Initiate the trade when you're ready.
Thank you, however I forgot to be a bit more specific than I was. Would you happen to have a Drilbur spitback with Mold Breaker?
Initiate the trade when you're ready.
Thank you, however I forgot to be a bit more specific than I was. Would you happen to have a Drilbur spitback with Mold Breaker?
You were interested in one of my Froaks? How about one of yr Marvel Scale Dratinis ?
Sounds good. What is your FC/IGN?
What did you need? I'd be interested in a sheer force bagon and a mawile.
I can give you any BP item bar ability capsule for that Charmander
Do you have any Hidden Ability Dratini or Gligar spitbacks for any of those 4 IV Beldums in the list you saw before?
Also, if you still need Power Items after the exchange above I have all except HP available.
Sorry for not being on for a few days, been quite busy and forgetful. We were gonna trade spitbacks, two Scythers for two Gibles. Still interested?
Sure I can trade a 4 IV dratini for any 4 IV Beldum. Perferably with 31 in hp, def, atk and spd.
In response to your post, I'm interested in a jolly Larvitar.
All I have are:
Adamant 31/X/X/31/31/31
Adamant X/31/31/31/X/31
Adamant 31/31/X/31/31/X
Adamant X/31/31/31/31/X
Serious 31/31/X/X/31/31
Hardy 31/31/31/X/X/31
Careful 31/31/X/31/X/31
Relaxed 31/31/X/X/31/31
If you want I can make a few more though to see if I can get one with those four.
Edit: I'll make a few more anyway, just to see if I get any good ones. People like Beldums.