Resource ORAS OU Team building Competition

After taking a well deserved break, the Team-Building Competition is here for one last round before the new year. This week's theme is pretty obvious;


The goal is to build a team containing at least one of these Pokémon. (I WISH WE HAD IRON BUNDLE IN ORAS)

The deadline for this week is 27.12.2024 at 20:59 GMT -4
Have fun and happy posting!

this should have been up yesterday sorry for the delay!

once again sluGGy shall be taking over for voting as I will be out of town
:sm/sceptile-mega: :sm/keldeo: :sm/weavile: :sm/hippowdon: :sm/excadrill::sm/zapdos:
Team :

Teambuilding process :
Peace be upon y'all. Today, I'd like to present a team I've assembled for this week's teambuilding challenge, which features Mega Sceptile. Mega Sceptile is a very cool Pokemon in the ORAS OU metagame. This Pokemon hits very hard and provides speed control. I'm using Protect with 3 Attack because Protect lets you scout for Choice Banded Weavile's move.
Keldeo is the 2nd member because I like Keldeo as water resistant and Keldeo appreciates Mega Sceptile's ability to deal with water types such as Rotom-Wash.
The third homie is Weavile because it offers pursuit which Keldeo greatly appreciates and it also helps against Serperior. Furthermore, Weavile also appreciates Mega Sceptile's ability to deal with Rotom-wash.
Hippowdon is the next teammate because it offers Stealth Rock and helps against plenty of threats such as Mega Diancie, Volcarona, Mega Alakazam, Mega Charizard y, etc.
Since we are using Hippowdon, I like to use Excadrill as our removal and our third speed control.
Zapdos is the final member of this team because it provides ground immunity helps against a lot of threats and provides Volt Switch which our breaker really appreciates.

Lore :
1) Mega Sceptile represents Christmas tree. Its body is reminiscent of the iconic Christmas pine tree. The explosive form of the tail can represent the star ornament that is affixed to Christmas trees. The rich emerald of Christmas trees is reflected in its green body. The tree-like analogy is strengthened by the rounded, berry-like features along its back and tail that resemble baubles or ornaments.
2) Keldeo resembles Santa's Christmas deer. Keldeo's red mane can be compared to Rudolph's iconic red nose. Keldeo is known for its swift movements, much like Santa's reindeer, which are depicted as fast and capable of traversing great distances in a single night. Keldeo, a Pokemon who protects others, is a living example of the generosity and altruism that Santa and his reindeer stand for during Christmas.
3) Weavile resembles Krampus. Weaviles's ice typing connects to the cold winter season aligning with Krampus's association with Christmas. Weavile's claws are reminiscent of Krampus 's claws. The name "Krampus" is also derived from Old High German word "krampen" which means Claw.
4) Hippowdon can represent generosity, values often associated with Christmas. Hippowdon's ability which is Sand Stream can symbolize providing others.
5) Excadrill can represent perseverance, much like the determination of Santa's elves in preparing for Christmas. As a skilled burrower , Excadrill carves paths through obstacles, symbolizing the effort and dedication it takes to ensure Christmas magic reaches everyone.
6) Zapdos can represent Hope, values often associated with Christmas. Zapdos embodies the power of revival, much like Christmas star that guided Wise Men, symbolizing guidance and faith in brighter days ahead.
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Rash Mega-Sceptile with either rockslide/eq is designed to deny volcarona momentum or heatran, either are solid options. Dual stab lets you freely gain hp especially when clef is a common switchin, allowing Leaf Storm to KO on softboil. This is personally my favorite way to run Sceptile, as it gives you reasonable options within the OU metagame, despite sacrificing timid/modest natures.

Thundurus's set is a fun one, catching teams off guard when revealing nastyplot early for potential KO's, as weavile is normally a common followup to revenge kill. It's more of a psychological tactic, designed for players to feel safe clicking knockoff/crash to secure the KO, allowing you to prankster t-wave in return.

Cress is toxic over t-wave due to how weak the team is vs Zapdos/rotom-w, and also due to the fact that thundurus is also t-wave. Keldeo is also a threat, especially sub Keldeo, so psychic is necessary. The speed EV's outpace Mega Gyarados, allowing toxic to be secured, although the speed typically works a lot better with t-wave in those matchups.
:sv/abomasnow_mega: :sv/heatran: :sv/mandibuzz: :sv/nidoqueen: :sv/keldeo: :sv/forretress:

The abominable snowman is here with hail and slippery spikes. First member is Abomasnow-Mega because well we need hail and hail is cool. We want more hail support for ORAS, anyways his partner in crime is Heatran. They most complement eachother's weaknesses with the exception of fighting. Abomasnow is Teddy Rosevelt with his big stick smacking things with modest blizzards and generally being hard to switch into without dying combo'd with the entry hazards. Heatran acts as our SR animal and eats the fire attacks that aboma and our next member don't want to see. Forretress is the next Mon, is both our spiker and rapid spinner. Role compression baby! The spdef is so Mega Diancie can't 2hko with earth power. Next up is Nidoqueen. She gives us toxic spikes and is just a mean muggin lady. Stabs be slapping. stay away from us Clef. We combo'd up a dark resist and a ground immunity with mandibuzz to help relieve abomasnow from having to take every single earthquake. Also RH bird is loving the knock offs it has to eat. The last member is another member that abomasnow matches up quite well with in terms of weaknesses and that is Keldeo. This keldeo is a thick thigh'd to have fatter subs. we got enough speed to get over 105 timid/jollys. and enough spatk to still 1 shot weavile, bish, exca with surfs or secret swords. Is this team good; eh. Does this team work; also eh. Do I auto lose to volcarona; usually. Do I love this team; unfortunately.
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I'm going to extend this to Friday 3rd to hopefully get one or two more submissions. I'm "blaming" the slow submissions on the holidays since people are spending time with family

Anyway happy holidays and happy new year in advance!
The star of the show. I opted for all out special attack. Mega Sceptile's main features are its incredible movepool, fast speed, and an ability to absorb electric type attacks. I wanted to pair it with a breaker which would make Sceptile-M's job of cleaning easier.
The chosen breaker. This pokemon rarely sees usage, however i find it to have some niche use as a great breaker.
I opted for a slowbro, as an ice type resist, status spreader and future sight spammer. Terrakion and Sceptile really appreciate future sight. I used eject button, since this team lacked any pivot.
Our hazard removal. It acts as a valuable pivot and ground immunity. Standard spdef set.
This team was actually pretty slow, besides Mega Sceptile so I opted for a Bisharp to provide priority. I went for an AV set, to help it against special attackers and made it bulky for our Weavile wall.
This is our rocker, and volcarona answer. It really helps chip physical attackers, making Mega Sceptile's job easier.

Hope yall enjoy this team, its a very fun build.
Happy Holidays, And Happy New Year! :)
procrastination isn't good for your health...

anyway CringeLord! and I bring to you a fun little Abomasnow Trick Room team that we cooked up while I was on a bus travelling halfway across the country;
I got the idea to build this team when I remembered a team that erz included in his 2020 teamdump (it's a great resource, i wouldn't be here if it didn't exist) that included the core of Abomasnow, Cresselia and Crawdaunt who's main goal is to abuse the Trick Room set up by Cresselia.
The roles of these three is pretty simple and straight-forward.

:cresselia: - Cress' role is to set up Trick Room due to her huge bulk affording her a multitude of set-up opportunities. This also let's her serve as a soft tank for the team to provide breathing room against more offensive teams. Cresselia is also running Lunar Dance to essentially revive any one of the 5 other Pokémon in a pinch. Moonblast coverage helps weaken Pokémon such as Medicham and Keldeo while HP Fire lets Cresselia weaken the Blizzard resisting Steel types such as Metagross.
:abomasnow-mega: - Obama's job is to click meaty Blizzard's that are infinitely accurate due to hail being set up. Giga Drain helps keep President Snow healthy while Earthquake allows him to hit the Steel and Fire types that come in on his stabs. Ice Shard let's the former UU President pick off faster threats due to it's increased priority.
:crawdaunt: - A breaker who needs no introduction. The boost from Adaptability makes Crawdaunt's STABs do truly unholy damage. This coupled with the inverted speed from Trick Room makes Mr. Craw a staple on all serious Trick Room teams.

The last 3 Pokémon; Heatran, Slowking and Scizor aimed to patch up the main core's weak points as well as provide additional support for the team.

:heatran: - Heatran boasts crucial resistances to Grass and Steel as well as an immunity to Fire which makes it an excellent partner for both Abomasnow and Crawdaunt. It's role is to set up Stealth Rock as well as provide fire coverage for pesky Pokémon such as Ferrothorn who poses a threat to our man attacking duo. Running specially defensive Heatran also helps vs Pokémon such as Clefable who might cause the team problems should it run Calm Mind. Air Balloon is the item of choice due to the team lacking solid answers into Earthquake however Leftovers is also a viable choice should you feel confident against said Ground types.
:slowking: - Slowking was added for two main reasons. The first was to provide additional Trick Room support while the second was to provide a "real" water resist so as to slow down Volcanion who can very easily get out of hand. Nasty Plot is used to let Slowking provide additional offense through +2 Scald and Psychic (this is run to avoid being walled by Volcanion) however Slack Off is also a viable option should you prefer longevity. The EVs as well as the Colbur Berry let's Slowking live Choice Band Weavile Knock Off from full and subsequently, Pursuit.
:scizor: - Scizor was added last to aid in the Weavile match-up as well as to provide hazard removal in the form of Defog. Choice Band lets Scizor do massive damage with it's U-Turn as well as Bullet Punch which can be used to clean up after Abomasnow and Crawdaunt break.

Overall this is a very fun trick room team to use and one that I thoroughly enjoyed building. I would say watch out for Electric types due to the severe lack of a Ground type as well as the chip damage from hail on your whole team but otherwise I hope you have as much fun playing with this team as I did!
Once again, massive shoutouts to CringeLord! who built this team alongside me!!
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So Empoleon, really weird mon to be honest but it has a particularly neat niche of being hazard control on big offenses given how it checks or lure for them with it being a soft check to diancie, puts ground types on a hold which are mostly rockers, and also checks clefable surprisingly well. The sacrifice is dropping grass knot letting volc kind of in for free but sacrifices had to be made with the rest of the team.

The direction I went with this offense is a traditional Hyper Offensive route for stacking attackers on a specific spectrum. In this case overwhelm the opposition with special attackers that act as wincons. MZam, Keldeo, Serp with Knock and Thundy should be able to get past most things with good proactive play. Just gotta play your cards right. Landorus set up rocks and holds the team together alongside Empo. CM 3 Attacks Keldeo, NP Thundurus with TWave and Taunt Bulky Zam (fire set btw) should be sufficient to handle most things.

Zam EV Spread is peculiar so a brief explanation. Speed is enough to outspeed max speed Serperior before mega evolving. 200 hp puts in on 301 hp at full, which means it can take 3 seismic tosses, with the team support 1v1ing stuff like Chansey is very doable, from there it is a SpA dump to hit as hard as possible (additional defensive investment doesnt do it any favors).

So, have fun. It is a pretty experimental team but a blast to play, physical forms of offense is way easier to build but this can be a good base for special attacking oriented offense.
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Aires De Dragón
HUGE S/Os to Bored Pikachu for the idea and build, and mixnite for the refinement.
:sv/empoleon: :sv/altaria mega: :sv/kyurem black: :sv/garchomp: :sv/dragonite: :sv/volcarona: (<- paste, soon)
Happy (late) Holidays and Happy (late, again) New Years, everyone! A little bit late (once again, ugh), but here it is! This is a 6 that was originally hanging around as an unbuilt idea suggested by Bored Pikachu. Later in building, mixnite refined the final version, and thats that. Big thanks to the both of them for making this holiday miracle.

:empoleon:- star of the show. shuca is by far its best set, enabling it to contest and outright delete many of the tiers rockers. pretty great in into the fairies as it threathens them with a clean OHKO, and can defog once, or even maybe twice, letting the other dragons (and volc) reign.

:garchomp:- incredible breaker, a ground, and fantastic for baiting fairies in only to have them fall flat on their faces as they attempt to dance around or dent it. not much is needed to be explained here with this guy, other than:
252 SpA Diancie-Mega Moonblast vs. 28 HP / 0 SpD Roseli Berry Garchomp: 208-246 (57.1 - 67.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

:dragonite:- one of this teams incredible wincons. max max for simplicity, but innerfocus was chosen over multiscale as its able to absolutely destroy lopu and medichams attempts of revenging it, also enabling the teams other wincons as kyu b as a cleaner. superpower allows it to hit ferro (which is a tad annoying otherwise) and to net the KO on lopu.

:altaria mega:- amazing defensive profile, sub allows it to set up mons that usually staus it and pivot around it in order to beat its offensive set. the spread makes it so sub lives cofas hex, and outspeeds weavile after +1. incredible wincon, taking away most games after subbing.

:kyurem black:- rlly good cleaner. once the fairies are gone, its free to click outrage to its heart content. pretty standard, but cool on this squad nonetheless.

:volcarona:- sheisty set, feeds off of chansey + quad stalls and other fats with gastro that try to status it before letting it run free. modest allows it to beat off stoss damage from chanse with giga drain, outspeeds lopu at +1, and rest in hp.
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It's time for the final vote...

Team 1 by Bored Pikachu

Team 2 by Fated Keys

Team 3 by Hyposis27

Team 4 by GOATED im_m0rtal.

Team 5 by mixnite

Team 6 by MrAldo

Team 7 by sluGGy

The deadline is on 06.01.2025 at 20:59 GMT +3.
Happy voting!
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i'm in shock and disbelief right now. we have a three way tie for the winning team of this week!
huge congratulations to Bored Pikachu, MrAldo and sluGGy!!!

I wanna take a moment to say thank you all so much for participating these past 12 (or 13 I don't remember,,,) weeks. It was truly a blast hosting this competition and coming up with wacky ideas for people to build teams with. If I'm being honest, I started hosting this competition to get ideas for my own teams xD however after a few weeks passed I started really getting into it and brainstorming ideas and cores for people to build that would also help newer players understand the meta through nicher pokémon and strategies.
I'd like to shoutout sluGGy especially for taking over during weeks when I was too busy to post rounds. Arigato gosaimasu mi estudiente!

Thank you all once again and I hope to see you again in the future.

scroll to the bottom!

check out my other projects!!
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