Abilities: Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokemon's accuracy.
Dream World: Rain Dish: If rain is in effect, this Pokemon recovers 1/16th max hit points at the end of battle.
HP: 60
Att: 50
Def: 100
SpA: 85
SpD: 70
Spe: 65
[B]Level Up:
[/B]1. Submersion
1. Growl
1. Water Gun
1. Water Sport
1. Wing Attack
6. Supersonic
11. Wing Attack
16. Mist
19. Water Pulse
24. Payback
25. Protect
31. Roost
38. Stockpile
38. Swallow
38. Spit Up
43. Fling
50. Tailwind
57. Hydro Pump
63. Gale
[/B]TM06: Toxic
TM07: Hail
TM10: Hidden Power
TM13: Ice Beam
TM14: Blizzard
TM15: Hyper Beam
TM17: Protect
TM18: Rain Dance
TM21: Frustration
TM27: Return
TM32: Double Team
TM40: Aerial Ace
TM42: Facade
TM44: Rest
TM45: Attract
TM46: Thief
TM48: Sing A Round
TM55: Boiling Water
TM56: Fling
TM58: Free Fall
TM66: Payback
TM68: Giga Impact
TM87: Swagger
TM88: Pluck
TM89: U-turn
TM90: Substitute
HM02: Fly
HM03: Surf
[B]Egg Moves and Pre-evo
Water Sport
Aqua Ring
Knock Off
Quick Attack
Air Slash
-His defenses are decent, and he has quite a nice support move pool to support them.
-His new ability rain dish helps him a hell of a lot more than keen eye ever did
-He has a fairly good typing for a defensive wall, resisting fighting, grass, fire, water, steel, and bug.
-Blastoise, Tentacruel (and of course ludicolo), all have rain dish now... so the option of bulky rain dish abuser is kinda limited.
-Gets destroyed by the ever present electric attacks
-5th gen added another water bird *GASP*
- Well... bad stats
Soooo, here's a couple sets I cam up with, note that every set still works without rain dish for the time being, while dream world abilities are being sorted out, but it helps him a lot.
HA, can't do this can ya Swanna?
Pelipper @ Leftovers / Damp Rock
252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpA
Rain Dish
Boil Over
Knock Off / Toxic / Rain Dance
Air Slash / Gale / Toxic / Ice Beam
Well, its a basic wall. Pelipper uses its basic defenses and useful resitances to get in, and attacks accordingly. Boil over does decent damage (especially in the rain) and can screw over physical attackers. Roost of course heals you. The final 2 slots depend on a few things. Rain dance and damp rock can be use, as it can benifit your team. Politoed would help this set of course, but due to quite a few reasons, they probably won't get to share a team spot for quite a while. Toxic helps do residual damage, as peli's offense is rather average, and knock off gets rid of annoying leftovers on apposing walls. Air slash and Ice beam hit grasses. Gale should only be used with rain support, but is quite interesting if it does have rain. Firstly, it has 100% accuracy in the rain, with 10pp (not bad). Then 120 base power will hit hard, even from 85 base SpA. Finally it has a chance to confuse which can help.
Move over Mantine, I sweep now!
Pelipper @ Life Orb
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Rain Dish
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Ya this set is guaranteed to fail, but hey, you may cause your opponent to laugh for so long the timer runs out? First let me say ONLY use this set in the rain, as it is totally outclassed otherwise. First merit of this set, sheer base power. Hydro pump and gale are both 120 base power stab moves, hydro pump getting a 50% boost from the rain and Gale getting an accuracy boost. Agility is here to fix that terrible speed stat, putting it at 458 after a boost. You can fix the speed, so that you just out-speed electrode and move a few EV's to HP, but I'm lazy. Ice beam is filler, hitting a couple things harder than its main stabs. Rain dish helps nullify life orb recoil, letting it survive a bit longer.
Well that's about it really... lets see what else could Pelipper do. A choice set could work somewhat, with hydro/gale/ice beam/u-turn, but its slow speed and weak SpA hurt this prospect. Stockpile is a decent option, but it has some very exploitable weaknesses that can easily stop it even at +3. Surf can work on the sweeper if you want reliability, but it needs the power of hydro pump to do as much damage as possible off that 85 SpA. Finally tailwind deserves a mention, as it got bumped up to 4 turns this gen. Its kinda bulky and could use the speed support on a team
Anyways, discuss to your hearts content, not much to say aside from don't expect to see this guy around to much.