Overkill Mafia - Game Over! Supercellular Warriors, Yeti, and TIK win!

Eo Ut Mortus

Elodin Smells
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cool backstory will go here when I have time to write up one or hire a team of highly trained ghostwriters to do so for me

in the meantime please be distracted by this basket of puppies



So Eo was walking home with a nice basket of puppies when all of a sudden a mysterious masked figure comes up to him and shoots him.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear Eo Ut Mortus,
You are Ricardo the Coelacanth Man.


Formerly just a fisherman who lived in a quiet village in New Hampshire, you whole life changed when your bride was attacked by a rogue llama. Your pet coelacanth, Esperanita, jumped out of her ornamental pond and fought away the attacker, at the expense of her left dorsal fin. You laid her in a small, dirty fishtank - but you knew she was dying. You did not have enough money for the necessary operations to save her, and she passed away. Overcome with grief, you abandoned everyone you knew, and set out to avenge your faithful fish's death by joining the Multiplex SuperCannons.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Do you want a coelacanth, <user>?". If they refuse your generous offer, you know that they're guaranteed to be mafia.

You hang around with coelacanths a lot. Therefore, you smell bad. Hence, your vote during the day is worth -1.

You are holding the Coelacanth Tank. At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Throw <user> into the Coelacanth Tank". If <user> is not a Multiplex SuperCannons, your brilliant coelacanths will be able to tell and will devour him at once. If <user> is a Multiplex SuperCannon, however, he will be protected from all night actions by your faithful coelacanths. This stacks with your normal ability. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with the Multiplex SuperCannons. You win if the Multiplex SuperCannons eliminate all unfriendly threats.

The mysterious figure laughs and stoops to grab the basket of puppies only to promptly explode.

Eo Ut Mortus said:
Dear hailflameblast,
You are an Old Lady With a Gun


Stereotypes are made to be broken. This is what you believe. This is why you carry a gun around and drive a car as shown in the above picture. You also are determined not to become "the old cat lady"; rather, you have focused your attention on puppies.

At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Do you have puppies, <user>?". If they do, you will automatically kill them and take the puppies for yourself. If not, then you will kidnap the <user> and imprison them until they get you your puppies (or until they escape, which should be at the start of the following night). <user> will be unable to use a night action for that night, and cannot post in the thread in the next day. If <user> posts in the thread the next day, he will be godkilled. However, <user> will be protected from all night actions for the night. If you are killed when a <user> is kidnapped, he will be killed as well.

Alternatively, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying “Night X- Do you know where the puppies are, <user>?". You will be informed if <user> targeted or was targeted by the person in possession of the Basket of Puppies. This cannot be stacked with your other ability.

You are holding the Loaded Gun. At night, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus saying "Night X- Shoot <user>". <user> will die. This stacks with your normal ability. This item is only usable once.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you manage to obtain the Basket of Puppies.
A bystander rushes over. "Oh no, dead bodies! Now how will the puppies ever find a home?"

Another bystander comes to his side, "I think that we, the SUPERCELLULAR WARRIORS, are the rightful owners of these puppies. After all, we killed that old lady, who was the last possessor of the puppies."

"No, that can't be right!" shouts a third bystander, "The HYPERPOWERED DRACONEERS started this whole thing by setting a wild llama on Ricardo's bride! We are the rightful owners of the puppies!"

"I think Ricardo would want his allies, the MULTIPLEX SUPERCANNONSto have them." says a fourth.

"Uh, guys," says the first bystander, "I own a pet sho-"

But his words are drowned by the sound of metal on metal, gunshots, and loud bangs, as the three other bystanders engage in combat. Others join, and soon the streets are full of blood, chaos, and more bystanders.

And thus begins OVERKILL MAFIA.
Rules and information(swiped from Remoraid, with a few adjustments):-

1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game.

2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste any part of his or her role PM unless they are mafia members on the same team. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM hailflameblast and/or Eo Ut Mortus for help in faking a role PM.

3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and we can make mistakes.

4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM Eo Ut Mortus for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.

5. Each Day period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case (a majority of votes is up to the host's discretion).

6. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received.

7. During the day you must bold your vote and use Any Word <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will be nullified. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.

8. You may target dead users with your abilities.

9. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. Don't even ask about them.

10. There are items in this game. You may hold an arbitrary number of items at one time. You may give away an item at any time by sending a PM to hailflameblast AND Eo Ut Mortus entitled “Day/Night X – Giving <item> to <user>.” The item will reach user at the conclusion of that Day or Night. If a person is holding an item when they die, their items will remain with them.

11.hailflame blast and Eo Ut Mortus MUST be informed of any IRC channels or spreadsheet/whatever else you create for this game.

12. IRC is not compulsory, but you'll find it of great use during the game. Just reember not to make the mistake that happened in Remoraid Mafia involving me;)

13. If you have any questions about the game, you can find hailflameblast on Smogon, ready to be contacted by PM.

14. Send all PMs to hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given night/day, don't forget to PM us "Night/Day X - Idling" to make it much easier for us. Repeating, send the PMs to BOTH of us, sending to only one host may result on your ability not being used.

15. You HAVE to be active, if you are caught inactive you will be sent a warning PM. If you keep being inactive, you will be subbed out without hesitation, please don't make us do this. :(

16. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.

18. This mafia has a special concept that you'll have to find out yourself if you get selected. So don't be surprised if you see something wacky and out-of-the-ordinary.

19. Please talk to me during the game, I get very lonely it will make for a better postgame! Please give reasons for your actions, this will also help.

20. Inspection results are not 100% infallible. Remember that if you get into the game.

21. Being dead may not be the end of the game.

22. If you wish to clarify anything related to the game, you may PM hailflameblast and Eo Ut Mortus.

23. If you are willing to be a sub for the game in case you do not get selected, you may mention that in your signup post.
Player List
Exarius (subbed in for reyscarface)
shuckles my hero

The Dead
ABT620 - Mundungus Fletcher - Redirector/Scavenger - Multiplex SuperCannons - Godkilled Day 1
Blue_Tornado - Asterix - Y/N Question Asker/Safeguard
- Multiplex SuperCannons - Lynched Day 1
Kannon - Obelix - Lynch Redirector/Killer - "Neutral" - Killed Night 1
wickdaggler - King DeDeDe - Inspector/Bodyguard - SuperCellular Warriors - Killed Night 1
UncleSam/Rodan. - Yosemite Sam - Kidnapper/Resurrector - HyperPowered Draconeers - Lynched Day 2

the interwebs - Daffy Duck - Inspector/Thief - HyperPowered Draconeers - Killed Night 2
Altair - Lord Voldemort - Killer/Mole - SuperCellular Warriors - Killed Night 2
polelover44/askaninjask - Kirby - Tracker/Chainer - Multiplex SuperCannons - Killed Night 2
MagicMaster87 - Getafix - Safeguard/Inspector - Multiplex SuperCannons - Killed Night 2

Yeti/Lightwolf - Waluigi - whatisthisidonteven - Neutral - Won Night 2
ILoveLiza - Yoshi - Hooker/Item Tracker - Multiplex SuperCannons - Killed Night 2
Mr.378 - Paint Roller - Hooker/Bodyguard - HyperPowered Draconeers - Killed Night 2
macle - Dubbleosix - Tracker/Safeguard - HyperPowered Draconeers - Lynched Day 3

badalcristiano - Luigi - Persuader/Inspector - Multiplex SuperCannons - Godkilled Day 3
Staraptor Call/Alchemator - MetaNite - Thief Guard/Item Checker/Miller - Multiplex SuperCannons - Godkilled Day 3
god damn it i hate both of you

first i get put in the revervation and SUDDENLLY THE GAME STARTS AND I'M NOT IN

fuck YOU two

hopefully it'll be fun to watch AT LEAST

edit: those puppies are hideous
Okay all PMs have been sent.

It is now Night 0. Night 0 will end in 48 hours or once all necessary PMs are in.

Also, please confirm that you have received your PM by PMing Eo Ut Mortus and/or hailflameblast. (You can PM me on IRC)


There might be some Neutrals.
This is a log I have that definitely isn't fake. It's from a week or so ago. I joined midconversation.

<&Eo> and there are consecutive days and consecutive nights
<&Eo> and the host sometimes lies to the players for fun
<&THE_IRON_KENYAN> really?
<&THE_IRON_KENYAN> are you gonna lie to people about their roles?
<&Eo> no
<&THE_IRON_KENYAN> are you lying right now
<&Eo> "no"
<&Eo> no
<&Eo> kills are also unblockable
<&Eo> all of them
<&Eo> and there are three lynchpins
<&Eo> and if rey gets in he gets the auto-lose role
Time to use my awesome Mafia skillz to beat on all those scumbags.


ohithar people. Neverplayed Mafia here before so it might take me a while to set in with the style of play here so don't get angry if I use different terminology that you guys. I'm just going with what I know.

And I hate puppies. They grow in to dogs. Stupid dogs that try and bite of three year old's faces.