[OU]Machamp And His Assistant

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[OU]Machamp And His Assistant(1st RMT)

Hi Guys.I'm New To Smogon But Current Have A Team Which Is Average And Its For Wifi Battling /Shoddying And PO :D.Anyways Here is My Team. Changes IN BOLD

Team Building:

I'm Trying To Make A Team Around Infernape Since It Have a Diverse Movepool And a Best Sweeper For Me.

Since Infernape is a Sweeper,I Need a Lead Which Have Power And Bulk.I Ought To Go For Machamp,With The Ability No Guard And Access To Dynamic Punch,Its Good For My Team.Now I Have A Psychic Weakness And No Rapid Spinner,So..

I Got Myself The Best Rapid Spinner,A Spinner That Can Attack,Be My Status Absorber.It Also Covers Up Infernape And Machamp's Weakness.Now I Need A Wisher..I Ought To Take

Jolteon.The Top 5 Fastest Pokemon,With Access To Wish And High Speed,Its a Beast.Now I Need Something That Resists Ground,So I Get Myself

A Flygon,With Many Coverage And Being a Revenge Killer,And With Ability Levitate,Spikes And SR Wont Bother Him Much.I Can Wish Abuse To Flygon Too.Now I Have Problems With Infernape If Blissey Dies And I Want Something That Can Cause Annoyance..So I Got MySelf

Gengar..Subspilt Gengar's Really Annoy People If u Dont Have a Counter For It.With Ability Levitate,I Can Abuse Wish For Gengar Too..This is My Team.Replaced Celebi With Starmie And Heatran With Jolteon

Starmie Wasnt Really Support The Team Since All My Pokemon Dies Fast Due To LO Recoil,So,I Replaced It With Vaporean,Which Supports,Stalls And Scout.I Also Replaced Gengar Because This Team Gets Raped By Any Version Of It.I Replaced It With Rotom-H.WoW Cripples Physical Attackers.I'm Testing This Team Atm
Team At Glance:


Team Notes
-0 Pokmeon weak to Stealth Rock, 6 neutral
-4 Pokemon vulnerable to Toxic Spikes, 2 immune
-4 Pokemon vulnerable to Spikes, 2 immune
-5 Pokemon vulnerable to Sandstorm, 1 immune,
-6 Pokemon vulnerable to Hail

*Into The Depth*​


Machamp(M) @ Lum Berry

Ability: No Guard
EVs: 240 Hit Points/244 Attack/8 Speed/16 Special Defence
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
Bullet Punch
Thunder Punch
Machamp is a BEAST.It Takes Moves Like Psychic Like a Champ And Beat It Back Like a Champ.It starts the battle off with a bang and gathers momentum for my team. Dynamicpunch allows me to get rid of annoying Aerodactyl and bulky leads that I can't really harm with my other attacks. Bullet Punch cleans things up against weakened foes.Payback lets me hit Ghost types that can switch in predicting Dynamicpunch And Roserade.Gyarados Loves To Switch To Machamp And Set,So,I Use Thunder Punch > Ice Punch For Coverage.

Machamp Vs Top 10 OU Leads:​

Azelf: Payback should get it down to Sash, and then I can Bullet Punch for the KO. Psychic Does OHKO Machamp With Life Orb.I Cant Switch To Any So I Make Him As My Death Fodder D:

Aerodactyl: Dynamicpunch followed by Bullet Punch should take care of it.

Swampert: Dynamicpunch it on the first turn and then proceed with Payback.The confusion slows it down a bit.Some Versions Of Swampert Are Bulky In Def Which is a Problem

Metagross: This Thing Is So Bulky.I Will Dynamic Punch Then Switch To Rotom-H Predicting Explosion Or If Not,I Can WoW it.

Jirachi: This thing is a pain. If It Tricks..My Machamp Is Useless D:.I usually Dynamicpunch it to get the confusion, followed by Payback. If it U-turns, whatever comes in can be hit hard with Payback

Infernape: I Rarely See This On Wifi..Seems I Have Never Battled It Before

Machamp: Normally I just Dynamicpunch and my Lum Berry will cure confusion if my opponent goes for the same move.If It Stays.Its 2HKO By Dynamic Punch

Ninjask: Payback followed by Bullet Punch will take care of it.

Roserade: Payback it first turn, since Lum Berry will cure me of sleep. Then Bullet Punch for the KO. Not too worried about Toxic Spikes because all my Pokemon resist is except Vaporeon And Infernape Which Is a Problem.

Tyranitar: Easily taken care of with Dynamicpunch

Uxie: This Lead Is Rare But It Just Counter's Machamp.Even Payback Dont Do That Much.With Its Bulk..I Can Switch To Jolteon And Cripple It With Shadow Ball

*The Assistant**Mix Sweeper*

Infernape (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Special Attack/64 Attack/196 Speed
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
Close Combat
Grass Knot
Hidden Power [Ice]​

This Thing Is A Beast.A Normal Mix Ape.Its Machamp's Assistant.Grass Knot is For Swamperts And Water Types.It Pretty Much Have Many Coverage..Flamethrower For Ice/Grass And Close Combat For Any Thing That Resists The Other Moves.I Pretty Much Hate The Accuracy For Fire Blast.Sometimes It Misses And Usually It Made Me Lose.Also This Thing Is A Answer To SkarmBliss Teams..Changed Electric To Ice Back Since Gyarados Always Set Up When I Switch .

Thanks To {UA}Shoxfire For Helping Me Out!

*Revenge Killer*​

Jolteon(M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 Hit Points/252 Speed/252 Special Attack
Timid nature (+Speed, -Atk)
Hidden Power [Grass]
Shadow Ball
Signal Beam​

Basically,I Have A Starmie Weakness.So, I ought To Use Jolteon To Cover It.Shadow Ball For Celebi/Gengar Etc.Thunderbolt For STAB.Absorbs Electric Attacks And Thunder Wave.So I Can Rely On Him For Thunder waves And Heal Himself.Signal Beam For Psychics And Grass Example Celebi.Also My Teammate Again Said,HP Ice Is So....Always Walled By Swampert,So,I replaced HP Ice With Grass,This,Surprises Swamperts To OHKO Them.Plus,I Only Have One Swampert Counter.

Thanks To Gabite And {UA}Shoxfire (Again) For This!

*Spin Blocker*​

Rotom-H @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Hit Points/168 Defense/88 Speed
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
Pain Spilt​

Replaced Celebi With Starmie And I Replaced Starmie With Rotom-H.My team desperately needed a Counter For Scizor Because CB Scizor Rapes This Team And WoW Abuse For Crippling Physical Attackers.ENZO Told Me To Use Starmie > Celebi Since It Can Attack,Rapid Spin And Be A Status Absorber.Thunderbolt For Water Types.Enzo Idea Was Good But It Cant OHKO Scizor.I Need Support So Following Shizzle's Idea,I Ought MySelf For A Rotom-H.WoW For Crippling At Others Have Been Common Sense.Leftovers To Make Him Live Longer.Levitate For Ground Resistance Which Is Nice For Infernape,Heatran And Jolteon.Pain Spilt > Overheat For Longevity And When U Are Countering Scizor,Why Overheat?

Thanks To Shizzle For This Idea!


Vaporeon (M) @Leftovers​

Ability: Water Absorb
Evs:218 Hit Points/68 Speed/252 Defence
Bold Nature (+Def,-Atk)

My team Needs Support Since Life Orb Will Tear Them Down, so I needed a Pokemon that could resist Flygons Weakness And Bulky.Vaporeon Can Do That Job.Wish Pass To Flygon,Jolteon Or Rotom If Electric Type Moves,Infernape If Grass Type Moves.I Can Use Toxic To Stall,Wish For Recovery And Protect To Scout.This Vaporean Counters Gyrados,Maybe Infernape And Scizor.It Works But With Toxic Spikes,No Good.

Thanks To GaRgAnT For This Idea!
*Revenge Killer*

Flygon(M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Hit Points/252 Attack/252 Speed
Jolly nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)

I Have Changed Jolly Back To Adamant Since Mence Is UBER.This team needed a revenge killer as well as a solid check to Infernape.The set is pretty standard allowing me to revenge Pokemon like Infernape, SD Lucario, ScarfTar and the like. Flygon also provides another ground resistance which is greatly appreciated by Infernape,Heatran And Jolteon who get OHKOed by ground attacks. U-turn allows me to scout my opponents Pokemon and allow me to deal with them accordingly. ThunderPunch > Stone Edge Because Of Gyrados Weakness And Accuracy.

Replaced Pokes:
*Revenge Killer*

Heatran(M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 Hit Points/252 Speed/252 Special Attack
Modest nature (+SpAtk, -Atk)
- Earth Power
- FlameThrower
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Grass]​

Replaced By Jolteon.Heatran is The Best Scarfer I Have Ever Seen.First, I'm running FlameThrower > Lava plume And Flamethrower > Fire Blast. This is because of the better Power And Accuracy. Second, I'm using Hidden Power [Grass] > Explosion, this allows me to hit Swampert for super effective damage without sacrificing Heatran.Earth Power is a great STAB. This Is Sort Of a Back Up If Infernape Dies.Should I Use Fireblast > Flamethrower?


Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Hit Points/220 Defense/36 Speed
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
Grass Knot
Leech Seed
Thunder Wave​

My team desperately needed a status absorber. Celebi was just the Pokemon for the job!
Leech Seed > Hidden Power for one reason: I Have Infernape.So Whats Hidden Power Fire For? Recover works great when I'm at low health and I have just crippled my opponent with Thunder Wave. Also, this Celebi was able to take a +3 Outrage from Kingdra, so it truly is a great asset to the team.Also This Thing Can Stall :).I'm Thinking Bout Using Starmie > Celebi


No Cleric: This Team Could Be Weak If There Is No Cleric Since If My Sweepers Is Toxiced/Paralyzed/Burned/Sleep,GG For Me

No Stealth Rocks: Well I Need Stealth Rocks To Turn 2HKO To OHKO And it Helps Infernape

No Rapid Spinner: God,Toxic Spikes Blows This Team

*Removed*Gyarados Weakness: Now I Have Flygon And Jolteon To Kill It

*Removed*DD Mence Weakness: Salamence is now UBER

*Removed*Jirachi Weakness: Now Rotom-H Is There To Kill/Revenge Kill That Thing.I Can Wow It Too.

*Removed*Psychic Weakness: Two Of My Team Are Weakness To It,But Jolteon And Rotom Can Kill It With Shadow Ball :D

Special Thanks To:​
Shizzle: For Helping Me Alot

GaRgAnT: For Helping In Place Of Vaporeon

{UA}Shoxfire: For Making Good Replacements For Moves

Gabite: For Helping In Use Of Jolteon And Point Out My Starmie Weakness​
As said flygon is a big problem to this team but there is another threat witch is starmie.
After flygon is dead this team is a 1 way ticket to sweep for Life orb / expert belt starmie ko'ing Gengar / Infernape / machamp with psychic 2ko'ing Celebi with ice beam and finaly surf / hydro pump on heatran.
i'd suggest taking out 1 of your revenge killers for jolteon.
Other than that great team
Hi [DR]InferNAPE,

Cool team dude! I'm just seeing some things that could get fixed and make it potentially better.

To start, you're missing STEALTH ROCK! This entry hazard is key to maintaining pressure, and not lose the upper-hand from the start. It also ensure OHKOes and 2HKOes for your team members. An easy thing you could do is changing Jolteon into Heatran, looking like this Heatran@ Shuca Berry | Naive Nature | 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe | Stealth Rock / Fire Blast / Earth Power / Explosion. This set will give you SR and have a handy Explosion for Blissey and other troublesome pokes. The only thing I hate about Machamp+Heatran is that it's so common, but in this case you need Heatran since SD Scizor hurts you.

Now you have two Fire-Types, which isn't bad just redundant imo. I want to suggest changing Infernape for Jirachi and Celebi for LOStarmie. The Jirachi set should have Wish imo, so this could be it Jirachi@ Leftovers | Careful Nature | 252 HP / 16 Def / 200 SpD / 40 Spe | Iron Head / Wish / Thunder Wave / U-turn OR Fire Punch. I noticed Subgar can wreck and this set can take other random Special Attacks. The Starmie set should be the following: Starmie@ Life Orb | Timid Nature | 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe | Surf / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt / Rapid Spin OR Recover. The only thing I don't like about this switch is the loss of a Mixed Sweeper. If you feel you don't need Wish and Paralysis Support, you could change Jirachi's set to Mixed Jirachi.

Hope this helps your team; good luck!
I really agree with ENZ0, and would support his suggestions. However, if you don't want to replace Jolteon, I'd suggest taking out Magnet Rise. I don't really see much use in using Magnet Rise on Jolteon as it is still quite frail and the use is pretty situational. I't doesn't work against common revenge killers such as Flygon, as Jolteon would have to use it on the switch (due to being outsped by scarf), which would give away the surprise and Flygon could simply Outrage you. The same applies to most other common users of Earthquake (bar single attack Gliscor, who doesn't switch into Jolteon anway due to HP [Ice]) and most carry a move that will badly hurt Jolteon anyway. I'd suggest replacing it by either Substitute or Baton Pass for scouting, or Charge Beam, which can really help pull off a Sweep lategame once it's counters have fainted or are sufficiently weakened. As a minor option, Wish is available. Jolteon is not the greatest user due to its poor defences (and most likely couldn't heal itself) but it can really reduce the sting of entry hazards that hurt many members of this team.

Good luck with the team!
Please keep in mind when reading my rate that i'm not an expert team rater but i do have some experience and another set of eyes can really help.

Machamp(M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 240 Hit Points/244 Attack/8 Speed/16 Special Defence
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Dynamicpunch
- Ice Punch
- Payback

This is a standard Machamp and he can really wreck people good, but i would suggest fitting in there somewhere Stone Edge, since you can get some flyers to switch in on you and with No Guard Stone Edge is a guaranteed hit.

Jolteon(M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 Hit Points/252 Speed/252 Special Attack
Timid nature (+Speed, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Shadow Ball
- Magnet Rise

The suggested last move (instead of magnet rise) is Charge Beam for the high chance (70%) of a S.Atk boost. But Magnet Rise CAN work, but Jolteon is pretty frail so he'll still be taken out pretty easy even without the EQ OHKO.

Celebi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Hit Points/220 Defense/36 Speed
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Grass Knot
- Leech Seed
- Recover
- Thunder Wave

Here you might want to consider (instead of Grass Knot) either U-Turn or Leaf Storm. U-Turn can give you good scouting ability and let you hit those pesky ghosts/psychics hard before leaving for something that can KO it easier. Leaf Storm has a lot more power Grass Knot and is guaranteed damage.

Gengar (M) @Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Evs:252 Special Attack/252 Speed/4 Defence
Timid Nature (+Spd,-Atk)
- Substitute
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split

This is a good Gengar, but can i suggest the "MYSTICgar" from the stratdex?
Life Orb
EVs 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~ Protect
~ Shadow Ball
~ Focus Blast
~ Hidden Power Fire
This guy is really solid and can USUALLY prevent you from being an easy KO from Pursuiters that are switched in on Gengar.

No Clerics: This Team Could Be Weak If There Is No Cleric Since If Infernape Is Parahaxed And Heatran..This Could Be a Problem

Celebi isn't a "Cleric" but he can hold his own esp with the leech seed assistance. If nothing else it'll force a switch. If you're worried about Infernape being crippled by parahax then you can run Mach Punch on him for the priority move.

No Stealth Rocks: Well I Need Stealth Rocks To Turn 2HKO To OHKO And it Helps Infernape

SR is very helpful and 90% of teams run SR, but since you're running an Anti-lead HOPEFULLY you can do some serious damage with your Champ and you won't need to worry about the SR damage too much. If you're that worried about it then you might wanna consider replacing somebody since no one on your team can really have SR and it not interrupt what you put them in there for.

No Rapid Spinner: This is A Problem..I Hurts Heatran,Celebi And Infernape

How does it hurt Celebi really? Ape and jolteon are the only ones that will suffer from SR, but jolteon is so frail that SR usually won't make the difference.
Here you might want to consider (instead of Grass Knot) either U-Turn or Leaf Storm. U-Turn can give you good scouting ability and let you hit those pesky ghosts/psychics hard before leaving for something that can KO it easier. Leaf Storm has a lot more power Grass Knot and is guaranteed damage.

Grass Knot really is just fine for this Set. It's the Defencive Celebi set, so Leaf Storm's SpA drops are unfavourable. U-turn, while being generally a good move, isn't much use for Celebi (unless it runs Perish Song or a Choice set).

This is a good Gengar, but can i suggest the "MYSTICgar" from the stratdex?

This guy is really solid and can USUALLY prevent you from being an easy KO from Pursuiters that are switched in on Gengar.

The Sub-Pain Split set achieves just the same against Pursuit users, and better, actually, since Protect doesn't save Gengar from being killed by ScarfTar next turn, but substitute does (provided you switch out as long as sub is up). Also, I find that MYSTICgar is only useful if you're terrified of Scizor, whilst the Sub-Pain Split can be a lot more difficult to deal with in general.
Grass Knot really is just fine for this Set. It's the Defencive Celebi set, so Leaf Storm's SpA drops are unfavourable. U-turn, while being generally a good move, isn't much use for Celebi (unless it runs Perish Song or a Choice set).

That is a good point, i just figured that usually you wouldn't attack with a Defensive Celebi more than once before switching out.

The Sub-Pain Split set achieves just the same against Pursuit users, and better, actually, since Protect doesn't save Gengar from being killed by ScarfTar next turn, but substitute does (provided you switch out as long as sub is up). Also, I find that MYSTICgar is only useful if you're terrified of Scizor, whilst the Sub-Pain Split can be a lot more difficult to deal with in general.

I don't know much about the variations of Gengar, so you're more than likely right.
Hey Guys..I See The Mix Jirachi Set Doesnt Have Fighting Type Moves,If Machamp is Down..I'm Gonna Have Probs With Blissey

wait wait wait...Guys Starmie > Celebi Or Celebi > Starmie? I'm Confused Atm
Hey I got your PM, next time you decide to make a team, don't just throw together Pokemon that resist each other's weaknesses, and NEVER start with a lead. And, honestly, the formatting bugged me, the random bold and stuff. And please stop capatilizing every word! But that aside...

Salamence is too much of a looming threat to not run jolly on Flygon, so I'd highly recommend this.

Your team doesn't have stealth rock! Lolwut! I'd replace Infernape with Heatran, their typing is similar and you absolutely need stealth rock.

Jolteon doesn't need substitute wearing it down, entry hazards are bad enough. Try running wish over it, you can abuse his eletric weakness to pass wishes to gengar/flygon.

Infernape needs Fire Blast, the extra damage plus SR secures many KOs you can't get with just flamethrower.

That's all I got, hope I helped.
Ok i got your PM

First I agree with Smith because IMO SR helps with mence and gyara. Also next time try not to build your team around a lead unless its a unique lead that isnt seen in OU. Try finding a main pokes to focus around and build your team from there.

Anyways your team seems ok

Good Luck!
Really consider Jolly Flygon. There will a lesser chance of going into a speed tie with DD'd Salamence.

>_>; However, I actually don't see many times when Salamence can enter the game safely because everything besides Starmie hits Salamence pretty hard...

This is why I advise you to give up Starmie. Stealth Rocks and whatnot do not hinder such an offensively-oriented team with no Rock weakness. >_>; There's already so much coverage in the other sweepers, there's no point to Starmie.

Instead, use Choice Banded Scizor. >:D Hell yeah, Scizor! Switch into resisted Draco Meteors and kill the Dragon with Bullet Punch. Not just that, but U-Turn is invaluable to this team. It will give you soooo many good match-ups - essential to your team's style. ;o Don't forget Scizor's U-Turn makes any Tyranitar that catch your Gengar with Pursuit run for its life.

But the biggest thing your team lacks is Stealth Rock - a necessity of every single team in the fourth generation. With Scizor on the team, you will not have to worry about Starmie. Now you're able to use Swampert, which works well with Scizor. If your opponent is going to Fire Blast Scizor, immediately switch into Swampert to take the hit well. As they switch, you can set up Stealth Rocks. Later on, it can Roar and really disrupt the opponent's strategy, racking up Stealth Rock damage!
Status isnt a problem here as Flygon / Jolteon take Paralysis and gengar takes poison
your only real problem would be burn. i'd suggest keeping starmie but changing it to a choice spec's set allowing it to support sweeps and shake off burn with natural cure. Although your losing rapid spin it as rock doesnt badly damage any of your pokemon it shouldnt be a big problem.

hope this helped
@Gabite Well What If There Is Toxic Spikes? And Spikes??It Really Hurts The Team

@Piccolo Who Is Going To Be My Status Absorber Then?
Hi [DR]InferNAPE, I don't really have too much time to rate this like you requested, but for a quick fix, have you considered using a CroCune over Starmie? You currently look a little bit Blissey weak, and CroCune can absorb status, which you seem to want, switch in and beat Blissey, which you seem to be somewhat weak against, and provide you with a bulky Water-type which helps with your seemingly fragile team. You seem to also be concerned about not having a Rapid Spinner, but your team doesn't suffer too badly from Stealth Rock since you have nothing weak to it, and you only have two Pokemon who really care about Toxic Spikes (Infernape and Jolteon) who usually cannot stick around too long anyways. Anyways, that's the best fix I can think of for now. Also maybe consider Baton Pass over Wish on Jolteon for scouting people.

CroCune is this by the way:

Suicune @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
-Calm Mind
-Sleep Talk (or Ice Beam is also solid here)

Good luck.
Your Team Is Very Solid.I Dont See Any Holes In It.Infernape/Gengar/Flygon Can Beat Blissey In Anyway.Also,Why Crocune Over Starmie?Crocune Cant Rapid Spin,Plus,It Only Have One Move Which Is Surf,If Jolteon is Down,He Have No Counters For Almost Any Water Types.Anyways Good Team
Jolteon doesn't need substitute wearing it down, entry hazards are bad enough. Try running wish over it, you can abuse his eletric weakness to pass wishes to gengar/flygon.

Jolt doesn't have an electric weakness, you probably meant immunity.

One thing I'm worried about here is the complete lack of recovery and bulk on the team. This team can't play around using resistances forever. I'm concerned that your team will be worn down easily even if they are taking resisted hits.

You should more bulky alternatives to some of your members to increase the survivabiltiy of the team, Crocune >>> Starmie for example since you don't need Spinning because none of your members are SR weak and as Phil said you could have problems with Blissey later. You could also consider Heatran >>> Infernape to set up SR like some other people have suggested.
Hey, I got your Pm,
The first thing, I noticed about your team, is that there is no Stealthrock, which is pretty much a necessity on nearly all teams. I would recommend, Replacing Infernape, with Tyrannitar, the lead set. I don't really see the point of the infernape, when you already have flygon to revenge dragons. The Tyrannitar set should look something like this: Tyrannitar@ Leftovers | Adamant Nature | 252 HP / 32 Atk / 224 Sp. def | Stealth Rock / Payback / Stone Edge / Eathquake. I would also recommend Vaporeon over Starmie. It is proabably a better alternative than CroCune, because it has Wish. However, it's not a status absorber. Just go with the standard Wish set: Vaporeon@ Leftovers | Bold Nature | 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe | Wish / Surf / HP Electric / Protect. This can counter Gyarados quite well, so there's no need to run ThunderPunch on Flygon. Now, we get to Jolteon, Since you already have Wish from Vaporeon, and Jolteon is way too frail to use wish, I suggest you change wish to Charge Beam, since it could get Jolteon a boost or two, before its forced to switch out. I would also suggest to change HP Ice, to HP Grass, to hurt swampert, and friends. Lastly, I would suggest changing Thunderpunch on flygon to Stone Edge, since Gyarados isn't so much of a problem anymore.

Good Luck with the team! :)
Got your PM :P

Ok well first off, I dislike Starmie on this team. I mean Jolteon is dealing the speedy SpA damage you need, and this team doesn't need to get rid of entry hazards [unless they are all down], and they are both doing the same thing really. IMO yes you do need a Water Type here, but a bulky one would work better for the team. In mind, I was thinking Vaporeon, who can pass Wish to weakened teamates relatively easily, be it Grass moves [Wish Pass to Gengar], or Electric [Wish Pass to Jolteon OR Flygon if you can scare out the foe].

You don't really need ThunderPunch on Flygon, as all your current team can deal with him relatively well, and he has little chance to set up on anything [if you run Vaporeon, Surf/HP{Electric}/Wish/Protect would be the set to run], and rather Stone Edge would be better, so that you can hit both Salamence and Gyarados hard, without having to lock yourself into Outrage,which is really a late game move.

Also change Wish on Jolteon to either Signal Beam/Baton Pass/Charge Beam, as you don't have the Bulk to pull off Wish often enough to make it worthwhile.
I think that with your lead,

1. You're missing the point of most other leads, which is to set up as soon as possible and get out (except suicide leads, who set up as soon as possible and faint). Knocking them out in 2-3 turns is pointless, as you've let them accomplish their goal and yet you haven't set up anything of your own.
2. DynamicPunch has 50% accuracy, which is absolutely dreadful. It may be handy later in the game, but not as your leading move--as the opponent will use that turn to set up Stealth Rock or Spikes or Trick Room.

Take, for example, Aerodactyl. You use DynamicPunch, then Bullet Punch. In that time, Aerodactyl has thrown down Stealth Rock and accomplished everything it set out to do.

Not OHKO-ing Ninjask means it can get in a Substitute regardless of speed (and odds are, if it's a lead Ninjask, it's faster than Machamp), then proceed to Baton Pass its speed boosts to the opponent's sweeper and take you out.

Your lead isn't a sweeper. It's not just there to take out a Pokemon. You have to either actively stop them from setting up, or set up despite them.

Also, Trick Room would devastate this team, as most of them are pretty fast. It's good to have at least one slower Pokemon, usually something like Bronzong that's bulky enough to hold its own with low speed if Trick Room isn't used.
@Zachary, I suggest before posting you actually check how you define things such as an anti-lead, as well as pokemon you are likely to encounter as leads.

Machamp is a monstrous Anti-lead, he can 2HKO so many of the common leads, without losing any HP himself, and has enough Bulk to take a hit if needed anyway. He is extremely deadly with his 100% No Guard Dynamic Punch, which means that even things which resist it still get confused, making it incredibly hard to deal with. Oh, it doesn't stop there. Ghost typing is the only type immune to Fighting, and if you think its a good choice, think again, you have a Payback coming right back at you, unless you are Rotom-A with WoW, you are screwed, as Machamp can take STAB LO hits from things like Gengar.

There are several elements which an anti-lead can meet to be an anti-lead:
a) prevent rocks
b) screw up the opponents lead/cripple them with Trick Choice Items
c) Killing them without losing much/any HP yourself, and little risk on your part
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