Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Viridian Battle Building! I just replayed my Silver version and went in there and rematched with my best friend 4 years ago... I literally had tears in my eyes since I haven't seen her in forever and finally got to battle her badly trained Pokemon. XD

I hope they bring that back...
Wrong thread to post in Kristy. Also is it even worth recording the battle factory lv. 50 pokes? Answer doesn't matter because I've already started, and I see no information on it here.

Edit: WOOT! 900th post:D
Wrong thread to post in Kristy. Also is it even worth recording the battle factory lv. 50 pokes? Answer doesn't matter because I've already started, and I see no information on it here.

Edit: WOOT! 900th post:D

hahaha Kristy, nice placement.

Probably not worth it, I think we got all the info out of the frontier we can for now, unless someone else needs something answered in the factory.
Well, since I've already started and have information on 104 pokemon of the battle factory. Nature,Stats,Abilities don't matter,moves is all I have recorded, I guess I can stop here but, not knowing the moveset of what I'm fighting is going to worrying throughout the lv. 50 runs:(
Well, since I've already started and have information on 104 pokemon of the battle factory. Nature,Stats,Abilities don't matter,moves is all I have recorded, I guess I can stop here but, not knowing the moveset of what I'm fighting is going to worrying throughout the lv. 50 runs:(

Isn't it the same list of Pokemon as the Tower and such? I'm pretty sure it is...
Hm, didn't think I'll lose so early, but o well, I just got 192 streak on Double Battle Hall today with this team:

Metagross Level 50 @ Focus Sash
IVs: 22 / 31 / 31 / x / 27 / 27
EVs:152 HP 252 Attack 4 SpDef 100 Speed
(Basically enough speed to outspeed neutral base 80s with no speed EVs)
- Protect (Pursuit) / Bullet Punch / Thunderpunch / Ice Punch

Metagross Level 50 @ Choice Scarf
IVs: 31 / 31 / 24 / x / 21 / 31
EVs: 4 HP 252 Attack 252 Speed
- Explosion / Iron Head / Thunderpunch / Earthquake

Basic Strategy: Should be pretty much self-explanatory. Protect + Explode on most things. Thunderpunch on both sets are for damp pokemon. Iron Head for STAB and accuracy, Earthquake for Steels. Bullet Punch for sashers. Ice Punch is for additional coverage (which I now think might be be better replaced with something else because of how I lost). I had Pursuit in my first 20 streaks where I battled bug and ghost, in case I see Shedinja (which I did).

Oh yeah, I don't usually explode when facing pokemon holding lax incense / Bright Powder (... and quick claw sometimes if my other moves will 2HKO anyway). I don't explode on most Rocks or Steels, and obviously not ghosts.

Biggest Threats that only appear before 170 streak:
Shedinja (already mentioned... Pursuit takes care of that)
H203 | Quagsire | Modest | Mystic Water | Earth Power | Muddy Water | Yawn | Endure | Def/SpA
--> It's good that this thing doesn't appear in Rank 10, so I won't have to have moves to deal with it specifically.

The other big threats:
H444 | Infernape | Adamant | Life Orb | Close Combat | Flare Blitz | Mach Punch | Fake Out | Atk/Spd
H460 | Magmortar | Mild | Lax Incense | Fire Blast | Hyper Beam | SmokeScreen | Protect | Spd/SpA
H474 | Heatran | Modest | Focus Band | Magma Storm | Flash Cannon | Lava Plume | Metal Sound | SpA/SpD
H421 | Entei | Rash | Quick Claw | Eruption | Rock Climb | Flamethrower | Fire Fang | Spd/SpA
--> I didn't encounter any of these fire types. Sash Charizard will also win if Blast Burn burns me.
H373 | Rotom | Timid | Petaya Berry | Shadow Ball | Thunderbolt | Signal Beam | Swift | Spd/SpA
--> This is one of the reasons why I had Ice Punch. Iron Head does minimum 38%. Ice Punch does minimum 48%, so Iron Head + Ice Punch + Bullet Punch is guaranteed KO. I figured this is what happens: 1st Turn: Iron Head + Ice Punch on one Rotom. Rotom's Thunderbolt doesn't 2HKO, so 2nd Turn: Bullet punch finishes one Rotom while Iron Head does 38% to 2nd Rotom while the 2nd Rotom finishes one of my Metagrosses while the other is still at full health to take on the 62% health Rotom for 2HKO (with 2 Iron heads or with Ice Punch + Bullet Punch) while taking only 1 hit. Without Ice Punch I lose to Rotom for sure.

Well... this was how I lost, against Rotoms lol.

Turn 1:
ScarfGross used Ironhead on Rotom 1 (~40% damage)
Rotom 1 used Thunderbolt on ScarfGross. ScarfGross is paralyzed.
Rotom 2 used Thunderbolt on ScarfGross. ScarfGross has ~7% health left.
SashGross used Ice Punch on Rotom 1. Rotom's Petaya activates.

Turn 2:
SashGross used Bullet Punch on Rotom 1. Rotom 1 faints.
Rotom 2 used Thunderbolt on ScarfGross. ScarfGross faints.

Turn 3:
Rotom 2 used Thunderbolt. It's a Critical hit! SashGross has about 10% health left.
SashGross used Ice Punch which did about 50%.

Turn 4:
SashGross used Bullet Punch which doesn't KO.
Rotom KOs with Thunderbolt.

So, without the critical hit OR the paralysis, I could have won, but o well.

I'm thinking I should really just use another item instead of focus sash, because so far, the focus sash has activated a total of 0 times... ...

EDIT: I kind of want to start another streak using metagross again, but ugh, Battle Hall is just too boring using the same 1 pokemon so many battles.
I do love a good Jumpman16 post. :)

In other news, I finally got my color print for the Battle Hall. I used the same Togekiss that has been mentioned in this thread a few times (Air Slash/Tri Attack/Aura Sphere/Flamethrower) though I went with the more defensive spread that someone mentioned. I tried the bare minimum level 30 to see if I'd avoid some pokemon that evolved at higher levels but no dice and instead found myself fighting a lot of pokemon of equal level towards the end. Level 100 definitely seems more advantageous. I never changed sets until I went against the normal typing, and in that case I removed Tri Attack in favor of Trick in case I ran into Blissey who is a total pain without it.

I had a few close calls, but none against the pokemon that give Togekiss the most trouble strangely enough. Instead, I struggled against Dusclops and Dusknoir which both almost beat me in consecutive battles because I didn't switch an attack to Shadow Ball. By far my two most heart racing battles. I could only save one of those battles so here's the one against Dusclops: 35-31886-23354. I did write down the play by play of the Dusknoir battle that followed and it went as follows:

Togekiss vs Dusknoir
Turn 1: Togekiss uses Air Slash. Dusknoir uses Curse. Togekiss 75%, Dusknoir ~10%
Turn 2: Togekiss uses Air Slash but it misses. Dusknoir uses Rest. Togekiss 50%, Dusknoir 100%
Turn 3: Togekiss uses AS, Dusknoir sleeps. Togekiss 25%, Dusknoir ~60%
Turn 4: Togekiss uses AS, Dusknoir sleeps. Togekiss 1 HP, Dusknoir ~20%
Turn 5: Please don't miss... Togekiss uses AS...... it hits! Dusknoir faints and Togekiss wins by 1 HP.

To quote the North American Pokemon Champion Ian Garvey: "Air Slash is just a glorified Rock Slide."

So yeah, an active streak at 170.. though I won't be continuing that any time soon since I have yet to attempt the Battle Castle outside of one round and I also have a fun Rain Dance team I'd like to try out in the Tower. But more on that in another post. ;)
I don't take credit for this line. It is, of course, a Jumpism.

lol sounds like him. Let's make him do tomorrow night's Late Night Tournament where 100% accuracy isn't allowed.

back on topic, breeding is getting really annoying for this team. Getting Cresselia was the easy part... I know jump's probably laughing since I've only been at this for a week but this isn't quite normal for me.

Edit: Finally, close to done with breeding that Bagon for my Salamence, don't worry, it gets harder from here (guess what I'm breeding Jump, you'll know how painful that "little shit" is)
breeding is lame, no questions asked

Double Battle Hall

good i'm glad someone else has "discovered" the doubles battle hall (but not stolen the poke i'm using). doubles hall is cool if only because the hall is stupid and doubles is far more exploitable and the hall deserves to be exploited
I played lv. 50 Battle Factory, and I got "haxed" before I even started round 3(battle 15 onwards). Every single rental option was a special attacker... and of course, the next match, a Chansey shows up(with Focus Punch lol). Needless to say I didn't get any crits, special defense drops, or flinches against it, so, yeah...
updated the record list

lol @ hall doubles, that has to be species clause haha...but there are probably more options to get past counters with two sets...ummm double intimidate salamence should work with the amount of move options it has (yay double quake, double slide, quake slide, heat wave, DM, etc. I´d use sash and yache or sash and stat boosting item although this is just a quick idea without any theorymon behind it, so no criticism please)

Trying to break my 35 record at the Battle Tower, I lost AGAIN to a Quick Claw Slowbro :'), on the 35th battle.
Yeah I figured double battle hall would be more exploitable. I didn't do that much theorymon this time though. I just figured Protect + Explosion should kill most things so I just have to worry about rock/steels/ghosts and sashers for the most part. I actually thought about using Gengar at first so I can just explode without using protect (well, metagross can survive an explosion too, but not with much health left), but didn't like how low my chance of beating Tyranitar was.

Anyway, what I've noticed was that whenever a pokemon can have 2 abilities, they always seem to have one of each (i.e. one quagsire will have water absorb, the other will have damp; one arcanine has flash fire, the other has intimidate). I'm not sure if it's always the case though. I just haven't seen an exception yet, though, obviously sometimes I can't tell (e.g. Magnet Pull/Sturdy Magnezones, ThickFat/Immunity Snorlax, Natural Cure/Illuminate Starmies, etc.... I can't find out those and others).

I'll give my metagrosses another go and see how far I get this time. Hopefully at least 200.
lol @ double battle hall it just seemes so odd, I was thinking of using Sala/Sala for double intimerdate and EQ immunity, i bet someone will find a flaw with that though, don't fancy facing anything with blizzard/icy wind either. But i think i will have to give it a go. CB and F.sash would be best i think.
What about 2 Choice Scarf Abomasnows with HP Fire / Wood Hammer / Blizzard / Earthquake? Gets nice coverage, and double Blizzard is likely to finish off anything that doesn't resist. I will have to test this though, as two Scizors with Bullet Punch would ruin it...
It'll be hard to have a hard-attacking EV spread with mixed Abomasnow with Choice Scarf, but even if you're using a +Speed nature with 252 Speed EVs, you'll still have trouble with the Jolly Crobat which still outspeed and OHKO with Brave Bird 100% of the time. Hariyama might also be tough to beat, since outside of Wood Hammer, I don't think you can 2HKO, while it will have a high chance to OHKO with Vital Throw (or it can fake out first, and then Vital Throw OHKOs all the time). That's all I see so far. Yeah, there's also Scizor.
I made it to 199 in the Singles Battle Hall with a Salamence.


252 At/4 SA/252 Speed
Aqua Tail
@Focus Sash

The moveset was blatantly copied from LordCaedus's record, and the Mence itself I RNG manipulated (seed E8150273, frame 4: 31/31/31/B/B/B with a Docile 6/27/31/31/31/31 Ditto - Emerald frame 15560 - as the parent).

I was done in at battle 200 by a Tyranitar, which survived my EQ and responded with Stone Edge (complete with meaningless critical hit), triggering the Focus Sash. The sand then finished me off. This is one place where Brick Break could have been handy.

I also had a close call at battle 187, in which an Abomasnow survived my Flamethrower (it would have been able to take an Outrage as well). Not-so-AI replied with Iron Tail, which Mence handily survived. I would have been posting about a 186 record had it used Avalanche.

I think I'm going to consider Sash Garchomp, as it can take on Tyranitar much better. I'll need to ponder if STAB EQ, sand immunity, and a little extra speed are worth losing Intimidate, the flying type, and a bit of power.

Late Edit: Here's a photo (800x600) of my record from my high-score screen in my game:
lol fine ugh, screw you guys i'm already using salamence in the doubles hall, was at 70 this morning and at 150 now. started almost two weeks ago after theorymonning playing on and off, havent lost yet here is the "team":

Megazoid@Focus Sash: Outrage/Earthquake/Flamethrower/Protect, 252Atk/4SpD/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100.
Megazoid@Focus Sash: Outrage/Earthquake/Flamethrower/Protect, 252Atk/4SpD/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100.

there's only like one pokemon that gives these salamence and i'm not posting what it is cause im like that. here's batle 150 probably, for posterity that i indeed didnt just start using salamence as soon as i read this thread again: 63-77567-60117