Lost so just gonna dump my teams
- Hoopa-C webs. Lead Accelgor to set webs, punish Defog with Braviary, and break shit with everything. Drain Punch on Hoopa lets you KO Chansey and non-Sucker Punch Tyranitar. This is my favorite of the teams I built, although nothing particularly out of the ordinary other than Hoopa. Careful around Mega Lopunny, it's super nasty with Espeed, even under webs, since Hoopa isn't immune.
- PidgRak. This team is OK, but needs some work. Azumarill is super nice. Overall just doesn't have the anti-offense tools it needed. Mach Punch Terrak was, in theory, a good Mlop check... until you realize you miss the OHKO. HP Ice gives you the 2HKO on Lando-T.
- I like this team a lot too
although I played terribly and Chazm played well so it didn't really matter how good the team was. If I was using it again I'd change Serperior's set to run HP Fire > Leech Seed and change Latias up, either running a completely different mon or just a different set. Sap Sipper Azu might actually work nicely in that slot. Zone is really nice for letting Aero and Serp spam their STABs like they want. I found in the match that not outpacing Scizor was a serious problem, so Scarf may be a better option on this team.
Meta is fun and super broken. Espeed is so centralizing it's insane, but that honestly didn't ruin it for me. I don't find Spore as dumb as Espeed... but it's still dumb. Everything else just sorta pales in comparison to those two issues.