OK! I said 150+ streak and I'll talk about my team a bit more, so here goes:
Just lost my streak at 155 with this team:
1. Metagross / Clear Body / Impish @ Choice Scarf
- IVs: 31 / ? / 31 / ? / 31 / 31 (RNG'ed in Pokewalker in like 5 mins)
- EVs: 252 HP 4 Sp Def 252 Speed
- Trick / Scary Face / Stealth Rock / Flash
2. Mismagius / Levitate / Bold @ Focus Sash
- IVs: 252 HP Outspeed tricked Metagross, the rest in Defense
- EVs: 31 / ? / 31 / ? / 31 / 31
- Thunder wave / Skill Swap / Torment / Memento
3. Latios / Levitate / Timid @ Leftovers
- IVs: 31 / ? / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
- EVs: 4 HP 4 Def 248 SpA 252 Speed
- Calm Mind / Substitute / Protect / Dragon Pulse
- Yeah, it's a Trick - Torment strategy, so it's not tooo too original, but the fact is, Memento is not even used that much. It's only used when opponent is locked into a STAB dark, ghost, or bug move or Flare Blitz / Brave Bird / something else hard attacking
- In the first run Latios had Recover instead of Protect, but I lost to a team that had Metang, Empoleon, and ???. Metang was locked into Meteor Mash (The Metagross that has MM will always get locked into Earthquake) and got 2 attack raises so Latios couldn't even set up much with Latios and Empoleon Shadow Claw followed by Aqua Jet did it. In that situation Protect instead of Recover would have won me the match, but anyway, I played sloppily vs the Metang too. Mismagius should have used Skill Swap and then Memento instead of Twave and Torment which was what I did (Torment was pretty much useless when +2 Struggle does too much damage to Latios already). That streak ended at 120.
- Around 60% of the time Latios will be fully set up (+6/+6 with sub) with stealth rock up
- Around 20% of the time Latios will be fully set up without stealth rock up
- Around 10% of the time Latios will be at +5/+5 with sub with stealth rock up
- <5% of the time Latios will be at +5/+5 with sub without stealth rock up
- I tend to think (without any calculations to back this up) best scenario to worst scenario is like this:
1. +6/+6, sub up, stealth rock up
2. +5/+5, sub up, stealth rock up
3. +4/+4, sub up, stealth rock up
4. +6/+6, sub up, no stealth rock
5. +3/+3, sub up, stealth rock up
6. +5/+5, sub up, no stealth rock
7. +4/+4, sub up, no stealth rock
8. +2/+2, sub up, stealth rock up
9. +3/+3, sub up, no stealth rock up
... etc. (the rest suck...)
- When opponent is locked into one of the mentioned moves where I said I'd use Torment, Mismagius's typical sequence is Twave -> Torment -> Memento. (Non-Blaze pokemon Flare Blitz don't need Torment. Twave -> Memento is fine). Latios would then sub on struggle, protect on the locked move, and then Calm Mind on the next struggle, etc. Sub -> Protect -> Calm Mind -> Protect -> Sub -> Protect -> Calm Mind -> Protect -> etc. If it's a special Dark/Ghost/Bug move though, After 2 Calm Minds I'd just forgo protect and Calm Mind on the attack since it probably won't break Latio's sub even when super effective. All this stuff also chances if Metagross got a few Flashes down.
- vs potential Blaze Flare Blitz lead I experimented with opening with Flash instead of Trick... seems to be better. Sure chancey, but being locked into Flare Blitz isn't the greatest anyway.
- When Metagross locks opponent into Earthquake (which happens a lot):
-> if Metagross is 2HKO'd by EQ and Metagross is faster than the opponent even after trick (Golem, Rhydon, Rhyperior, Ursaring, Donphan, surprisingly quite a few others), the sequence is: Trick, Stealth Rock (gross dead), Latios Sub and then +6/+6, at which point the opponent will have just used up its 9th Earthquake. Latios Dragon Pulse for KO.
-> if Metagross is NOT 2HKO'd by EQ and Metagross is faster than opponent even after trick, It will just take one more turn to switch to Latios, so Latios will still get +6/+6 with sub and stealth rock... One thing noted though is that Probopass (which falls in this category) is not OHKO'd by +6/+6 Dragon Pulse. I just let it struggle once and hope for no crit (though I should probably just go to +5/+5 instead to guarantee having sub intact, but whatever)
-> If Metagross is 2HKO'd by EQ and opponent is faster than Metagross after trick (Garchomp, Flygon, Nidoking/queen, etc.), I just switch to Latios after trick (no point sacrificing Metagross when it's not going to be able to get SR up anyway). Latios will get easy +6/+6 with sub up so still pretty good.
-> obviously if it's Mold Breaker EQ I'd sac Metagross, Mismagius will come in, skill swap -> twave -> Memento (I Memento because if it's Rampardos and it doesn't ever get fully paralyzed, Latios's sub is broken by Rampardos's Struggle unless I memento).
So, the totally uninteresting battle of how I lost:
The only pokemon I got to see was:
576,Weavile 2,Jolly,BrightPowder,145,172,85,58,105,194,Night Slash,Attract,Double Team,Hail,Attk/Speed
Turn 1: Double Team (Weavile's faster), Trick Missed
Turn 2: Double Team, Trick Missed
Turn 3: Double Team, Trick Missed
Turn 4: Double Team, Trick Missed
Turn 5: Double Team, Trick Missed (I didn't PP up Trick and Weavile had Pressure so all Tricks gone. I didn't think going for struggle was a good idea... so...
Turn 6: Switch to Mismagius, Hail
Turn 7: Switch Back to Metagross, Night Slash
Turn 8: Double Team, Flash Missed
Turn 9: Night Slash, Flash Missed
Turn 10-12ish: Night Slash Flash Missed, Metagross fainted. Switch in Mismagius
Turn 13: Night Slash (doesn't KO), Twave miss
Turn 14: Night Slash KO. Switch in Latios.
Turn 15: Night Slash (doesn't KO), Latios Dragon Pulse miss.
Turn 16: Night Slash KO.
So yeah, around 16 turns, didn't land a single attack, heh. Latias-Mawile-Suicune was more solid - wouldn't have lost to this Weavile unless Weavile repeatedly (like 4 - 5 in a row) crits Mawile and Suicune - but o well, at least got 150. Gonna try something different now.
EDIT: O yeah, if I used a Jolly/Timid one instead of this Impish Metagross, that would have increased my chance of winning by a lot more too... but o well, whatever. Time for next idea...
Just lost my streak at 155 with this team:
1. Metagross / Clear Body / Impish @ Choice Scarf
- IVs: 31 / ? / 31 / ? / 31 / 31 (RNG'ed in Pokewalker in like 5 mins)
- EVs: 252 HP 4 Sp Def 252 Speed
- Trick / Scary Face / Stealth Rock / Flash
2. Mismagius / Levitate / Bold @ Focus Sash
- IVs: 252 HP Outspeed tricked Metagross, the rest in Defense
- EVs: 31 / ? / 31 / ? / 31 / 31
- Thunder wave / Skill Swap / Torment / Memento
3. Latios / Levitate / Timid @ Leftovers
- IVs: 31 / ? / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
- EVs: 4 HP 4 Def 248 SpA 252 Speed
- Calm Mind / Substitute / Protect / Dragon Pulse
- Yeah, it's a Trick - Torment strategy, so it's not tooo too original, but the fact is, Memento is not even used that much. It's only used when opponent is locked into a STAB dark, ghost, or bug move or Flare Blitz / Brave Bird / something else hard attacking
- In the first run Latios had Recover instead of Protect, but I lost to a team that had Metang, Empoleon, and ???. Metang was locked into Meteor Mash (The Metagross that has MM will always get locked into Earthquake) and got 2 attack raises so Latios couldn't even set up much with Latios and Empoleon Shadow Claw followed by Aqua Jet did it. In that situation Protect instead of Recover would have won me the match, but anyway, I played sloppily vs the Metang too. Mismagius should have used Skill Swap and then Memento instead of Twave and Torment which was what I did (Torment was pretty much useless when +2 Struggle does too much damage to Latios already). That streak ended at 120.
- Around 60% of the time Latios will be fully set up (+6/+6 with sub) with stealth rock up
- Around 20% of the time Latios will be fully set up without stealth rock up
- Around 10% of the time Latios will be at +5/+5 with sub with stealth rock up
- <5% of the time Latios will be at +5/+5 with sub without stealth rock up
- I tend to think (without any calculations to back this up) best scenario to worst scenario is like this:
1. +6/+6, sub up, stealth rock up
2. +5/+5, sub up, stealth rock up
3. +4/+4, sub up, stealth rock up
4. +6/+6, sub up, no stealth rock
5. +3/+3, sub up, stealth rock up
6. +5/+5, sub up, no stealth rock
7. +4/+4, sub up, no stealth rock
8. +2/+2, sub up, stealth rock up
9. +3/+3, sub up, no stealth rock up
... etc. (the rest suck...)
- When opponent is locked into one of the mentioned moves where I said I'd use Torment, Mismagius's typical sequence is Twave -> Torment -> Memento. (Non-Blaze pokemon Flare Blitz don't need Torment. Twave -> Memento is fine). Latios would then sub on struggle, protect on the locked move, and then Calm Mind on the next struggle, etc. Sub -> Protect -> Calm Mind -> Protect -> Sub -> Protect -> Calm Mind -> Protect -> etc. If it's a special Dark/Ghost/Bug move though, After 2 Calm Minds I'd just forgo protect and Calm Mind on the attack since it probably won't break Latio's sub even when super effective. All this stuff also chances if Metagross got a few Flashes down.
- vs potential Blaze Flare Blitz lead I experimented with opening with Flash instead of Trick... seems to be better. Sure chancey, but being locked into Flare Blitz isn't the greatest anyway.
- When Metagross locks opponent into Earthquake (which happens a lot):
-> if Metagross is 2HKO'd by EQ and Metagross is faster than the opponent even after trick (Golem, Rhydon, Rhyperior, Ursaring, Donphan, surprisingly quite a few others), the sequence is: Trick, Stealth Rock (gross dead), Latios Sub and then +6/+6, at which point the opponent will have just used up its 9th Earthquake. Latios Dragon Pulse for KO.
-> if Metagross is NOT 2HKO'd by EQ and Metagross is faster than opponent even after trick, It will just take one more turn to switch to Latios, so Latios will still get +6/+6 with sub and stealth rock... One thing noted though is that Probopass (which falls in this category) is not OHKO'd by +6/+6 Dragon Pulse. I just let it struggle once and hope for no crit (though I should probably just go to +5/+5 instead to guarantee having sub intact, but whatever)
-> If Metagross is 2HKO'd by EQ and opponent is faster than Metagross after trick (Garchomp, Flygon, Nidoking/queen, etc.), I just switch to Latios after trick (no point sacrificing Metagross when it's not going to be able to get SR up anyway). Latios will get easy +6/+6 with sub up so still pretty good.
-> obviously if it's Mold Breaker EQ I'd sac Metagross, Mismagius will come in, skill swap -> twave -> Memento (I Memento because if it's Rampardos and it doesn't ever get fully paralyzed, Latios's sub is broken by Rampardos's Struggle unless I memento).
So, the totally uninteresting battle of how I lost:
The only pokemon I got to see was:
576,Weavile 2,Jolly,BrightPowder,145,172,85,58,105,194,Night Slash,Attract,Double Team,Hail,Attk/Speed
Turn 1: Double Team (Weavile's faster), Trick Missed
Turn 2: Double Team, Trick Missed
Turn 3: Double Team, Trick Missed
Turn 4: Double Team, Trick Missed
Turn 5: Double Team, Trick Missed (I didn't PP up Trick and Weavile had Pressure so all Tricks gone. I didn't think going for struggle was a good idea... so...
Turn 6: Switch to Mismagius, Hail
Turn 7: Switch Back to Metagross, Night Slash
Turn 8: Double Team, Flash Missed
Turn 9: Night Slash, Flash Missed
Turn 10-12ish: Night Slash Flash Missed, Metagross fainted. Switch in Mismagius
Turn 13: Night Slash (doesn't KO), Twave miss
Turn 14: Night Slash KO. Switch in Latios.
Turn 15: Night Slash (doesn't KO), Latios Dragon Pulse miss.
Turn 16: Night Slash KO.
So yeah, around 16 turns, didn't land a single attack, heh. Latias-Mawile-Suicune was more solid - wouldn't have lost to this Weavile unless Weavile repeatedly (like 4 - 5 in a row) crits Mawile and Suicune - but o well, at least got 150. Gonna try something different now.
EDIT: O yeah, if I used a Jolly/Timid one instead of this Impish Metagross, that would have increased my chance of winning by a lot more too... but o well, whatever. Time for next idea...