Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Hey. Just saying that i have a hgss link btower team thats 56 and going strong. That puts me at number 1. =) The team is Zapdos and Garchomp with heatproof Bronzong behind Zapdos and Scizor behing Chomp. Ill post evidence and movesets tomorrow because Im on my iPod atm. Btw i did it by myself with 2 DSs. Should I post my own thread on reply to this? If i make my own thread, where? Thanks Waffles!
Hey. Just saying that i have a hgss link btower team thats 56 and going strong. That puts me at number 1. =) The team is Zapdos and Garchomp with heatproof Bronzong behind Zapdos and Scizor behing Chomp. Ill post evidence and movesets tomorrow because Im on my iPod atm. Btw i did it by myself with 2 DSs. Should I post my own thread on reply to this? If i make my own thread, where? Thanks Waffles!

You just make a post in this thread for your record.
After making a few changes suggested in this thread i'm having a bit more luck in the tower. My recent streak was ended by a boltbeaming Lapras with water absorb after Gengar had been forced to sacrifice itself due to missing a thunderbolt. I wanted to get some input about swapping my wish protecting vaporeon out for a rest talking milotic. I'm thinking milotic might provide a bit more bulk and since i'm rarely passing wishes would stall out much better.
The other two members are
Focus Sash'd gengar. standard speed/satk EV's. Shadow ball, Tbolt, HP fire, and Dbond. I'd like counter but i dont have access to it. Gengar has just been a stud so far though. Dbond is so incredibly useful.
Salac berry Garchomp: substitute, outrage, earthquake, swords dance. Also rethinking the item choice but i'm not sure if a yache would prevent any important OHKO's. Any suggestions appreciated
Nyxed, it depends on your playstyle. Are you getting much use out of HP Fire? I know it's awesome for Scizor in competitive battling, but it doesn't seem like Scizor and Forretress would be that much of a threat in the Tower. I'd usually go for HP Ice over HP Fire, since the quick check to stuff like Garchomp is incredibly valuable, and you still get a super-effective hit on Grass-types. It depends on what you're having problems with, though.

The important thing to remember about the Tower is that crits happen. Any Pokemon that tries to stall will have that problem. In my mind, the king of stalling in the Frontier is Suicune. With a Bold nature and 252 HP/252 Def, a lot of Pokemon will have a VERY hard time breaking it, and several of the ones who can are swiftly KO'd by Gengar (Staraptor, Garchomp, Dragonite, and Salamence, if you have HP Ice). The set you run depends on what you're the most worried about. I'm using Substitute/Calm Mind/Surf/Extrasensory at the moment, which has the awesome benefit of not being stopped cold by Water Absorb Pokemon (Ice Beam is 4x resisted by Lapras, so I wasn't going to try that). It's hard to set up without Trick, though, since you'll be getting smacked with Thunderbolts while you try to Calm Mind. If you're not worried about Water Absorb Pokemon, you can try Substitute/Calm Mind/Rest/Surf; it's so insanely bulky that the sleep turns don't even matter. You could mix the two, running Calm Mind/Rest/Surf/Extrasensory, but it leaves you vulnerable to crits and OHKO users. ResTalk Milotic does have Marvel Scale, which is cool, but it'll get worn down by Grass- and Electric-type moves without Calm Mind (though Garchomp is obviously a good answer to Electric-type moves). I think the best thing about Suicune, though, is Pressure. On my Jumpluff Encore team, I used Suicune with Substitute/Calm Mind/Rest/Surf, and I managed to stall out that same Lapras you mentioned (and yes, it had Water Absorb), which is insane. Milotic can work, but I think you'll find yourself very annoyed by things like Power Whip and random crit ThunderPunches.

My default answer for Garchomp would be Focus Sash, but obviously, it can't use it if Gengar already has one. Has Substitute been effective for you? It's great against anything that tries to status you (and the innumerable Leech Seed/Toxic Grass-types), but without weakening to opponent, the Sub will break to a lot of attacks. I'm just curious. Because you're using Outrage, I'd think a Lum Berry would be a pretty good option; it'll get rid of confusion when you find your opponent switching in Aggron after you Outrage, but more importantly, it can allow Garchomp to switch in on status moves and set up a free Sub when they try to status you again. Sitrus Berry is another option, as is Yache Berry, as you mentioned. Yache will prevent a LOT of OHKOs (though it won't prevent very many if the opponent gets a crit). For instance, Timid Starmie's Ice Beam will only do 67.4% damage max, and Modest Starmie's Blizzard maxes out at 92.4%. Timid Froslass fails to KO with Ice Beam as well, which is pretty nice. It just comes down to what you want to protect yourself against, and how sure you are that the AI will choose to get a crit on the turn they attack your YacheChomp.
Battle Videos:

#454 = 26-39851-54083 vs Roughneck (nidoking,toxicroak,crawdaunt,shiftry - 4 SE misses)

#498 = 84-09867-25255 vs (articuno,zapdos,regigigas,heatran - 2CH + AP boost zapdos)




You shouldn´t write your record post before the streak ended...
I wrote the above 2000+ words yesterday...

Now today, I didn´t even sit down comfortably and get into the battling mood and it was already over

I predicted my demise above haha, "...attack missed!" :(

How I lost

Battle Video:

#627 = 22-18887-50506 vs Ace Trainer Leda

that makes me the silver medallist in both single and double it wrong that I´m not very happy about it?

Awesome record/team, Peterko! I actually saw your 454 and 498 vids on the GTS yesterday and was wondering when you would post! Looks like I'm going to have to dig my way out of 3rd place now lol.

And yes, the bolded part is very true. Just like a baseball pitcher in the middle of a no-hitter, you don't want to mention how well he's doing or you'll break his concentration. :p
1. LEE the Hitmonlee
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Limber
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 17 / 31 / 31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 126 / 189 / 73 / 43 / 130 / 139
~ Fake Out
~ Mach Punch
~ Sucker Punch
~ Close Combat

2. DRAGON the Latios
Item: Choice Specs*
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 156 / 99 / 100 / 273* / 130 / 178
~ Psychic
~ Dragon Pulse
~ Thunderbolt
~ Draco Meteor

3. STORM the Zapdos
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid
IVs: 26 / 31 / 26 / 31 / 27 / 31
EVs: 252 Sp.Attack / 6 Sp.Defense / 252 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 163 / 99 / 103 / 177 / 109 / 167
~ Thunderbolt
~ Heat Wave
~ Hidde Power Ice 70
~ Detect

4. DOOMSDAY the Metagross
Item: Metal Coat
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 21 / 31 / 31
EVs: 84 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Defense / 4 Sp.Defense / 164 Speed
Lv.50 Stats: 166 / 205 / 151 / 94 / 111 / 111
~ Iron Head
~ Earthquake
~ Explosion
~ Bullet Punch

Congrats on the high streak! That team seems like it might be fun to play with!
HGSS Link Battle #1!!

Hi again. I'm back to post my full team and proof so that you can put me on the leaderboard as #1 for HGSS link battle. I am currently at 77 unbeaten and I will post again when I lose so you can put the final record on. This was done by myself with 2 DS's.

The Team:



Garchomp (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Outrage
- Swords Dance

Usually EQ's off the bat but sometimes SD's if Zapdos is in control. Works great - immune to Zapdos' Discharge and Doesn't hurt Zapdos with EQ. Outrage is for when there are 1-2 Pokémon left and i dont regret using it over Dragon Claw.


Zapdos @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Roost
- Discharge

Works wonders with Garchomp especially as all the ice attacks go to 'chomp and then he survives them with his sash. One huge advantage of being slower than Garchomp is I can roost while chomp EQ's and I don't die.


Scizor (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Roost
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

A reasonable back up. works nicely solo or with a team mate. When solo it is often easily to get up to +6 due to roost. =6 STAB Technician BP 2HKOs even many who resist it.



Bronzong @ Iron Ball
Ability: Heatproof
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Gyro Ball
- Hypnosis

Pretty simple. Zapdos, even running an offensive spread, still withstands a lot, meaning if this thing is out, it's usually late game. Scizor can sub while I explode or Garchomp can just die if the opposition will too. Hypnosis is great support when combined with Scizor subbing and gyro is a nice form of attack. In my 77 streak I have used EQ once so that might not stay there.

Thanks for bothering to read through my post and I hope to see my name on a leaderboard (first time in my life, kind of sad its on a Pokémon forum) and I'll update later if I die or get to ~150

Does anyone know how to post pictures off your computer so I can show proof?
Has anyone ever tried using the all Pokemon can be used in tower action replay code? To c what its like with the banned pokes etc for fun obviously
I am *so* pissed at myself right now.

Heart Gold Battle Hall Singles - 119
Jolly, 31/31/31/4/31/31
@ Chople Berry (1-20)/Choice Band (21+)
~ Return
~ Earthquake
~ Ice Punch
~ Thunderpunch (through Water-type)/Fire Punch

- Infernape: This is why you need the Chople Berry, and it still helps to knock Fire and Fighting off as the first two types. Fake Out and Close Combat without the Chople is a streak-ender right there - the L88 Infernape I faced at #19 managed to get me down to half from 380, and would have put me in Mach Punch KO range.

- Snorlax: Since Return is the strongest 100 accurate STAB move Slaking has access to, and I was playing it safe, I couldn't bring down the L93 Snorlax in one hit - and its Brick Break had Slaking at 8HP. This was about 90 or so.

- Dusknoir: It hit me once, but Rest + Quick Claw could cause a problem depending on when it activates. What should have been a 2HKO ended up being a 5HKO when it Quick Clawed on the wakeup turn twice and Rested out of it. (119).

Of course, the big problem is when I went to finish Ghost off. Against Dusclops, still with the Choice Band... I hit Return. You can guess what happens from there.

It's going to be a while before I try again, let me tell you.
Anyone wanna give me a little mini team rate? Would this team easily get me a 100 win streak?

31/31/31/31/31/31 adamant
112 hp/252 att/12 def/132 speed
~Meteor mash
~Bullet punch

31/31/31/31/31/31 Naive
252 sp att/252 speed
~Hydro Pump
~dragon Dance
~Draco Meteor

31/31/31/31/31/31 adamant
160 hp/252 att/96 speed/
~Stone Edge

Any tips are greatly appreciated, I need some help with strategy/items/moves
I'm a bit late on this but great job on your Double Battle Tower streak Peterko!

Here's what I've been working on today:
***Pokemon Black/White Spoilers***

I should note that I don't actually know if these are the Battle Subway Pokemon. I won't know for certain until I actually play Battle Subway to confirm. However, the data in the game looks a lot like Battle Subway Pokemon so it probably is. I plan to add in the names of the new Pokemon and moves eventually. I wasn't sure on how items were stored in the game's data so I don't have old items listed for now. Item##, Pokemon## and Move## are based on the game's internal ID number of items, Pokemon and moves.

I have no idea if anyone has posted Battle Subway movesets yet. If not, you guys are the first to see my data. =D

Edit: Update. I added the old held items. Apparently they use the same IDs as 4th gen.
Hi everybody, here's some updates.

Now, first, I gave up the Factory, as it's just based on luck and is a complete waste of time. After 50+ hours, screw it.

Anyway, I continued in the Castle and Tower, where my streaks were unfinished.
Well, the Castle was pretty hopeless, since I spent all my CP on skipping matches and leveling down Darach's team when I got the gold print, so I lost pretty soon, after 53 wins. But that doesn't even make the top list, so I won't go into detail.

Now, the Tower. I got to 153 wins.

From 43 (or maybe 36) to 105 I was using the Latias - Garchomp - Registeel trick team which I ripped from Peterko, except I didn't bother with getting a perfect Registeel and Latias, and just ended up using the ones I caught (Registeel was neutral natured, the Latias has +sp.sef, -speed).
Anyway, on my second try (the first try loss is also uploaded on my youtube channel), I finally got through 100 matches, and got the 5th star.

But this happened a few months ago, before I started trying the Factory and failing at that.
And now, I played the Tower again, just to see how far I can get, and well, this is how far. I didn't use the trick team, because it's too slow, and there wasn't much to lose anyway, so I went with Gengar, Garchomp and Lucario, details of them are in my older post about the Arcade and Hall.

I really wasn't paying much attention, and when I lost, I was like "What? This was my 3rd Pokémon? Ok, whatever..."

Here's the video replay of that match, and the picture:

And with that, I'm done with SoulSilver. I finished every single small thing to be finished, except for the gold print in the Factory. I'm a bit bitter about not getting a true 100%, but it's impossible, so I 100%'d everything humanly possible in the game.
Battle Hall 216 wins with


Garchomp lvl 76 (Maybe I should level it up to 100?)
Adamant - Why Jolly in Battle Hall? I think it's not necessary.
Atk 252 / Spd 252 / 4 KP

- Outrage
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Around battle 180 I fought an Umbreon at 9 PM.
Chomp's outrage hit it 3 times but Umbreon heals itself with Moonlight about 3 times.
Chomp is confused and damaged itself 2 times. In this time Umbreon attacked me with some silly moves.
I remember that outrage killed it in the end and i survived with 1 HP O_o

I lost versus a silly Venusaur at Fight 217 -.-

Garchomp: Outrage (Venusaur got ~5% HP left)
Venusaur: Toxic
Venusaur: Protect
Garchomp: Outrage
Garchomp: Confused, hit itself
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant
Garchomp: RIP

If you want I will make a photo.

I was lucky that after fight 170 no Glaceon or Sharpedo appeared.
How can you beat them? Glaceon will survive one outrage, Ice Beam and Ice Shard will kill you.
Sharpedo will survive because of its Sash, use Ice Fang and you die because of Rough Skin.

Is it better to get Chomp to lvl 100?


everyone here loves you for this :)

I was off for 3 days and now find a new "entertainment" here

497, Calm, BrightPowder, Leaf Storm, Substitute, Hyper Beam, Toxic, HP/Def/SpD
497, Jolly, Lum Berry, Attract, Move536, Move525, Gastro Acid, Def/Spd/SpD
497, Modest, Choice Specs, Leaf Storm, , , , Spd/SpA
497, Sassy, Sitrus Berry, Move536, Hidden Power, Mirror Coat, Captivate, HP/SpA/SpD
500, Adamant, Quick Claw, Flare Blitz, Brick Break, Move488, Earthquake, Atk/Def/SpD
500, Brave, Quick Claw, Yawn, Move528, Move523, Move535, Atk/Def/SpD
500, Careful, Chesto Berry, Gyro Ball, Curse, Rest, Sleep Talk, HP/SpD
500, Timid, Salac Berry, Substitute, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Move503, Spd/SpA
503, Adamant, Custap Berry, Aerial Ace, Waterfall, X-Scissor, Aqua Jet, Atk/Def/SpD
503, Mild, Splash Plate, Move514, Move534, Assurance, Encore, HP/Atk
503, Modest, Salac Berry, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Protect, Def/SpA/SpD
503, Quiet, Zoom Lens, Blizzard, Giga Impact, Detect, Hydro Pump, Atk/SpA
518, Bold, Lum Berry, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psychic, Trick Room, Def/SpA
518, Mild, Zoom Lens, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Calm Mind, Helping Hand, Def/SpA/SpD
518, Modest, Scope Lens, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Yawn, Def/SpA
518, Relaxed, Chesto Berry, Move500, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Rest, Def/SpD
521, Impish, BrightPowder, Detect, FeatherDance, Toxic, Fly, HP/SpD
521, Jolly, Enigma Berry, Aerial Ace, U-turn, Razor Wind, Tailwind, HP/Atk/Def
521, Jolly, Power Herb, Giga Impact, Quick Attack, Hypnosis, Sky Attack, Atk/Spd
521, Jolly, Power Herb, Sky Attack, Return, Detect, U-turn, Atk/Spd
523, Jolly, Focus Sash, Me First, Move528, Thunder Wave, Move521, Atk/Spd
523, Jolly, Item541, Move488, Toxic, Move528, Move521, Atk/Spd
523, Naughty, Item550, Swagger, Move521, Move528, Pursuit, HP/Atk
523, Timid, Magnet, Discharge, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Rain Dance, Spd/SpA
526, Adamant, Custap Berry, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Sandstorm, Explosion, HP/Atk
526, Naughty, Hard Stone, Iron Defense, Sandstorm, Lock-On, Rock Blast, HP/Def
526, Naughty, Rawst Berry, Move523, Rock Blast, Gravity, Curse, HP/Atk/Def
526, Quiet, Leftovers, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Curse, Earthquake, HP/SpD
530, Adamant, BrightPowder, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Atk/Def/SpD
530, Adamant, Chople Berry, Dig, Metal Sound, Metal Claw, Swords Dance, Atk/Def
530, Adamant, Life Orb, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Poison Jab, Rock Slide, Atk/Def/SpD
530, Naughty, Soft Sand, Move468, Rock Slide, Move529, Iron Defense, Atk/Def
534, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Payback, Stone Edge, Atk/SpD
534, Bold, Black Belt, Rock Slide, Force Palm, SmellingSalt, Bulk Up, HP/Def/SpD
534, Brave, Iron Ball, Fling, Rock Slide, Superpower, Mach Punch, Atk/SpD
534, Brave, Iron Ball, Mach Punch, Hammer Arm, Bulk Up, Fling, Atk/SpD
537, Brave, Iron Ball, Fling, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Earthquake, Atk/SpD
537, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Brick Break, Poison Jab, Dig, Payback, Atk/Spd
537, Rash, Chesto Berry, Move496, Rest, Water Pulse, Move482, Def/SpA/SpD
537, Timid, Damp Rock, Rain Dance, Muddy Water, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Spd/SpA
538, Adamant, Expert Belt, Earthquake, Move480, Payback, Rock Slide, Atk/Def/SpD
538, Brave, Expert Belt, Revenge, Move480, Protect, Seismic Toss, Atk/Def
538, Brave, Flame Orb, Protect, Earthquake, Move480, Payback, Atk/SpD
538, Impish, Payapa Berry, Protect, Toxic, Move509, Move469, Atk/Def
539, Adamant, Life Orb, Close Combat, Move523, Stone Edge, Taunt, Atk/Spd
539, Jolly, Expert Belt, Close Combat, Payback, Move490, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
539, Naughty, Black Belt, Move490, Move501, Move514, Taunt, Atk/Spd
539, Naughty, Focus Sash, Earthquake, Payback, Endure, Reversal, Atk/Spd
549, Bold, Big Root, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Toxic, Protect, HP/Def/SpD
549, Bold, Leftovers, Move483, Energy Ball, Leech Seed, Protect, HP/Def
549, Bold, Lum Berry, SolarBeam, Teeter Dance, Charm, Leech Seed, HP/Def/Spd/SpA
549, Timid, Persim Berry, Charm, Sleep Powder, Petal Dance, Healing Wish, Spd/SpA
553, Adamant, Item562, Earthquake, Crunch, Stone Edge, Move525, Atk/SpD
553, Jolly, Liechi Berry, Earthquake, Pursuit, Move490, Rock Slide, Atk/Spd
553, Naughty, BlackGlasses, Crunch, Move523, Taunt, Counter, Atk/Def/SpD
553, Naughty, Item559, Move479, Earthquake, Pursuit, Embargo, Atk/Def
555, Hasty, Passho Berry, Fire Punch, Encore, Belly Drum, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
555, Impish, Sitrus Berry, Belly Drum, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Yawn, Def/SpD
555, Jolly, Liechi Berry, Move488, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
555, Naughty, Life Orb, Focus Energy, Hammer Arm, Flare Blitz, Swagger, HP/Atk/Spd
560, Adamant, Muscle Band, Substitute, Payback, Hi Jump Kick, Focus Punch, HP/Atk
560, Careful, Leftovers, Bulk Up, Payback, Protect, Drain Punch, HP/SpD
560, Jolly, Coba Berry, Hi Jump Kick, Rock Slide, Taunt, Dragon Dance, HP/Spd
560, Naughty, Liechi Berry, Fake Out, Bulk Up, Focus Punch, Substitute, HP/Atk
563, Bold, Leftovers, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Move506, Calm Mind, HP/SpD
563, Quiet, Sitrus Berry, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Trick Room, HP/SpA
563, Quiet, Spell Tag, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Nasty Plot, HP/SpA
563, Sassy, Chesto Berry, Night Shade, Will-O-Wisp, Mean Look, Rest, HP/SpD
565, Adamant, Damp Rock, Rain Dance, Waterfall, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
565, Adamant, Rindo Berry, Waterfall, Rock Slide, Aqua Jet, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
565, Naughty, Sitrus Berry, Aqua Tail, Rock Slide, Move504, Iron Defense, HP/Atk
565, Rash, Wide Lens, Rock Slide, Swagger, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, HP/SpA
567, Jolly, Choice Band, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Head Smash, U-turn, Atk/Spd
567, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Quick Attack, Move512, Crunch, U-turn, Atk/Spd
567, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Protect, Atk/Spd
567, Mild, Enigma Berry, Earthquake, Earth Power, Endeavor, AncientPower, Spd/SpA
571, Jolly, Expert Belt, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, Spd/SpA
571, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Swords Dance, Night Slash, U-turn, Sucker Punch, Atk/Spd
571, Naive, Focus Sash, Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Taunt, Counter, Atk/Spd
571, Timid, Focus Band, Protect, Counter, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Spd/SpA
576, Modest, BrightPowder, Substitute, Flatter, Psych Up, Psychic, HP/SpA
576, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Charm, Safeguard, Psychic, Charge Beam, HP/SpA
576, Modest, TwistedSpoon, Move473, Miracle Eye, Mirror Coat, Tickle, HP/Def/SpA
576, Sassy, Chesto Berry, Fake Tears, Psychic, Rest, Calm Mind, HP/Def/Spd
579, Bold, Sitrus Berry, Psychic, Energy Ball, Recover, Move472, HP/Def/SpA
579, Brave, King's Rock, Rock Slide, Explosion, Gyro Ball, Trick Room, Atk/Def/SpD
579, Quiet, Colbur Berry, Calm Mind, Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Def/SpA
579, Relaxed, Toxic Orb, Trick, Psychic, Focus Blast, Recover, Def/SpD
584, Calm, NeverMeltIce, Ice Beam, Move524, Mirror Coat, Icy Wind, HP/SpA/SpD
584, Calm, Sitrus Berry, Taunt, Ice Beam, Acid Armor, Mirror Coat, HP/SpD
584, Lonely, Occa Berry, Avalanche, Ice Shard, Natural Gift, Giga Impact, HP/Atk
584, Modest, Leftovers, Hail, Blizzard, Flash Cannon, Sheer Cold, HP/SpA
589, Adamant, Custap Berry, Megahorn, Iron Head, Swagger, Reversal, HP/Atk
589, Brave, Liechi Berry, Megahorn, Move501, Swords Dance, Reversal, HP/Atk
589, Brave, Life Orb, Megahorn, Iron Defense, Poison Jab, Iron Head, HP/Atk
589, Naughty, Quick Claw, Pursuit, Counter, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, HP/Atk
598, Brave, Custap Berry, Protect, Payback, Explosion, Gyro Ball, HP/Atk
598, Careful, Chesto Berry, Rest, Payback, Gyro Ball, Curse, HP/SpD
598, Impish, Leftovers, Iron Head, Thunder Wave, Sandstorm, Ingrain, HP/Def
598, Sassy, Leftovers, Curse, Rock Smash, Gyro Ball, Ingrain, HP/SpD
601, Adamant, Occa Berry, Move508, Move544, Move521, Giga Impact, Atk/Spd
601, Impish, Shuca Berry, Move544, Thunder Wave, Screech, Move521, HP/Spd
601, Mild, White Herb, Charge Beam, Metal Sound, Flash Cannon, Move475, Spd/SpA
601, Modest, Item563, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Protect, Toxic, Spd/SpA
604, Bold, Leftovers, Charge Beam, Grass Knot, Flamethrower, Protect, HP/SpD
604, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Brick Break, U-turn, Grass Knot, Move528, HP/Atk
604, Naughty, Expert Belt, Crunch, Move528, Brick Break, Move489, HP/Atk
604, Quiet, Magnet, Discharge, Gastro Acid, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, HP/SpA
609, Bold, Leftovers, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Heat Wave, HP/SpD
609, Modest, Spell Tag, Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Move506, HP/Spd/SpA
609, Modest, White Herb, Overheat, Shadow Ball, Protect, Will-O-Wisp, HP/SpA
609, Timid, Chesto Berry, Energy Ball, Rest, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, HP/Spd
612, Hasty, Haban Berry, Move530, Earthquake, Roar, Taunt, Atk/Spd
612, Jolly, Choice Band, Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, , Atk/Spd
612, Jolly, Yache Berry, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Move525, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
612, Naughty, Persim Berry, Outrage, Rock Slide, Counter, Dragon Dance, HP/Def/Spd
614, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Swords Dance, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Atk/Def
614, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Bulk Up, Atk/SpA
614, Jolly, Lax Incense, Icy Wind, Move556, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
614, Rash, NeverMeltIce, Hail, Icy Wind, Grass Knot, Blizzard, HP/SpA
615, Hasty, Occa Berry, Ice Shard, Slash, Poison Jab, Haze, Atk/Spd
615, Naive, Focus Sash, Hail, Icy Wind, Blizzard, Explosion, Spd/SpA
615, Timid, Charti Berry, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Confuse Ray, Light Screen, Def/Spd
615, Timid, Occa Berry, Icy Wind, Flash Cannon, Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Spd/SpA
617, Hasty, Focus Sash, Encore, Bug Buzz, Giga Drain, Me First, Spd/SpA
617, Modest, Petaya Berry, Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Bug Buzz, Endure, Spd/SpA
617, Timid, Focus Sash, Bug Buzz, Encore, Focus Blast, Protect, Spd/SpA
617, Timid, Focus Sash, U-turn, Bug Buzz, Focus Blast, Move515, HP/Spd
620, Impish, Muscle Band, Feint, Fake Out, Hi Jump Kick, Move469, HP/Atk
620, Jolly, Focus Sash, Low Kick, Fake Out, Hi Jump Kick, U-turn, Atk/Spd
620, Jolly, King's Rock, Fake Out, Fling, Move512, Hi Jump Kick, Atk/Spd
620, Naive, Salac Berry, U-turn, Endure, Calm Mind, Baton Pass, HP/Spd
621, Adamant, Choice Band, Outrage, Earthquake, Superpower, Move525, HP/Atk
621, Adamant, Quick Claw, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Rock Slide, HP/Atk
621, Bold, Chople Berry, Crunch, Scary Face, Glare, Move525, Atk/Def
621, Lonely, Scope Lens, Dragon Claw, Night Slash, Slash, Move468, HP/Def/SpD
623, Adamant, Lum Berry, DynamicPunch, Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Rock Slide, HP/Atk
623, Brave, Iron Ball, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Shadow Punch, Fling, HP/Atk
623, Brave, Wide Lens, Hammer Arm, Rock Slide, Curse, Gyro Ball, Atk/SpD
623, Lonely, Muscle Band, Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Move523, Move484, HP/SpD
625, Adamant, Focus Sash, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Rock Smash, Iron Head, HP/Atk
625, Adamant, Chople Berry, Aerial Ace, Move490, Iron Head, Scary Face, HP/Atk
625, Jolly, Chople Berry, Iron Head, Night Slash, Move490, Sucker Punch, Atk/Spd
625, Lax, Sitrus Berry, Night Slash, Metal Claw, Taunt, Metal Burst, HP/Def
626, Adamant, Life Orb, Earthquake, Move543, Payback, Protect, HP/Atk
626, Adamant, Silk Scarf, Move543, Pursuit, Scary Face, Aerial Ace, HP/Atk
626, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Move543, Payback, HP/Atk
626, Brave, Chople Berry, Pursuit, Revenge, Move514, Swagger, HP/Atk
628, Adamant, Item556, Brave Bird, Return, U-turn, Rock Slide, Atk/Spd
628, Adamant, King's Rock, Rock Slide, Air Slash, Tailwind, Move507, Atk/Def/SpD
628, Adamant, Wacan Berry, Brave Bird, Tailwind, Superpower, Giga Impact, Atk/Spd
628, Naughty, Persim Berry, Thrash, Bulk Up, Superpower, Pluck, Atk/Spd
630, Calm, Wacan Berry, Taunt, Flatter, Roost, Toxic, Spd/SpD
630, Careful, Leftovers, Substitute, Swagger, Punishment, Roost, HP/Def/SpD
630, Mild, Item556, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Spd/SpA
630, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Move510, HP/Def/SpD
632, Impish, Power Herb, Dig, Iron Defense, Agility, Baton Pass, Def/Spd
632, Jolly, Focus Sash, Move494, X-Scissor, Iron Head, Protect, HP/Spd
632, Jolly, Occa Berry, X-Scissor, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, Atk/Spd
632, Naive, Sitrus Berry, Crunch, Dig, Bug Bite, Metal Sound, HP/Atk/Spd
635, Jolly, Item561, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Crunch, Move525, Atk/Spd
635, Mild, Wide Lens, Focus Blast, Fire Blast, Dragon Rush, Move526, Atk/Spd/SpA
635, Rash, Dragon Fang, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Surf, Move525, Atk/Spd
635, Timid, White Herb, Draco Meteor, Taunt, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Spd/SpA
637, Bold, Leftovers, Move542, Move483, Bug Buzz, Heat Wave, HP/Def
637, Bold, White Herb, Overheat, Move483, Bug Buzz, Protect, HP/Def
637, Modest, Power Herb, Fire Spin, Heat Wave, SolarBeam, Whirlwind, HP/Spd
637, Timid, Lum Berry, Bug Buzz, Flamethrower, Protect, Calm Mind, Spd/SpA
638, Bold, Chesto Berry, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Calm Mind, Rest, HP/SpD
638, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Metal Burst, Move533, Quick Attack, Iron Head, HP/Atk
638, Jolly, Lax Incense, Swagger, Substitute, Psych Up, Iron Head, Atk/Spd
638, Jolly, Life Orb, Iron Head, Close Combat, Move501, Protect, Atk/Spd
639, Adamant, Choice Scarf, Move533, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace, Atk/Spd
639, Jolly, Expert Belt, Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace, Atk/Spd
639, Jolly, King's Rock, Move523, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Move533, Atk/Spd
639, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Swords Dance, Move533, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Atk/Spd
640, Impish, Chesto Berry, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, Move533, Rest, HP/Def
640, Jolly, Coba Berry, Leaf Blade, Stone Edge, Move533, Protect, Atk/Spd
640, Jolly, Salac Berry, Move533, Leaf Blade, Taunt, Stone Edge, Atk/Spd
640, Timid, Sitrus Berry, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Toxic, Def/Spd
641, Bold, Chesto Berry, Rest, Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, HP/SpD
641, Modest, Leftovers, Substitute, Double Team, Focus Blast, Move542, HP/SpA
641, Timid, Damp Rock, Move542, Focus Blast, Taunt, Rain Dance, Spd/SpA
641, Timid, Life Orb, Move542, Grass Knot, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Spd/SpA
642, Bold, Chesto Berry, Thunderbolt, Protect, Toxic, Rest, HP/SpD
642, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Move528, U-turn, Crunch, Move507, Atk/Spd
642, Timid, Choice Band, Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Spd/SpA
642, Timid, Magnet, Discharge, Focus Blast, Move521, Taunt, Spd/SpA
645, Adamant, Focus Sash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Move479, Move523, Atk/Spd
645, Adamant, Choice Scarf, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Outrage, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
645, Jolly, Item555, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect, Atk/Spd
645, Timid, Focus Sash, Earth Power, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Grass Knot, Spd/SpA
Abomasnow, Impish, Leftovers, Move524, Icy Wind, Leech Seed, Ingrain, HP/Def/SpD
Abomasnow, Lonely, Miracle Seed, Wood Hammer, Brick Break, Double Team, Blizzard, HP/Atk/SpA
Abomasnow, Quiet, Focus Sash, Blizzard, Wood Hammer, Focus Blast, Ice Shard, HP/SpA
Abomasnow, Quiet, Occa Berry, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Protect, Ice Shard, HP/SpA
Absol, Adamant, Chople Berry, Sucker Punch, Magic Coat, Psycho Cut, Taunt, HP/Atk
Absol, Careful, Sitrus Berry, Payback, Mean Look, Move468, Baton Pass, HP/Def/SpD
Absol, Jolly, BrightPowder, Substitute, Swagger, Punishment, Will-O-Wisp, Atk/Spd
Absol, Jolly, Scope Lens, Night Slash, Zen Headbutt, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Atk/Spd
Aerodactyl, Jolly, Choice Band, Rock Slide, , , , Atk/Spd
Aerodactyl, Jolly, Choice Band, Stone Edge, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Crunch, Atk/Spd
Aerodactyl, Jolly, Item559, Taunt, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Crunch, Atk/Spd
Aerodactyl, Naive, Passho Berry, Crunch, Rock Slide, Roost, Move507, Atk/Spd
Aggron, Adamant, Item563, Iron Tail, Dragon Rush, Avalanche, Aerial Ace, Atk/Def
Aggron, Brave, Focus Sash, Metal Burst, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Shadow Claw, Atk/SpD
Aggron, Brave, King's Rock, Thunder Wave, Iron Head, Fling, Stomp, HP/Atk
Aggron, Impish, Focus Sash, Protect, Roar, Stealth Rock, Metal Burst, HP/SpD
Alakazam, Timid, Focus Sash, Psych Up, Encore, Protect, Psychic, Spd/SpA
Alakazam, Timid, Choice Specs, Psychic, Focus Blast, Disable, Trick, Spd/SpA
Alakazam, Timid, TwistedSpoon, Energy Ball, Psychic, Move477, Move470, Spd/SpA
Alakazam, Timid, Wise Glasses, Psychic, Focus Blast, Signal Beam, Grass Knot, Spd/SpA
Altaria, Calm, Pecha Berry, Sing, Move538, Move497, Roost, HP/SpD
Altaria, Calm, Sitrus Berry, Move538, Roost, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, HP/SpD
Altaria, Jolly, Power Herb, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Sky Attack, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
Altaria, Lonely, Yache Berry, Dragon Claw, Pluck, Mist, Move468, Atk/SpD
Ambipom, Jolly, King's Rock, Fling, Taunt, Return, Payback, Atk/Spd
Ambipom, Jolly, Life Orb, Fake Out, Double Hit, Payback, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
Ambipom, Naive, King's Rock, Fake Out, Fling, Thief, U-turn, Atk/Spd
Ambipom, Timid, Focus Sash, Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot, Counter, Spd/SpA
Ampharos, Brave, Lum Berry, Brick Break, ThunderPunch, Screech, Odor Sleuth, HP/Atk/Def
Ampharos, Mild, Shuca Berry, Power Gem, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Charge Beam, HP/SpA/SpD
Ampharos, Modest, Chesto Berry, Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Hyper Beam, Rest, HP/SpA
Ampharos, Quiet, Zoom Lens, Thunder, Focus Blast, Signal Beam, Power Gem, HP/SpA
Arcanine, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Crunch, ExtremeSpeed, Atk/Spd
Arcanine, Modest, Charcoal, Flamethrower, SolarBeam, Move510, Sunny Day, Spd/SpA
Arcanine, Naughty, Item548, ExtremeSpeed, Crunch, Overheat, Roar, Atk/Spd
Arcanine, Timid, White Herb, Overheat, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Dragon Pulse, Spd/SpA
Armaldo, Adamant, Choice Band, Superpower, Stone Edge, Earthquake, X-Scissor, HP/Atk
Armaldo, Adamant, Life Orb, X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Iron Defense, HP/SpD
Armaldo, Brave, Chesto Berry, X-Scissor, Rock Blast, Rest, Curse, HP/SpD
Armaldo, Hasty, Razor Fang, Rock Slide, Earthquake, X-Scissor, Rock Polish, HP/Spd
Articuno, Bold, Lum Berry, Sheer Cold, Mind Reader, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, HP/SpD
Articuno, Modest, Icy Rock, Hail, Blizzard, Fly, Roost, HP/SpA
Articuno, Modest, Item552, Tailwind, Blizzard, Move507, Protect, Spd/SpA
Articuno, Timid, Lum Berry, Blizzard, Reflect, Protect, U-turn, Spd/SpA
Bastiodon, Bold, Chesto Berry, Roar, Rest, Block, Iron Defense, HP/Def
Bastiodon, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Metal Burst, Rock Slide, Move469, Curse, HP/Atk
Bastiodon, Careful, Enigma Berry, Iron Head, Taunt, Move469, Metal Burst, HP/Atk
Bastiodon, Careful, Leftovers, Stone Edge, Fissure, Double Team, Iron Defense, HP/SpD
Blastoise, Adamant, Custap Berry, Yawn, Waterfall, Focus Punch, Rock Slide, HP/Atk
Blastoise, Adamant, Leftovers, Fake Out, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, HP/Atk
Blastoise, Quiet, Zoom Lens, Aqua Ring, Rock Slide, Aqua Tail, Iron Defense, HP/Def/SpD
Blastoise, Quiet, Zoom Lens, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Mist, Focus Blast, HP/SpA
Blaziken, Adamant, Salac Berry, Blaze Kick, Move488, Endure, Reversal, HP/Atk/Spd
Blaziken, Hardy, Choice Band, Flare Blitz, Shadow Claw, ThunderPunch, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
Blaziken, Hardy, Shuca Berry, Move488, Flare Blitz, ThunderPunch, Low Kick, Atk/Spd
Blaziken, Naughty, Salac Berry, Hi Jump Kick, Counter, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, HP/Def/Spd
Blissey, Bold, Chople Berry, Toxic, Minimize, Mud Bomb, Softboiled, Def/SpD
Blissey, Bold, Leftovers, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Counter, Calm Mind, HP/Def
Blissey, Calm, Leftovers, Attract, Thunder Wave, Move505, Aromatherapy, Def/SpD
Blissey, Modest, Custap Berry, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Thunder Wave, Def/SpA
Breloom, Brave, Black Belt, Fake Tears, Helping Hand, Mach Punch, Stun Spore, HP/Atk
Breloom, Careful, Toxic Orb, Protect, Leech Seed, Substitute, Focus Punch, HP/Def/SpD
Breloom, Jolly, Focus Sash, Spore, Focus Punch, Rock Slide, Seed Bomb, Atk/Spd
Breloom, Jolly, Toxic Orb, Substitute, Seed Bomb, Wake-Up Slap, Spore, Atk/Spd
Bronzong, Adamant, Quick Claw, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Explosion, HP/Atk
Bronzong, Brave, Lum Berry, Safeguard, Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, HP/Atk
Bronzong, Impish, Sitrus Berry, Hypnosis, Rain Dance, Gyro Ball, Trick Room, HP/Def/SpD
Bronzong, Quiet, Damp Rock, Rain Dance, Light Screen, Charge Beam, Grass Knot, HP/SpA
Claydol, Adamant, Custap Berry, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide, Explosion, Atk/SpD
Claydol, Calm, Item545, Psychic, Ice Beam, Protect, Calm Mind, HP/SpD
Claydol, Impish, Sitrus Berry, Sandstorm, Toxic, Cosmic Power, Explosion, HP/Def
Claydol, Modest, Item555, Earth Power, Psychic, Move502, Ice Beam, SpA/SpD
Cradily, Bold, Charti Berry, Stealth Rock, Gastro Acid, Stockpile, Swallow, Def/SpD
Cradily, Brave, Quick Claw, Confuse Ray, Energy Ball, Stone Edge, Earthquake, HP/Atk/SpA
Cradily, Relaxed, Leftovers, Sandstorm, Toxic, Protect, Earthquake, HP/Def
Cradily, Sassy, Big Root, Stockpile, Protect, Ingrain, Giga Drain, HP/Def
Cresselia, Bold, BrightPowder, Psychic, Substitute, Toxic, Trick Room, HP/SpD
Cresselia, Bold, Chesto Berry, Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rest, HP/Def
Cresselia, Bold, Leftovers, Double Team, Moonlight, Toxic, Protect, HP/SpD
Cresselia, Bold, Lum Berry, Icy Wind, Safeguard, Helping Hand, Swagger, HP/SpD
Crobat, Jolly, Charti Berry, Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Hypnosis, U-turn, Atk/Spd
Crobat, Jolly, Razor Claw, Cross Poison, Brave Bird, Zen Headbutt, X-Scissor, Atk/Spd
Crobat, Jolly, Wide Lens, Hypnosis, Aerial Ace, Cross Poison, Taunt, Atk/Spd
Crobat, Timid, Sharp Beak, Air Slash, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Nasty Plot, Spd/SpA
Dewgong, Bold, Salac Berry, Rain Dance, Rest, Surf, Stockpile, HP/Def/SpD
Dewgong, Mild, Icy Rock, Icy Wind, Toxic, Rest, Hail, HP/Def
Dewgong, Mild, Quick Claw, Fake Out, Surf, Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, SpA/SpD
Dewgong, Rash, NeverMeltIce, Ice Shard, Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Encore, Spd/SpA
Donphan, Adamant, Focus Sash, Endeavor, Flail, Roar, Giga Impact, Atk/SpD
Donphan, Adamant, Quick Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Seed Bomb, Fissure, Atk/SpD
Donphan, Brave, Metronome, Earthquake, Scary Face, Rollout, Defense Curl, Atk/Def
Donphan, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Earthquake, Gyro Ball, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Atk/Def
Dragonite, Adamant, Choice Band, Outrage, Earthquake, Giga Impact, Superpower, Atk/SpD
Dragonite, Adamant, Quick Claw, Superpower, Earthquake, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, HP/Atk
Dragonite, Impish, Custap Berry, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Roost, Rock Slide, HP/Def/SpD
Dragonite, Mild, Salac Berry, Dragon Rush, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Safeguard, Spd/SpA
Drapion, Bold, Scope Lens, Night Slash, Taunt, Toxic Spikes, X-Scissor, HP/Def
Drapion, Careful, Razor Claw, Cross Poison, Night Slash, Earthquake, Swords Dance, HP/Atk
Drapion, Jolly, Scope Lens, Cross Poison, Night Slash, Fire Fang, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
Drapion, Naive, Item562, Cross Poison, Crunch, Scary Face, Screech, Atk/Spd
Drifblim, Bold, Custap Berry, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Hypnosis, Destiny Bond, Spd/SpD
Drifblim, Bold, Salac Berry, Calm Mind, Stockpile, Memento, Baton Pass, Def/SpD
Drifblim, Mild, Item546, Move506, Thunderbolt, Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Spd/SpA
Drifblim, Timid, Wise Glasses, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Icy Wind, Destiny Bond, Def/Spd
Dugtrio, Hasty, Focus Sash, Reversal, Attract, Dig, Protect, Atk/Spd
Dugtrio, Jolly, BrightPowder, Toxic, Dig, Substitute, Sandstorm, Atk/Spd
Dugtrio, Jolly, Choice Band, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Reversal, Aerial Ace, Atk/Spd
Dugtrio, Lonely, Choice Band, Protect, Move515, Earthquake, Rock Slide, HP/Spd
Dusknoir, Bold, Leftovers, Disable, Will-O-Wisp, Pain Split, Mean Look, HP/Def
Dusknoir, Brave, Iron Ball, Shadow Sneak, Fire Punch, Fling, Trick Room, HP/Atk
Dusknoir, Relaxed, Lum Berry, Shadow Sneak, Pain Split, Destiny Bond, Trick Room, HP/SpD
Dusknoir, Sassy, Leftovers, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, Protect, Double Team, HP/SpD
Electivire, Adamant, Shuca Berry, Fire Punch, Move486, Ice Punch, Protect, HP/Atk/Spd
Electivire, Jolly, Shuca Berry, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
Electivire, Modest, Item541, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Focus Blast, Signal Beam, Spd/SpA
Electivire, Naughty, Expert Belt, Low Kick, Dig, Rock Slide, Screech, HP/Atk/Spd
Electrode, Calm, Shuca Berry, Swagger, Light Screen, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, HP/SpD
Electrode, Hasty, Focus Sash, Move486, Taunt, Protect, Explosion,
Electrode, Timid, Damp Rock, Rain Dance, Thunder, Taunt, Light Screen, Spd/SpA
Electrode, Timid, Item541, Thunderbolt, Mirror Coat, Signal Beam, Protect, Spd/SpA
Empoleon, Calm, Petaya Berry, Surf, Substitute, Blizzard, Whirlpool, HP/SpA
Empoleon, Lax, Sitrus Berry, Yawn, Swords Dance, Aqua Jet, Metal Claw, HP/Def
Empoleon, Lonely, Muscle Band, Drill Peck, Aqua Jet, Metal Claw, FeatherDance, HP/Atk/SpD
Empoleon, Quiet, Lum Berry, Surf, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Icy Wind, HP/SpA
Entei, Adamant, Life Orb, Overheat, Double-Edge, Stone Edge, Protect, HP/Atk
Entei, Bold, Chesto Berry, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Rest, HP/Def/SpD
Entei, Lonely, Focus Sash, Overheat, Move488, Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Atk/Spd
Entei, Timid, Choice Scarf, Eruption, Heat Wave, Extrasensory, SolarBeam, Spd/SpA
Espeon, Modest, Lum Berry, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam, Grass Knot, Spd/SpA
Espeon, Naive, Focus Sash, Yawn, Dream Eater, Calm Mind, Protect, Spd/SpA
Espeon, Timid, Item557, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Morning Sun, Spd/SpA
Espeon, Timid, Kasib Berry, Move473, Grass Knot, Move477, Charm, HP/Spd
Exeggutor, Brave, Lum Berry, Wood Hammer, Zen Headbutt, Explosion, Trick Room, HP/Atk
Exeggutor, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Wood Hammer, Curse, Egg Bomb, Synthesis, Atk/Spd/SpD
Exeggutor, Mild, Petaya Berry, Move473, Grass Knot, Light Screen, Synthesis, Spd/SpA/SpD
Exeggutor, Modest, Expert Belt, Leaf Storm, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, AncientPower, HP/SpA
Exploud, Adamant, Expert Belt, Earthquake, Brick Break, Ice Punch, Crunch, Atk/Def
Exploud, Lonely, Chople Berry, Crunch, Fake Tears, Ice Beam, Giga Impact, Atk/SpA
Exploud, Mild, Chople Berry, Fire Blast, Roar, Uproar, Hyper Voice, Atk/SpA
Exploud, Timid, Life Orb, Icy Wind, Hyper Voice, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Spd/SpA
Feraligatr, Adamant, Liechi Berry, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Crunch, Substitute, Atk/Spd
Feraligatr, Adamant, Liechi Berry, Superpower, Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, HP/Atk/Spd
Feraligatr, Adamant, Lum Berry, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, HP/Atk/SpA/SpD
Feraligatr, Careful, Lax Incense, Screech, Aqua Jet, Earthquake, Block, HP/SpD
Flareon, Adamant, White Herb, Bite, Superpower, Giga Impact, Fire Fang, Atk/SpD
Flareon, Brave, White Herb, Superpower, Return, Will-O-Wisp, Overheat, HP/Atk
Flareon, Impish, Charcoal, Will-O-Wisp, Charm, Move488, Protect, HP/Def
Flareon, Naughty, Focus Sash, Dig, Flail, Move526, Fire Blast, Atk/SpA
Floatzel, Hasty, Damp Rock, Surf, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Rain Dance, Spd/SpA
Floatzel, Hasty, Flame Orb, Aqua Jet, Switcheroo, Pursuit, Crunch, Atk/Spd
Floatzel, Hasty, Life Orb, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Low Kick, Protect, Atk/Spd
Floatzel, Naive, Item544, Aqua Tail, Protect, Pursuit, Whirlpool, Atk/Spd
Flygon, Adamant, Lum Berry, Earthquake, Outrage, Crunch, Stone Edge, Atk/Spd
Flygon, Naive, Haban Berry, Swagger, Quick Attack, Rock Slide, U-turn, Atk/Spd
Flygon, Naive, Liechi Berry, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Endure, Fire Blast, Atk/Spd
Flygon, Timid, White Herb, Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Giga Drain, Spd/SpA
Forretress, Brave, Iron Ball, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Bug Bite, Explosion, HP/Atk
Forretress, Careful, Custap Berry, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Explosion, HP/SpD
Forretress, Impish, Occa Berry, Spikes, Move522, Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, HP/Def
Forretress, Naughty, Sitrus Berry, Spikes, Earthquake, Magnet Rise, Gyro Ball, HP/Atk
Froslass, Lonely, Item552, Ice Shard, Thunder Wave, Move506, Taunt, Atk/Spd
Froslass, Timid, Focus Sash, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spd/SpA
Froslass, Timid, Icy Rock, Hail, Blizzard, Ice Shard, Shadow Ball, Spd/SpA
Froslass, Timid, Icy Rock, Hail, Ice Beam, Ominous Wind, Thunderbolt, Spd/SpA
Gallade, Adamant, Scope Lens, Psycho Cut, Stone Edge, Night Slash, X-Scissor, Atk/SpD
Gallade, Hasty, Expert Belt, Shadow Sneak, Brick Break, Psycho Cut, Swords Dance, Atk/Spd
Gallade, Jolly, Lum Berry, Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Move505, Move502, Atk/Spd
Gallade, Jolly, Scope Lens, Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Slash, Protect, Atk/Spd
Gardevoir, Modest, BrightPowder, Psychic, Charge Beam, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, SpA/SpD
Gardevoir, Naive, Lum Berry, Move500, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Move502, Spd/SpA
Gardevoir, Naive, Wide Lens, Hypnosis, Calm Mind, Imprison, Taunt, HP/Def/Spd
Gardevoir, Timid, Item557, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spd/SpA
Garchomp, Adamant, Choice Scarf, Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Fang, Crunch, Atk/Spd
Garchomp, Hasty, Razor Fang, Fire Blast, Move510, Surf, Scary Face, Spd/SpA
Garchomp, Jolly, Focus Sash, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Atk/Spd
Garchomp, Jolly, Lax Incense, Earthquake, Protect, Sandstorm, Sand Tomb, HP/Spd
Gastrodon, Bold, Leftovers, Amnesia, Curse, Earthquake, Waterfall, Def/SpD
Gastrodon, Careful, Rindo Berry, Waterfall, Amnesia, Curse, Yawn, Atk/Def/SpD
Gastrodon, Gentle, Damp Rock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Muddy Water, Counter, SpA/SpD
Gastrodon, Quiet, Leftovers, Sandstorm, Earth Power, Surf, Recover, Def/SpA
Gengar, Jolly, Expert Belt, Sucker Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Atk/Spd
Gengar, Timid, Focus Sash, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Nightmare, Hypnosis, Spd/SpA
Gengar, Timid, Focus Sash, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Focus Blast, Counter, Spd/SpA
Gengar, Timid, Lum Berry, Sludge Bomb, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Spd/SpA
Glaceon, Bold, Chesto Berry, Move524, Shadow Ball, Rest, Barrier, HP/Def
Glaceon, Modest, BrightPowder, Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Detect, Def/SpA
Glaceon, Modest, Focus Sash, Hail, Blizzard, Mirror Coat, Hyper Beam, Def/SpA
Glaceon, Rash, Quick Claw, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Mirror Coat, Helping Hand, HP/SpA
Gliscor, Adamant, Expert Belt, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Atk/Def
Gliscor, Impish, Liechi Berry, Agility, Move512, Swords Dance, Baton Pass, HP/Def
Gliscor, Jolly, Focus Sash, Earthquake, Move512, U-turn, Counter, HP/Spd
Gliscor, Naughty, Razor Fang, Move512, Fling, U-turn, Swords Dance, Atk/Spd
Golem, Brave, Iron Ball, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Explosion, Fling, Atk/SpD
Golem, Impish, Hard Stone, Stealth Rock, Curse, Gyro Ball, Move479, HP/Atk/Def
Golem, Jolly, Focus Sash, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Explosion, Move475, Atk/Spd
Golem, Naughty, Item545, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Move523, Move475, Atk/Spd
Granbull, Adamant, Lum Berry, Double-Edge, Roar, Crunch, Sludge Bomb, Atk/SpD
Granbull, Adamant, Silk Scarf, Charm, Double-Edge, Payback, Bulk Up, Atk/Def
Granbull, Impish, Leftovers, Charm, Toxic, Dig, Protect, HP/Def
Granbull, Naughty, Jaboca Berry, Metronome, Attract, Mimic, Return, HP/Def/SpD
Gyarados, Careful, Chesto Berry, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Rest, HP/SpD
Gyarados, Jolly, Wacan Berry, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
Gyarados, Lonely, Muscle Band, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Thunder Wave, Dragon Dance, HP/Atk/Spd
Gyarados, Naughty, Chesto Berry, Waterfall, Rest, Move523, Giga Impact, Atk/Spd
Hariyama, Brave, Flame Orb, Fake Out, Close Combat, Detect, Earthquake, Atk/Def
Hariyama, Brave, King's Rock, Feint, Fake Out, Move479, Vital Throw, Atk/Def/SpD
Hariyama, Careful, Custap Berry, Reversal, Bullet Punch, Protect, Belly Drum, Def/SpD
Hariyama, Careful, Sitrus Berry, Belly Drum, Brick Break, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch, Def/SpD
Heatran, Modest, Focus Sash, Lava Plume, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, HP/SpA
Heatran, Modest, Shuca Berry, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Earth Power, HP/SpA
Heatran, Modest, White Herb, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flash Cannon, Protect, HP/SpA
Heatran, Timid, Choice Scarf, Magma Storm, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Spd/SpA
Heracross, Brave, Black Belt, Aerial Ace, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Brick Break, HP/Atk/Def
Heracross, Jolly, Coba Berry, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Facade, Shadow Claw, Atk/Spd
Heracross, Jolly, Salac Berry, Megahorn, Earthquake, Reversal, Endure, Atk/Spd
Heracross, Naughty, Salac Berry, Megahorn, Dig, Endure, Reversal, HP/Spd
Hippowdon, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Earthquake, Crunch, Slack Off, Yawn, Atk/SpD
Hippowdon, Impish, Soft Sand, Earthquake, Crunch, Yawn, Whirlwind, Atk/Def
Hippowdon, Lonely, Sitrus Berry, Crunch, Rock Slide, Protect, Curse, HP/Atk
Hippowdon, Sassy, Chesto Berry, Curse, Rest, Earthquake, Crunch, HP/SpD
Honchkrow, Adamant, Life Orb, Night Slash, Drill Peck, Sucker Punch, Thunder Wave, HP/Atk
Honchkrow, Brave, BlackGlasses, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Pursuit, Protect, Atk/SpD
Honchkrow, Modest, Life Orb, Air Cutter, Dark Pulse, Snatch, Shadow Ball, HP/SpA
Honchkrow, Quiet, Sitrus Berry, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Protect, Nasty Plot, Def/SpA/SpD
Houndoom, Adamant, Charcoal, Move510, Move488, Will-O-Wisp, Sucker Punch, Atk/Spd
Houndoom, Hasty, Focus Sash, Counter, Move488, Roar, Protect, Atk/Spd
Houndoom, Timid, Item541, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Will-O-Wisp, Spd/SpA
Houndoom, Timid, White Herb, Overheat, Dark Pulse, SolarBeam, Sunny Day, Spd/SpA
Charizard, Adamant, Charti Berry, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Rock Slide, Dragon Dance, Atk/Spd
Charizard, Adamant, Salac Berry, Belly Drum, Substitute, Fire Punch, Earthquake, HP/Atk/Spd
Charizard, Adamant, Salac Berry, Dragon Claw, Move488, Belly Drum, Substitute, HP/Spd/SpD
Charizard, Mild, Choice Scarf, Heat Wave, Rock Slide, Air Slash, Crunch, Atk/Spd/SpA
Infernape, Hasty, Life Orb, Fake Out, Close Combat, Overheat, Stone Edge, Atk/Spd
Infernape, Jolly, Focus Sash, Fake Out, Encore, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Atk/Spd
Infernape, Jolly, King's Rock, Fake Out, Encore, Fling, Move512, Atk/Spd
Infernape, Mild, Charcoal, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Grass Knot, Calm Mind, HP/Spd/SpA
Jolteon, Hasty, Magnet, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Swagger, Spd/SpA
Jolteon, Timid, Damp Rock, Thunder, Protect, Charm, Rain Dance, Spd/SpA
Jolteon, Timid, King's Rock, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance, Yawn, Spd/SpA
Jolteon, Timid, Razor Fang, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Fake Tears, Signal Beam, Spd/SpA
Jynx, Calm, Enigma Berry, Captivate, Mean Look, Lovely Kiss, Attract, HP/Def
Jynx, Mild, Destiny Knot, Move524, Fake Out, Psychic, Taunt, Spd/SpA
Jynx, Modest, Expert Belt, Icy Wind, Blizzard, Psychic, Focus Blast, Spd/SpA
Jynx, Timid, Wide Lens, Lovely Kiss, Blizzard, Psychic, Fake Out, Spd/SpA
Kangaskhan, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Dizzy Punch, Fake Out, Move498, Roar, Atk/Spd
Kangaskhan, Jolly, Chople Berry, Fake Out, Double-Edge, Move509, Sucker Punch, Atk/Spd
Kangaskhan, Jolly, Salac Berry, Fake Out, Endeavor, Return, Substitute, Atk/Spd
Kangaskhan, Jolly, Salac Berry, Rock Slide, Sucker Punch, Endure, Reversal, Atk/Spd
Kingdra, Adamant, Persim Berry, Waterfall, Move511, Protect, Outrage, HP/Atk/Spd
Kingdra, Mild, Haban Berry, Dragon Pulse, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance, HP/Atk/SpA
Kingdra, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, HP/Spd/SpA
Kingdra, Modest, White Herb, Draco Meteor, Surf, Blizzard, Protect, HP/Spd/SpA
Lanturn, Bold, Chesto Berry, Stockpile, Rest, Charge Beam, Ice Beam, Def/SpD
Lanturn, Calm, Sitrus Berry, Thunder Wave, Charge Beam, Stockpile, Swallow, Def/SpA
Lanturn, Modest, Petaya Berry, Surf, Discharge, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Def/SpA/SpD
Lanturn, Naughty, Salac Berry, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Move486, Agility, Atk/Def
Lapras, Impish, Chesto Berry, Perish Song, Rest, Body Slam, Block, Def/SpD
Lapras, Modest, BrightPowder, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic, HP/SpA
Lapras, Modest, Mystic Water, Surf, Ice Beam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Def/SpA/SpD
Lapras, Quiet, Damp Rock, Rain Dance, Thunder, Ice Shard, Confuse Ray, Def/SpA
Latias, Adamant, Life Orb, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Move468, Dragon Claw, Atk/Spd
Latias, Bold, Chesto Berry, Calm Mind, Move513, Dragon Pulse, Rest, HP/Def
Latias, Timid, Choice Specs, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Trick, Spd/SpA
Latias, Timid, White Herb, Draco Meteor, Thunder, Psychic, Protect, Spd/SpA
Latios, Adamant, Life Orb, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Atk/Spd
Latios, Bold, Chesto Berry, Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Dragon Pulse, Rest, HP/Def
Latios, Timid, Choice Specs, Draco Meteor, Thunder, Psychic, Energy Ball, Spd/SpA
Latios, Timid, White Herb, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Protect, Spd/SpA
Leafeon, Adamant, Heat Rock, Sunny Day, Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Synthesis, Atk/Def
Leafeon, Adamant, Quick Claw, Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace, Detect, Atk/Def
Leafeon, Impish, Scope Lens, X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, GrassWhistle, HP/Spd
Leafeon, Naive, Liechi Berry, Leaf Blade, Giga Impact, Substitute, Yawn, Atk/Spd
Lickilicky, Adamant, Chople Berry, Gyro Ball, Rest, Curse, Sleep Talk, HP/Atk/Def/SpD
Lickilicky, Adamant, Lax Incense, Body Slam, Power Whip, Earthquake, Explosion, HP/Atk
Lickilicky, Careful, Leftovers, Return, Gyro Ball, Curse, Rest, HP/SpD
Lickilicky, Naive, Sitrus Berry, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Me First, Psych Up, HP/Def/SpA
Lopunny, Jolly, Flame Orb, Switcheroo, Mirror Coat, Protect, Dig, HP/Spd
Lopunny, Jolly, Chople Berry, Encore, Fake Out, Focus Punch, Mirror Coat, HP/Spd
Lopunny, Jolly, Liechi Berry, Charm, Focus Punch, Substitute, ThunderPunch, Atk/Spd
Lopunny, Naive, Toxic Orb, Fake Out, Encore, Fling, Dizzy Punch, HP/Spd
Lucario, Jolly, Focus Sash, Close Combat, Move468, Endure, Reversal, Atk/Spd
Lucario, Jolly, Muscle Band, Close Combat, Earthquake, Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw, Atk/Spd
Lucario, Modest, Black Belt, Metal Sound, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, Move505, Spd/SpA
Lucario, Modest, Expert Belt, Aura Sphere, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Follow Me, Spd/SpA
Ludicolo, Bold, Leftovers, Rain Dance, Leech Seed, Protect, Giga Drain, Def/SpA/SpD
Ludicolo, Lax, Leftovers, Leech Seed, Toxic, Giga Drain, Rain Dance, HP/Def/SpA
Ludicolo, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Fake Out, Hydro Pump, Leech Seed, Grass Knot, Spd/SpA
Ludicolo, Naughty, Tanga Berry, Fake Out, Grass Knot, Surf, Tickle, HP/Atk/SpA
Luxray, Adamant, White Herb, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Superpower, Thunder Wave, HP/Atk
Luxray, Careful, Item541, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Light Screen, Thunder Wave, HP/SpD
Luxray, Careful, Quick Claw, Charge Beam, Helping Hand, Discharge, Roar, HP/SpD
Luxray, Lonely, Magnet, Move528, Crunch, Captivate, Swagger, Atk/SpD
Magmortar, Adamant, Passho Berry, Move488, Earthquake, Confuse Ray, Barrier, HP/Atk
Magmortar, Jolly, Passho Berry, Flare Blitz, ThunderPunch, Earthquake, Brick Break, Spd
Magmortar, Modest, Wide Lens, Fire Blast, Move481, Focus Blast, Taunt, Spd/SpA
Magmortar, Timid, White Herb, Overheat, Psychic, Focus Blast, Protect, Spd/SpA
Magnezone, Modest, BrightPowder, Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, Magnet Rise, Thunder Wave, Def/SpA
Magnezone, Modest, Item550, Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Tri Attack, Move521, Def/SpA
Magnezone, Quiet, Shuca Berry, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Mirror Coat, HP/SpA
Magnezone, Rash, Magnet, Metal Sound, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Magnet Rise, HP/SpA
Machamp, Adamant, Flame Orb, Protect, Earthquake, Close Combat, Payback, Atk/SpD
Machamp, Brave, Expert Belt, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Fire Punch, Focus Energy, HP/Atk
Machamp, Brave, Rawst Berry, DynamicPunch, Payback, Foresight, Move469, HP/Atk
Machamp, Jolly, Choice Scarf, DynamicPunch, Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Atk/Spd
Mamoswine, Adamant, Lax Incense, Hail, Earthquake, Superpower, Fissure, HP/Atk
Mamoswine, Adamant, Life Orb, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Double-Edge, Stone Edge, HP/Atk
Mamoswine, Adamant, Passho Berry, Double Hit, Earthquake, Ice Shard, Stealth Rock, Atk/Spd/SpD
Mamoswine, Brave, Zoom Lens, Stone Edge, Move523, Blizzard, Ice Fang, Atk/Def/SpD
Manectric, Adamant, Life Orb, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Quick Attack, Move528, Atk/Spd
Manectric, Modest, Charcoal, Flamethrower, Overheat, Discharge, Charge, Spd/SpA
Manectric, Timid, Choice Scarf, Switcheroo, Thunder, Move521, Overheat, Spd/SpA
Manectric, Timid, Item541, Thunderbolt, Overheat, Move521, Quick Attack, Spd/SpA
Marowak, Brave, Iron Ball, Earthquake, Fling, Brick Break, Detect, HP/Atk
Marowak, Careful, Salac Berry, Substitute, Detect, Earthquake, Swords Dance, HP/SpD
Marowak, Jolly, Thick Club, Earthquake, Outrage, Detect, Rock Slide, Atk/Spd
Marowak, Jolly, Thick Club, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Low Kick, Fire Punch, Atk/Spd
Medicham, Adamant, Life Orb, Hi Jump Kick, Psycho Cut, Fake Out, Detect, Atk/Spd
Medicham, Impish, Black Belt, Fake Out, Hi Jump Kick, Bulk Up, Feint, HP/Spd
Medicham, Jolly, Expert Belt, Hi Jump Kick, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Bullet Punch, Atk/Spd
Medicham, Timid, TwistedSpoon, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Spd/SpA
Meganium, Adamant, Light Clay, Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Reflect, Light Screen, HP/Atk
Meganium, Bold, Chesto Berry, GrassWhistle, Double Team, Substitute, Rest, HP/Def
Meganium, Bold, Leftovers, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Toxic, Protect, Def/SpD
Meganium, Gentle, Sitrus Berry, Light Screen, Aromatherapy, Swagger, SolarBeam, HP/SpD
Metagross, Adamant, Occa Berry, Earthquake, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Explosion, HP/Atk/SpD
Metagross, Careful, Toxic Orb, Trick, Meteor Mash, Protect, Earthquake, HP/SpD
Metagross, Naive, Occa Berry, Meteor Mash, Magnet Rise, Zen Headbutt, Agility, Atk/Spd
Metagross, Quiet, Occa Berry, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Meteor Mash, Magnet Rise, HP/Atk/SpA
Milotic, Bold, Enigma Berry, Surf, Recover, Mirror Coat, Confuse Ray, HP/Def
Milotic, Calm, Wide Lens, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Mirror Coat, Recover, SpA/SpD
Milotic, Impish, Leftovers, Ice Beam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Surf, HP/SpD
Milotic, Quiet, Leftovers, Hydro Pump, Toxic, Attract, Aqua Ring, HP/Def
Miltank, Adamant, Scope Lens, Dizzy Punch, Fire Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Atk/Def
Miltank, Jolly, Lum Berry, Body Slam, Helping Hand, Milk Drink, Heal Bell, HP/Spd
Miltank, Jolly, Salac Berry, Substitute, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Zen Headbutt, Atk/Spd
Miltank, Naive, Razor Fang, Body Slam, Fling, Brick Break, Captivate, Atk/Spd
Mismagius, Bold, BrightPowder, Confuse Ray, Protect, Perish Song, Mean Look, HP/Def
Mismagius, Naive, Colbur Berry, Taunt, Protect, Imprison, Shadow Ball, HP/Spd
Mismagius, Timid, Kasib Berry, Shadow Ball, Move472, Grudge, Pain Split, HP/SpD
Mismagius, Timid, Sitrus Berry, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Destiny Bond, Spd/SpA
Moltres, Modest, White Herb, Overheat, Air Slash, Tailwind, Will-O-Wisp, Spd/SpA
Moltres, Naughty, Power Herb, Move488, Sky Attack, Aerial Ace, Fire Blast, Atk/Spd
Moltres, Timid, Heat Rock, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Flamethrower, Air Slash, Spd/SpA
Moltres, Timid, Charcoal, Heat Wave, Move510, Air Slash, Protect, Spd/SpA
Mr. Mime, Bold, Light Clay, Light Screen, Reflect, Psychic, Signal Beam, HP/Def
Mr. Mime, Lonely, Jaboca Berry, Payback, Move469, Move501, Move471, HP/Atk/SpD
Mr. Mime, Naive, Choice Scarf, Trick, Nasty Plot, Barrier, Baton Pass, HP/Def/SpD
Mr. Mime, Timid, Lum Berry, Fake Out, Psychic, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Spd/SpA
Muk, Adamant, Quick Claw, Gunk Shot, Shadow Sneak, Brick Break, Explosion, HP/Atk
Muk, Brave, Black Sludge, Poison Jab, Stockpile, Swallow, Memento, Atk/Def
Muk, Brave, Zoom Lens, Gunk Shot, Payback, Shadow Sneak, Curse, HP
Muk, Lonely, Toxic Plate, Shadow Sneak, Poison Jab, Acid Armor, Flamethrower, Atk/SpA/SpD
Nidoking, Adamant, Muscle Band, Earthquake, Poison Jab, Megahorn, Protect, Atk/Spd
Nidoking, Modest, Black Sludge, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Protect, Icy Wind, Spd/SpA
Nidoking, Naughty, King's Rock, Move523, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Move468, HP/Atk
Nidoking, Quiet, Black Sludge, Amnesia, Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Protect, HP/SpA
Nidoqueen, Adamant, Black Sludge, Poison Jab, Move525, Move523, Earthquake, HP/Atk
Nidoqueen, Mild, Item545, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Earth Power, Counter, HP/SpA
Nidoqueen, Modest, Black Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, HP/SpA
Nidoqueen, Relaxed, Payapa Berry, Move498, Swagger, Helping Hand, Flatter, HP/Def/SpD
Ninetales, Modest, Passho Berry, Will-O-Wisp, Hypnosis, Extrasensory, Heat Wave, Spd/SpA
Ninetales, Timid, Item548, Heat Wave, Roar, Confuse Ray, Nasty Plot, HP/Spd
Ninetales, Timid, Passho Berry, Flamethrower, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, HP/Spd
Ninetales, Timid, Wide Lens, Fire Blast, Extrasensory, Hypnosis, Disable, Spd/SpD
Pinsir, Adamant, Lax Incense, X-Scissor, Superpower, Stone Edge, Giga Impact, Atk/Def
Pinsir, Jolly, Choice Scarf, X-Scissor, Earthquake, Close Combat, Guillotine, Atk/Spd
Pinsir, Lonely, Insect Plate, Feint, X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Bug Bite, Atk/Spd
Pinsir, Naughty, Persim Berry, Bug Bite, Brick Break, Thrash, Swords Dance, Atk/Spd
Politoed, Brave, Item549, Thief, Move497, Refresh, Hydro Pump, Atk/SpA
Politoed, Careful, Chesto Berry, Waterfall, Earthquake, Belly Drum, Rest, Atk/SpD
Politoed, Modest, Full Incense, Waterfall, Encore, Swagger, Bounce, Spd/SpA
Politoed, Modest, Wide Lens, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Hypnosis, SpA/SpD
Poliwrath, Adamant, Leftovers, Waterfall, Focus Punch, Encore, Substitute, HP/Atk
Poliwrath, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Waterfall, Earthquake, Focus Punch, Move509, HP/Atk
Poliwrath, Naive, Shell Bell, Brick Break, Waterfall, Hypnosis, Belly Drum, HP/Atk
Poliwrath, Naughty, Sitrus Berry, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Psychic, Move526, HP/Atk/SpA
Porygon2, Calm, Petaya Berry, Tri Attack, Psychic, Recycle, Recover, HP/Def/SpD
Porygon2, Modest, Choice Specs, Tri Attack, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Ice Beam, HP/SpA
Porygon2, Modest, Lum Berry, Tri Attack, Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, HP/SpA
Porygon2, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Blizzard, Magic Coat, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, HP/SpA
Porygon-z, Modest, Expert Belt, Psychic, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Charge Beam, HP/SpA
Porygon-z, Modest, Choice Specs, Hyper Beam, , , , Spd/SpA
Porygon-z, Modest, Wise Glasses, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Spd/SpA
Porygon-z, Timid, Sitrus Berry, Tri Attack, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Recover, Spd/SpA
Probopass, Adamant, Scope Lens, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Earthquake, Explosion, Atk/Def
Probopass, Bold, Sitrus Berry, Block, Iron Defense, Flash Cannon, Discharge, HP/Def
Probopass, Calm, Cheri Berry, Move479, Move521, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise, HP/SpD
Probopass, Modest, Life Orb, Flash Cannon, Power Gem, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, SpA/SpD
Quagsire, Adamant, Rindo Berry, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, Atk/SpD
Quagsire, Careful, Leftovers, Curse, Amnesia, Earthquake, Waterfall, HP/SpD
Quagsire, Impish, Iron Ball, Earthquake, Stockpile, Fling, Swallow, HP/Def/SpD
Quagsire, Impish, Rindo Berry, Rest, Sleep Talk, Toxic, Move523, HP/Def
Raichu, Adamant, Focus Sash, Encore, Thief, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Spd/SpA
Raichu, Jolly, Focus Sash, ThunderPunch, Reversal, Thunder Wave, Fake Out, Atk/Spd
Raichu, Jolly, Magnet, Brick Break, Move486, Fake Out, Protect, Atk/Spd
Raichu, Timid, Lum Berry, Encore, Magnet Rise, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, Spd/SpA
Raikou, Timid, Item541, Thunder, Discharge, Reflect, Extrasensory, Spd/SpA
Raikou, Timid, Item541, Thunderbolt, Move521, Shadow Ball, Protect, Spd/SpA
Raikou, Timid, Leftovers, Charge Beam, Magnet Rise, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Def/Spd
Raikou, Timid, Shuca Berry, Thunderbolt, Move521, Shadow Ball, Extrasensory, Spd/SpA
Rampardos, Brave, Passho Berry, Rock Slide, Crunch, Curse, Protect, Atk/Def/SpD
Rampardos, Jolly, Choice Scarf, Head Smash, Earthquake, Brick Break, ThunderPunch, Atk/Spd
Rampardos, Naughty, Sitrus Berry, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Atk/Spd
Rampardos, Relaxed, Sitrus Berry, Head Smash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Protect, Atk/SpD
Rapidash, Hasty, Heat Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, SolarBeam, Sunny Day, Spd/SpA
Rapidash, Jolly, Focus Sash, Flare Blitz, Poison Jab, Iron Tail, Horn Drill, Atk/Spd
Rapidash, Jolly, Charcoal, Flare Blitz, Megahorn, Double-Edge, Protect, Atk/Spd
Rapidash, Naughty, Passho Berry, Bounce, Move488, Low Kick, Charm, Atk/Spd
Regice, Bold, Leftovers, Charge Beam, Ice Beam, Amnesia, Protect, HP/Def
Regice, Impish, Zoom Lens, Thunder, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Thunder Wave, HP/SpD
Regice, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Toxic, HP/SpA
Regice, Timid, Chesto Berry, Thunderbolt, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Rest, HP/Def/Spd
Regigigas, Adamant, BrightPowder, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Drain Punch, Payback, HP/Atk
Regigigas, Adamant, Leftovers, Confuse Ray, Drain Punch, Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, HP/Atk
Regigigas, Careful, Leftovers, Move469, Double Team, Confuse Ray, Toxic, HP/Def
Regigigas, Quiet, Zoom Lens, Thunder, Toxic, Focus Blast, Confuse Ray, Spd/SpA
Regirock, Adamant, Custap Berry, Stone Edge, Drain Punch, Earthquake, Explosion, HP/Atk
Regirock, Adamant, Item559, Ice Punch, Rock Slide, Drain Punch, Earthquake, HP/Atk
Regirock, Careful, Leftovers, Sandstorm, Curse, Rock Slide, Drain Punch, HP/SpD
Regirock, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Superpower, Explosion, Atk/Spd
Registeel, Adamant, Leftovers, Toxic, Double Team, Earthquake, Protect, HP/Atk
Registeel, Bold, Leftovers, Amnesia, Iron Defense, Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, HP/SpD
Registeel, Careful, Chesto Berry, Curse, Amnesia, Iron Head, Rest, HP/SpD
Registeel, Jolly, King's Rock, Rock Polish, Earthquake, Iron Head, ThunderPunch, Atk/Spd
Rhyperior, Brave, Wide Lens, Rock Slide, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Protect, HP/Atk
Rhyperior, Brave, Zoom Lens, Payback, Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Protect, HP/Atk/SpD
Rhyperior, Impish, Focus Sash, Horn Drill, Avalanche, Payback, Counter, HP/Def
Rhyperior, Lonely, Hard Stone, Rock Wrecker, Rock Polish, , , Atk/Spd
Roserade, Bold, Black Sludge, Toxic, Protect, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, HP/Def
Roserade, Calm, Big Root, Toxic, Leech Seed, Protect, Giga Drain, HP/Def
Roserade, Modest, Occa Berry, Weather Ball, Energy Ball, Natural Gift, Attract, Spd/SpA
Roserade, Timid, White Herb, Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Hyper Beam, GrassWhistle, Spd/SpA
Salamence, Jolly, Lum Berry, Outrage, Crunch, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Atk/Spd
Salamence, Jolly, Yache Berry, Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
Salamence, Lonely, Expert Belt, Dragon Claw, Zen Headbutt, Rock Slide, Dragon Dance, Atk/Spd/SpD
Salamence, Naughty, Yache Berry, Roost, Scary Face, Move525, Earthquake, Atk/Def/SpD
Sceptile, Calm, Leftovers, Leech Seed, Endeavor, Energy Ball, Toxic, Def/SpD
Sceptile, Hasty, Scope Lens, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Earthquake, Swords Dance, Atk/Spd
Sceptile, Timid, Focus Sash, Quick Attack, Endeavor, Detect, Leaf Storm, Spd/SpA
Sceptile, Timid, White Herb, Leaf Storm, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Detect, Spd/SpA
Scizor, Adamant, Occa Berry, Bug Bite, Aerial Ace, Roost, Bullet Punch, HP/Atk
Scizor, Brave, Life Orb, Swords Dance, Bullet Punch, Reversal, U-turn, HP/Atk
Scizor, Brave, Occa Berry, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, HP/Def
Scizor, Naughty, Insect Plate, Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, Feint, Agility, HP/Atk
Shiftry, Adamant, Focus Sash, Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Low Kick, Protect, Atk/Def
Shiftry, Brave, Iron Ball, Fling, Razor Leaf, Brick Break, Swords Dance, HP/Atk/SpD
Shiftry, Hardy, Heat Rock, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Dark Pulse, Explosion, Def/SpA
Shiftry, Rash, Miracle Seed, Fake Out, Extrasensory, SolarBeam, Swagger, Spd/SpA
Shuckle, Bold, Quick Claw, Power Trick, Encore, Rock Slide, Bug Bite, HP/Def
Shuckle, Careful, Item544, Move471, Encore, Gastro Acid, Sand Tomb, HP/SpD
Shuckle, Relaxed, Lax Incense, Gyro Ball, Double Team, Substitute, Power Trick, HP/Def
Shuckle, Relaxed, Leftovers, Toxic, Protect, Sandstorm, Wrap, HP/Def
Skarmory, Careful, Lum Berry, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Whirlwind, Toxic, HP/SpD
Skarmory, Jolly, Choice Scarf, Brave Bird, Steel Wing, Night Slash, Rock Slide, Atk/Spd
Skarmory, Naive, Full Incense, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Move507, Whirlwind, HP/Spd
Skarmory, Naughty, Item546, Brave Bird, Steel Wing, Swords Dance, Roar, HP/Spd
Skuntank, Adamant, Poison Barb, Pursuit, Move492, Poison Jab, Taunt, Atk/Spd
Skuntank, Brave, Custap Berry, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Fire Blast, Explosion, Atk/Def/SpD
Skuntank, Jolly, Life Orb, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Move492, Poison Jab, Atk/Spd
Skuntank, Naughty, Shuca Berry, Flamethrower, Night Slash, Move510, Memento, Atk/Spd
Slaking, Adamant, Choice Band, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, HP/Atk
Slaking, Jolly, Life Orb, Return, Night Slash, Gunk Shot, Aerial Ace, Atk/Spd
Slaking, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Move514, Night Slash, Slack Off, Amnesia, Atk/Spd
Slaking, Naive, Chople Berry, Earthquake, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Encore, Atk/Spd
Slowbro, Bold, Leftovers, Psychic, Surf, Slack Off, Amnesia, HP/Def
Slowbro, Bold, Sitrus Berry, Yawn, Psychic, Calm Mind, Water Pulse, HP/Def
Slowbro, Modest, Quick Claw, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Slack Off, Water Pulse, Def/SpA
Slowbro, Quiet, Leftovers, Psychic, Surf, Blizzard, Trick Room, HP/Def
Slowking, Calm, Sitrus Berry, Move473, Water Pulse, Trick Room, Move505, SpA/SpD
Slowking, Gentle, King's Rock, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Swagger, Psych Up, Atk/SpD
Slowking, Modest, Choice Specs, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Focus Blast, SpA/SpD
Slowking, Quiet, Lum Berry, Psychic, Surf, Ice Beam, Trick Room, HP/SpD
Snorlax, Adamant, Life Orb, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Crunch, Protect, Atk/Def
Snorlax, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Body Slam, Move528, Counter, Recycle, Atk/Def
Snorlax, Brave, Sitrus Berry, Body Slam, Protect, Earthquake, Belly Drum, Atk/Def
Snorlax, Relaxed, Sitrus Berry, Belly Drum, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Crunch, Def/SpD
Spiritomb, Brave, Quick Claw, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, HP/Atk
Spiritomb, Calm, Sitrus Berry, Sucker Punch, Pain Split, Toxic, Grudge, HP/SpD
Spiritomb, Careful, Custap Berry, Will-O-Wisp, Sucker Punch, Substitute, Pain Split, HP/SpD
Spiritomb, Careful, Leftovers, Will-O-Wisp, Shadow Sneak, Swagger, Psych Up, HP/SpD
Staraptor, Adamant, Choice Scarf, Pursuit, Close Combat, Roost, Move515, HP/Spd
Staraptor, Hasty, Focus Sash, U-turn, FeatherDance, Quick Attack, Endeavor, Atk/Spd
Staraptor, Jolly, Sitrus Berry, Brave Bird, Double-Edge, Roost, FeatherDance, Atk/Spd
Staraptor, Mild, Choice Band, Close Combat, Brave Bird, U-turn, Giga Impact, Atk/Spd
Starmie, Modest, Mystic Water, Protect, Psychic, Hydro Pump, Rapid Spin, Spd/SpA
Starmie, Timid, Focus Sash, Surf, Psychic, Power Gem, Signal Beam, Spd/SpA
Starmie, Timid, King's Rock, Surf, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Spd/SpA
Starmie, Timid, Sitrus Berry, Psychic, Cosmic Power, Recover, Move513, HP/Spd
Steelix, Brave, Quick Claw, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Explosion, Atk/SpD
Steelix, Impish, Enigma Berry, Crunch, Curse, Gyro Ball, Screech, HP/Atk
Steelix, Impish, Chesto Berry, Earthquake, Rest, Curse, Stealth Rock, HP/SpD
Steelix, Relaxed, Iron Ball, Gyro Ball, Payback, Swagger, Curse, Atk/Def
Suicune, Bold, Chesto Berry, Calm Mind, Surf, Ice Beam, Rest, HP/Def
Suicune, Bold, Leftovers, Surf, Blizzard, Calm Mind, Protect, HP/Def
Suicune, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Mirror Coat, HP/SpA
Suicune, Timid, Lum Berry, Icy Wind, Surf, Blizzard, Protect, Spd/SpA
Swampert, Adamant, Sitrus Berry, Earthquake, Avalanche, Waterfall, Stone Edge, HP/Atk
Swampert, Careful, Chesto Berry, Curse, Rest, Earthquake, Waterfall, HP/SpD
Swampert, Careful, Chesto Berry, Waterfall, Hammer Arm, Rest, Curse, HP/SpD
Swampert, Sassy, Jaboca Berry, Mirror Coat, Counter, Earthquake, Roar, Def/SpD
Tangrowth, Adamant, Lax Incense, Power Whip, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Atk/Def
Tangrowth, Bold, Big Root, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Giga Drain, Toxic, HP/Def/SpD
Tangrowth, Modest, Heat Rock, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Synthesis, Wring Out, Def/SpA
Tangrowth, Naughty, Yache Berry, Wring Out, Tickle, Power Whip, Move523, Atk/Spd
Tauros, Careful, Sitrus Berry, Toxic, Protect, Double Team, Earthquake, HP/SpD
Tauros, Jolly, Expert Belt, Zen Headbutt, Move528, Swagger, Giga Impact, Atk/Spd
Tauros, Jolly, Life Orb, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Payback, Giga Impact, Atk/Spd
Tauros, Naughty, Liechi Berry, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Endure, Substitute, Atk/Spd
Tentacruel, Bold, Black Sludge, Surf, Toxic, Move474, Protect, HP/Def
Tentacruel, Hasty, Black Sludge, Ice Beam, Move482, Move506, Toxic Spikes, Spd/SpA
Tentacruel, Hasty, Mystic Water, Rapid Spin, Poison Jab, Waterfall, Swords Dance, Atk/Spd
Tentacruel, Modest, Focus Sash, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Mirror Coat, HP/SpA
Togekiss, Bold, Sitrus Berry, Follow Me, Thunder Wave, Air Slash, Encore, HP/SpD
Togekiss, Calm, Sitrus Berry, Encore, Thunder Wave, Reflect, Follow Me, HP/Spd
Togekiss, Modest, Wide Lens, Thunder Wave, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Water Pulse, Spd/SpA
Togekiss, Naughty, Liechi Berry, ExtremeSpeed, Aerial Ace, Psych Up, Brick Break, Atk/Spd
Torterra, Adamant, Custap Berry, Earthquake, Crunch, Seed Bomb, Iron Head, Atk/SpD
Torterra, Adamant, Item544, Sand Tomb, Seed Bomb, Curse, Synthesis, HP/Atk
Torterra, Hardy, Leftovers, Stockpile, Leech Seed, Earthquake, Protect, HP/SpD
Torterra, Jolly, Choice Scarf, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Tickle, Atk/Spd
Toxicroak, Adamant, Wide Lens, Cross Chop, Sucker Punch, Gunk Shot, Taunt, Atk/Spd
Toxicroak, Lonely, Item562, Fake Out, Brick Break, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Atk/Spd
Toxicroak, Modest, Focus Sash, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Spd/SpA
Toxicroak, Modest, Petaya Berry, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Substitute, Protect, Spd/SpA
Typhlosion, Modest, Choice Scarf, Eruption, Focus Blast, Heat Wave, Extrasensory, Spd/SpA
Typhlosion, Modest, Power Herb, Extrasensory, Lava Plume, Move523, SolarBeam, Spd/SpA
Typhlosion, Naive, Wide Lens, Move517, Focus Blast, Extrasensory, Will-O-Wisp, Spd/SpA
Typhlosion, Rash, Passho Berry, Move481, Flamethrower, SolarBeam, Sunny Day, Spd/SpA
Tyranitar, Brave, Focus Sash, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Superpower, Move525, HP/Atk
Tyranitar, Hasty, King's Rock, Rock Slide, Crunch, Ice Beam, Dragon Dance, Atk/Spd
Tyranitar, Impish, Iron Ball, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Fling, HP/SpD
Tyranitar, Jolly, Chople Berry, Stone Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Atk/Spd
Umbreon, Careful, Chesto Berry, Curse, Trump Card, Payback, Rest, HP/Def
Umbreon, Careful, Chople Berry, Payback, Moonlight, Move500, Move526, HP/Atk
Umbreon, Impish, Leftovers, Confuse Ray, Payback, Curse, Moonlight, HP/Def
Umbreon, Impish, Sitrus Berry, Faint Attack, Swagger, Psych Up, Screech, HP/Def
Ursaring, Adamant, Chesto Berry, Thrash, Crunch, Rest, Counter, Atk/Def/SpD
Ursaring, Adamant, Quick Claw, Return, Cross Chop, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, HP/Atk
Ursaring, Adamant, Toxic Orb, Facade, Superpower, Crunch, Protect, HP/Atk
Ursaring, Jolly, Toxic Orb, Facade, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Yawn, Atk/Spd
Vaporeon, Modest, Expert Belt, Surf, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, HP/SpA
Vaporeon, Modest, Leftovers, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Acid Armor, Aqua Ring, Def/SpA
Vaporeon, Modest, Leftovers, Muddy Water, Blizzard, Aqua Ring, Yawn, HP/SpA
Vaporeon, Quiet, Quick Claw, Wish, Surf, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Def/SpA
Venusaur, Bold, Black Sludge, Leech Seed, Substitute, Sludge Bomb, Protect, HP/SpD
Venusaur, Brave, Miracle Seed, Roar, Move474, Power Whip, Earthquake, HP/Atk/Def
Venusaur, Calm, Big Root, Leech Seed, Toxic, Synthesis, Ingrain, HP/SpD
Venusaur, Timid, Salac Berry, Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Grass Knot, Protect, Spd/SpA
Vespiquen, Brave, Custap Berry, Attack Order, U-turn, Aerial Ace, Destiny Bond, HP/Atk
Vespiquen, Impish, Sitrus Berry, Attack Order, Defend Order, Roost, Confuse Ray, HP/Def/SpD
Vespiquen, Quiet, Insect Plate, Attack Order, Power Gem, Captivate, Confuse Ray, HP/SpA
Vespiquen, Sassy, Quick Claw, Defend Order, Toxic, Protect, Heal Order, HP/Def/SpD
Victreebel, Modest, Focus Sash, Sunny Day, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball, Spd/SpA
Victreebel, Modest, Life Orb, Weather Ball, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Gastro Acid, Spd/SpA
Victreebel, Quiet, Payapa Berry, Move536, Stockpile, Swallow, Gastro Acid, SpA/SpD
Victreebel, Rash, Item551, Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder, Stockpile, Encore, Spd/SpA
Vileplume, Calm, Persim Berry, Petal Dance, Stun Spore, Teeter Dance, Moonlight, Spd/SpD
Vileplume, Modest, Big Root, Double Team, Ingrain, Toxic, Giga Drain, HP/SpA
Vileplume, Modest, Lum Berry, Giga Drain, SolarBeam, Teeter Dance, Sludge Bomb, Spd/SpA
Vileplume, Modest, Power Herb, SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis, Double Team, HP/SpA
Wailord, Brave, Chesto Berry, Waterfall, Move484, Curse, Rest, Atk/Def/SpD
Wailord, Careful, Leftovers, Waterfall, Avalanche, Aqua Ring, Curse, Def/SpD
Wailord, Modest, Zoom Lens, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Fissure, Hyper Beam, HP/SpA
Wailord, Timid, Quick Claw, Water Spout, Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Spd/SpA
Walrein, Bold, Lax Incense, Sheer Cold, Fissure, Rest, Sleep Talk, Def/SpD
Walrein, Calm, Chesto Berry, Move524, Snore, Stockpile, Rest, Def/SpD
Walrein, Calm, Metronome, Ice Ball, Earthquake, Encore, Curse, Atk/SpD
Walrein, Modest, Leftovers, Surf, Blizzard, Hail, Signal Beam, HP/SpA
Weavile, Hasty, Razor Fang, Fake Out, Taunt, Night Slash, Fling, Atk/Spd
Weavile, Jolly, Focus Sash, Fake Out, Ice Punch, Night Slash, Protect, Atk/Spd
Weavile, Jolly, Focus Sash, Taunt, Ice Punch, Night Slash, Fake Out, Atk/Spd
Weavile, Jolly, NeverMeltIce, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Torment, Protect, Atk/Spd
Weezing, Careful, Chesto Berry, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp, Stockpile, Rest, HP/SpD
Weezing, Impish, Payapa Berry, Pain Split, Explosion, Haze, Will-O-Wisp, HP/Def
Weezing, Modest, Black Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Thunder, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, HP/SpA
Weezing, Rash, Item554, Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Stockpile, Swallow, HP/SpA
Whiscash, Adamant, Soft Sand, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Dragon Dance, HP/Atk/Def
Whiscash, Calm, Leftovers, Rest, Sleep Talk, Fissure, Muddy Water, HP/Def/SpD
Whiscash, Careful, Chesto Berry, Earthquake, Tickle, Amnesia, Rest, Atk/SpD
Whiscash, Modest, Expert Belt, Earth Power, Surf, Blizzard, Protect, SpA/SpD
Yanmega, Modest, King's Rock, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Detect, Shadow Ball, Spd/SpA
Yanmega, Modest, Lum Berry, Silver Wind, Air Slash, Detect, Giga Drain, Spd/SpA
Yanmega, Modest, Sitrus Berry, Psychic, Bug Buzz, Swagger, Substitute, HP/SpA
Yanmega, Rash, Cheri Berry, Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Detect, U-turn, SpA/SpD
Zapdos, Bold, BrightPowder, Charge Beam, Heat Wave, Double Team, Roost, HP/SpD
Zapdos, Naive, Petaya Berry, Thunder, Light Screen, Rain Dance, Drill Peck, Spd/SpA
Zapdos, Timid, Lum Berry, Thunderbolt, Move521, Heat Wave, Detect, Spd/SpA
Zapdos, Timid, Magnet, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Air Cutter, AncientPower, Spd/SpA

the new moves descriptions/effects are listed here

there seem to be less lax incense/brightpowder sets (10 and 14, respectively)

but a lot more choice scarf sets (15!), among those some scary stuff like eruption entei and typhlosion or scarfchomp

14 choice band ones, 7 specs ones, 27 life orb ones

49 focus sash (ouch)

I like this
Metagross, Adamant, Occa Berry, Earthquake, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Explosion, HP/Atk/SpD

and these two are scary
Latias, Timid, Choice Specs, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Trick, Spd/SpA
Latios, Timid, Choice Specs, Draco Meteor, Thunder, Psychic, Energy Ball, Spd/SpA

as for OHKO users, there´s just 13 of them!
Rapidash, Jolly, Focus Sash, Flare Blitz, Poison Jab, Iron Tail, Horn Drill, Atk/Spd
Rhyperior, Impish, Focus Sash, Horn Drill, Avalanche, Payback, Counter, HP/Def

Pinsir, Jolly, Choice Scarf, X-Scissor, Earthquake, Close Combat, Guillotine, Atk/Spd

Bastiodon, Careful, Leftovers, Stone Edge, Fissure, Double Team, Iron Defense, HP/SpD
Donphan, Adamant, Quick Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Seed Bomb, Fissure, Atk/SpD
Mamoswine, Adamant, Lax Incense, Hail, Earthquake, Superpower, Fissure, HP/Atk
Wailord, Modest, Zoom Lens, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Fissure, Hyper Beam, HP/SpA
Walrein, Bold, Lax Incense, Sheer Cold, Fissure, Rest, Sleep Talk, Def/SpD
Whiscash, Calm, Leftovers, Rest, Sleep Talk, Fissure, Muddy Water, HP/Def/SpD

584, Modest, Leftovers, Hail, Blizzard, Flash Cannon, Sheer Cold, HP/SpA
615, Timid, Occa Berry, Icy Wind, Flash Cannon, Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Spd/SpA
Articuno, Bold, Lum Berry, Sheer Cold, Mind Reader, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, HP/SpD
Walrein, Bold, Lax Incense, Sheer Cold, Fissure, Rest, Sleep Talk, Def/SpD
Hey again.
Just noticed I'm still not up on the board. Do I still need proof (can someone PLEASE tell me how to post pictures straight from my computer) or have you just forgotten. It's fine if you have. I am on 133 undefeated.


So I was thinking of replacing Latios with this:

Scizor@Leftovers (Red)
252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Roost/Bullet Punch

He resists all three types Mesprit is weak to, and covers Drapion's neutrality to Ice, Dragon, Bug, Steel, and Normal. The only thing is, I'm not sure if I should re-EV him, or if I should keep him that way so I have a harder hitting quick set up poke in the wings.

I think you should try my set. I have found it works very nicely solo 1v1 and I'd imagine with trick/charm support it would be even better.

The set is:

252HP/252Atk/4Spe (you may want to make it bulkier)
-Swords Dance
-Bullet Punch

GL if you try again

Finally, I was thinking of using something similar to the antilead Dragonite in the battle hall. The main attraction is ExtremeSpeed and decent mixed attacking stats. I was thinking something along the lines of:


Dragonite @ Focus Sash
252 Atk / 252 SpA(?) / 4 Spe
Naughty / Rash
-Flamethrower (Sash means Flame Thrower is better provided it is a 2HKO)
-Draco Meteor
-Superpower/EQ/Dragon Claw/Outrage

Of course this could be changed around as much as necassery to suit different types.
The only real problem I have seen while scanning through the list is sashed priority users that outspeed DNite (GF Weavile)
Maybe I could change something for a doubles set?

Thanks and please give some advice (complete Batle Hall n00b)
Just wondering if you can trade platinum to black etc? For example would a speed boost blaziken be legit for these records etc

I updated the Battle Subway Pokemon listing with new Pokemon names and English translations for items and moves.

Serebii has updated with details of the modes (or "lines"). There is normal battles, and "super" battles for Singles, Super and Multi. I was wondering how these work, whether the difficulty is linked to the movesets?

Oh and @ashez: I think you cannot trade BW mons back to older games.
Right now, I'm using a Garchomp in the Battle Hall with perfect HP, Attack, and Speed IVs, the same moveset as the record holder (Outrage/SD/EQ/Fire Fang), with EVs all in Attack and Speed. It's got a Naive Nature, unless there's a reliable way to pass on more than one EV from a parent. It's holding a Yache Berry, but I was thinking about using a Lum Berry, because I usually lose to Freeze Hax. The furthest I've gotten is 86 wins. I mean seriously, how do you get all these great IVs, with the lowest IV being like, 26? Usually, I lose to similar pokes that the record holder avoids; Piloswine line, Lickilicky, and Weavile. Overall, I was thinking about using a Lum Berry and simply retrying untill I get past the types that the threatening pokes have. Eg, I'd do Ice and Dark first, like the record holder, to avoid Weavile. How is all this?
K cheers thought i'd ask lol if anyone got a more defo answer please let me no lol. I no you wouldn't be able to trade new pokes just wondered if you could trade old pokes but with new abilitys.

On a better note finally got enough star pieces to get heatwave on my zapdos :) already c how its better than air cutter Lmfao
K cheers thought i'd ask lol if anyone got a more defo answer please let me no lol. I no you wouldn't be able to trade new pokes just wondered if you could trade old pokes but with new abilitys.

On a better note finally got enough star pieces to get heatwave on my zapdos :) already c how its better than air cutter Lmfao

As far as I know, the trade system is like Pal Park. What I meant is any Pokemon from BW can't be traded back.
As far as I know, the trade system is like Pal Park. What I meant is any Pokemon from BW can't be traded back.

o i c sorry for misunderstanding..


Anyway got some news :)

i finally got my trainer card star, after 150+ hours (many just playing around with ideas, and most in singles) but finally on my 4th atempted at doubles i broke 100 :) my streak ended at battle 107 and i'l explain y after. i'm not disapointed atm because i just wanted the star and to be able to say i've done it but now i want to go little futher and get on the leader board.

anyway my team -


Name: Zapdos
Item: Life orb
Nature: Bold
Evs: 248HP/228D/32speed
1. Discharge
2. heatwave
3. thunderbolt
4. Hidden Power - Grass

was one of my favorite pokes in the 1st gen, then kinda forgot about it, then seconded i wanted to get in to doubles i looked at double hitting moves, found zap being able to learn 3 of them and he instantly took the look roll. if u've followed my story u'l no i did have air cutter, because i 4t fighting types may be problematic but was so daft 2nd i changed it to heatwave i broke 100, speaks for its self, tbolt for when discharge isnt enough and HPG for ground types. had alot help in this thread about this zapdos so thanks so much :)

Name: Garchomp
Item: Focus sash
Nature: adamant
Evs: 252A/252speed/4hp
1. Rock slide
2. dragon claw
3. earthquake
4. protect

first few atempts i wanted someone to gain something from discharge so went with electrivie and it done well but chomp is a different league. sash was so useful won me so many matches, hardly used DC in truth but had its uses. protect was the best move on this set saved me all the time, if i was unsure i would protect chomp and go for DC/HW with zap and then finishes them off with EQ/RS, i never really liked chomp untill now but fallen in love with him. again 1st run using him and i break 100 :)

Lead discription -
like i've said 9/10 i would use which ever combination was needed out of both leads double hitting moves, if i was worried about a certain poke then obviously i would attack with single hitting moves to nab the KO. Agaist double ice leads i would also protect chomp then either DC/HW with zap then follow up with RS/EQ, worked a treat, specially with the sash to save me :)

back up 1.

Name: Scizor
Item: Expert belt
Nature: Jolly
Evs: unsure was one i had in my box
1. Protect
2. Bullet Punch
3. Brick Break
4. x-scissor

was my back up, main reason scizor came in was because in previous atempts latis/frosslas/gengar/aero/ caused me problems so i wanted a quick way to get them out the picture, also because of bullet punch i lost 2 past runs due to a endure/refersal/berry attivate so wanted priority to keep me winning. brick break was only used once or twice and protect was for scouting and so quake and charge could be used.

back up 2

Name: Jolteon
Item: wise glasses
Nature: timid
Evs:252 spa/252speed/6hp
1. thunderbolt
2. shadow ball
3. substitute
4. Hidden Power ice

another clean up poke, i used him on tries before with zapdos to abuse discharge, and loved it so went for it again but swapped magnet rise to sub again for scouting and felt like something different to protect lol. saved me countless times, normally 3rd poke in and was really my only counter to gliscor, and actually proved to take hits better than i thought.

so thats my team :)

on my streak i didnt encounter to much hax in truth, thinki got froze 3times and only got hit by 1 1HKO which sash saved me so i was lucky i guess lol.

how i lost -

zapchomp/jolt/scizor vs wailord/snorlax/lucario/drapion

turn one -
chomp used quake (lord 2 about half, lax just over)
zap tbolt on lord died
lax outrage chomp holds on by sash

turn 2 -
switch in drapion.
drapion used cross posion chomp dies
zapdos tbolts lax to about 1/4
lax outrages zapdos to death

turn 3 -
switch in scizor and jolteon.
jolteon tbolts drapion to orange and paras him,
drapion cant move
scizor finishes of lax with BB

turn 4 -
switch in lucario
jolteon tbolts drapion to death
lucario blaze kicks scizor to death

turn 5 -
jolteon tbolts cara to low orange
lucario critical hits jolteon with close combat

unsure if i lost to misplay or just unlucky, wen i started i thought i'd regret not having a fighting type, i'm useless with calcs so did that CH make any difference? i dont think it would have but interested lol

so any advice or comments would be great.

thank you to everyone who helped me make this team, like i said i'm currently over the lunatone (:p) that i've done it but will be back to atempt to get on the leader board

cheers for reading :)
If you ran Jolly Garchomp with max IVs/EVs, it would've gone before Drapion and probably would've KO'd it with EQ. I have no idea if Adamant allows you to KO something that Jolly doesn't though.
my first thought was "why did drapion outspeed both of yours?" lol before reading on/checking your sets...

you use an all out offensive zapdos with 4 attacks and life orb, but with a defensive EV spread (???), I guess you probably don´t have access to a different zapdos...

and as yoda said, jolly you go (tower speed tiers)

169 Garchomp 1
167 Ambipom 34, Charizard 4, Dodrio 2, Entei 12, Floatzel 34, Flygon 23, Ninetales 123, Persian 2, Raichu 23, Raikou 34, Salamence 2, Slaking 3, Staraptor 12, Starmie 34, Tentacruel 14, Zapdos 23
164 Purugly 2
162 Espeon 34, Froslass 234, Gengar 234, Jumpluff 2, Latias 24, Latios 24, Tauros 24
161 Arcanine 12, Drapion 3, Electivire 1, Gliscor 23, Houndoom 124, Leafeon 12, Yanmega 1
160 Infernape 23
157 Electabuzz 2, Kadabra 2, Lopunny 3, Manectric 123, Mismagius 1, Rapidash 123, Scyther 2
156 Kangaskhan 13, Moltres 1
154 Garchomp 234
152 Charizard 123, Entei 34, Fearow 2, Flygon 14, Miltank 24, Ninetales 4, Raichu 14, Salamence 134, Staraptor 34, Typhlosion 134, Zapdos 14

quite many important things that you outspeed with jolly (169) over adamant (154), the same applies to zapdos

I don´t know about others, but outspeeding stuff and hitting/fainting them first is like one of the main rules of tower, in general, and probably even more important in doubles where it´s difficult to stall/set up...with a little bit of team tweaking, you´d have a better chance to get a higher record than 106

good luck