Sticky Orange Islands SQSA Thread

I've a technical question for anyone who emulates the DS titles (but idk if that sort of question is allowed here so may be better suited to DMs)
aside from getting ready for 2 DS’s 1 autist, I’m done with Gens 4-5. I think I’m ready for Gens 6/7 which I’ve been putting off.

One thing that bothered me when I started ORAS, was that in order to get rare Pokemon you had to use the Slide Pad on the 3ds to sneak into the grass. My slide pad does not work properly and I kept screwing it up.

Is that gonna be a major issue to preventing me from getting certain encounters? Will it also be an issue in XY?

If not, I have Moon, Y, (god the titles look so weird not being in a pair), and Omega Ruby. Which should I start with? I intend to play with xp share off, if possible
aside from getting ready for 2 DS’s 1 autist, I’m done with Gens 4-5. I think I’m ready for Gens 6/7 which I’ve been putting off.

One thing that bothered me when I started ORAS, was that in order to get rare Pokemon you had to use the Slide Pad on the 3ds to sneak into the grass. My slide pad does not work properly and I kept screwing it up.

Is that gonna be a major issue to preventing me from getting certain encounters? Will it also be an issue in XY?

If not, I have Moon, Y, (god the titles look so weird not being in a pair), and Omega Ruby. Which should I start with? I intend to play with xp share off, if possible
iirc the hidden Pokemon before the climax are just regular Pokemon but they might have better moves or IVs or what have you. Easier to get certain Pokemon, but nothing you'd be missing out on if you can't use the circle pad. And after the climax its all natoinal dex Pokemon of varying rarity.

XY I don't think has this problem since circle pad is used for free movement and skating. There might be a few little side paths for skating but the way I remember it, is mostly for a few shortcuts here & there. And looking cool. You MIGHT have a problem in the ice puzzle since I think that has diagonal movement, but I think the D-pad still works for that.

SM...I think is only playable with the circle pad isn't it? I recall the D-Pad being used exclusively for shortcuts.

As for games, if you're going to play all of them, just go in order. Let you appreciate the improvements they made as they went along.
I quite liked the games with the exp share off, even XY could have a little bit of pleasant friction to them.
aside from getting ready for 2 DS’s 1 autist, I’m done with Gens 4-5. I think I’m ready for Gens 6/7 which I’ve been putting off.

One thing that bothered me when I started ORAS, was that in order to get rare Pokemon you had to use the Slide Pad on the 3ds to sneak into the grass. My slide pad does not work properly and I kept screwing it up.

Is that gonna be a major issue to preventing me from getting certain encounters? Will it also be an issue in XY?

If not, I have Moon, Y, (god the titles look so weird not being in a pair), and Omega Ruby. Which should I start with? I intend to play with xp share off, if possible
As long as you can move with it, you should be fine in XY. The D-pad not working at all would be a major problem in XY because it's used for Skates and the Fighting Gym is a Skating Rink. It sounds like you'll be fine, but there's a slim chance you're screwed.

As R_N said, you're fine without it in ORAS. It can get you Pokemon with Egg Moves, Hidden Abilities, 1-3 guarantee Perfect IVs, 10 Levels higher than usual, and/or more common Shinies. The Nat Dex Pokemon start appearing after Primal Kyogre/Groudon.
It's based on the Pokemon's PID and IVs (as are all other size challenges like the Shroomish/Barboach/Seedot/Lotad measuring in RSE or the Magikarp measuring in HGSS) but unless you've got a way of manipulating that, it's effectively random.
If one were to transfer up a Heracross, Lotad, etc. that the game says is big up into a game with visual size differences, would it actually be big?
I don't really have anything interesting to say here— but I've been trying to catch a feebas on a japanese cartridge of emerald all day. I've been fishing each tile twice, and have found nothing, on every single one.

I'm just wondering what the odds are! Because it seems laughably unlikely. Thanks : -)
I don't really have anything interesting to say here— but I've been trying to catch a feebas on a japanese cartridge of emerald all day. I've been fishing each tile twice, and have found nothing, on every single one.

I'm just wondering what the odds are! Because it seems laughably unlikely. Thanks : -)
Bulbapedia puts these odds at appropriately 1.6%, but Feebas has only a 50% spawn rate, in two goes it's extremely easy to not get it. You'd need to fish 4-10 times to guarantee the spot didn't have Feebas imo.

Check Route 119 Information
I understand the basics of Pokerus, but in the Crystal VC for 3ds, does it work like normal?

Can I keep infecting Pokemon on a permanent basis by storing an infected Pokemon in my box? I think so. Will the increased rate of Stat Experience be permanent? I think so Does it last for 24 hours or until the day ends? 1-3 days outside box, although i don't have the rates down perfectly

edit: bolded my answers. not entirely certain but in case it's ever helpful :P
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Bulbapedia said:

See here. What could this possibly mean? There is nothing I can think of that these five have in common beyond Elite Four status, and it cannot relate to monotype teams, as Koga uses Forretress :forretress:, Aaron uses Drapion :drapion: and Lacey uses Excadrill :excadrill:. Does it relate to the anime or something else outside the core series? This piece of trivia irks and baffles me.
See here. What could this possibly mean? There is nothing I can think of that these five have in common beyond Elite Four status, and it cannot relate to monotype teams, as Koga uses Forretress :forretress:, Aaron uses Drapion :drapion: and Lacey uses Excadrill :excadrill:. Does it relate to the anime or something else outside the core series? This piece of trivia irks and baffles me.
It just means they are the only E4 of those types. Es Koga is the only poison type E4 in the games.

It's really that simple.
Does bunny-hopping on the Acro Bike advance egg cycles? I know it can trigger wild Pokemon encounters even if you're just hopping in place, so I thought I'd check.

(this is in emerald, if that matters)
Does bunny-hopping on the Acro Bike advance egg cycles? I know it can trigger wild Pokemon encounters even if you're just hopping in place, so I thought I'd check.

(this is in emerald, if that matters)

No, as it's not taking a step - it works for wild encounters, but that's the same principle as if you were turning on the spot.
Does bunny-hopping on the Acro Bike advance egg cycles? I know it can trigger wild Pokemon encounters even if you're just hopping in place, so I thought I'd check.

(this is in emerald, if that matters)
I saw one of those tricks where you hold a button down and keep taking steps using a bike in RSE, if you want I can link the video
Gonna be a long shot but I'm looking for a dump of GSC location data from the Japanese ROM specifically. Or like a way to extract it from the rom or a file structure I should look at or source code from one of the leaks or anything. The Pret diassembly only deals in the Western release and there may be differences between Western and JP to the point that I need a way to check the code directly.

EDIT: Been linked to a site that appears to have this data:
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