Pirate's Trade Thread [Leftovers & 48 Pokemon]-[CLOSED TEMPORARILY]

Also I still need tons of power items. I'm definitely willing to trade spitbacks 1:2 for them.

All right, if I hand over that Beldum (should be soon) and two of those, should be good for some. Do you have any of those Gligars running around to go alongside a Dratini? And any in particular you still need?
All right, if I hand over that Beldum (should be soon) and two of those, should be good for some. Do you have any of those Gligars running around to go alongside a Dratini? And any in particular you still need?

Sure we can do that. I don't actually have any Gligar spitbacks right now but I have the parents to breed them. I can get a 4 IV Gligar for you no problem.

Also I want a few sets of power items for EV training. So I'll take any.
A male and a female that together cover these 5 IVs 31/x/31/31/31/31. Also with Timid nature would be nice.

Okay, as over right now I have the:
Male, Inner Focus, 31/X/31/31/31/31 (3)
Male, Synchronize, 31/X/31/31/31/31 (1)

As for a female, I have one with Magic Guard that has 31/X/31/31/31/31, but it is at level 30 because I was breeding with it.
I have the Beldum now, when you're back. Forum's back too!

Sorry I missed you. Will be on later to trade.

Hi, I'm interested in jolly charmander w DD and outrage. Can offer calm goomy 31/XX/31/31/31/31

That sounds good.

Okay, as over right now I have the:
Male, Inner Focus, 31/X/31/31/31/31 (3)
Male, Synchronize, 31/X/31/31/31/31 (1)

As for a female, I have one with Magic Guard that has 31/X/31/31/31/31, but it is at level 30 because I was breeding with it.

That works I'd like the male with synchronize and the level 30 female please.
Are you interested in a 4iv Adamant Tyrunt spitback with eggmoves: DD and elemental fangs for your timid protean froakie? Also have power items and battle items.
Are you interested in a 4iv Adamant Tyrunt spitback with eggmoves: DD and elemental fangs for your timid protean froakie? Also have power items and battle items.

I generally don't like to trade 5 IV pokemon for anything other than 5 IV pokemon. Maybe we can work something out though.

How many power items do you have?
One of your 5iv Scrappy, Adamant Kangaskhans please; for my 5iv, Naive Deino (Lacking Def, hence Naive over Hasty). If that takes your fancy.
I generally don't like to trade 5 IV pokemon for anything other than 5 IV pokemon. Maybe we can work something out though.

How many power items do you have?
I do have 1 of those tyrunts that is 5 IV if you still want it.
I have one of each power items available to give.
One of your 5iv Scrappy, Adamant Kangaskhans please; for my 5iv, Naive Deino (Lacking Def, hence Naive over Hasty). If that takes your fancy.

Sounds good. I'll have to breed one though. I'm busy right now, but I'll get one for you ASAP. Will let you know as soon as it's ready.