Pirate's Trade Thread [Leftovers & 48 Pokemon]-[CLOSED TEMPORARILY]

CMT for jolly Rilou/timid evee.I'll give 5I.V pokémon also for a 4I.V female Rilou(with justice)/Evee(with anticipation) or Charmender
CMT for female klefki and abra spitbacks

From your thread, I need chespin and shuckle.

Say, do you have a female protean froakie with 5 perfect ivs?

I have a female Greninja with 5 perfect IVs that I'm extremely unlikely to part with.

CMT for jolly Rilou/timid evee.I'll give 5I.V pokémon also for a 4I.V female Rilou(with justice)/Evee(with anticipation) or Charmender

From your thread, I need a male shellder.
Interested in a 5IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat (Bravebird, Whirlwind, and Defog) for a 5IV female mareep? :] (what ball is it in)
Mareep is in a pokeball. I'd be interested sure. I'll get working on that Mareep ASAP though I'll be really busy the next couple of days.
i got the y exclusive mega stones for trade and need some from x. you got the ttar, manectric, and pinsir ones for trade?