Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

@M Dragon: I thought of the same thing for going against Weavile, and I think it'll work too, but you will need to be timid in order to outspeed Weavile. I.e. 1st turn: You outspeed and Trick. Weavile uses Ice Punch, Sash activates, and 2nd turn, you'll still have to outspeed to KO with DM. Tyranitar will still be a problem though, since Specs Surf/DM doesn't come close to OHKO.
remember weavile is going to be at level 96, while im at level 100 (i think it will outspeed)
Is a scarfed slaking viable in the battle hall?

Slaking@choice scarf
adamant 252atk/252spd/6hp

shadow claw
fire/thunder/ice punch/pursit/focus punch?

right now its thunderpunch

is this good enough for competition(im trying for the colour.)
no you wont, pay attention, you are entirely forgetting about sandstream

also have fun never beating scyther too:

H389 | Scyther | Jolly | Focus Sash | X-Scissor | Aerial Ace | Swords Dance | Quick Attack | Atk/Spd

if you are 319 speed it will just xs twice for the kill at 325 speed, and if you are faster, you're either going to surf/dm/hp fire while it uses xs for 84% min damage and survives with sash and then kill you with technician quick attack, or you put it in swarm rage so xs always kills after it survives with sash
Jumpman, actually if MDragon uses timid Latios and Trick 1st turn (survives X-scissor even if it's a critical hit due to the sash lol), it has 46% chance to one hit KO lvl 96% Scyther with Draco Meteor on turn 2.
it's actually 90% (always KOes but miss chance), somewhere i momentarily forgot that scyther would be locked in, however timid does not allow you to ohko metagross with hp fire except 33% of the time, where it will kill on average with MM+BP. latios still has pretty major trouble with regice which will never die to specs DM (79% max) and always die to blizzard and the paucity of ice pokemon increases the chances you'll see it
Platinum Battle Factory, Single, Open Level (52)

After what must have been like 20 tries, I finally got my Factory Gold Print!

My team was

Gengar @Lum Berry
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Destiny Bond

Milotic @Wide Lens
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Mirror Coat

Gliscor @Razor Claw
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 SpD
Jolly Nature
-Fire Fang
-Thunder Fang
-Ice Fang

So I led off with the best Gengar set in the Factory, and had a Milotic for special walling. Gliscor is just there because it was the 3rd best choice and gave me an Electric immunity.

Lost to an Umbreon who just happened to have Curse, Payback, AND Moonlight. It killed Milotic and Gengar, but Destiny Bond took it down. Next Gliscor was face with....A CRESSELIA! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU-!
I got lucky with flinch hax and critical hits, but it still 2HKOed me with Psychic.

Well whatever, at least I got my gold print and made it past the 50 battle mark!
Does anyone play the level 50 Factory? I've seen all these posts for the Open Level but seeing my 34 streak in level 50 hold up for this long is kind of odd. It's harder for sure but it still has the same feel to it.
I played level 50 Factory and got like 29 streak 2nd try, but then I didn't feel like 29 streak was really worth mentioning. I find it harder than Open Level too, but ironically my open level also stopped with 29 streak 2nd try.
I also play lv. 50 battle tower, too afraid to enter open level, lol:D I find it's a lot harder than what all the open level posters are saying what they've experienced. I've only gotten a maximum of 17 in Battle Factory-Lv. 50, I only say this because you have the potential to lose to first evolution pokemon. Murkrow's a beast in lv. 50:(
I personally use Lv. 50, just because most other facilities play at level 50.

I've gotten up to 24 in it. Don't recall exactly how I lost, unfortunately.
pokemon post

Salamence (F) @ Choice Band**Megaroid
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252Atk/4SpD/252Spe
Nature: Adamant
~ Outrage
~ Aerial Ace
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Fang

CB Outrage is laughably dirty. For some numbers, if Mew or Celebi or Shaymin were allowed in the Battle Frontier, and opted for typical Speed and Special Attack EV spreads, they would all be OHKOed virtually every time by CB Outrage (a 30 Def or HP IV would guarantee this). That's 100 base both ways. The other moves are "filler" I guess, besides the fact that "I swear by AA" and the other slightly-less-obvious fact that using Outrage first turn unless I "have to" is dumb. I'll gladly take that risk if I have to kill idiots like Sheer Cold Dewgong, which is killed over 50% of the time but CB Outrage where Dragon Claw would fall short (and Stone Edge is the worst attack in DP). Fire Fang gets the nod over Flamethrower because Bronzong's an idiot, but it's pretty close cause there's nothing else that really warrants FF over FT.

Oh, and the nick comes from a kid in the stats class I took at Pitt last year, his friend was an old school RBYer who used to try naming all 151 pokemon and in one of the early classes our professor said something that sounded like Pikachu so he said "Pikachu" and I was like "Gotta catch em all" and he said "I wanna be the very best..." or something. He said he played RBY back in the day and it was cool, and since I was still in "break 331 wins or bust" mode in the DP Battle Tower I had my DS with me and felt it was appropriate to whip it out, lol. He thought it was cool and so did his friend, who weeks later, when the old school RBY guy was trying to finish up naming the 151 pokemon in class, said, "...Megaroid?" and RBY guy and I just laughed. He then said "Megazoid????" and since I'd bred this Salamence for this team and didn't have a nick for it, there we go. Much more important than actual strategy or whatever.

Suicune @ Leftovers**Holy Water
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252HP/252Def/4SpA
Nature: Bold
~ Surf
~ Icy Wind
~ Calm Mind
~ Rest

This pretentious, regal, insultingly picturesque pokemon of impeccable pedigree (the real mascot of Smogon afaic) is virtually unbeatable in the Tower or Frontier. For example, Jolly Arcanine Thunderfang is not even a 5HKO because of Leftovers, and Pressure allows it to stall out pretty much anything. I actually switched this into a Meganium straight up from my third poke that beats it easily just to stall it out (and because Meganium is depressingly bad), and Giga Drain was relegated to a 5HKO even without using Calm Mind...which means that without a CH, I only had to CM once to stall it out of its 10 Giga Drain PP thanks to Pressure.

Something's not right when you can counter a Grass Pokemon with a Water Pokemon without even attacking. Anyway, "I swear by Icy Wind". There are definite scenarios where using Icy Wind is better than just having Ice Beam, like a +1 Suicune at 60% facing Electivire. Even though Thunderpunch doesn't kill, +1 Surf doesn't either, but +1 Icy Wind+Surf does. Helps Suicune straight up, or against things like IP+TP Ambipom that Surf won't kill that can definitely threaten my team if Sala wasn't faster after the speed drop. Or maybe I just like 95% accuracy moves that much.

Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers**whatever zz
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 164HP/132Atk/52Def/156SpD/4Spe
Nature: Careful
~ Return
~ Iron Head
~ Curse
~ Rest

Curselax still rules. These EVs are pretty wild but there's a method: 147 Attack guarantees the OHKO on Alakazam unboosted (this is important thanks to Expert Belt Focus Blast), 256 HP is a Leftovers number, 165 SpD is a Magic Point at Lv50, 51 Spe is because fuck off Slowbro/king and especially enemy Snorlax because of Curse, and rest in Defense. Iron Head may seem like a weird choice, and it is, but Gengar with Focus Blast means no more EQ. Though of Fire Punch, but it really came down to which I thought was more threatening: Scizor or Tyranitar. The latter is, especially the DD one, since I can switch Salamence into Scizor out of a +1 or +2 Snorlax if I have to. If Snorlax learned Waterfall I'd use it in a heartbeat for the sexy Normal/Water combo, but it doesn't, and Lax literally learns every other type of move of the 16 I have to choose from (Lick counts kinda lol) but Flying and Bug, so I can't really be disappointed (even if Bounce makes more logical sense than Seed Bomb).

Anyway, this should seem somewhat familiar to some of you:

Yep. When I learned that Sala got Outrage, and then that Lax got a billion new toys to play with, that was all I needed to motivate me to rebreed to see how this team works in Plat. Tried it in Pearl, got to like 74 and lost because I assumed Brick Break would kill a 90% Lickilicky (and I stupidly used Icy Wind on it instead of Surf and it killed Suicune after Body Slam PARed and it used Power Whip out of nowhere [this was like May 2007 and there were no database lists yet ok]), but this still works in the Frontier, even if it's not really haxproof. I probably won't try it in the Tower again (I have another team I'm using), but the cool thing is that this team works amazingly well in the Arcade and the Castle. Obviously I couldn't use Trick Scarf in the Arcade even if I wanted to (I don't), and it would be expensive to do so in the Castle, Tricking away a 20 CP Scarf every battle and having to buy another one (not that I'd want to use my CLS team there anyway). My StarTarChomp team would also not be as good in the Arcade because no ScarfChomp, so this is seriously my best team that doesn't really need items—Salamence doesn't really mind no CB when it can OHKO quite a few things on Turn 1 and then not be locked in on Turn 2.

So yeah, I'm at an active 63 wins in the Battle Castle with this with 640 CP, undefeated there so far because old SSS (pr CCC) still got it...

/pokemon post
Rebreeding.. So that's what he's been doing this whole time. Should we just sign over half the singles records over now or wait until it's official? lol

Though I'll admit I'm doing something similar so not much can be said there. >>; At least now I'm going for Pokemon that are really good and mostly not settling, but still, this is going to take a while.

I've got a plan on which order to do things in, at least, I'll be going Tower and then planning on remaking a better arcade/castle team.

Also, thanks for the replies about the level 50 Factory everyone, now I'm not the only one, lol

Edit: Yeah, BeachBoy, 27's pretty typical for me too.

And Jump, happy birthday, just saw that it was on the front forum page. Ironically, also 27. Who knew?
@ Jump. Damn that looks solid, good luck.

@ Diana,

I've been playing level 50 Battle Factory for a while now, my record is 27, and I've been getting to round four sometimes, but I just can't seem to get that elusive 28. Hax just finds a perfect time somewhere in round four to end it, sadly. ): I won't stop until I get it, though.

So yeah, you're definitely not alone. XD
I just cracked 18 wins on my old record in the Battle Factory-Singles, Lv. 50. I should really remember to write down how a battle goes before I lose it but, I do remember having Swampert, Wormadam-G, and Swalot version 2--->the one with black sludge hold item. Anyway I'm going to continue trying to break at least 30 wins in the Battle Factory. Oh before I forget, I don't know if Diana had already figured out if the abilities are random in the battle factory but, I've found out that mightyena at one time had intimidate owned by the trainer cyclist ignatio, and at another time it had quick feet owned by the trainer socialite barbara. If it's already been figured out then ignore the question all together, anyway to stop all this needless ranting, onward to the battle
I don't know if Diana had already figured out if the abilities are random in the battle factory but

Yeah, we figured that out, UsainBolt actually ended up facing the Pokemon that were different abilities but yeah, abilities are random.
Ok, thanks for letting me know. The battle tower/hall streaks look taunting to beat, it's more likely than not impossible for me to even consider beating them:(
Ok, thanks for letting me know. The battle tower/hall streaks look taunting to beat, it's more likely than not impossible for me to even consider beating them:(
same, i think it will be done though, proberly by the same people, or a clever variation.
same, i think it will be done though, proberly by the same people, or a clever variation.

Both look tough... I'm going for it anyway. Yes, I know I'm crazy, but I'm breeding way too much for this, lol