxSevagxX vs WMAR

:dubwool: Dubwool Entendres (Quantum Tesseract & willdbeast) - [4][1] - Magearna Magi (Chazm) :magearna:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Krytocon vs Le Creme Brule
SS Bonus Type - Akashi vs omicorio
SS Godly Gift - UnnerfTalonflame vs pannuracotta
SS Inheritance - anaconja vs adem
SS Inverse - PA vs OM
SS Sketchmons - ironwater vs Jrdn

:basculin: Black Magic Basculegions (jasprose) - [1][5] - UwUrshifus (The Number Man & Lasen) :urshifu:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Lancer Fr vs papiloco
SS Bonus Type - StaZix vs 23Gz
SS Godly Gift - Flaming Deoxys vs Eggs McGee
SS Inheritance - lph vs Don Vascus
SS Inverse - Ax vs Mossy Sandwich
SS Sketchmons - alaserdolphin vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d

11:59 PM (GMT -4) on September 12th, 2021
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Predictions to pass the time, if you take these to heart then I'm probably doing them properly :p

:dubwool: Dubwool Entendres (Quantum Tesseract & willdbeast) - [3][3] - Magearna Magi (Chazm) :magearna:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Krytocon vs Le Creme Brule
I'm gonna be completely honest, I have very limited 2v2 knowledge. From what I have heard, both players are of comparable skill level. Would not be surprised if this set goes 5 games. This set is really a toss up in my eyes, although I am picking Fennel Simp for week 1.
SS Bonus Type - Akashi vs omicorio
Jeran has been around oms for awhile, and usually upsets a big name seemingly every team tour. However, this year is different in the sense that he went for the most credits during the draft. Both players are playing their preferred tier, but I think the experience that Jeran has gives him a sizable advantage over omicorio.
SS Godly Gift - UnnerfTalonflame vs pannuracotta
I have not seen pannuracotta play Godly Gift at all, but I have liked the teams I have seen from UnnerfTalonflame despite the limited sample size. I believe that UnnerfTalonflame is the favorite to win this game, but do not be surprised if pannuracotta pulls out a close win.
SS Inheritance - anaconja vs adem
After losing in the ompl playoffs to Mossy, I think anaconja will bounce back with a pretty decisive win. I get that Chazm can build great teams for inheritance and adem can play, but it's not like QT, Akashi, and others aren't gonna be helping anaconja. I can see inheritance being a strong slot for the Magi once they get some quality reps in, but I just don't see it happening off rip.
SS Inverse - PA vs OM
To clear things up, PA is the better player in this matchup and I can say that with complete confidence. However, I can almost guarantee that OM is gonna hax the shit out of PA and then post something that makes me wanna punch my computer in the "OM" discord.
SS Sketchmons - ironwater vs Jrdn
There's no doubt that Jrdn has been one of the top om players since gen 7. As long as Chazm and others can keep his teams in check, he should be on pace for a positive record this season despite his bad track record in om snake. ironwater does have knowledge in standard tiers, and sketch is probably as close to a standard tier as there is this tournament. Could possibly see ironwater get a really favorable mu and pull off an upset
:basculin: Black Magic Basculegions (jasprose) - [1][5] - UwUrshifus (The Number Man & Lasen) :urshifu:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Lancer Fr vs papiloco
I really don't know anything about either player, sry. I did /pick between the two in the om chat, and it picked papiloco. I will try to do more research for upcoming weeks in 2v2 :3
SS Bonus Type - StaZix vs 23Gz
23gz is a tier leader for Bonus Type, and is the general consensus best player in the tier atm. On the other hand, a relatively unknown user that has not wowed me from what I have seen. If there was a lock of the week, this would be mine.
SS Godly Gift - Flaming Deoxys vs Eggs McGee
Both of these players are fairly active in the om room, and I do think both players are actually really close as far as skill level goes. However, I think the deciding factor between these two players will come in the team builder. I like Eggs McGee's teams more than Flaming Deoxys. This should be a really close match, and most importantly it could go either way.
SS Inheritance - lph vs Don Vascus
lph just got sent to losers in Round 8 of AAA Seasonal, and appears to still be a high quality player. On the other hand, Don Vascus is on the Inheritance council and was the first player to get reqs for the current Inheritance suspect. Don is one of the more proven Inheritance players in the field, and that is enough to give him the edge between the two. This will be one of the more interesting games this week, and I'm interested to see what lph brings.
SS Inverse - Ax vs Mossy Sandwich
This is the game I am looking forward to watching the most. Ax is on the Inverse council and looks to start off strong. However, Mossy had a really nice showing during ompl playoffs, which featured an impressive win in ompl finals. Mossy was the second highest player this auction, and looks to continue from his ompl success. However, there will not be stresh support (to my knowledge) for this tour. Will Mossy live up to the hype? Both players have some of the most gen 8 inverse experience in this field, but I think that Ax will prevail week 1.
SS Sketchmons - alaserdolphin vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
alaserdolphin is on the sketch council, however I am pretty skeptical of them as a player. I don't HATE them as a player, I just feel as if there are better players in the field with more upside. S1nn0hC0nfirm3d has been around oms for awhile and was underrated for a good period of time imo. Now they're an established player in a multitude of tiers. I think this game will be lopsided personally, but I would love to be proven wrong.
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Prediccs requested by StitChuu (the galarian pikachu evolution)

:slowking: Sleepy Slowkings (Dr. Phd. BJ) - [0][0] - Stinky Stunkys (emillight & Kris) :stunky:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Vrji vs StitChuu
2v2 is the one tier stitch actually plays, im sure this will motivate her to get some legitimate likes this time around
SS Bonus Type - TTTech vs Links
purely basing this off of general OM experience, i think links would have been better playing skekmons or inverse since those are closer to standard tiers imo
SS Godly Gift - Ren vs emillight
more experienced player
SS Inheritance - Heracross2.0 vs Roginald
interesting matchup, i wasn't expecting to see rogi starting, much less playing inheritance. looking forward to see what he brings. that said, i think heracross should take this since he is a solid AAA player which translates decently well to inheritance
SS Inverse - eu vs Fc
i prefer europe to french canada, but i think FC is the better player here
SS Sketchmons - XxSevagxX vs WMAR
sevag knows the secret ingredient to skekmons success, so i will be bolding him here. wmar has experience in move-based oms tho so i could definitely see him taking it as well

:dubwool: Dubwool Entendres (Quantum Tesseract & willdbeast) - [0][0] - Magearna Magi (Chazm) :magearna:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Krytocon vs Le Creme Brule
creme is the best 2v2 player according to stit-chuu
SS Bonus Type - Akashi vs omicorio
jeran is one of the best players in this tour so i expect him to do well, esp with team support from QT and the rest of the dubwool's
SS Godly Gift - UnnerfTalonflame vs pannuracotta
whole lotta cotta is pretty fire but UT actually plays this tier, so unless chazm preps a godlike team i think he has an edge
SS Inheritance - anaconja vs adem
anaconja is one of the best inheritance players in this pool. source: he beat me in the finals of a roomtour
SS Inverse - PA vs OM
om is a council member but PA is a better player with strong building support from his manager
SS Sketchmons - ironwater vs Jrdn
bolding vs jrdn would be a very bold move
Doing predicts because im bored and stop banging my head against a wall trying to get reqs for suspects. (most 2v2 predicts will be total guesses and or random picks)

:slowking: Sleepy Slowkings (Dr. Phd. BJ) - [2][4] - Stinky Stunkys (emillight & Kris) :stunky:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Vrji vs StitChuu
I did /pick and got stitchuu, so there you go
SS Bonus Type - TTTech vs Links
I'm not too familiar with either of these players but i know that TTTech has more experience than Links and that BT isnt as close to standard as it would appear, so bolding tttech
SS Godly Gift - Ren vs emillight
Co-leader of the format, strong player, ren has more experience and is also a strong player so I wouldnt be surprised if he wins this one
SS Inheritance - Heracross2.0 vs Roginald
Bolding hera since he has had a strong showing with aaa which is kinda similar to inheritance, also it seems like roginald doesnt have a ton of experience with inheritance
SS Inverse - eu vs Fc
Gonna predict in favor of the newest ubers leader who had a pretty decent showing in OMPL, and inverse is close-ish to standard so I can see them doing well here
SS Sketchmons - XxSevagxX vs WMAR
WMAR has quite a bit of experience in move based metas and probably has experience with sketch mashups, but sevag is a very strong player who could easily take the win

:dubwool: Dubwool Entendres (Quantum Tesseract & willdbeast) - [3][3] - Magearna Magi (Chazm) :magearna:
(Best of 5) SS 2v2 Doubles - Krytocon vs Le Creme Brule
no idea but tnm's post said creme brule is good so bolding them
SS Bonus Type - Akashi vs omicorio
I know that jeran is very good at a lot of these tiers and will have solid support from QT but omi could take the game
SS Godly Gift - UnnerfTalonflame vs pannuracotta
UT is a strong player and plays the tier, chazm could feed pannu strong teams but i think UT has more tier knowledge, ive probably played vs UT the most out of anyone im predicting for, good solid builder and player
SS Inheritance - anaconja vs adem
anacaonja is a more experienced oms player but adem will have support from chazm the inh TL so i see this being a close set
SS Inverse - PA vs OM
Bolding council member OM who is a good player and is basically the embodiment of the OM room, so how can he lose?
SS Sketchmons - ironwater vs Jrdn
all i know is that jrdn is a very good player in a lot of oms and ironwater plays standard, so this could go either way but im giving the edge to jrdn
Won 2-1 (unless margin matters for something, then it was actually 2-0). Very well played pannuracotta, I am so sorry for haxxing you to death in those first two games. Dusk Mane defeats Yveltal Xerneas defeats Zekrom Dusk Mane defeats Kyogre

Also for those wondering, we gentlemened no Maro-A, it's very broken.