Tournament Other Metagames Livetour Circuit - Won by Jrdn

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what kind
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
Hosted by OM and berry , alongside other weekly hosts.
Approved by The Immortal
OP based on Lutra 's RoA Tour Introduction


Introduction | Week 1: AAA . BH | Week 2: CAMO . MNM | Week 3: STAB . AAA | Week 4: BH . CAMO | Week 5: MNM . STAB | Playoffs

The OM Livetour Circuit is a series of single-elimination, best of one live tournaments that will start on Saturday, November 7, 2020. The tiers played will be the main 5 OMs, those being Generation 8 DLC 2 Almost Any Ability, Balanced Hackmons, Camomons, Mix and Mega, and STABmons. These live tournaments will last for 5 weeks, with one tour being run every Saturday and Sunday. In each livetour, players are given the opportunity to earn points that correspond to how far they advanced into the tour. At the end of this 5 week period, the top 8 players will be placed in a single-elimination best of 5 playoffs bracket featuring the five tiers played in each of the weeks.

All tournaments will take place on the Smogtours Server, and competitors must sign up for each individual tour they wish to play in. Competitors will post "in" or an equivalent in this thread following a post by one of the hosts that states signups are open. Signups will open at the following times:
For each Saturday tour, signups will open at 9pm GMT + 0
For each Sunday tour, signups will open at 4pm GMT + 0
Each format will have both a Saturday and a Sunday tour to make it easier for players to attend and play. If a tournament is listed first in its week bracket it will take place on Saturday, while if it is listed second in its week bracket, it will take place on Sunday.

Rules and Scoring
Competitors will be allowed to join all 10 tours.
Tournaments will be capped between 8 and 36 users depending on signup speed, in order to get an even amount of players.
Players past the tournament limit will be "benched" and subbed in in case of a Round 1 no show.
Competitors who are eliminated in the first round will not earn any points for that tournament.
Points gained in a "bye" will not be awarded to the competitor unless they win the following round.
Rounds with no communication between players will result in a coinflip, and the "winner" will not receive any points for that round.
Refer to the Scoring Examples below for the points system used in individual tours.



During the Tour
After the hosts open the signups for that day's livetour, competitors are required to post "in" (or an equivalent) to enter the tournament. Players will then congregate on Smogtours, where the host will post round updates and announce pairings. Players are required to be on a voiced Smogtours name or an otherwise well-known alt to compete. After the best of one match is played, the WINNER of the match PMs the host saying that they won, along with a link to the smogtours replay. The loser of the match should not PM the host to minimize confusion. Scouting and watching other players' matches is NOT banned, and players are allowed to change their team from round to round. If your opponent does not respond to your challenges or is otherwise not available to play your game, please contact the host for a substitution or a round decision.

Mid-Week Metagame Bans
Any ban that takes place during the week will NOT be banned in the weekend's livetours during the main season. Metagames will be locked going into playoffs.

Ghosting or Cheating
Competitors that are convicted of ghosting or otherwise cheating will be stripped of their points and barred from entering any future livetours in this circuit.

In the event that two or more players have the same amount of points going into the playoffs, there will be a best of 5 tiebreak. Players will be expected to agree on a tier to begin with, but if no consensus can be reached, the beginning tier will be AAA. Loser of each match chooses the format in the following game.
Saturday, November 7​
Almost Any Ability​
Sunday, November 8​
Balanced Hackmons​
Lasen (DugZa)​
Saturday, November 14​
Sunday, November 15​
Mix and Mega​
Saturday, November 21​
Sunday, November 22​
Almost Any Ability​
Lasen (DugZa)​
Saturday, November 28​
Balanced Hackmons​
Sunday, November 29​
Gmansour20 (DugZa)​
Saturday, December 5​
Mix and Mega​
Sunday, December 6​
Monday, December 7​
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Top 8 Leaderboard
1Quantum Tesseract21
3The Number Man10
5Alternatif / Atha8
7Andyboy / xavgb6
9 (extra)Euphonos / Palapapop / Maxomega5
Updated to include all 10 tournaments.
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Administrative Decisions

Week 1: Balanced Hackmons
The tournament only had 8 users participate. Because this did not intersect with any of the scoring examples in the OP, here is the scoring used for that tournament. This will be the scoring used for future 8 man tournaments in this circuit.

5-8th place: 0 points
3rd and 4th place: 1 point
2nd place: 3 points
1st place: 4 points

Nov 15 Update:
Scoring tables for all tournaments up to 36 users are now in the OP.

Week 3: STABmons
This tournament had an 9-man in 10-slot tour structure. We decided to use the 12-man scoring system. Quantum Tesseract will be awarded 5 points because he won the tournament, even though he got a round 2 bye. The rest of the scoring for this tournament can be found here:

November 27
re: banned users and playoffs
Users will not be able to compete in any livetours while banned from Smogon, however, their points will not be cleared. If a user's ban is active the day the Playoffs start (Monday, December 7) and they are in the top 8 players that qualified for playoffs, they will be skipped over when selecting qualified players, and players will shift up a seed relative to their placement. The 9th user on the leaderboard will be given the 8th seed, and so on and so forth.

December 6
re: tiebreak
Maxomega, Palapalop, and Euphonos are in a three-way tiebreak for the 8th seed. The top 7 players in the finals bracket will go about with their regular playoff matches, with the first seed waiting on the tiebreak to resolve.

December 9
re: tiebreak 2
After the first round of tiebreaks, Maxomega, Palapalop, and Euphonos are still in a three-way tiebreak for the 8th seed. The following rules will be put into place in an attempt to reduce the probability of future tiebreaks.
This tiebreak will take a different approach to finding a winner than the previous tiebreak. If (and only if) this does not resolve in the traditional manner, a winner will be decided based on number of games won. If two users have the same amount of games won, then they will go on and play an additional BO5 to find the 8th seed in the tournament. If all users have the same score, then this same format will repeat in tiebreak attempt 3.

Because I did not specifically mention this for the previous round, I felt it was poor practice to reveal an arbitrary rule change once the games had finished, even though under this method we would have had a clear winner.

user a 3-1 user b
user b 3-2 user c
user c 3-0 user a
User C would be the winner because they won 5 games compared to user b's 4 and user a's 3.

December 13
re: top 8 extensions
Hi everyone. Due to poor planning on my part and conflicts with the OM Ribbon circuit (3/8 users in the top 8 here are in that, and that is infinitely more important) and World Cup, as well as the tiebreak that only gave Q.T. and pala a couple days to prepare, I will be granting a 1-week universal extension. I understand that this tour isn't the main priority for players competing in those other tournaments, and there is a large overlap between their playerbases. 7/8 of our top 8 are competing in one of these mentioned tournaments, and the 8th just got off a double 3-way tiebreak with 2 days to play their match.

I want to see high quality matches from all players, and many players have voiced their concerns that they will struggle to prepare 5 high quality teams under time crunch from these other tournaments happening at the same time.

The deadline for the following matches has been extended to Sunday, December 20 at 11:59PM GMT+0
1. Quantum Tesseract vs Palapapop .8
2. Chazm vs xavgb .7
3. The Number Man vs Andyboy .6
4. Jrdn vs Alternatif .5
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We are still looking for backup hosts!
If you are interested in being the backup host for a livetour, please PM me on discord (rr#9863) or message me in the Other Metagames discord for more information. Please note that, for tournament integrity reasons, you can not participate in a livetour that you are hosting.

Additionally, please make sure you fully understand the content of the OP if you plan to participate in the livetours. This will help the tours run smoothly and will improve everyone's experience with the tournament as a whole! The first tour will be run on November 7. Please keep an eye on this thread for more updates!
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Hello everyone,

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Other Metagames Livetour Circuit! At 9:00 PM GMT +0 (4:00 PM GMT -5 / EST), OM will post a message in this thread that looks like the following. This will mark the start of signups and the beginning of the first livetour.

Metagame Thread

Welcome to Week X Tournament X of the Other Metagames Livetour Circuit! Signups for this tournament are now OPEN!
Signups will close in approximately 10 minutes.
Please congregate on Smogtours after signing up, and wait for the host to update this post with the Round 1 Pairings.

Please make sure you fully understand the rules and regulations of this tournament before signing up, including the following:
During the Tour
After the hosts open the signups for that day's livetour, competitors are required to post "in" (or an equivalent) to enter the tournament. Players will then congregate on Smogtours, where the host will post round updates and announce pairings. Players are required to be on a voiced Smogtours name or an otherwise well-known alt to compete. After the best of one match is played, the WINNER of the match PMs the host saying that they won, along with a link to the smogtours replay. The loser of the match should not PM the host to minimize confusion. Scouting and watching other players' matches is NOT banned, and players are allowed to change their team from round to round. If your opponent does not respond to your challenges or is otherwise not available to play your game, please contact the host for a substitution or a round decision.


Please remember to be familiar with the tournament rules before signing up and participating: this will lead to the smoothest experience for everyone involved.​

Week 1: Almost Any Ability
Metagame Thread

Welcome to Week 1 Tournament 1 of the Other Metagames Livetour Circuit! Signups for this tournament are now OPEN!
Signups will close in approximately 10 minutes.
Please congregate on Smogtours after signing up, and wait for the host to update this post with the Round 1 Pairings.

Please make sure you fully understand the rules and regulations of this tournament before signing up, including the following:
During the Tour
After the hosts open the signups for that day's livetour, competitors are required to post "in" (or an equivalent) to enter the tournament. Players will then congregate on Smogtours, where the host will post round updates and announce pairings. Players are required to be on a voiced Smogtours name or an otherwise well-known alt to compete. After the best of one match is played, the WINNER of the match PMs the host saying that they won, along with a link to the smogtours replay. The loser of the match should not PM the host to minimize confusion. Scouting and watching other players' matches is NOT banned, and players are allowed to change their team from round to round. If your opponent does not respond to your challenges or is otherwise not available to play your game, please contact the host for a substitution or a round decision.

Signups are closed, here is the bracket:

Round 1:

Lancer FrvsLaBalladeDesCieux
 vsQuantum Tesseract
damflame 3  vsMenace17
xavgb vs HGgamer
Dragonillis vs Jrdn
Trognon vs BYE 3

Round 2:

Trognonvs Alternatif
vsdamflame 3

Round 3:

PandaDoux  vsAtha


Jrdn Vs Atha

This is a livetour, so we're doing this now.
Challenge each other on and dm me (OM~!) once you have won.
If any more users would like to join they will take over the BYE slots.
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Week 1: Balanced Hackmons
Metagame Thread

Welcome to Week 1 Tournament 2 of the Other Metagames Livetour Circuit! Signups for this tournament are now OPEN!
Signups will close in approximately 10 minutes.
Please congregate on Smogtours after signing up, and wait for the host to update this post with the Round 1 Pairings.

Please make sure you fully understand the rules and regulations of this tournament before signing up, including the following:
During the Tour
After the hosts open the signups for that day's livetour, competitors are required to post "in" (or an equivalent) to enter the tournament. Players will then congregate on Smogtours, where the host will post round updates and announce pairings. Players are required to be on a voiced Smogtours name or an otherwise well-known alt to compete. After the best of one match is played, the WINNER of the match PMs the host saying that they won, along with a link to the smogtours replay. The loser of the match should not PM the host to minimize confusion. Scouting and watching other players' matches is NOT banned, and players are allowed to change their team from round to round. If your opponent does not respond to your challenges or is otherwise not available to play your game, please contact the host for a substitution or a round decision.

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