Plague's Spritework Funhouse

Plague von Karma

Banned deucer.

Hello, welcome to my stupid thread! I mainly do Beta Sprite Colorizations and add transparency to Gen 1-2 sprites...not sure if you'd call it art, but hey, this thread has been allowed to exist, so let's keep going. I've been doing this on and off; you may have seen me in the Orange Islands Thread for Spaceworld 97 that's basically become "Beta Gen 2 General" by this point, or seen the RBY text box-style graphics I've put in various places. I'm not sure if what I do would qualify directly as "art", as there's little I do that's technically my own work, but hey, people seem to like it.

Thread Banners
Since starting this thread, as you will have noticed, I have started doing banners for threads. I initially started doing these for myself, since it's not like people are champing at the bit to do RBY content. These banners are all very similar in appearance since I'm not actually that good with editing software. However, I do my best to get somewhat creative with the format I have laid out. I do these with a typical RBY text box, and then use the many sprites in my archives to produce something coherent.
I'm taking requests for banners like these since they're not difficult to make. Just ask and I can whip one up. Due to the ease of production and their general nature, these will be free of charge. Naturally, all of these will only feature RBY Pokemon...and beta ones. I can also tweak the font in some way though I prefer not to for that nostalgic feel. I can also make them animated, which I do via simply making the text scroll arrow blink at a 45f delay.

In the case I have multiple requests, I will prioritise those seeking to make RBY-related threads, especially those in the RBY subforum.

RBY Sprites Project
I run a large-scale RBY Sprite Archive that I pull my assets from, which you can find here. This GitHub Repository aims to store every RBY sprite ever made, including the SpaceWorld and May 1998 sprites that got found, which have a striking similarity to the RB art style. I'm doing it mainly to pay homage to Tajiri's vision and the original style of sprites that were produced, which I am a big fan of. I am also doing Stadium models, which have not had clean rips for many years, though this is a far slower process due to the extreme effort required.

This archive contains sprites and models from;
  • Red and Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Prototype Blue (Asset Leak Mew + Corocoro Nov/Dec '96 Restorations)
  • Prototype Yellow
  • SpaceWorld 1997
  • May 1998 cache (colourised)
  • Red and Green Asset Leak (plus pokethon material)
  • Stadium Zero (incomplete)
  • Stadium (incomplete)

Discord Emotes
I am a woman of the people, and like to do silly Discord emotes when I'm bored. Some of these are more effort-infused than others, but when I put my mind to it I can do some pretty neat stuff with models, sprites, etc. I don't demand credit for these as they take little more than an hour depending on what it is, anyone can do what I do with a little fiddling.


  • jolteon.png
    822 bytes · Views: 100
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Decided to do the Yellow sprites from May 6th, 1998. These are at their original size; feel free to use these for whatever so long as there's credit. Sprites are taken directly from the source code, and then palettes are applied based on their Final ones (shown on the right of each sprite). Any sprites that are identical to the final aren't done. Charmander was already done in the OP, so I haven't touched that.

Some background:
  • The sprites shown are from a leak of the source code for Pokemon Gold and Silver, which occurred earlier this year. I believe it was in April. This contained various development branches, including sprites from a later version than the Spaceworld 1997 demo. These sprites were included, for some reason or another, in a cache of prototype sprites for Pokemon Gold and Silver. They were all labelled "PMYF_XXX", XXX being the Pokemon's Pokedex number. Presumably, PMYF stands for Pocket Monsters Yellow Front.
  • Pokemon Yellow was developed alongside Pokemon Gold and Silver with the intent of releasing it alongside a re-released Pokemon Blue JP, thereby making them sequel versions.
  • Not all Pokemon sprites were finished at this point in development. There were about...20, I think. Squirtle and Kakuna were finished at this point, making them the first Pokemon sprites finished in Yellow.
Some notes on the work here:
  • These should not be taken as gospel. Some palettes, as you'll see, seem a bit off. Could just be a side-effect of seeing them on the big screen, though. In addition, the final palettes may not have even been used at this point in development.
  • I may have missed a pixel or two due to doing these by hand at 2 AM on a Tuesday night. Contrary to popular belief, I'm human and am also too lazy to find colour replacement programs.
    • Arcanine has a pixel missing on the "mohawk" outline on its head, this is just how the beta sprite is. No idea why, but the sprite was clearly unfinished and not refined, so we can assume that's the reason.
  • The images on this post are enlarged for your viewing convenience. For the actual sizes, save/view them.
  • You can use these anywhere so long as permission is asked and/or credit is given. I'd like to know where these are going if they're used.


May write an article on my blog about these at some point, idk. I still need to finish my Tsuinzu article...

Since I was gone for so long, here's another interesting sprite from the May 1998 cache, "PM2F_388". Despite not appearing in SW97 at all, nor any known prototypes until quite late, this file contains Stantler sprite that's nearly finished! I've colourized it with the RBY "brown" palette and the final version's since there are many ways to interpret it. Given the point in development, GS's new art style wasn't a thing yet, so the closest we have to a palette they would have used would be that one. However, the GS palette also shows just how similar the sprite is to the final, as well as how the design stages worked.

I really like Stantler's history as a Pokemon, since the idea of a Deer-esque Pokemon dates back to Red and Green's development. And right here, you can see how they really weren't sure whether or not to use this design until very late in development. The biggest difference is definitely the antlers: the beads were positioned differently, and the shapes formed an oval to represent the eye sockets. In the final, it was changed to have a non-enclosed shape, and the beads were changed to look as if they're staring the opponent down. The shading was also changed.

You'll also notice a rather interesting lack of spots: that's because I used the Japanese sprites as reference. The spots weren't added until the localisation of Pokemon Gold and Silver; this happened for a bunch of sprites. Here are the spotted Stantlers from Gold, Silver and Crystal. As you'll see, they didn't really know how to place them. Even in Silver to Crystal, the spots are positioned differently, and even the tail was changed.
Stantler would go on to become one of the big "Christmas" Pokemon, getting featured in various anime shorts and adverts. It would even become a Shadow Pokemon in Colosseum, making it among the few possible holders of the National Ribbon. It's an incredible success story, in my opinion.
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Generally minor, but I recoloured a beta Flareon and Rocket trainer sprite from the SW97 and 1998 Build times to make myself a PS avatar on the 2k20 server. Willing to do these if anyone submits the resources necessary to produce em.
I'm working on a project with RBY 2k20 regarding beta Gen 1 Pokemon, and since I plan on doing a cool thread for modded formats, I decided to colourize these Gyaoon sprites early using Venusaur's palette.

Front sprite is a reconstruction of its sprite in the Satoshi Tajiri manga by Helix Chamber, and the back sprite is from the RG Asset Leak.
Not a beta sprite, but I've seen this black and white Nidoking sprite float around a lot...I think it's a Twitch Plays Pokemon related thing? Anyway, I gave it RB and Yellow Nidoking's palettes, as I was bored waiting for something to arrive. I think it turned out pretty damn spiffy. Since I've gone off-topic with my work a few times, I've renamed the thread to fit any old sprites I do...


EDIT: Well it's still not arrived and I got nothing better to do, so here's Pokemon #304 from the May 1998 Sprite Cache. It's a small sprite, and I applied RB Charmander's sprite to it, as it's quite clearly Fire-type. Doesn't appear to have any evolution, though I like to think it led to Fennekin.

EDIT 2: Still nothing. Here's Pokemon #349 from the same cache. This sprite is absolutely majestic, and I think it may be some kind of legendary. It's among the most complex Game Boy Pokemon sprites I've ever seen, with extensive shading and detail. I'm not sure what colour it's actually meant to be, you could infer green like some kind of Grass-type, or yellow if you think of it as a Raikou predecessor. In the end, I went with Articuno's palette, as the curls and general build make it seem like an Ice-type..? I'm not sure.
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donphan back.png
I PS-ified the SW97 Donphan sprite for a client KuraiTenshi26 is working on. This removes the outer grey, turns the inner grey white and puts it on a PS canvas, thus making it ready for use. It's positioned the same as the GSC Donphan down to the pixel. I may do more of these.

Anyone can use this so long as there is credit.


SW97 Steelix. This sprite was virtually finished by the time that version happened, making it ideal.


Other "finished" designs that I was able to fit onto the GSC canvases and fix up. I believe this is all of them, though there are some in other poses I could possibly do, like Ampharos.
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I discovered that there were some redesigns from Blue's front sprites in the GSC 1998 sprite cache, so I colourized some of them with their RB palettes and made transparent versions on PS canvases. As far as I can see, the back sprites are the same as SW97, so I haven't done anything with them. This is the last time the RB spriting art style was employed. I haven't done all of them though, as the full extent of the differences is largely undocumented...and there's not a good comparison resource. Nobody seems to care much for the back sprites...I know Dodrio, Weepinbell and Victreebel have different ones, though.


This sprite is extremely similar to SW97, but more refined and with bigger wings. It's one of the prettiest sprites I've ever seen, honestly...I really like it.


This Abra seems to have claws; the arms make me think the person who designed it did Rhydon and the Charmander line. Not sure, though, so don't hold me to it.


I'll be honest, I've never liked Kadabra's design, but this one is very significant. This is the first documented appearance of the star on Kadabra's head, and its belly stripes became much more pronounced. Seeing it in this colour scheme is interesting for sure.


To the right on my scratchpad is the SW97 back sprite, for comparison. One of only two different back sprites that I know of, this sprite bridges Bellsprout's RB and GSC designs. Gone is the black stalk, and the eyes are more defined. I'm not sure why Bellsprout specifically got this revision, nor why there are so many, but yeah, it exists.


This Seadra design pronounces the belly more prominently. I didn't really think of it until now, but it looks a bit like a cravat. In later iterations of Seadra though, they tone down the cravat thing and make them more like scales. Comparing this and RB...they look so different, almost like different Pokemon, considering the more "pointy" design. Man, how far we've come...


Received a visual overhaul, presumably by a different artist.


This Magmar design doesn't outline the fire on its tail, which is curious, as it lines it up with the Charmander line designs, as well as Yellow Magmar. I believe it may have had a different sprite artist because of this. Furthermore, the fire on the belly is more defined, with fewer flames "rising", which aren't present in any other Magmar design of the generation. This design would not be seen until Emerald, where it would remain until now! There seem to be fewer stripes/sections on the arms too, but it still lacks the weird frills given on the Yellow redesign. Thus, you could say this is an intermittent design stage for Magmar.


Even as Smogon's resident genwunner Kanto enthusiast, I can't bring myself to like this sprite, and all 20 minutes I put into colourizing it I could tell it wasn't gonna look good. What I can say though, is it looks very similar to the Yellow design pose-wise. Thus, I believe this sprite may have been a precursor to it, and I regard that sprite as one of the best Game Freak has ever done. We all have rough beginnings...


This is similar to the Yellow sprite, eye-wise. The tentacles are also a bit fatter and more pronounced. Like Magmar, I believe there was a different sprite artist at play here.


Despite the back sprite and everything saying Omastar had spikes, in this 1998 sprite revision, they were removed. I am assuming the sprite is unfinished or something, I can't imagine an Omastar without spikes happening after everything that was done at the time. It even got Spike Cannon!


Seen this art style around on a bunch of bird Pokemon that went unused, I think a bunch of them were scrapped. I believe it's the RB Pidgey artist. Honestly, this design just looks completely different. A different chest, modern tail, and a different face. Very interesting sprite.


Moltres received a visual overhaul, matching its modern design. Not much else to's completely different and likely came from Ken Sugimori's redesign period, before later going to Yellow.
Multiple things!

SW99 Gyarados Reconstructed.png

I decided to recolour the SW99 Gyarados sprite, which many people theorize is from a previous build. This is because of it having SW97-style shading...and clearly the wrong palette. I decided to apply RB Gyarados's, which was also used in the SW97 demo. I may use this in future banners and things like that, it's a really cool sprite.


I also made multiple banners; one for the RBY Mechanics Guide that's entered GP, one for the UU Old Gens Hub, which will be adding RBY soon. Nothing snazzy really, there's only so much you can do with this format. Still, it's something nice to have rather than simple text. I also did one for my Backloggery and the OP of this thread!
I decided to colourise every single beta back sprite from the Red/Green Asset Leak. I've done four so far. I've also made sprite sheets where I go with the RB and Yellow palettes, as well as show the original greyscale. I also put these into transparent back sprites, not on PS canvas though.




These are naturally my own assumptions for most, though others are more "educated" based on general trends. Transparency is completely speculative for some pixels.
Not worked on those sprite colourisations for a hot min because of the new RBY forum, but the RBY forum also means I've had the chance to work on new banners. Again, not an insane amount of work and not really art, but they've worked excellently in the forum's progress. They work as excellent substitutes for artwork until we get proper stuff, but even on their own, they work great.

Here are the ones I did for the pinned threads;


There's also the Dragonite Suspect Live Tour stuff. I had to do this in a rush!

I've also taken two requests for non-administrative threads...
uu discussion.png

If anyone is wanting to make a thread in the RBY Forum, gimme a shout and I can whip one of these up within around 10 minutes.
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The return to the funhouse...

I was making some emotes for the RBY Community Discord and decided to make some transparent versions of the animations from Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. Didn't do all of them (obviously) but it was fun to work on. Feel free to use these in your servers.

There are also two PNG ones that looked fine without the animation, could prolly do more.
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I've worked on some emotes for various Discord servers in the past, so I may as well share them here. Feel free to use them, not fussed about credit since they're pretty low-stakes and mostly shitposts. I updated the OP with some info on these as I do think I could do more with these, and some Smogon and Smash servers have appreciated them.

I've made a bunch of stonks emotes, the latest being my Spamton one that I did just now. It took way, way longer than I'd like to admit because I've used the same arrow every time, which originates from an anti-aliased stonks meme from the pret server. These have definitely been my most well-received emotes, considering they're staples of Discord meme culture.

Some other weird ones of varying effort. Some are cases of making sprites transparent and cropping them onto a good canvas, others are a bit more complex. The GIFs involved removing the unnecessary frames of sprites to make them more expressive, as well as some cropping so the "emoting" part is present. TL;DR erase background, go close-up to the important part, fiddle until it works.


Of course, these very drastically in quality, I'm not exactly an artist.

These are also some shoddily cropped parts of some sprites from No Heroes Allowed, I need to clean up the artefacts though. Using them for the development of a wiki that's been dead for a long time.

In December 2021 I did a woke kromer emote because my Discord is full of degenerates
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So I started working on extracting Stadium Zero's models and realised that...I have a lot of sprites. Yeah, whoop-de-doo, big deal. Where am I going with this? Well, I decided to do something I probably should have done a long time ago: make a GitHub repository that archives them all. So...

This is one of the largest RBY sprite archives I'm aware of. Probably the largest, actually. I have one goal in mind here: create a conglomerate of all RBY sprites and models. All of them.

The following spritesets are available, in chronological order;
  • Beta Pokemon material
  • Red and Green
  • Prototype Blue
  • Blue
  • SpaceWorld 1997
  • Prototype Yellow
  • Yellow
  • May 1998 Cache
  • Pocket Monsters Stadium ("Stadium Zero")
  • Pokemon Stadium (s/o MeepBard)
While many of these are WIPs, RG, RB, SW97, and Yellow are all complete, so for the conventional user, it's got all you need. 56x56 resolution is intended to be done for all sprites as well, with Yellow's being finished and RB's being a WIP. I've gone through all of these sprites on my own, making them transparent where demanded. Many of these have since been uploaded to PS over the years: that's where that palette change came from around late 2019ish!

May '98 and Prototype Yellow's archives can be easily finished in a day, I just need to give myself the time to get the sprites out, give them their proper palettes, and situate them onto a PS Canvas. Like, you see I've got Yellow's stuff up above, it's really that close to being sorted. That'd be 6 complete archives.

I intend for these to be used with my Tampermonkey Scripts project once all is said and done, allowing users to personalise their PS experience.


Anyway, Stadium Zero model extraction...pretty hard stuff. For details on the process, go here, there's a lot to it.

Here's what I've got so far though! I've been going through each Pokemon and giving them front and back sprites, trying to do it in a way that keeps them on-screen. As you'll see in that post I linked, I have to use the Pokedex itself, so their sprites can go off-screen. Now that I think about it, with some texture fiddling, I could actually make this easier, though. Next time I do some of these I'll try things out. Note to self: try making the dex part images transparent!




Huh, look at that, I can just link 'em from the repo now. No need to deal with any Smogon file size issues or loading.

I hope this archive gives you all something to play with when making posts, content, or anything at all. Trust me when I say reorganising all of this on a repo is definitely one of the top 10 things I should have done ages ago.
May '98 and Prototype Yellow's archives can be easily finished in a day, I just need to give myself the time to get the sprites out, give them their proper palettes, and situate them onto a PS Canvas. Like, you see I've got Yellow's stuff up above, it's really that close to being sorted. That'd be 6 complete archives.
And that I did! The archive has had a nice update since this motivated me to do it.

Here's a...changelog, I guess.
  • Fixed the Substitute issues Tampermonkey users had with SW97, just added the Substitute sprite to it.
  • Filled out Prototype Blue folder to allow an incomplete spriteset to be used.
    • Ditto, Rhydon, and Mew have PS canvas sprites now available for use with the scripts. A small 56x56 archive is also available, which includes the original greyscale Mew.
    • The following Pokemon do not have reconstructed sprites yet: Raticate, Fearow, Pikachu, Clefairy, Persian, Kadabra, Alakazam, Lickitung, Porygon, Aerodactyl, Dragonair, Mewtwo
      • High-quality scans of the pages can be found here, done by myself, if you want to contribute to them.
  • Added Prototype Yellow front sprites
    • These include: Arcanine, Butterfree, Caterpie, Charmander, Dodrio, Farfetch'd, Pikachu, Rattata, Raticate, Jolteon, Spearow, and Weedle
    • This spriteset is filled out with final version ones if they do not have earlier versions, allowing for easy Tampermonkey usage.
  • Finished the May '98 back sprites, completing that archive.
    • These include; Seaking, Victreebel, Weepinbell, Dodrio, Gloom, Oddish
    • However, there are more than just these that are actually different. For a complete record, view this.
That's 2 newly completed archives and another that's not at least compatible. Thank you for the positive feedback!


As for the sprites I did today to sort this's a look! I have to colour these in by hand as they're all greyscale, so every sprite added to the archive has a lot of love and effort put in to ensure they are completely accurate, transparent, and on PS-compatible canvases. This takes me quite a long time given I'm armed with solely MS Paint and, but it allows me to create the perfect restorations of what's here, so it's ok. This whole thing took me about 3 hours of constant work, which is a pretty bang-up job if you ask me. Have fun!

May '98 back sprites


Again, not the full amount, this was partway done already.

If you want to use these, this Tampermonkey script will do it for you, alongside the full archive. It most notably includes the first modern Moltres design documented, which is definitely the coolest part!
// ==UserScript==
// @name         May 1998 sprites
// @version      1.1
// @description  a
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var interval = 0.3;

function imgReplace() {
    var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'),
        len = images.length, img, i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        img = images[i];
        img.src = img.src.replace('', '');
        img.src = img.src.replace('', '');

setInterval(imgReplace, interval * 1000);

Yellow front sprites



Not always gonna come up for the average OUer, as you can tell. For use alongside the default Yellow back sprites, use the following script;
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Yellow w/ Prototype Sprites
// @version      1.1
// @description  a
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var interval = 0.3;

function imgReplace() {
    var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'),
        len = images.length, img, i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        img = images[i];
        img.src = img.src.replace('', '');

setInterval(imgReplace, interval * 1000);

Proto-RB Mew

This is the last time fetus Mew ever existed! This is being used alongside the Corocoro November & December 1996 proto-Blue sprites for a more complete archive, but was originally found in the Red and Green Asset Leak as one of the first proto-Blue sprites made. It was also the only one. I coloured it in, as it was only greyscale.

For use with the incomplete Blue sprite archive, use this script;
// ==UserScript==
// @name         RB sprites + Prototype
// @version      1.1
// @description  a
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var interval = 0.3;

function imgReplace() {
    var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'),
        len = images.length, img, i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        img = images[i];
        img.src = img.src.replace('', '');
        img.src = img.src.replace('', '');

setInterval(imgReplace, interval * 1000);
Because the proto-RB archive is not finished, you will see mostly regular RB sprites right now. Only Rhydon, Ditto, and Mew are finished.
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Back on my bullshit. I've also updated the OP to reflect my current projects.

The RBY Sprites Archive continues to be updated from time to time, be sure to keep checking that. Got a lot of projects on right now, though, so let's share one while I despair about my RBY Ubers Open opponent no-showing.

For those not clued in, there's currently an RBY Grand Slam going on, celebrating the development of all the lower tiers that's been happening for the past 3 years. Unfortunately, they've gone without logos so far, and finally, I cracked and decided to go back to my old banner-making antics and spruce something up.






Your eyes don't deceive you, these are all animated! It's not much, but the little text box blinking feels like a nice subtle touch to these otherwise sort of bland banners. Given I have a massive archive of sprites, I can also make these look more imposing than you would expect. I especially like RB Tentacruel and Yellow Hypno for this purpose. Of course, RG Mew - my 'lil Roingus - had to be included.

These aren't anything extravagant - like much of my stuff here, hardly "real art" - but if it makes the threads look better, the end justifies the means.
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With some amazing help from Frrf, the RBY Sprites Project has received its biggest update yet.

We now have RB, RG, Yellow, SW98, May '98, and prototype sprites all in cropped, enlarged, and proper black-white formats!

These sprites are fairly notorious for looking a bit "washed-out." This is because they tend to be taken from a Game Boy screen, which shows black and white in a strange way, usually with a pinkish or grey colour. It's sort of intended but looks terrible.

For example...

See how Ninetales here looks a bit washed out? Awful. Disgusting. Horrifying.


A bit of scripting and enlarging later, and we have a colour-corrected, enlarged Ninetales with zero antialiasing involved. You can now see the shading's intended effect: making the white look yellower than it should be. This is how the Game Boy got around its 2-colours-other-than-monochrome restrictions. Check the white! It'll come out as 255, 255, 255, AKA #FFFFFF.

Here are some other examples from each package. See what I mean?

Anyway, this was a herculean task, one I was originally doing manually. When editing my latest RBY Bytes episode I realised this is something a script could do, so I asked around to see if someone could, and she was up to the task. A CSV and the files submitted later and boom! Over 3,500 images, all instantly ready for use.

For Tampermonkey users, you can make use of these! Simply add BW-Fix/ to the end of your links!

Additionally, new TierMaker templates have been made using all these sprites, ordered by dex number and diligently arranged for a clean user experience. Try them out!