Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Posting because I need to know if this is good enough to let me reach +100 in Battle Tower. Worked for me until #41 but then I accidentally turned off my DS so I dunno. Anyways, I hope I didn't rip this off from someone (and I also hope I can ask for suggestions lol)

Uxie @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
IVs: 31/14/31/31/31/31
EVs: 244 HP / 84 Def / 164 Spd / 12 SDef (4 EVs remaining)
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Trick
- Thunder Wave
- Reflect
- Memento

The standard Trick lead...kinda. Uxie can take blows pretty well and Trick/Thunder Wave them at least. Memento is basically a Dual Screen that lasts forever but doesn't affect Clear Body, and helps me escape stupid stuff like Icy Wind/Rock Tomb/Wobbuffet (though only one). I don't have to sacrifice Uxie right away, but I dunno if Scizor/Latias fails to sweep Mementoing something might help the remaining Poke. Meh not much to say here

Latias @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
IVs: 31/6/31/30/31/30
EVs: 12 HP / 248 Satk / 248 Spd
Timid Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Substitute

Latias' bulkiness helps take Fire Blasts/Surfs better than Latios (the former nearly killed me when Latias got burned, and Latios would've died). HP Fire is for the only one Shedinja that appears there, though it can also help against Scizors/Metagrosses. Substitute is basically a must to take measures against hax-whether it may be Brightpowder miss, or Quick Claw OHKO, or something faster...

Scizor @ Sitrus Berry
Trait: Technician
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 94 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spd
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Substitute
- Superpower

Scizor is an absolute menace. The steel typing helps it tremendously in absorbing a good amount of attacks, particularly the ones that hit Uxie super effectively. Sitrus Berry for the lack of better item.

Again, Substitute is a must. It helps Scizor survive an attack from Moltres and KO it with Bullet Punch. Superpower to smash Steels that may survive the Bullet Punch, like Metagross (which Scizor outruns).

Yeah I guess this isn't a record yet

But on the actual topic:
Factory: 21 Lv.50 (and still going)
Arcade: 21 (still going)
Hall: 49 I think (Argenta then metagamed me with Hippowdon when I used Lucario)
Castle: N/A

Nothing to show off here...just move on...

Snapper's tool is pretty awesome ^_^

funny thing, im actually using a similar uxie lead, but my uxie has safeguard instead of thunder wave and a different EV spread, the other two members of my team are my classic couple of dragonite and registeel but with a lot better IV`s and i finally got an impish registeel (thanks to CosmicJeff for the flawless dragonite), so im now at 357 wins, i will post a deeper analisis later when my streak ends, so i surely can tell you that the uxie lead works perfectly and it works completely different of the cresselia lead because the wonderful memento.
Out comes a Shuckle. Shit. I use Stone Edge for 20% or something like that, he uses Power Trick.

436 | Shuckle | Impish | Lax Incense | Stone Edge | Bug Bite | Swagger | Power Trick | HP/Def/SpD

I laugh as i put Stone Edge again, and it should have done around 80%, killing him..

except that it misses.
I don't get why you'd even think about using Stone Edge... After it used Power Trick, anything, even Crunch (or basically any physical attack that's not rage or rapid spin) would OHKO shuckle. Too bad on your lost though. 55 isn't bad at all!

EDIT: ok, actually, not quite rapid spin lol, but a 40 base power move from Hippo's 355 attack will do minimum 81% damage to the 56 def (from power trick) 223 HP shuckle.
...I´d rather think he used quake or crunch and missed due to lax incense, otherwise wow, how could someone who doesn´t know what power trick does, get to 56 in the factory? congrats anyway

garo you´re playing DP or Plat. tower?

as for my weavile battle hall run, I did the much needed water-fire-fighting theorymon and created one set for each of the three types I start with

1 water – lv.50 – fake out, brick break, night slash, counter – adamant – 174 HP / 252 attack / 84 speed
2 fire – lv.50 – fake out, brick break, night slash, aerial ace – adamant – 252 HP / 252 attack / 6 spD
3 fighting – lv.50 – fake out, brick break, aerial ace, ice shard – adamant – 252 HP / 252 attack / 6 spD

yeah I still lose against poliwrath (even if it is lv.42 and 43) and have a very tough time against heatran and also arcanine (I had to chose between counter and BB for fires where counter is a safer option against arcanine, now I´m relying on a fake out + night slash + flare blitz recoil scenario which should do juust enough damage - this is, of course, against intimidate, flash fire should be no problem), but everything else I should do fine against, according to my calcs

31-40 will be electric because I need the level difference to change a 3HKO to 2HKO on magnezone, ampharos and probably intimidate luxray, also have a much better chance against freaking lanturn (max HP + sitrus ._.) who only manages a 3HKO with signal beam itself due to the lv. diff.

hmm I am thinking about adding a "pokémon ranking" to the battle hall to motivate people to try different pokémon...the list is basically salamence/garchomp and the occasional togekiss and that just looks awful and any new garchomp user makes me somewhat sick :(
I was getting tired and saw no reason to change my moves >< Playing until 2/3 am at night certainly doesn't help in making decisions, especially since it was near the last battle and i wanted to sleep.
hmm I am thinking about adding a "pokémon ranking" to the battle hall to motivate people to try different pokémon...the list is basically salamence/garchomp and the occasional togekiss and that just looks awful and any new garchomp user makes me somewhat sick :(

Agreed. While I don't have platinum and will just have to be content working my way onto the DP tower list, another option might be to do it by type and list only the top 3-5 streaks. Some types probably won't get used so it won't take up too much space (Poison comes to mind first). I'd like to see some types attempted, aside from Togekiss something like Snorlax, Counter Blissey, Ambipom... at least a few others worth trying for Normal? Water seems doable also, Starmie can run a ton of sets, is reasonably fast and gets Recover, obligatory Gyarados mention, Suicune possibly. I'm sure Jump or some other knowledgable tower expert will come and blast those suggestions by rattling off at least a few types that they'll generally lose to, but where's the challenge (aside from the battle factory, of course). Might also force some users to try new types just to get their names on the list, even in a low streak.
Yeah, I agree. That should be interesting. It might also make it more of an incentive to breed for another Ursaring lol (ugh so frustrated losing at 168 because my Ursaring was Jolly and Crunch didn't OHKO Drifblim).

@Amelia: Hehe, I was playing until 3am last night too, and I got up to 35 streak in Battle Factory Level 50! But... I didn't want to be too sleepy and lose, so I just left it at that and went to sleep. I'm going to go play it now and continue the streak!
i'd have no problem with that, i have three different pokemon with streaks over 170 that i just havent posted yet, they account for five types as well. peterko, maybe you might want to list records by "total win-streak", which you can get by talking to the guy to the right of the hall records board (i got 34 BP the first time i talked to him two months ago and was like "lol what"). i'm not too sure about that idea though because you can get to 60-70 wins with anything, so if you still mandated that the poke you use has to get to 170 to count but then we couldn't use "total win-streak" record but i have no problem with that. i think saving your best battle with a poke and uploading it is the best wayto prove authenticity but whatever

EDIT: ok, actually, not quite rapid spin lol, but a 40 base power move from Hippo's 355 attack will do minimum 81% damage to the 56 def (from power trick) 223 HP shuckle.

which in this case still kills since he did 20% with his first stone edge, lol

I was getting tired and saw no reason to change my moves >< Playing until 2/3 am at night certainly doesn't help in making decisions, especially since it was near the last battle and i wanted to sleep.

yeah this is exactly how i lost in the battle arcade four days ago at battle 70. i'd started battle 57 at around 9pm and went very smoothly through seven to 63 wins. i looked at the clock and it said 9:40, and i "have to" be in bed by 10:20pm if i dont want to be tired the next day but i felt "ok", and that i could get through the next seven and be seven from the record. i could kind of feel myself getting tired though, and when playing the arcade you really, really, really need to have your reaction time as sharp as possible or it will fuck you up.

and sure enough i had a few misses on the board that paralyzed me or put trick room in effect, but i was able to power through those since my team (salamence/suicune/snorlax) doesnt mind paralysis and can benefit from TR...but battle seven i knew i'd be up against a sceptile/abomasnow/lanturn team and didnt have many options on the board that were good for me at all and i misclicked on the "burn your own pokemon" option which was the absolute worst thing i could have done. it was bad enough that the focus sash i'd gotten in battle 4 was going to be negated by snow warning, even worse that AA didnt kill the lead sceptile, which switched out on the next AA to lanturn (which is impossible to predict cause i think it's random whether they decide to do that), and a CH hydropump in the rain on lax didnt help either, meaning lax couldnt dent aboma at all and that i would go on to lose to energyball because of hail+burn. pretty much never felt sicker after a loss anywhere because i knew that i should have gone to bed and the only, only reason i lost is because of a reaction time slowed by a mere hundredth or whatever and that

but as ive hinted before, i think the arcade is easy and i only lose there to misclicks, so i'm not really surprised that just a few days later (and hundreds of hall battles as well), i have an active record of 84 wins in the Battle Arcade. was able to rush up there no problem because its amazing how well the team works without items, and also i was able to slow the board down after battle 74 and after 79 which helps incredibly. so here's battle 82 as proof, more proof of the AI's ridiculous luck than anything though: 66-52221-19016
Yeah, that's why I calculated only up to 80% damage, since that's all that's needed for the KO on Shuckle.

But UGHHHHHHH, I guess... I should be happy since it IS currently #1 on the records, but yah, I just couldn't get it to 49. I just got a streak of 43 in Battle Factory Level 50, 16 trades.

I had these to choose from:
Slowbro / Quiet / Leftovers - TRoom / Surf / Ice Beam / Psychic
Forretress / Adamant / Lax Incense - Double Edge / Explode / EQ / Rockslide
Heatran / Quiet / Sash - Magma Storm / Flash Cannon / Earth Power / Explosion
Rhyperior / Adamant / Choice Band - EQ / Rock Wrecker / Hammer Arm / Megahorn
Gallade / Adamant / Scope Lens - Psycho Cut / Close Combat / Leaf Blade / Night slash
Tyranitar / Jolly / Choice Scarf - 3 punches + aerial ace.

The researcher didn't say anything about opponent's team.

I figured it's either a Trick Room team... or.... not a trick room team. I don't trust having just a Slowbro for Trick Room since basically if I face electrics I won't get TR down and I'd be screwed. Long story short, I ended up choosing Slowbro, Heatran, and Tyranitar. They're all naturally somewhat bulky, and fairly good resistances combo... just need to be careful with ground types.

I didn't change my team during this streak, and lost to a team of Ampharos, Charizard, and Blissey.

Slowbro vs Ampharos:
- I immediate switch to Heatran, since I should be able to beat that one on one unless it's the focus punching one, but it wasn't, so yah, i got paralyzed, but ended up on top with over half HP left. Then enters Charizard.
Me 3 - 2 Opponent

Heatran vs Charizard:
- I didn't check database, but I figured Heatran resists both of Charizard's STAB, so it should be a safe stay in to fight, even though I have no moves to hit it for neutral. But anyway... Charizard EQs and Heatran faints. Now the NEXT switchin is my obligatory mistake that caused my lost lol. I recall from before that Tyranitar OHKOs Charizard with Thunder punch, so I figured I'll outspeed and OHKO that thing instead of Slowbro coming in, take a hit and then KO with surf. Of course I didn't know that Blissey was the third pokemon.
Me 2 - 2 Opponent

Tyranitar vs Charizard:
- TPunch fails to KO charizard by a little bit more than sandstorm damage (i.e. it survives the sandstorm), but Charizard also fails to KO with EQ by 3HP. the next Tpunch finishes Charizard. Blissey comes in. Here's where I made the other mistake I guess. I should have switch to Slowbro, but ... I didn't.
Me 2 - 1 Opponent

Tyranitar / Slowbro vs Blissey:
- TPunch does about 75% to Blissey. Blissey Flamethrowers for the KO. Slowbro comes in. Blissey uses Tbolt and did about 55% damage. Slowbro fails to KO with Psychic, Blissey uses Tbolt and KOs. Blissey doesn't have leftovers obviously since Slowbro has leftovers.
Me 0 - 1 Opponent

What I could have done:
- obviously if I switched Slowbro in for Charizard, that would have been an easy win.
- EVEN if I didn't though... if I had switched Tyranitar out to Slowbro to take the flamethrower, and then take a Tbolt while Slowbro hurts Bliss a bit with Surf (I dunno why I used Psychic), I WOULD have won because that would give me one extra turn of sand storm (which was enough to KO Blissey, since Blissey won with only a thin line of red).

EDIT: O yah, I don't think I'll attempt level 50 factory any more since it's too frustrating... at least.. until my record drops from top 3, which I think won't be for a short while.
was able to rush up there no problem because its amazing how well the team works without items, and also i was able to slow the board down after battle 74 and after 79 which helps incredibly.
This may sound odd, but I somewhat dislike slowing down the board, it kinda... messes up my rhythm. After one streak that happened to end at 75 due to human error, I was just flopping around in the early rounds because I was so used to that faster speed. So eh, the board speed panel just isn't one of my more favorable options. I'm already in the hundreds my team, it's amazing how great Fast's yawn & cripple strategy works in the Arcade. And if I select burn, poison, or par... hey, I'll gladly take advantage of it.

One panel that I'm avoiding lately is ally item, though, because I hate landing on it and getting choice items - even if the team is 6-1 with choice, based on two earlier streaks combined. I'd rather abuse the roulette with my own control.

I'll post about all the jaja later, too tired from the beach to go on about my team, and my sister's kicking me off. (though you know it, Jump, you gave me quite the confidence booster :D)

Earlier in my current active streak: [ link ]
I just got a streak of 42 in the battle Arcade
It wasn't the best streak, but it's the highest I've gotten so far.
I used Jumpman's Starmie, Tyranitar and Garchomp team. Really solid team, and even without items it's still good.
I got done in by this guy:

651,Dewgong 3,Calm,186,81,121,90,149,90,Sheer Cold,Horn Drill,Rest,Sleep Talk,HP/Def/Sp.Def

If you want to watch the video, the battle number's 12-94846-08641
Just a quicky [shameless plug]. My Frounteir Pokemon search app now labels OHKO moves in red, evasion moves in green and search term moves in bold.

I plan to add "estimated stats" columns later tonight - but no guarantees.
EDIT - Done!

Link is in my sig.
sort of a larger update :)

1. updated all new records, of course

2. added link to snapper´s site

3. NEW battle hall pokémon record list, check it out! it´s very empty for obvious reasons (hint: stop using salamence & garchomp please)

try to put your favourite pokémon on the list! ;)

jump I have only done 1 pokémon so far in the hall, does the total win-streak consist of all the highest records of all pokémon you used? like if you did tyranitar, kingdra and I don´t know what else and managed 170 with all 3 then your highest total win-streak is 510?

hmm yeah if this is how it works this could be used instead of the old battle hall list

ET: what do you mean? I don´t see anything in my posts that would make them "best" ...

as for my avatar, yeah you told me that already, although it´s just a staraptor :)
Huh, first post here and it's instantly a record. Posting some kind of a warstory:

Yesterday evening, I played Level 50 Factory just for the hell of it (or because I failed at Lv.100 once which cost me the match and further progress lol).
Nothing really spectacular in the first 3 runs. I just traded something after every match to increase chances of getting better IVs later (anyone verified info about that?). Getting to the boss for the first time was no problem at all. The match itself also started out quite well: His lead Hariyama was nearly complete Scyther bait, so I could Swords Dance once and then proceed to hit him hard with Technician-boosted Aerial Ace. Next one was Luxray, no chance to survive an X-Scissor. Last one was stupid Medicham which revenge-killed me with Fake Out. Then, I sent out Lunatone to set up a Reflect protecting me from Endure + Reversal. Fortunately, Luna didn't flinch after the Zen Headbutt, so I succeeded. Eventually, Luna was defeatet and Kingdra (Rain Dance Sniper lol, but the opponents' Pokémon throughout the run were just worse) finished the match. Now the "real" runs with the "real" Pokémon. :D

Run 4 und 5 went rather smoothly, nothing really interesting to tell here.

But then, the sixth series was supposed to beat the crap out of me, with Fire Fang/Flail Flareon being the only thing with an attack stat over 140 of the initial offer. I just had to take it, together with stat stupid mixed Flinchhaxbat and something else I forgot, which got replaced by some Porygon-Z, though. There just seemed to be no way I could survive the run with awful material like that and I don't know how, but I did! (Thanks to a new pack of small-time foes most likely, lol, as I had to stick with Flareon and X-Bat until the relieving end.)

Now I had the chance to play the golden (more like coloured lol) run. It couldn't get much worse than before, so just in there and play. In fact, I got better Pokémon this time, with 4 of them having perfect IVs and acceptable movesets (3 Grass, 1 Ice were not that enjoyable though). My selected team was:

866,Glaceon 4,Modest,Wise Glasses,140,72,162,200,115,85,Ice Beam,Shadow Ball,Signal Beam,Water Pulse,Def/Sp.Attk
845,Roserade 4,Modest,White Herb,135,81,75,194,125,142,Leaf Storm,Sludge Bomb,Shadow Ball,Weather Ball,Sp.Attk/Speed
366,Quagsire 1,Adamant,Rindo Berry,202,150,105,76,85,55,Earthquake,Aqua Tail,Brick Break,Counter,HP/Attk (+ Water Absorb!)

Glaceon did ok, but was replaced after the second match with the physical sweeper Haxbat (no, that stat mixed nonsense again). The remaining opponents were also not very challenging, so I made it to the boss again. There, the lead swap proved to be quite helpful:

Haxbat vs. Ninetales. Bah, since some random incident, I hate fighting Ninetales, lol, and my current team doesn't look that good against it as well. I used Cross Poison hoping to survive the fox's attack (Extrasensory) and I did. Besides, Cross Poison scored a crit, but Ninetales lived with some HP and didn't get poisoned. A safe X-Scissor for the kill, 3-2.
Latias was the next one. Troghout the whole run, never any legends appear and now even one probably countering my whole team!?? Well, a sacrificial Brave Bird was my only option. It took away a good chunk of HP, but then the difficulties just came into view: Quagsire was totally useless against Latias and Roserade would only finish it if it were the "bulky" (Frontier fails to bulkify anything lol, just look at them awful Noirs) set. If it were the offensive Psychic user, Rose and my golden hope would be doomed. There was nothing I could do except send in Roserade and put in Shadow Ball. Success! 2-1.
Since one legend shouldn't be enough, he sent Regigigigigi...gigigigas. I chose the safe way and Sludge Bomb away, which hit and poisoned him. 2 more turns for the win, nothing more of serious concern. So I just earned the most difficult to get coloured picture while not having acquired any other coloured picture so far, lol.

Today, I continued with run 8. The initial offer was totally flawless, but the sets themselves represented anything from awful (Toxic Orb Breloom with Effect Spore) to average (Bright Powder Gardenwhore with partly doubtful moves). My selection was exactly this:

488,Charizard 2,Modest,White Herb,153,93,98,177,105,152,Overheat,SolarBeam,Will-O-Wisp,Sunny Day,Sp.Attk/Speed
719,Gardevoir 3,Modest,BrightPowder,143,76,85,194,167,100,Psychi c,Charge Beam,Energy Ball,Focus Blast,Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
820,Floatzel 4,Adamant,Razor Claw,160,172,75,94,70,167,Aqua Tail,Ice Fang,Crunch,Brick Break,Attk/Speed

I managed to win the first match somehow, but the second one went completely wrong. Charizard missed the Overheat against Obamasnow 4 and fell to a hitting Rock Slide. Then, i risked Gardy Focus Blast (too lazy to calculate just after Gold and just wanted to kill that bugger some way) and it missed, too. Wood Hammer CH for the next kill. Floatzel failed to kill the frozen president with Brick Break and got owned by another Wood Hammer which ultimately killed both for my neck-breaking 0-2.

So, I'm entering a series of 50 wins and 31 swaps as the new Factory Level 50 Singles record. Thanks for reading.

Replay IDs:
95-10978-51365 (Silver)
60-53941-27042 (Gold)
I will also put them on my YouTube within the next weeks (user Fatum06).

Btw Nubtro, your new link is once more broken. :D I had to look for it manually then, but nice tool. I would appreciate an update introducing stats. Level 100 stats would be also nice for people who play Lv.100 Factory.

/edit: Lol too good, there was just a new record and I still beat it. Sorry, lol.

/edit: Great stuff, thank you. Now I'm not dependant on the lists any more (at least online), since I accidently mixed up some lines which cost me my Level 100 run afterwards, lol.
yeah fixed it

nice that you joined smogon, if only because you won the german qualifier and of course because of this topic :) for your record...die lol j/k

jump I have only done 1 pokémon so far in the hall, does the total win-streak consist of all the highest records of all pokémon you used? like if you did tyranitar, kingdra and I don´t know what else and managed 170 with all 3 then your highest total win-streak is 510?

yeah that's what it would be, mine is 647 because i have streaks of: 243 with Porygon-Z, 178 with Tyranitar, 177 with Kingdra, and 49 with Tauros (thanks for using Alakazam in battle 50 Argenta, the only pokemon besides Forretress that can consistently beat Tauros), which add up to 647. idk if you want pictures of these or whatever now that we're recognizing hall successes differently, but either way, the total win streak thing is dubious because as you can see it includes my tauros streak which is only 49

im most proud of tyranitar because no one in their right mind would think that tyranitar can beat the hall, but i'm crazy:
It's just theorymon but (for the hall):

Slaking @ choice band
adamant 252at/252speed/6hp
-giga impact
-shadow claw
-fire punch/fury swipes

Slaking OHKOs almost everything that it can hit neutrally. In fact the only way to survive is to have a focus sash, substitute, or be very bulky.
Giga impact is far better than return, as unlike competative play, you cannot switch and are foced into traunt anyway. Earthquake hits those rocks and steels who resist normal. Shadow claw hits rotom, gengar and co. Fire puch hits skarm and bronzong. And finally fury swipes- my attempt to overcome focus sash. Although it often needs to hit more than 2 times, which sucks when we factor in battle frontier luck.
Futhermore, Scizor is a huge problem here. Also, although i desperatly want this to work, giga impact's 90% accuracy is really not good enough.

Also, the new system for the hall is much better. But Jump's idea of the total record might be quite challenging.Considering there are ~480 pokemon allowed and everyone can get at least 20, and fully evolved one's can get 80. Prehaps it should be all records over 170, together. For example say you got 180 with togetkiss, 200 with porygon z and 170 with salamence, you would have 550.

I don't mean to moan, but what i really don't like about the hall is how easy it is to copy another "team" and easily get a record on the board. Unfortunatly that will stay the same no matter how the records are displayed.
It's just theorymon but (for the hall):

Slaking @ choice band
adamant 252at/252speed/6hp
-giga impact
-shadow claw
-fire punch/fury swipes

Slaking OHKOs almost everything that it can hit neutrally. In fact the only way to survive is to have a focus sash, substitute, or be very bulky.
Giga impact is far better than return, as unlike competative play, you cannot switch and are foced into traunt anyway. Earthquake hits those rocks and steels who resist normal. Shadow claw hits rotom, gengar and co. Fire puch hits skarm and bronzong. And finally fury swipes- my attempt to overcome focus sash. Although it often needs to hit more than 2 times, which sucks when we factor in battle frontier luck.
Futhermore, Scizor is a huge problem here. Also, although i desperatly want this to work, giga impact's 90% accuracy is really not good enough.

Also, the new system for the hall is much better. But Jump's idea of the total record might be quite challenging.Considering there are ~480 pokemon allowed and everyone can get at least 20, and fully evolved one's can get 80. Prehaps it should be all records over 170, together. For example say you got 180 with togetkiss, 200 with porygon z and 170 with salamence, you would have 550.

I don't mean to moan, but what i really don't like about the hall is how easy it is to copy another "team" and easily get a record on the board. Unfortunatly that will stay the same no matter how the records are displayed.

Alakazam obliterates you with Expert Belt Focus Blast. Fury Swipes does not beat Focus Sash. Infernape destroys you with Fake Out + Close Combat, or just Close Combat since you're slower. And you can't use Giga Impact as your primary attack.
Made it to a streak of 193 in Battle Hall with this:

Yes, yes, I know. It's a Garchomp. Shoot me now - I just wanted the gold print ;).


Puff - Male Adamant Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Fire Fang, Stone Edge, Outrage, Earthquake

Yeah, lost on the 194th battle to a Slowbro whom my Outrage failed to Two-hit thanks to his sitrus berry. I should have used EQ and then Outrage so his berry wouldn't activate. Oh well, I'm still satisfied with 193.

My closest call was with an Infernape surprisingly. It faked out, and then left me at 2HP with a Close Combat. Thank god for those Defense and HP IVs. I'm probably going to try out my luck at the factory now, not sure.
oh no! my eyes, my eyes!!! I can´t believe what I see...the thing beginning with the letter G in the same post as the facility beginning with the letter H... haha noone shoots here...yet

my jolly garchomp´s IVs are the same btw. (from before the RNG abuse era)

to spam or not to spam...well I did, but whatever, I can...not there you go another thiny whiny story

yeah, don´t know why, but I played factory because I felt like I did a 14 last week somewhere while watching TV and yeah I was sitting at 14 (open level)

#15 I chose crazy snorlax (what I call the one with gunk shot), flygon and lapras...before 16 I was told I would face sheer cold I was like good lord I don´t want to lose after 1 battle so I swapped sub,seed,toxic,gaga meganium (/me hugs meggy), which pretty much beat 80% of the following pokémon by itself after the initial 2 horn drillz hit...yeah it´s dangerous to give me a sub seeder (leech seed is one of my favourite attacks in the game)...won the round and I don´t even remember what thorton had or did, only that he said 36%

round 4 I had to choose from: typhlosion, phys. suicune, honchkrow, muk, rampardos, nidoqueen

I went with sunnyoverheat typhlosion, phys. flinchcune and the sexy scarf rampardos...somewhere in the middle I switched out typhlo who did a very good job, for a gengar (set4), because I was going to face another quake user...I won the round

but then I got a not-so-good six...forry -dig, swagger, toxic, dt...lix - gyro ball, payback, swagger, curse...laxo-DE,quake,zenbutt, crunhc...skuntank - fudge bomb, pulse, thrower, ball...drifblim - psycho,bolt,icy wind, d-bond...QC ursa - return, cross chomp, quake, aa (sorry for the mess, this is copy-pasted from my icq history with user fatum who posted his lv.50 record today ._. I bet our poké-chat is similar to that of ETjump because we´re high quality)

everything was so slow and everyone knows that "slow" equals bad in the factory...fartmonster was relatively speedy but I didn´t feel comfortable with that (prbably would´ve won me the game in hindsight)...anyway, I went with laxo-drifblim-ursa although I considered steelix because of 150 gyro ball everything above 152 speed...


snorlax vs gyarados
waterfall, double-edge, recoil, life orb damage, crap
quake, KO

drifblim vs gyarados
gyara chestorest, bolt 1hko

drifblim vs kazam
zam shadow ball, 37/493 left, d-bond
ball, double-KO

ursa vs ... ... ... porygon2, download raised its spA (f*** my ursa has 171 def and 171 sp.def, unfortunately that is how the ability works in case of a tie)
I check the database and pory has 5 more base speed and none of them has speed EVs...maybe IV luck on my side, maybe not (huh considering my IVs were 16 (ow) that was more praying that anything else)
tough move choice right there, I calced cross chop, no OHKO (255 HP EVs) so I went with the safer option, return...he tri attacked me for heavy damage so I needed a QC activation turn 2 which didn´t occur so he signal beamed me for the win...whatever

now I am playing tower multi with a guy called PETERKO, he must be a stalker or something because my nickname is also PETERKO...that´s just weird

we´re using my vgc team that was being worked on for about 2 months (breeding, reseting) and was ready but didn´t see play in berlin, because I suck and didn´t go lol

well anyway, this is very interesting because I think that the one version who is the leader decides the tower oponents as well...have to check that further as I only noticed a protect+pluck altaria which is definitely not plat. according to my printed list

yeah and this facility gives neat in DP I got 3-3-4-4 but in plat. I got 11-13-14or15 in the last three rounds (didn´t notice round1, probably 9)...this is somewhat ridiculous compared to the 1 BP you get in the hall

so I am forced to enjoy the animations but I like my team and the BP will come in handy for all the other weaviles I will create, beside the 8 I already have in the game, to climb the hall wall