Huh, first post here and it's instantly a record. Posting some kind of a warstory:
Yesterday evening, I played Level 50 Factory just for the hell of it (or because I failed at Lv.100 once which cost me the match and further progress lol).
Nothing really spectacular in the first 3 runs. I just traded something after every match to increase chances of getting better IVs later (anyone verified info about that?). Getting to the boss for the first time was no problem at all. The match itself also started out quite well: His lead Hariyama was nearly complete Scyther bait, so I could Swords Dance once and then proceed to hit him hard with Technician-boosted Aerial Ace. Next one was Luxray, no chance to survive an X-Scissor. Last one was stupid Medicham which revenge-killed me with Fake Out. Then, I sent out Lunatone to set up a Reflect protecting me from Endure + Reversal. Fortunately, Luna didn't flinch after the Zen Headbutt, so I succeeded. Eventually, Luna was defeatet and Kingdra (Rain Dance Sniper lol, but the opponents' Pokémon throughout the run were just worse) finished the match. Now the "real" runs with the "real" Pokémon. :D
Run 4 und 5 went rather smoothly, nothing really interesting to tell here.
But then, the sixth series was supposed to beat the crap out of me, with Fire Fang/Flail Flareon being the only thing with an attack stat over 140 of the initial offer. I just had to take it, together with stat stupid mixed Flinchhaxbat and something else I forgot, which got replaced by some Porygon-Z, though. There just seemed to be no way I could survive the run with awful material like that and I don't know how, but I did! (Thanks to a new pack of small-time foes most likely, lol, as I had to stick with Flareon and X-Bat until the relieving end.)
Now I had the chance to play the golden (more like coloured lol) run. It couldn't get much worse than before, so just in there and play. In fact, I got better Pokémon this time, with 4 of them having perfect IVs and acceptable movesets (3 Grass, 1 Ice were not that enjoyable though). My selected team was:
866,Glaceon 4,Modest,Wise Glasses,140,72,162,200,115,85,Ice Beam,Shadow Ball,Signal Beam,Water Pulse,Def/Sp.Attk
845,Roserade 4,Modest,White Herb,135,81,75,194,125,142,Leaf Storm,Sludge Bomb,Shadow Ball,Weather Ball,Sp.Attk/Speed
366,Quagsire 1,Adamant,Rindo Berry,202,150,105,76,85,55,Earthquake,Aqua Tail,Brick Break,Counter,HP/Attk (+ Water Absorb!)
Glaceon did ok, but was replaced after the second match with the physical sweeper Haxbat (no, that stat mixed nonsense again). The remaining opponents were also not very challenging, so I made it to the boss again. There, the lead swap proved to be quite helpful:
Haxbat vs. Ninetales. Bah, since some random incident, I hate fighting Ninetales, lol, and my current team doesn't look that good against it as well. I used Cross Poison hoping to survive the fox's attack (Extrasensory) and I did. Besides, Cross Poison scored a crit, but Ninetales lived with some HP and didn't get poisoned. A safe X-Scissor for the kill, 3-2.
Latias was the next one. Troghout the whole run, never any legends appear and now even one probably countering my whole team!?? Well, a sacrificial Brave Bird was my only option. It took away a good chunk of HP, but then the difficulties just came into view: Quagsire was totally useless against Latias and Roserade would only finish it if it were the "bulky" (Frontier fails to bulkify anything lol, just look at them awful Noirs) set. If it were the offensive Psychic user, Rose and my golden hope would be doomed. There was nothing I could do except send in Roserade and put in Shadow Ball. Success! 2-1.
Since one legend shouldn't be enough, he sent Regigigigigi...gigigigas. I chose the safe way and Sludge Bomb away, which hit and poisoned him. 2 more turns for the win, nothing more of serious concern. So I just earned the most difficult to get coloured picture while not having acquired any other coloured picture so far, lol.
Today, I continued with run 8. The initial offer was totally flawless, but the sets themselves represented anything from awful (Toxic Orb Breloom with Effect Spore) to average (Bright Powder Gardenwhore with partly doubtful moves). My selection was exactly this:
488,Charizard 2,Modest,White Herb,153,93,98,177,105,152,Overheat,SolarBeam,Will-O-Wisp,Sunny Day,Sp.Attk/Speed
719,Gardevoir 3,Modest,BrightPowder,143,76,85,194,167,100,Psychi c,Charge Beam,Energy Ball,Focus Blast,Sp.Attk/Sp.Def
820,Floatzel 4,Adamant,Razor Claw,160,172,75,94,70,167,Aqua Tail,Ice Fang,Crunch,Brick Break,Attk/Speed
I managed to win the first match somehow, but the second one went completely wrong. Charizard missed the Overheat against Obamasnow 4 and fell to a hitting Rock Slide. Then, i risked Gardy Focus Blast (too lazy to calculate just after Gold and just wanted to kill that bugger some way) and it missed, too. Wood Hammer CH for the next kill. Floatzel failed to kill the frozen president with Brick Break and got owned by another Wood Hammer which ultimately killed both for my neck-breaking 0-2.
So, I'm entering a series of 50 wins and 31 swaps as the new Factory Level 50 Singles record. Thanks for reading.
Replay IDs:
95-10978-51365 (Silver)
60-53941-27042 (Gold)
I will also put them on my YouTube within the next weeks (user Fatum06).
Btw Nubtro, your new link is once more broken. :D I had to look for it manually then, but nice tool. I would appreciate an update introducing stats. Level 100 stats would be also nice for people who play Lv.100 Factory.
/edit: Lol too good, there was just a new record and I still beat it. Sorry, lol.
/edit: Great stuff, thank you. Now I'm not dependant on the lists any more (at least online), since I accidently mixed up some lines which cost me my Level 100 run afterwards, lol.