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I don't get credited for naming this tourney why?
Remember that discussion on Smogon IRC about the name a few months back and I came up with this sexy name as always... Yeah!
I'm glad to see that you finally put the tourney together, although I don't really wann join. GL with it tho :D
Alchemator vs Abutorn
Lakers vs Erazor
Coronis vs supermarth64 Lady Bug vs Itsuki
drcossack vs Flamewheeler
Krack vs minato.
JabbaTheGriffin vs hanke
Raseri vs zach the great
sasu vs YTP Terraquaza vs 6A9 Ace Matador
Malfunction vs PurpleWeezing
matty vs Lunar Flare j. franky vs Bobtheball4 Arin vs Nauar
Regi1337 vs Deep Thought
AshPe vs Ashley zorbees vs Iconic
Yondie vs Knightofthewind
IK. vs SilentEcho
_Murks_ vs raptors8733
SoT vs panamaxis whistle vs Joel Blue_Tornado vs Eo Ut Mortus reyscarface vs LonelyNess Fuzznip vs B-Lulz
Sprinkles vs Dark Lucario Golden Sun vs TONY MONTANA reachzero vs Amake
Snorlaxe vs Corndog Sapientia vs iKitsune
Herocross vs Justinawe - Good luck man, that's two tour wins I have against you now. :P
frogbandit vs Megan_Fox
I will PM Herocross about a time to battle once I finish making my team.:D
Eh, sorry guys, I have to drop out. Apparently, I'm going to Guatemala this summer. I'm not leaving until May 9th, but I doubt this tourney will be over by then, so I figured I would give someone else a chance. Good luck everyone!