Resource ORAS OU Team building Competition

Sorry for the delay everyone!! :eeveehide:

Awesome teams this week, I've really liked the creativity shown. Now for voting;

Team 1 by Waffleztastegood

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Team 2 by Nor

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Team 3 by Insou

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Team 4 by RufflesPro

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Team 5 by Paprikaflow

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Team 6 by horriii

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Team 7 by Bored Pikachu

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Team 8 by Lostmemories

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Team 9 by Zelph

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You may only vote for 1 team and remember the anti-glazing rules.

Voting ends on 02.09.2024 at 21:59 GMT +3. Good luck to everyone!

Team 2
Congratulations to Nor for winning the week! You shall soon be added to the Hall of Fame.

This weeks feature Pokémon is...

Dragonite is a powerful physical attacker with a unique offensive and defensive profile offered by its wide and varied movepool. Options such as Extreme Speed as well as Heal Bell allow Dragonite to play as both an attacker as well as a support Pokémon at the same time. It's typing is relevant in the meta with good resists that allow it to grab turns against common threats like Serperior and Volcarona. Interestingly, both of Dragonite's abilities are quite useful with Inner Focus providing a crucial Fake Out and Iron Head flinch immunity while Multiscale allows for Dragonite to get a psuedo free turn vs super effective moves that target it such as Clefable's Moonblast and Thundurus' Hidden Power Ice

I hope to see some innovations with Dragonite that take advantage of it's deep movepool.

The deadline for this week is 06.09.2024 at 20:59 GMT +3. Good luck and happy posting!

p.s. From this week going forward, the submissions shall be on Monday to Friday with Voting on weekends.

This team is based around specs nite. It uses inner focus cause lopunny is everywhere and I don't think multiscale will be too useful on a breaker like nite especially with how bad hazard removal in this gen is, we have dual stab and ice beam for grounds and surf for heatran.

Driller removes rocks and gives an alternate win condition and can help pressure clef, rock slide over iron head cause thundurus and zapdos scares me.

Tyranitar to enable sand rush drill and take on zapdos which otherwise the team would struggle with.

Volcanion to take on Heatran and Volcarona

Mega Metagross for another way to deal with faries like clef and cause we need some speed outside of sand

Amoongus to take on dangerous stuff like thundurus and serp.

The only threat you need to watch out for this team is mega medicham. Your best bet is to try and get your opponent to fake out a full health dragonite and take em out with a surprise specs draco and to use mega metagross + sand rush driller to pressure and beat down your opponent hard.
:Dragonite: :Cofagrigus: :Excadrill: :Scizor-Mega: :Clefable: :Volcanion:

The Chonky Boi Tspikes. The idea is to build around Banded :Dragonite: with toxic spikes :Cofagrigus:.

:Dragonite: Dragonite is a pretty standard mon in OU play with few options to run. I decided to build around Banded :Dragonite: for the breaking power and natural bulk. The :Dragonite: spread gives you 241 speed to outspeed Adamant :Bisharp: and creeps at 239. Spdef EVs were added to check non Icy Wind :keldeo:, :volcarona:, :serperior: etc. Dragonite is naturally very bulky and it can further check stuffs thanks to its typing. Dragonite can also come in on :Charizard-Mega-Y: as it resists fire/grass/fighting coverage.

:Cofagrigus: Cofagrigus is Tspikes support with Colbur Berry to survive hard knocks from dark as well as pursuit and spread burn. It is also the spin blocker as the most common spinner in the meta is :Excadrill:, which gets shut down by :Cofagrigus: and the team is forced to have tspikes on their floor. With Mummy, Cofagrigus is also able to reliably answer :Medicham-Mega: and :Lopunny-Mega: and can put a stop to sweepers such as :Talonflame:/:Azumarill: neutralizing their ability and nerfing them until they switch out.

:Excadrill: Excadrill is your rocker + spinner as it is the best in the tier for what it does. With the spread, :Excadrill: reaches 279 speed, which outspeeds max speed :Heatran:. Rest were just added to Spdef Bulk.

:Scizor-Mega: Scizor Mega usually runs 16+ Atk to hit :Magnezone: with Superpower. But I decided to keep it anyway as it can set up and do significant damage even with low investments. With Toxic Spikes up, Scizor can easily wear down non levitate pokemons and win the 1v1. Most bulk was given to SpDef to enhance scizor's ability to check :Gardevoir-Mega: and :Alakazam-Mega:. Furthermore, scizor is naturally very bulky and can reliably pivot into :Weavile: and can absorb knock. A little bit of Def was added to make that job easier. It can also easily tank any move thrown by +2 Lorb boosted :Bisharp:

:Clefable: Clefable is one of the best mons in this tier and can fit into any BO/Balance teams. With great movepool and utility, it provides, it felt very addicting to just add it to the team. The team needed Heal Bell support as :Dragonite: can get burned from :Keldeo: scald. Furthermore, heal bell also helps for :scizor-mega: to set up infront of :Slowbro: without flamethrower, and can take will o from :Rotom-Wash: in emergency situations. Knock Off is very important in ORAS as it forces progress. Usually, the switch ins to Clefable is :Excadrill: or :Heatran:, so knocking their passive recovery helps make a lot of progress, especially with teams whose spinner is :Excadrill:

:Volcanion: Only 1 water resist and that too being only :Dragonite: felt very awkward. :Volcanion: is a solid pick as it resists both Water+Ice. The spread was calculated to survive 2 modest Solar Beams from :Charizard-Mega-Y: while also two shotting uninvested in Sun with Steam Eruption. Volcanion is naturally very bulky and can check :Talonflame: easily. Enough speed was added to make :Volcanion: 201, as Adamant :Azumarill: is 199 and many Calm :heatran: run 200 speed. I felt :Volcanion: needed longevity, so, I added Rest as 4th move, which is fine paired with heal bell :Clefable:
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Dragonite + Mega Gyarados Offense team

:sm/dragonite: :sm/gyarados-mega: :sm/manaphy: :sm/weavile: :sm/serperior: :sm/landorus-therian:

I want to build a team around this Dragonite set.

Gudnite (Dragonite) @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Fire Punch
- Iron Head

Why, one may wonder? This is because to the fact that Volcanion, Clefable, and Zapdos—three of the ORAS OU's primary defensive Pokemon—can be effectively weakened by this set. I outpace Zapdos with Jolly nature, which is helpful for letting speedy Zapdos get within two ohko range for my upcoming sweeper.

Calc :

Before Dragon Dance
252 Atk Life Orb Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 236 Def Zapdos: 231-274 (60.1 - 71.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Life Orb Dragonite Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 205-242 (52 - 61.4%) -- 94.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Life Orb Dragonite Outrage vs. 248 HP / 152+ Def Volcanion: 179-212 (49.3 - 58.4%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO

After Dragon Dance :
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Dragonite Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 307-361 (77.9 - 91.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Dragonite Outrage vs. 248 HP / 152+ Def Volcanion: 266-316 (73.2 - 87%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 172+ Def Zapdos: 339-399 (88.2 - 103.9%) -- 25% chance to OHKO

I need a sweeper that could take advantage of weakened Zapdos, Clefable, and Volcanion for our next sweeper. I thus choose Mega Gyarados. Because Mega Gyarados has ice resistance, it forms a great core when combined with Dragonite.

We have Manaphy as our third Pokemon since it is useful against the Stall team. It also values Dragonite's capacity to weaken Volcanion, Clefable, and Zapdos.

Our next Pokemon is Weavile since it gives the squad a speed control and appreciates Dragonite's ability to weaken Volcanion, Zapdos, and Clefable.

Considering how vulnerable our squad is to Mega Diancie, I choose to use Synthesis Serperior. Serperior also value Manaphy's power to weaken Mega Venusaur and Mega Gyarados's capacity to revenge kill Volcarona. Heatran, who countered Serperior, was likewise defeated by our water sweepers.

Choice Scarf Landorus is our rocker. It can lay Stealth Rock against any fast suicude lead which can be quite advantageous for us. Serperior's ability to defeat Mega Diancie, who can prevent Landorus from using rock, is something that Landorus also values. Landorus also enjoys this team's capacity to debilitate Zapdos, Tangrowth, and Clefable. Additionally, Landorus gives this team Ground type, which is helpful against Mega Manectric and Scarf Rotom's Volt Switch.

This team was built around Growth Mega Venusaur and Dragon Dance Dragonite. First off, I decided to pair these two mons with Magnezone and Weavile, as being able to trap steel types and other annoying threats to either Venusaur or Dragonite is crucial. Thus came in Slowbro, one of the best Mega Lopunny and Medicham checks you can ask for. It is holding the Eject Button, which enables Magnezone and Weavile to come in freely into the field and trap the appropriate pokemon on the opposing side. It also has Ice Beam not to be deadweight against Gliscor, and Thunder Wave to enable Venusaur sweeps. Last but not least, an Excadrill was in order, as the team needed both hazards and removal, as well as a ground type, and Excadrill fulfilled each of those roles perfectly.
I'm allowed to post on my own thread right?

Big Bad Fortress

The general idea behind this team is to take advantage of the beast of role compression that is Forretress. I decided to use Alakazam + Dragonite as my 'main core' because I like their unique way of checking certain Pokémon (totally has nothing to do with the fact that I am the no.1 Kanto fan).
I also chose these two because they very much appreciate their answers taking poison from Forre's Toxic Spikes as well as getting in on the slow Volt Switch that Forre provides. Encore on Alakazam also abuses this slow volt switch since it allows Zam to lock some Pokémon into their moves such as Calm Mind on opposing Clefable.

With the core of Forre Dragonite and Zam decided, I added Seismitoad as my rocker since it is also a role compression beast with access to moves like Refresh and Knock off as well as the broken ability that is Water Absorb. I added Serp and Clef as the last two as they are two of the most broken Pokémon in the tier. Serp is a valuable Ground resist that also forces paralysis on annoying Pokémon like Tornadus while Clefable provides a crucial Dark resistance as well as soft check to annoying offensive Pokémon like Weavile and Lopunny-Mega.

The sets on the team are quite simple;
:forretress: - This spread allows forre to pretty comfortably take on Pokémon that annoy this team like Diancie as well as Excadrill who pose a pretty massive threat.
:alakazam-mega: - "Always run 252/ 252/ 4" - Walter
:dragonite: - This Dragonite spread is bulky enough to take huge hits with Multiscale intact such as Latios Draco Meteor as well as Weavile Icicle Crash. Lum Berry lets it avoid Zapdos' Static as well as other annoying status moves like Serperior's Glare.
:seismitoad: - Seismi's spread doesn't have that much going on outside of the speed evs that let it outrun 0 investment Mega-Scizor and Klefki (for that one guy running Klefki (tagging Ithi))
:serperior: - Serp's spread allows it to always live Tornadus-Therian Hurrican from full.
:clefable: - This spread allows Clef to take on Alakazam and consistently paralyise it with Thunder Wave. Flamethrower is present to catch certain steel types off-guard (:excadrill:, :scizor-mega:, :ferrothorn:, etc.)

I hope you all have as much fun with the team as I had building it.
p.s. Thanks to RufflesPro for helping me iron out a few wrinkles with the team!

:excadrill: :alakazam-mega: :dragonite: :volcanion: :serperior: :clefable:
for those who were wondering
sup everyone im Zer0. Im mostly known in the BW OU community and im most notable for what ive done within the community(revamp the role compendium, rehosted the BW OU teambuilding competition, revived BW1 OU, and more). However, i also play ORAS too and my boy mixnite wanted me to help out with the teambuilding competition and since ive hosted the BW OU teambuilding competition i felt like it would be cool for me to start helping out here as well

that being said, lots of cool teams were submitted so thank you to everyone who entered in for this week. it is now time to vote
Team 1 :dragonite::excadrill::clefable::charizard-mega-x::zapdos::bisharp: by Verdas
Team 2 :dragonite::excadrill::volcanion::tyranitar::metagross-mega::amoonguss: by Waffleztastegood
Team 3 :dragonite::cofagrigus::excadrill::scizor-mega::clefable::volcanion: by Nor
Team 4 :dragonite::gyarados-mega::manaphy::weavile::serperior::landorus-therian: by Bored Pikachu
Team 5 :venusaur-mega::slowbro::magnezone::dragonite::excadrill::weavile: by Avendesora
Team 6 :forretress::alakazam-mega::dragonite::seismitoad::serperior::clefable: by puck.42

Voting ends on Sunday at 2:00pm GMT-4