After far too long, I'm finally posting my newest Battle Tower streak. I finally surpassed my goal of 300. Now I can die a happy man, lol.
Same team as last time, with just a small modification to Drapion's EV spread.
Platnium Battle Tower Singles Streak: 383
Latias @ Choice Scarf ** (Aurora)
EVs: 252 Hp / 172 Def / 84 Spe
IVs: 31/17/31/31/31/31
-Thunder Wave
Getting a Timid Latias with near-perfect IVs is a pain. I upped the Speed EV count to 84 to outspeed Garchomp 2-4 after Tricking the Scarf so I can hit them with Charm. Latias has yet to fail me as a lead.
Drapion @ Black Sludge ** (Neurotoxin)
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 Atk / 32 Def / 220 Sp. Def
IVs: 31/31/31/16/31/31
~Battle Armor~
Yeah, it's basically Jumpman's Drapion. I modified the EV spread to give him a little more bulk on the physical side as well as high Special Defense. Originally, I had placed the 4 extra EVs in Speed, but I realized that was pointless and moved them to Attack, where they might do some good.
Scizor @ Leftovers ** (G.E.A.R.)
EVs: 152 Hp / 252 Atk / 104 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/4/31/31
-Bullet Punch
-Brick Break
-Swords Dance
Scizor is the closest thing to "uber" outside of the usual suspects in the Tower. Speed EVs for outspeeding Heatran, who my team hates with a passion. He'll usually only come in on the powerful attacks that Drapion doesn't resist (I'm looking at you, Ice Beam, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, ect). He's an excellent partner for Drapion, since he can generally OHKO or 2HKO anything in the tower at +6 Attack and he resists most anything that Drapion and Latias don't. In fact, the only type unresisted between the three of them is Flying, which isn't too bothersome unless you're looking at Staraptor's Brave Bird. I know that my team is similar Jumpman's DRAPULA I, but I've changed it up plenty.
Btw, G.E.A.R stands for Gigantic Erratic Aluminum Roach, in case you were wondering ;)
Threats List:
QC OHKO Users: Nothing but a cesspool of pure evil here. There's nothing you can do against them unless you have a Sub up when they come out. And even then, you're not safe unless you can OHKO them instantly.
Choice Item Leads/Trick Leads: Always hazzardous for Trick teams. There are few things worse than Tricking the Scarf and then having it handed right back to you. Choice Item leads are less problematic, but similarly irritating.
The Untrickables: Leads like Gastrodon and Muk are a nuisance because you can't trick to them. Their Sticky Hold ability prevents Trick from working.
Clear Body: Metagross, Regice, Regirock, Tentacruel, and Registeel. They're immovable lumps of pain that mess up the entire strategy because they're impossible to weaken with Charm/Flash. Torkoal and Hyper Cutter users are similarly annoying, only less so.
Heatran: He's a monster. Even if he's coming out in second or third position, there's no garantee of a victory. My first run with this team fell to Heatran 3. On top of that, Focus Sashed Heatran 2 and Brightpowder Heatran 3 spell doom to Scizor.
Battle 384 Warstory: First Pokemon out is Magnezone 4, and I Trick the Scarf, only to be hit with a crit Signal Beam. I use Thunder Wave, then Latias faints.
I send out Drapion. I get off two Accupressure's for two attack boosts, and Signal Beam has me to ~60% when Drapion becomes confused. Drapion hurts itself in confusion and then gets hit with Signal Beam, then hurts itself in confusion again, fainting.
I'm pissed at this point, but I send out Scizor and Sub up. I Swords Dance, Sub again, Swords Dance, Magnezone's fully paralyzed, Swords Dance again, Sub breaks again, third Sub, and Brick Break for the KO.
Next out, Heatran 4. I used Brick Break, it hangs on with the Sash, Magma Storm breaks what's left of my Substitute. I use Bullet Punch for the KO.
The third Pokemon? Arcanine 3, with Intimidate. I use Bullet Punch, knowing I'm screwed. It does ~75% damage and Arcanine KO's with Overheat.
Now, you want to know the chances of all the hax?
1/16 x 1/10 x 1/2 x 1/10 x 1/2 =
So basically, the tower said "screw you, you're not getting any farther."
I wish I could post a picture or Battle Video, but my computer and hardware are still both horrible, so no such luck.
Cheers, and let me know if I've made any mistakes.