Tournament Other Metas Mashups Kickoff Trios - $60 Prize - Finals! Won by the subway surfers!

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art by Bummer
(op based on Eggs' )
Welcome to the opening Other Metas Mashups tour in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! It took some time but we're finally able to bring the wacky OMM experience to all of you with the hope to rapidly develop these beloved tiers.
The winning team will recieve the rank of Room Prize Winner (^) in the OM Mashups room and on the Trashchannel.

In this tournament, the tiers played (and their rulesets) are:
The well known:
STABmons Mix and Mega
and the new, insanely popular -
Camove Chaos

Players should sign up in teams of three under a team name with each player being assigned a particular tier or as free agents while stating their tier preferences. Depending on sign ups, I may try and group un-teamed free agents into teams after sign ups close.
For example, if I wanted to form a team with Fabwooloo and Temp the signup post should look like this:

Absolute Absolposters:
STAB n Mega: Fabwooloo
PokeAAA: PociekMociek
Camove: Temp
or if I wanted to sign up as a free agent the post would look more like:

In as free agent, prefers STAB n Mega

In as free agent, can play anything
All standard tournament rules and guidelines apply. This means that ghosting is not allowed, including from teammates. All sets played are bo1. Replays are mandatory.

The metas might change rulesets during the tour itself, if that happens I will make a post about these changes and update the according challenge code, make sure it's up to date or else game might have to be replayed.
Challenge Codes:

/challenge gen9mixandmega @@@ STABmons Move Legality, +Zacian-Crowned, +Gholdengo, +Kilowattrel, +Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, +Zapdos, *Kingambit, *Walking Wake, *Zoroark-Hisui, -Arceus, -Enamorus-Base, -Komala, +Rusted Sword, *Rusted Sword, +Zacian, -King's Rock, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Dire Claw, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *V-create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow
/challenge gen9pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Annihilape, -Baxcalibur, -Chien-Pao, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, - Enamorus, -Espathra, -Gengar, -Gholdengo, -Great Tusk, -Hariyama, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Hands, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Magearna, -Noivern, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Spectrier, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin, -Zamazenta-Base, -Zapdos-Galar
/challenge gen9nationaldex @@@ !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Final Gambit, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Last Respects, -Lumina Crash, -No Retreat, -Population Bomb, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Salt Cure, -Shed Tail, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Splash, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, -Water Spout, -Wicked Blow, -Eevium Z, -Aerodactyl-Mega, -Beedrill-Mega, -Comfey, -Dondozo, -Enamorus, -Kartana, -Komala, -Mawile-Mega, -Medicham-Mega, -Regieleki, -Sceptile-Mega, -Sneasler, -Serperior, -Tapu Koko, -Ting Lu, -Zamazenta, -Smooth Rock, -Heat Rock, -Damp Rock, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, +Blastoise-Mega, +Darkrai, +Deoxys-Speed, +Dracovish, +Dragapult, +Houndstone, +Magearna, +Shaymin-Sky, +Urshifu, +Walking Wake, +Zygarde

Depending on the number of sign ups the tour's format might end up being either Round Robin (below 6) or pools (above 6) with 1-2 weeks of playoffs. Please make sure you are able to play for the entire tour, as there are no subs. Also, since this tour is primarily to showcase the metagames, we want to avoid deadgames if at all possible. To encourage this, the first tiebreaker for playoffs will be total games played, then differential.

Signups will close after around 2 weeks (aka the 23rd of July 2023).
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Thanks to a generous benefactor the prize pool expands to 60$! Due to how late that donation was made, I'm willing to slightly extend the signups (until the end of the 24th) provided we get an influx of signups during sunday, otherwise everything will continue as stated in the OP.
The signups are now closed!
The free agents have been selected into two teams:
Free Agent Team 1:
PokeAAAbilities: Rex15808
SNM: oaklies
Camove: LOrd Fernado

Free Agent Team 2:
PokeAAAbilities: Mr.Bossaru
SNM: Uta The Clown
Camove: heyheeeyyy​

If the free agent teams want to change their lineup, team name or add any other memorabilia please DM me on smogon with the changes.

The finished pools are as follows:
:arceus: The Arceus Pool :arceus:
Energetic Enerus


Pure Power Foul Play

Free Agents Team 1

:dragapult: The Dragapult Pool :dragapult:
cotta and his boyfriend and his discord kitten

I couldn't think of a name


Free Agents Team 2

:zoroark-hisui: The Zoroark Pool: :zoroark-hisui:
Anges de Piunicoulours

Wictorious Wfrogs

The Choice Specs Tera Fire Chi-Yus (CSTFCY)
:exeggutor-alola: The Exeggutor Pool: :exeggutor-alola:
Unlucky Gamers Unite

subway surfers

Panthera Silicat
In case of any ties one week of tiebreaker is planned but please just win your pools theres 2 tiebreakers already and after 3 rounds of standard season we will begin playoffs where the winners of each pool will face each other in an elimination bracket to find the champion of Other Metas Mashups!
Challenge codes have been updated in the #1 Post and are in here as well!

/challenge USERNAME, gen9mixandmega @@@ STABmons Move Legality, +Rusted Sword, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Dire Claw, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *V-create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow, *Dragapult, -Komala, -King's Rock, +Zacian-Crowned, -Zacian, +Kilowattrel, +Zapdos, +Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, +Gholdengo, *Koraidon, +Koraidon, -Arceus, *Zoroark-Hisui
/challenge USERNAME, gen9pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard,+Palafin, +Regieleki, -Annihilape, -Baxcalibur, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, -Gengar, -Gholdengo, -Great Tusk, -Hariyama, -Iron Hands, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Magearna, -Noivern, -Perrserker, -Sneasler, -Spectrier, -Urshifu, -Walking Wake, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Revival Blessing, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Drought + Protosynthesis, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Regenerator + Wimp Out
/challenge USERNAME, gen9nationaldex @@@ !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Celebrate, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Final Gambit, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Last Respects, -Lumina Crash, -No Retreat, -Population Bomb, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Salt Cure, -Shed Tail, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Splash, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, -Water Spout, -Wicked Blow, -Eevium Z, -Aerodactyl-Mega, -Beedrill-Mega,-Dondozo, -Enamorus, -Kartana, -Komala, -Mawile-Mega, -Medicham-Mega, -Regieleki, -Sceptile-Mega, -Serperior, -Tapu Koko, -Ting Lu, -Zamazenta, -Smooth Rock, -Heat Rock, -Damp Rock, +Barb Barrage, +Bitter Malice, +Blazing Torque, +Bleakwind Storm, +Ceaseless Edge, +Chloroblast, +Combat Torque, +Esper Wing, +Headlong Rush, +Infernal Parade, +Light of Ruin, +Lunar Blessing, +Magical Torque, +Mountain Gale, +Noxious Torque, +Power Shift, +Psyshield Bash, +Raging Fury, +Sandsear Storm, +Springtide Storm, +Shelter, +Stone Axe, +Take Heart, +Wave Crash, +Wicked Torque, +Wildbolt Storm, +Arcanine-Hisui, +Avalugg-Hisui, +Basculegion, +Blastoise-Mega, +Braviary-Hisui, +Darkrai, +Decidueye-Hisui, +Deoxys-Speed, +Dracovish, +Dragapult, +Electrode-Hisui, +Goodra-Hisui, +Growlithe-Hisui, +Houndstone, +Kleavor, +Lilligant-Hisui, +Magearna, +Overqwil, +Qwilfish-Hisui, +Samurott-Hisui, +Sliggoo-Hisui, +Typhlosion-Hisui, +Urshifu, +Ursaluna, +Voltorb-Hisui, +Wyrdeer, +Zoroark-Hisui, +Zorua-Hisui, +Zygarde

Round 1 Matchups:

:arceus: The Arceus Pool :arceus:

Energetic Enerus vs :P
STAB n Mega: fabwooloo vs Yoru97
PokeAAA: Tranquility vs SpaceSpeakers
Camove: temp vs Clas

Pure Power Foul Play vs FA1

STAB n Mega: zastra vs oaklies
PokeAAA: Shady Icy vs Rex15808
Camove: @banded body press vs LOrd Fernado

:dragapult: The Dragapult Pool :dragapult:

cotta and his boyfriend and his discord kitten vs I couldn't think of a name
STAB n Mega: kDCA vs ToxaNex
PokeAAA: pannu vs Ainzcrad
Camove: Osake vs K3ppr

Seashore vs FA2
STAB n Mega: Thatsapanda vs Uta The Clown
PokeAAA: ICE 3M vs Mr.Bossaru
Camove: Levibull vs heyheeeyyy

:zoroark-hisui: The Zoroark Pool: :zoroark-hisui:

Anges de Piunicoulours vs Wictorious Wfrogs
STAB n Mega: Cao Jie vs db
PokeAAA: Giga-Chandélure vs Don Vascus
Camove: Turtlek vs The Dragon Master

The Choice Specs Tera Fire Chi-Yus vs Bye 1
STAB n Mega: WMAR vs bye
PokeAAA: Eggs vs bye
Camove: The Hisui Region vs bye

:exeggutor-alola: The Exeggutor Pool: :exeggutor-alola:

Unlucky Gamers Unite vs subway surfers
STAB n Mega: Haha gamer'd vs Axzel
PokeAAA: Hiusi guy vs Career Ended
Camove: ElgyemSoul vs augustakira

Panthera Silicat vs Bye 2

STAB n Mega: Natcrozma vs Bye
PokeAAA: BoingK vs Bye
Camove: Zane(Bifloofendoofen) vs Bye

The Deadline of Round 1 is July 30th, 11:59 PM GMT -6.
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