Other Metagame World Cup VII - Finals [Won by Team Europe]

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(Fantastic Banner by IMakeNoSense)
Scheduling should be done on Smogon user walls, plain and simple.
If there is no communication on a users walls and a game goes undone, it will be left to the RNG to decide the winner.
If there is communication on only one user's behalf, the win will go to them. Feel free to call activity in this thread beforehand.
If there is a very healthy back and forth regarding potential times and one user is a no-show, a captain may take the opportunity to sub out the no-show competitor; if this is not done, the user that showed up responsibly will be awarded the win.

TL;DR: PM your opponents, schedule your matches, and be reliable. If you're not reliable, let your captain know so they can sub you out ASAP.

Exhibitions of unsportsmanlike conduct with regards to Other Metagame World Cup VI will be met with an infraction at the discretion of the hosts. This is unlikely to include interactions within a team's private chat unless there is reason found to make an exception.

  • Inappropriate nicknames: Games in which a player uses nicknames that break PS! rules will be forfeited, and the player will be removed from the tour. Replays are required for this tour, so it is important that PS! and Smogon rules are followed in these games.
  • Toxic Behaviour: Insulting, flaming, and intentional timer stalling are some examples of toxic behaviour. Instances of toxic behaviour will be reviewed, and the appropriate punishment will be handed out at the discretion of the hosts and OM forum moderators.
These rules are meant to protect other users from being publicly flamed/bashed/provoked by another competitor for the duration of and following the tournament, as well as keep it a safe site for all.

All players must complete their matches by the given deadline. Any incomplete matches by that time may be subject to activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S WALL); otherwise, they will be decided via !pick publicly in the Other Metas Room. All matches should ideally be done on your most notable alt (the one you registered for OMWC VI with) to avoid confusion and the replay must be saved and posted in this thread. The replays will be archived in a separate thread, and will be used to calculate usage stats.

Captains, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the captains of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent(s), and myself. This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.

Best of 3s game order is decided by !pick on Pokemon Showdown for game 1, loser decides game 2 and 3.


France -2 vs. Europe -5
AAA: Atha vs. SammyCe123
BH: damflame 3 vs. Akira 153
GG: Fraise vs. Lily
Inh: Mindnight vs. pannu
MnM: Dragonillis vs. PociekMociek
PiC: RL vs. Frixel
STAB: Palapapop vs. xdRudi.exe
Bo3: Osake vs. Ivar57

You have until Sunday November 24th 11:59 PM GMT -4 to finish these games!

Notice any errors, ping me anywhere relevant and I will correct them asap.
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France vs. Europe - it's the battle of waterloo except the british were too busy "brexit"ing and it's still a massacre without them

AAA: Atha vs. SammyCe123 - this is probably the slot France are going to have the most joy in, so they have to make it count
BH: damflame 3 vs. Akira 153 - Europe have a stronger BH builder, won't discount damflame tho
GG: Fraise vs. Lily - Lily has to be favoured here because she is such a strong clicker - this is the third best shot france have at taking a game though imo, since I haven't seen Lily play gg for a bit and fraise is extremely strong and familiar with the tier
Inh: Mindnight vs. pannu - yeah
MnM: Dragonillis vs. PociekMociek - this is the second best shot france have at taking a game, dragonillis defo strong but he'll have to watch out cus the eu mnm slot is pretty stacked in its own right
PiC: RL vs. Frixel - yeah
STAB: Palapapop vs. xdRudi.exe - closer than one might think but yeah
Bo3: Osake vs. Ivar57 - osake has a chance but it's a very uphill battle
mixed feelings once again after this tour ends just like for aaapl, I'm still unhappy with my plays in most of my games and barring that stab game vs Ivar in finals that was really cool there aren't games I'm really proud of. I think I just lack interest in playing most of the OMs rn but well no more team tours until a long time so I'll have the time to see if the motivation comes back

speaking of the tour, well I personally enjoy wcup as a tour, I understand the critics though and I'm curious to see what will replace it if something replaces it, I just hope it'll be a real, cool thing and not a filler tour bc ppl were tired of wcup. This world cup was nice overall, felt like teams were closer in levels, of course Europe was still kinda busted but we beat them once and they went to tiebreak vs RoW and they're clearly not the broken team some people think they are. On specifically the bo3 slot, as it often comes back whether it is a good or a bad slot, it really takes a lot of time to make 3 preps and I haven't been the best at that (esp. because I really didn't like to build aaa) but I believe it was a highly competitive slot throughout the tour (notably cuz no BH, which I think was a good choice and made me enjoy it more) and I'm personally in favor of keeping it in this OMPL-like format until something really better is found, but for now it feels good.

my team : thanks to Team France for sticking with us, we had a good run, each year we've been a little closer and unfortunately for the (most likely) last year we couldn't grab the trophy, that finals was close and that's maybe even worse because we had a shot despite not being the best team on paper at the beginning of the tour, but some of y'all really showed up and that was incredible. I've not been the best manager, not that active in the tiers, not that active in my slot, disappointing in my plays and builds, but I hope you still enjoyed this tour and that you'll all show how broken you are in OMPL or solo circuit.

damflame 3 probably my biggest surprise of this tour, you've always been a really good player but you always struggled to get results in team tours like that, BH has always been a weakpoint for France and ngl I expected you to go 1-2 or something but man you absolutely carried us in that pool stage, I don't understand anything to BH but I felt that you were on a whole another level than what I thought and you really would've deserved to win that finals game too. You also gave a huge amount of help in other tiers and you've probably been a better manager that I've been, sorry for stealing that spot to you bc you've been truly the goat. Good luck for championship, show them your strength

Fraise Les2BG we've had ups and downs throughout the tour, things didn't work like we wanted, and let's be real, this wcup was not it for our GG slot. Don't let it get you down though, heated convo happen all the time but don't take them too personally (esp bc Mindnight cannot not be rude) and get the good out of that discussions. You'll have better tours and better results, you still are good players you just need to accept that not everyone will share your view and accept that, no one is a rocket scientist (apparently that's what stupid English ppl say to mean "pas avoir la science infuse" what a trash language) and if you're able to take a step back on all of that I'm sure you'll do well. Especially you Les2BG, you're still young, both in real life and in OMs, I know you want to be really good and you probably express it clumsily and it makes you wonder if you're good or not - you are, keep working like that and I promise results will come, we tried to make you play because you deserved it and it's not bc it didn't work out here that it will never. good luck for championship too !

Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ Sorry for subbing you out, I know it kinda killed your tournament and you struggled to get back into it - that was not your best season, but inheritance is also a stupid tier and you're still an amazing player and person. I have no doubts you'll come back stronger champ whenever you got the time, keep your head up !

Mindnight yeah you would expect me to praise you but you won't understand what I will say bc you fucking suck at English, but anyway bro you're really the goat, I had no doubts when I drafted you that if you put 5% interest into the tour you would crush it and you put way more than that and destroyed it when you cared. Sadge that you couldn't play and learn all the metas at once bc we clearly would've won the finals otherwise. I really appreciated the interest you put into the tour, trying to help in other tiers too like ??? i only wanted you to win in inheritance but you somehow helped in PiC ????? fucking crazy. It was also nice to have someone who's not afraid to talk when he thinks something is bad but LOL sometimes you gotta chill it's fucking omwc let my boys have peace, i stg no one wants to have Mindnight coming into their channel and destroy them for 1h bc he didnt like something. Love the heat but sometimes be that chill guy fr

Dunfan maybe the best pick of the tour ? bro is a work machine, the amount of time he spent with both Maybca and Mindnight to make tests, suggestions, teams, was INSANE, the dedication was crazy and clearly Mindnight would be in 0-2 crying without you, absolute goat. shoutout to damflame 3 for spotting you too, this guy has really been a better manager the whole time

Dragonillis man. we will be real. I asked you to sign up because we didn't have that much players and we needed experience. I thought : I will put Drago in whatever tier I want, he will go like 1-2 or 2-2, give me 50 heart attacks by game, I won't trust his slot, but at least he can get some wins, he got the luck, and he's also so nice. But bro, since when are you GOOD ? like for real. WHAT WAS THAT ? 4-1 Dragonillis but with impressive wins too like I'm just shocked. Maybe that's the power of not caring that much of mons anymore, but absolute goat and I didn't think you would be the one carrying but I was wrong. Thanks goat

RL ??????????????????????????? bro gets win in PiC I didn't know it was possible. PiC is the only tier I understand less than BH so both are muted so I don't know what was going on down there, and I have no idea if your team and plays were good, the only thing I know is you saved us TWICE in partners in crime and that deserves a medal. Thanks for being the goat. shoutouts to whoever helped you too cuz I wouldn't have wanted to see what was happening in that slot

lemonstre1 well you only help in BH and PiC so I didn't see you a lot, I also know you were a bit busy and not that much in touch with OMs lately, thank you for being there and giving that little help or that little joke every now and then. Appreciated saying "it was won without the burn" on the last turn of my mnm game vs ivar cuz I won anyway <3

Palapapop answering here to your discord pm : I already knew you were a really good stab player and I trusted you to get wins, and you did that. You also helped me build stab teams despite my horrible ideas (boulder is good I swear) and me not being active sometimes, appreciated the energy and the patience. You're also a funny guy, and yea irl gets us and well I'm also not thaat much active on cord and mons so it's on me, but I still appreciate talking to you and making jokes with you. We really should bring back the meta quizz once in a while. Love you my bro, hope you'll success in life bc you really deserve it

Atha I don't even know if I want to make a shoutout for you you've been so FUCKING busy throughout the whole tour like sometimes I was wondering if you still knew there was a tour ongoing ??? I was pinging him 5 times a week and he was answering "Moui" on Saturday at 10pm like fuck off, bro was the worst player on the team and is also washed and he made me load screens into brick break swampert but I kinda appreciated him still ?? maybe that's bc he STILL owes me a beer but he never wants to meet us so... take care of you bro, I hope what keeps you busy is worth for, and I hope you'll succeed it, not bc you deserve it but bc we can drink beers more often when you'll have free time

Siamato love you. nothing much to say. part of me is happy we lost bc I didn't want to win this tour without you on the line up and I was feeling bad for not drafting you (even if I knew you wouldn't play). Still built me an aaa and a stab team for the finals when I was sick af, and I ended up loading trash ass atha's team nah bro I really don't deserve you. If you wanna get drunk someday hmu I know I always say that and then I'm not free but just gimme a date and I will be there. :heart:

Redflix stop going to prison when I need a builder fucking idiot. most useless mnm help ever. hayedenn is better than you. also go get that girl

Ren idk you're just nice <3

Gman mandibuzz won a game !!!!!

congratz to Team Europe for winning, esp Ivar57 amazing guy and deserved to win, and thanks Giagantic for hosting
was a cool tour for its last dance

Take care of you !
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Hello! Since Mr captain wont gather enough of his neurons together to do shoutouts for his team, I will be the one doing them cuz I am an empowered little dinosaur. Note that I really didnt pay any atention to non-BH channels so these shoutouts speak to the heart of the people, not to the plays (with exceptions)

Akira 153, my oh so sweet this year discovery. Great guy, great player, good conversation and know how to build BH. I am glad to have had the oportunity to be ur co-player and substitute during this tour, and I apreciate a lot how devoted u were to building the best u could muster. Again, I pretty glad to have had more contact with you via this tour, aside from SR2, and have gotten to know u better.

Slither Wing my fellow bench warmer. He is kinda cool and at the start of the tour we almost succeeded in creating a coup d' etat in orden to become the proper managers of Europe team. We shouldnt have let that train pass my friend.

SammyCe123 I have no words. I are the player I once aspired to be, fluent and master in all metas, playing and building. My aspirations have dimmed a lot since I have less time in my hands, but it is always great to see someone of ur caliber besides oneself. Having the oportunity to share team with you twice now has been nothing less than a delight. Keep being so kind and aproachable, and keep up the momentum. Eat this Circuits champ. Dont let this get to ur head, im still gonna meme u from time to time

Frixel I had very barely ever talked to you ever before this tour, and what a discovery! I like you a lot on a personal level and love ur humor and interaction. I wish I knew more about ur meta to give proper assesment, but I am allergic to double based tiers. Please dont ever change, and hit my DMs from time to time. Also I love ur dog, give her some head pats for me.

pannu You have been one the managers I have ever had. I love how much you contribute to all conversations, even the ones you are expected to be involved in. You are as reliable as your phone's wake up alarm is, which I might say, doesnt have the best record. (Now for real, u are very kind and friendly, I wanted to kill you during HPL start but u made it up, I like u a lot)

PociekMociek hello mr placus. You are very kidn and a very reliable player. I like ur humour and how u keep the jokes rolling, and bulling pannu together is never not fun. I hope we can share team again sometime soon.

xdRudi.exe first of all, I am sorry for destroying ur mother language in the general channel so many times, but I am trying to learn. Second, I like ur style and how you bully pannu, show character. You are a very funny guy for a german, which you can take as you see fit.

Lily Hugo ojr I am very sad to not have anything to say about you lot, but I havent stepped inside your respective meta chats and you havent stepped much outside of them, so I havent had oportunity for interaction. I wish you best of lucks in your next tours.

Thanks for carrying to victory friends, World Champs!!
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