Tournament OUPL IV - Week 1

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OU Leader

Welcome to the first week of the 4th edition of Overused Premier League! Please remember to fall all normal tournament guidelines for scheduling and any forum/general tournament rules, as well as those previously established going in to the tournament! Good luck to each team competing and I hope everyone has plenty of fun playing!

The Striaton City Spaghetts (3) vs The Castelia Sewers [REDACTED] (5)
Bo3: McMeghan vs Luigi
USM: Gondra vs Googly
USM: Lopunny Kicks vs Mncmt
USM: shade vs Corazan..
ORAS: lighthouses vs Vore Gidal
BW: Hootie vs steelskitty
DPP: PDC vs Kushalos
ADV: dk vs Lavos

The Immortal Falcons (5) vs BB Seakings (3)
Bo3: Empo vs Blackoblivion
USM: UltraBallz vs GypsyKing
USM: ayevon vs teal6
USM: Analytic vs ima
ORAS: Exiline vs DeeJ
BW: M Dragon vs R!cardo
DPP: d0nut vs LL
ADV: Bedschibaer vs PokeTCG gamer1288

cb jose altuve corvettes (3) vs The Hasty Heatrans (4)
Bo3: FLCL vs Lycans
USM: Za Meowdo vs Sacri'
USM: urban vs lax
USM: miltankmilk vs Rodriblutar
ORAS: Posho vs Chill Shadow
BW: Col49 vs We Three Kings -- dead game
DPP: Groudon vs Raspberry
ADV: HSA vs Bushtush

The CrashinBoomBullies (0) vs Sprout Tower Sprouts (8)
Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
USM: Thunder Pwoell vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin -- activity win
DPP: FAJI vs The Kyle
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC

Deadline is Sunday at 11:59pm GMT-4. Please contact your opponents ASAP. Feel free to post predictions, memes, etc. in this thread -- have fun dudes! I will make the OP pretty and whatnot tomorrow probs, just wanted to get match-ups up tonight.
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Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
USM: CTC vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin
DPP: roscoe vs jacob
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC
Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
USM: CTC vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin
DPP: roscoe vs jacob
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC

Fixed it:

Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin
DPP: roscoe vs jacob
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC
i'm not getting any of those right am i?

Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
USM: CTC vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin
DPP: roscoe vs jacob
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC
The CrashinBoomBullies vs Sprout Tower Sprouts (yes)
Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
USM: CTC vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin
DPP: roscoe vs jacob
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC
The CrashinBoomBullies vs Sprout Tower Sprouts
Bo3: bro fist vs psychicmewtwo
USM: Based Lord vs blarghlfarghl
USM: Sama Solgaleo vs Hiye
USM: Valentine vs Vai Lusa
ORAS: Mimolette vs yoppie
BW: Lord Moet vs elodin
DPP: roscoe vs jacob
ADV: reyscarface vs BKC -- join the OUPL discord! It will be used to post matches, find opponents, etc. If you are in the tour or just following, it will hopefully be a cool resource and it will increase the hype of the lone big main generation team tournament between SPL and WCOP! I have made roles for teams, managers, matches, etc. and it should function similarly to the Smogtours server in these regards.
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