Tournament ORAS STABmons Cup (Won by Alternatif)

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Activity calls:
Akashi vs MultiAmmiratore: Jeran missed scheduled time twice
Mark_K vs Hamhamhamhamham: Neither made any attempt to schedule
[18:45:10] %in the hills: !pick mark k, hamhamhamhamham
We randomly picked:
[18:45:15] %in the hills: yep
Foxxeyy vs 7shoes: 7shoes gave win on wall
Alternatif vs Tack :]: Tack gave win on wall

Round 2

Hamhamhamhamham  vs  Alternatif
Foxxeyy  vs  Cheese5555
pileosand  vs  Skysolo
 vs  GL Volkner
Chazm  vs  Jrdn
abriel gabram  vs  Fissure
 vs  Betathunder
Akashi MultiAmmiratore  vs  xavgb
The deadline for this round is 8/2 at 11:59PM GMT -4

Highlight matches:
aesf vs GL Volkner
Chazm vs Jrdn
abriel gabram vs Fissure
MultiAmmiratore vs xavgb

Important: Reminder, this post details how to challenge ORAS STABmons on the main server. Additionally, the Spore ban is now in effect.
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Lost so just gonna dump my teams

Screenshot_64.jpg - Hoopa-C webs. Lead Accelgor to set webs, punish Defog with Braviary, and break shit with everything. Drain Punch on Hoopa lets you KO Chansey and non-Sucker Punch Tyranitar. This is my favorite of the teams I built, although nothing particularly out of the ordinary other than Hoopa. Careful around Mega Lopunny, it's super nasty with Espeed, even under webs, since Hoopa isn't immune.
Screenshot_65.jpg - PidgRak. This team is OK, but needs some work. Azumarill is super nice. Overall just doesn't have the anti-offense tools it needed. Mach Punch Terrak was, in theory, a good Mlop check... until you realize you miss the OHKO. HP Ice gives you the 2HKO on Lando-T.
Screenshot_66.jpg - I like this team a lot too although I played terribly and Chazm played well so it didn't really matter how good the team was. If I was using it again I'd change Serperior's set to run HP Fire > Leech Seed and change Latias up, either running a completely different mon or just a different set. Sap Sipper Azu might actually work nicely in that slot. Zone is really nice for letting Aero and Serp spam their STABs like they want. I found in the match that not outpacing Scizor was a serious problem, so Scarf may be a better option on this team.

Meta is fun and super broken. Espeed is so centralizing it's insane, but that honestly didn't ruin it for me. I don't find Spore as dumb as Espeed... but it's still dumb. Everything else just sorta pales in comparison to those two issues.
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