Ok, I've added everyone who told me there FC or had it in their sig. Coming online now.
Just so happens I have one ready. Want to trade right now?
Sorry, can i get a dratini instead, i am truly sorry for wasting your timeOk, Let me know which 4 IV pokemon you want. I also need power items if you have any.
That sounds good. I'll add you.
Sure, but I only have male charmanders.
I'll trade one for an adaptibility eevee.
Thanks a ton!
Sorry, can i get a dratini instead, i am truly sorry for wasting your time
Just so happens I have one ready. Want to trade right now?
I need a female, i can wait till you get it, how long will it be?Yeah I can trade you a male but I don't have a female right now.
What happened?
I need a female, i can wait till you get it, how long will it be?
Lol thanks for the trade man. Have a great day!
AlrightNot sure exactly. Have to breed a bunch of stuff for trades. I'll get back to you.
Male or female smeargle? My only female is technician but i can breed an own tempo if you want that on a female.
Will do. Ready to trade when you are.Male Smeargle please.
Will do. Ready to trade when you are.
Hey you asked about the Togepi, Deino, and Klefki.
How does Gible, Charmander, and Drillbur sound?
Alright ill add you right now as wellSounds perfect I'm adding you now.
Alright ill add you right now as well
can i get a drillbur for a choice band/choice scarf? i can get other items, too