Platinum doubles: 260 (37+1 runs)
Still riding in Platinum. This is a goodstuffs team, inspired by Peterko's epic run. My Rain team was getting hella spanked (so many Signal Beams and Zenbutts), so I randomly pulled some things out of the box to try out.
Initially, I wanted to test U-turn as a BF doubles move - switching is normally too risky, but perhaps using U-turn might be different. I used Infernape and Zapdos, with Latios and Metagross behind. The idea was to use U-turn to inflict damage and go to a resist: Latios resists Psychic, Water and Ground attacks aimed at Ape, while Meta resists Rock and Ice attacks aimed at Zapdos.
Did okay, but wasn't too well-planned. Ape used U-turn quite a bit - mostly to hit a Psychic-type and switch to Meta or Lat in one go. U-turn really confuses the AI, and it was invaluable in keeping Ape's Sash intact.
Zapdos hardly used its U-turn, probably due to its bulk; not that much can OHKO it compared to Ape. Latios and Metagross were reliable as ever.
When that streak ended, I decided to use goodstuffs again. I kept the same Fake Out/U-turn Ape, and moved Latios up to co-lead. The idea of defensive switching was sound, so I kept Meta behind to eat Psychic, Dragon and Ice attacks.
But what would block Water and Ground? Most Grasses kind of suck offensively (can't use Shaymin or Celebi), and Latios was so nice in that role... so I just used Latias! In your face, species clause!
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Here's the team I used.
Infernape @ Focus Sash ** Wylie
Naive, Blaze | 190 Atk, 100 SpA, 220 Spe
Fake Out
Close Combat
Every team I post here has a Fighting Fake Out user! (
Infernape). Ape is fast, its CC is incredibly valuable and Fake Out is so useful.
Overheat is its trump card: after a CC, it gets knocked down to 1HP incredibly easily. This allows it to pull out a Blaze Overheat - powerful enough to OHKO a freaking Registeel.
U-turn synergises nicely, hitting Psychics and acting as an escape button. Switching out restores SpA from Overheat and brings Fake Out back as well. Also CC defense drops, but whatever.
Latios @ Life Orb ** Remy
Timid, Levitate | 6 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam
Draco Meteor
'Peterko set'. Life Orb for flexibility, with Ice Beam for Grounds; Infernape leading means I need to hit them hard. DP is the main attack, with DM as an emergency 'get off my screen' attack.
Latias @ White Herb ** Echo
Timid, Levitate | 6 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Draco Meteor
HP Ground
Grass Knot
Latios' understudy. Latias switches into Ape to take Water, Ground and some Psychic attacks (depending on the situation).
It uses DM with White Herb, which ends up slightly stronger than Latios' LO DP.
Grass Knot makes it a hard counter for Waters (non-STAB Ice Beams do little damage, even with no HP/SpD EVs).
Protect is there so Meta can explode, mainly.
HP Ground is the odd move here. It means Latias isn't walled by Steels, and it came in very handy for finishing Heatran or OHKOing Magnezone.
Metagross @ Occa Berry ** Lono
Adamant, Clear Body | 96 HP, 252 Atk, 196 Spe
Iron Head
Bullet Punch
'Peterko set'. Same Meta. The extra speed goes a long way, and Iron Head is so much nicer than Meteor Mash. It's so nice selecting its STAB without getting that sinking feeling. Now, using MM on Meta feels like using Aqua Tail on Gyarados, or Dragon Rush on Garchomp.
This dude got at least half of his kills from Bullet Punch. I used Explosion maybe twice; once was to drop a Cresselia it could have otherwise taken, but I was in a hurry.
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Tales of failure
Quick Claw Rhydon. Classic. Having two Dragon/Psychics does mean double weaknesses, and this thing exploited that.
Battle 261, Set 4 trainer, Skuntank + Rhydon
I'll flinch Skuntank and drop Rhydon with an Ice Beam.
1. Ape FO Skuntank
Rhydon QC Megahorn Latios, OHKO
Balls. OK, Latias can drop it with Grass Knot provided that doesn't happen again.
2. Rhydon QC Megahorn Latias, OHKO
Ape CC Rhydon, 50% or so
Skuntank Night Slash Ape, 30% or so
Megaballs. Meta has to come in and sweep shit. I go for CC/IH and hope no more QC shenanigans.
I focus fire Skuntank because Meta can take Rhydon if it doesn't QC me. If it does, I've lost anyway. If Tank falls to a crit, then IH takes out Rhydon.
3. Ape CC Skuntank
Meta IH Tank, KO
Rhydon SE Ape, KO
AI: Rapidash
Fantastic! A fast Fire-type, just what I need. This is why I use Occa: Meta can eat a Flare Blitz and EQ back, so let's go, fuckers.
4. Rapidash Flare Blitz Meta, CRITICAL HIT
Meta EQ, double KO
Oh, ha ha.
Meta is in the red. It all comes down to the final poke. I'm hoping for something slow and Steel-weak.
AI: Raichu
5. Raichu Volt Tackle KO
Here's the rub:
Adamant Raichu 4's Volt Tackle does 42-50%.
Jolly Rapidash 4's Flare Blitz does 36.9-43.9% to Occa Metagross.
A crit does 74-88%. Meta was in the red, so call it 83% in the event.
Without the FB crit, Meta manfully eats the Volt Tackle and KOs back with last-man-standing EQ. (Probably - this was the Brightpowder Raichu, so it may have missed.)
So that was the hax that cost me the game, not the QC KOs. But still, screw Rhydon for old times' sake.
I could have flinched Rhydon on turn 1 and Ice Beamed it. Skuntank would probably have KO'ed Latios, but Meta would have cleaned its clock. The game would certainly have been different if either dragon had got a move in :(
Good fun all the same. I've made some changes to my Rain team to make it hopefully better in the Platinum environment, so I'll give that a go next.