Tournament Other Metagame World Cup VI: Information & Administrative Decisions

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True Coffee Maniac
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OM Leader
Player Sign-ups | Captain Sign-ups | Pools Phase | Semifinals | Finals

(Fantastic Banner by IMakeNoSense)
How this works

There are 8 teams. Each team has 8 starters and 4 substitutes. The 8 teams will be randomly divided up into 2 groups of 4 teams each. After the pools stage, the two teams with the most points from each group will advance. Week 3 will be the playoff round between the first and second placed teams from opposite groups, with the winners moving on to the week 4 finale. Note that this schedule is subject to tiebreakers (explained below). All standard Smogon tournament rules and procedures apply.

Alt Accounts
Players are expected to play matches on an alt on PS! or smogtours that matches their Smogon username or comes as close to matching as possible.

Team Roles
There will be Discord Team Roles this year to help with team coordination, substitutions and so forth, please join the discord when possible!

It is ideal to play on the official SmogTour server instead of the regular, however, games are allowed to be played on the normal server at the risk of both players.


In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the playoffs based on points and win differential, or a tie in the playoffs/final itself, we will have a tiebreaker round. One metagame will be picked by each manager, and each manager will also pick one metagame to strike. Additionally, each manager will submit a backup meta to strike in case their choice is the same as the opposing team's pick. The third format will be determined at random by the hosts from the remaining unpicked, unstruck metagames. In the event that the picks and strikes from each manager are the same, the hosts will determine both the second and third format at random based on the remaining options. All three metagames must be unique, so no format can be picked twice.


Substitutes are allowed in this tournament. A player that has been subbed out during a week may not be subbed into any other slot. Multiple substitutions may occur in the same slot. Substitutions will be not be allowed in tiebreak series unless the hosts mandate it. However, since we prioritize games being played, we will consider extension requests so long as they're reasonable. We will also be reluctant to give activity wins to those who are clearly fishing for them.


Replays are required. If replays are not provided, the match will need to be replayed or will be considered a dead game.

The tier lineup is as follows:

SV Almost Any Ability
SV Balanced Hackmons
SV Godly Gift
SV Inheritance
SV Mix and Mega
SV Partners in Crime
Best of 3 Slot: SV Almost Any Ability / SV Balanced Hackmons / SV STABmons

All games will be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server or SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. The result between players is decided by best of one outside of the best of three slot.

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Player Sign-ups | Captain Sign-ups | Pools Phase | Semifinals | Finals

(Fantastic Banner by IMakeNoSense)
How this works

There are X teams. Each team has 8 starters and 4 substitutes. The X teams will be randomly divided up into 2 groups of 4 teams each. Each team will play every other team in that group, where a win earns 2 points and a tie earns 1. You are allowed to replay a game if you have tied. After the group stage, the two teams with the most points from each group will advance. Week 4 will be the playoff round between the first and second placed teams from opposite groups, with the winners moving on to the week 5 finale. Note that this schedule is subject to tiebreakers (explained below). All standard Smogon tournament rules and procedures apply.

Alt Accounts
Players are expected to play matches on an alt on PS! or smogtours that matches their Smogon username or comes as close to matching as possible.

Team Roles
There will be Discord Team Roles this year to help with team coordination, substitutions and so forth, please join the discord when possible!

It is ideal to play on the official SmogTour server instead of the regular, however, games are allowed to be played on the normal server at the risk of both players.


In the event of two teams being tied for a spot in the playoffs based on points and win differential, or a tie in the playoffs/final itself, we will have a tiebreaker round. One metagame will be picked by each manager, and each manager will also pick one metagame to strike. Additionally, each manager will submit a backup meta to strike in case their choice is the same as the opposing team's pick. The third format will be determined at random by the hosts from the remaining unpicked, unstruck metagames. In the event that the picks and strikes from each manager are the same, the hosts will determine both the second and third format at random based on the remaining options. All three metagames must be unique, so no format can be picked twice.


Substitutes are allowed in this tournament. A player that has been subbed out during a week may not be subbed into any other slot. Multiple substitutions may occur in the same slot. Substitutions will be not be allowed in tiebreak series unless the hosts mandate it. However, since we prioritize games being played, we will consider extension requests so long as they're reasonable. We will also be reluctant to give activity wins to those who are clearly fishing for them.


Replays are required. If replays are not provided, the match will need to be replayed or will be considered a dead game.

The tier lineup is as follows:

SV Almost Any Ability
SV Balanced Hackmons
SV Godly Gift
SV Inheritance
SV Mix and Mega
SV Partners in Crime
Best of 3 Slot: SV Almost Any Ability / SV Balanced Hackmons / SV STABmons

All games will be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server or SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. The result between players is decided by best of one outside of the best of three slot.

Canadian's will join hands and play alongside USNE, thank you for accepting them (as a fellow Canadian, thanks).
Canadian's will join hands and play alongside USNE, thank you for accepting them (as a fellow Canadian, thanks).

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I am rescinding the merge, and instead emphasize that a Rest of the World category is feasible with the new sign-ups. Reason being this decision was mine alone and not fully vetted by the rest of staff and I overlooked the impact this would have on the overall balance of the tour.

If this displeases you I suggest you drop your player sign-up, the last thing I want to create is a scenario where one team is unfairly stacked this is a competition after all.

China and the Rest of the World will fight in Qualifiers if the team is formed, otherwise any further decisions such as a merge or simply dropping Canada entirely will be reserved for further in the week
Okay so after much discussion with TDs and internally we've come to the conclusion that there will be a merge that occur which will as of this moment be between UK and Canada, and Latin/South America and USS.

This means that the following players as of this moment will be officially on the following teams:

UK + Canada
Trout In Space
Career Ended

US South + Latin/South America
Don Vascus
Portrait or Ruin

This is the only feasible merges, and the UK team only has 9 players as of this post so they can afford the players as subs at minimum. *REMINDER CAPTAIN SIGNUPS=/=PLAYER SIGNUPS. Captains should still be signing up in the player signups thread if they intend to play.

Player Signups end tomorrow around this point and you are expected to have your player roster passed to me by Sunday at a similar time so we can post Pools phase.
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