Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

i havent had amuch of a look at the platinum battle frontier yet, but for future reference here is my current d/p link multi battle team:

jolly / intimidate / choice band
252 atk / 252 speed / 6 hp
rock slide
aerial ace
brick break
bold / marvel scale / leftovers
252 hp / 252 def / 6 speed
ice beam

timid / levitate / choice specs
252 sp atk / 252 speed / 6 hp
dragon pulse

bold / natural cure / lum berry
252 hp / 252 def / 6 speed
seismic toss
i'm up to 56 wins, which beats my old record of 51. no need to add it yet, im just taking a break from that particular challenge, and wanted to write my team down somewhere...

EDIT: nice to see ursaring getting some love in the battle hall!!

EDIT2: also, i cant see why we should add battle hall records to determine streaks. different pokemon = different team in my opinion. by way of comparision, if i could get (unbeaten) winning streaks of 105 in the battle tower on 10 different DS's, i dont see why i should be credited with a 1050 win streak.
EDIT: nice to see ursaring getting some love in the battle hall!!

EDIT2: also, i cant see why we should add battle hall records to determine streaks. different pokemon = different team in my opinion. by way of comparision, if i could get (unbeaten) winning streaks of 105 in the battle tower on 10 different DS's, i dont see why i should be credited with a 1050 win streak.
Yeah! I'll maybe try to complete the 170 with Ursaring again. It's an interesting pokemon.

I also agree with not accumulating streaks like that. I mean, I guess that will encourage people to use other pokemon in battle hall, but then the record list itself will be rather pointless, because it'll just be a record of the people that used the most number of different pokemon. I.e. it probably wouldn't be too hard for me to get like 100 streak with 30 different pokemon or something like that, given some amount of time, and then that will be first because other people have only done 170 streaks with 10 different pokemon.
Yeah! I'll maybe try to complete the 170 with Ursaring again. It's an interesting pokemon.

I also agree with not accumulating streaks like that. I mean, I guess that will encourage people to use other pokemon in battle hall, but then the record list itself will be rather pointless, because it'll just be a record of the people that used the most number of different pokemon. I.e. it probably wouldn't be too hard for me to get like 100 streak with 30 different pokemon or something like that, given some amount of time, and then that will be first because other people have only done 170 streaks with 10 different pokemon.

yes, and there is no way to really modertate it, is there? i mean just say i was trying to turn my 10000 streak into a 10001 streak by using a magikarp with tackle and flail, but i lose. surely i should consider my "streak" over, or would i just not tell everyone about the magikarp attempt, and just add together the other streaks.

as for ursaring, the only platinum battle frontier stuff ive done has been the battle hall with the shiny ursaring i bred in diamond and played through platinum with (from a level 1 baby). it has random EVs from playing through the game, and i think i just played through 10 levels or something, and i did fighting just to try and test him. i might have a go with a trained one. so, with all this mention of the number 170, i take it that beating 10 pokemon of each type means you have "completed" the challenge? if so, how did people get streaks of like 302? i'm a noob at the plat BF......
Basically, there are 10 "ranks" (i.e. difficulties) for each type, the 10th rank being the hardest, of course. You get silver print after beating Matron (the boss) the first time at a streak of 50, and you get the gold print after beating Matron the second time at a streak of 170, so that's like "completing the challenge," I guess.

After all 10 ranks of one type has been played, it's grayed out and no longer selectable, so that means by the end of 170, all of the types will have been grayed out, at which point all of them becomes playable again, but does not go back to rank 1. Instead it just stays at rank 10, and once it's picked again, it's not playable anymore. I.e. before 170, you can just go through each streak of 10 by playing through all the pokemon of one type (e.g. garchomp should probably face all the ice types in the first set of 10), but after 170 streak, all 17 types have to be played before they are selectable again (i.e. Garchomp will have to fight ice type somewhere between 171 and 187 streak). Hopefully that made sense to you.
Ok. I'm going to be doing some therymoning here, so please bear with me.

This is for the Battle Arcade By the way, so that we're all on the same ground.

The reason that I love the Battle Arcade is that there are NO items.
In other words, I can't be quick claw hax'd to death. (thank god)
BUT, the reason why I keep losing in the battle tower, is because of that Game board. It might burn all my Pokemon, which really hurts the team which I'm currently using.
Basically the game board decides the games most of the time, right? Well what if there was a way PAST the game board, so that whatever happens on the game board doesn't in the least bit affect your team?
Well, that's what this team is trying to achieve, no matter what status, or anything comes your way, you can still win.

Allow me to introduce the team members:

Sand Veil
252 ATK / 252 SPE / 6 HP
~ Outrage
~ Earthquake
~ Crunch
~ Aerial Ace

Natural Cure
252 DEF / 40 SPA / 214 SPD
~ Flamethrower
~ Aromatherapy
~ Softboiled
~ Toxic

252 HP / 80 ATK / 176 DEF
~ Spikes
~ Roost
~ Brave Bird
~ Whirlwind

Ok, now you might be going:
WTF? All this is is a Garchomp + Skarmbliss, this team sucks!
Well, after some thinking about what to do, I figured that this team is best handled for the Battle Arcade.

If a Pokemon, let's say; Garchomp gets Burned, Frozen or asleep. Blissey can heal him, then if It's a special attacker, keep blissey in and stall. If It's Physical, then switch to skarmory, set up spikes, and stall. The aim of this team is to stall, then bring out Garchomp for some sweepage of needed.
Since MOST of the Arcade CPU Pokemon are either Physical or Special, Skarmbliss works fine. And if any weather effects want's to show its' head, then that's fine. This team does not mind any weather effect.

The way which I want games to go, is like this:

I'd size up the opponents team, and devise a strategy to beat the team

Turn 1:

If Garchomp can K.O the first Pokemon, do so. If not, switch to appropriate counter.
If Garchomp K.O'd the first pokemon, then keep going. If he's stuck onto

Turn 2:
outrage, then I must have looked at the opponents team, and thought it was alright to use outrage. If I switched to a counter, keep stalling.

The rest of the turns are the same. garchomp might be able to score some free 3-0 wins, but if i'm in danger of losing Garchomp, then i'll switch to the right counter, and stall. Stall, stall, stall Outrage is what the main goal of this team is.

Weavile is a huge threat in the Team that I'm currently using, so Skarmory can block him. Just keep stalling with Skarmbliss is the real aim of this team.

Flamethrower + Toxic will hit what I want. Plus Toxic really does help with the Stalling.

The only things which I can see as problems, as far as my limited knowledge goes (I know very little) is the "Switch Teams" button. Which will really be hard to do. Fortunately, this team does require proper use. Since it's a stall team, with some Offense mixed in there, the AI shouldn't know how to use it.

So there's my theory team for the Arcade. I think that it would do very well.
If anyone gets up me about my grammar, punctuation, etc, I'm only 15, and I hate english.

So rate, please tell me if it's good or bad.

Oh, btw, I have a new Personal Best in the Battle Arcade, with the same team.
57 Wins (Stupid switch Team option)
Basically, there are 10 "ranks" (i.e. difficulties) for each type, the 10th rank being the hardest, of course. You get silver print after beating Matron (the boss) the first time at a streak of 50, and you get the gold print after beating Matron the second time at a streak of 170, so that's like "completing the challenge," I guess.

After all 10 ranks of one type has been played, it's grayed out and no longer selectable, so that means by the end of 170, all of the types will have been grayed out, at which point all of them becomes playable again, but does not go back to rank 1. Instead it just stays at rank 10, and once it's picked again, it's not playable anymore. I.e. before 170, you can just go through each streak of 10 by playing through all the pokemon of one type (e.g. garchomp should probably face all the ice types in the first set of 10), but after 170 streak, all 17 types have to be played before they are selectable again (i.e. Garchomp will have to fight ice type somewhere between 171 and 187 streak). Hopefully that made sense to you.

perfect sense - thankyou for going to the trouble!
I'm posting this here for posterity, it's from this thread.

Jumpman16 said:
haha thanks all especially ET i love you guys

since at least the tyranitar definitely need explanation, those tyranitar were the 17 that we theorymonned for the Battle Hall in the Battle Frontier. you have to use one species for every type and fight 10 in a row but you're allowed to change movesets and EVs and everything (until after battle 170 for some reason but whatever).

after we were done we came up with those nicknames for each type, so I'm going to copypaste what i had for all those types so that stuff makes a little more sense. they correspond with the types Tyra was facing and hoping to beat, ET came up with Missionary, Dominatrix, Kama Sutra, lets spoon, Necrophile, RockHard4U and Dirty Girl...keep in mind that there's a 10-character limit and that trying to stay in a theme for 17 different Pokemon wasn't easy!

first this post has the battle hall types and the pokemon you face, click it if you care about the battle hall and want to make sense out of our theorymon:

Are u wet?@Choice Specs, 252SpA/172SpD/84Spe, Thunderbolt/HP Grass/Dragon Pulse/Dark Pulse, Modest, Lv100. 341HP/317SpA/279SpD/179Spe. Poliwrath/Swampert/Kingdra/Ludicolo

I put out.@Focus Sash, 4Def/252SpA/252Spe, Earth Power/Surf/Protect/Counter, Modest, Lv100. heatran/moltres/everything/magmar.


RubberLove@Choice Scarf: Crunch/Earthquake/Rock Slide/OUTRAGE, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe Jolly, Lv100. Rotom/lol/Zapdos/o_OUTRAGE

Spank me...@Focus Sash: Superpower/Protect/Spite/Counter, 252HP/252Def/4Spe, Impish, Lv100. Lucario/Infernape/Machamp/Hitmonchan

Deflowered@Focus Sash, Fire Punch/Aerial Ace/Avalanche/Taunt, 252Atk/56Def/124SpD/76Spe, Adamant, Lv100. cradily/cacturne/torterra/ludicolo.

Sucked Dry@Focus Sash: AncientPower/Flamethrower/Aerial Ace/Counter, Impish, 252HP/252Def/4SpA, Lv100. Yanmega/Scizor/Vespiquen/Scyther.

Handcuffs@Focus Sash: Superpower/Earthquake/Flamethrower/Counter, Impish, 252HP/252Def/4SpA, Lv100. Empoleon/Heatran/Scizor/Metagross (iirc)

Mile High@Focus Sash: AncientPower/Rock Slide/Ice Beam/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Yanmega/Togekiss/Gliscor/Scyther

lets spoon@Focus Sash: Crunch/Shadow Claw/Aerial Ace/Counter, 252Atk/100SpD/156Spe, Adamant, Lv100. lol/Medicham/Jynx/Metagross

Kama Sutra@Focus Sash: Outrage/Avalanche/Protect/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Kingdra/Salamence/Garchomp/Garchomp.

Necrophile@Focus Sash: Crunch/Bite/Protect/Sleep Talk, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. lol/Gengar/Dusknoir/Gengar.

North Pole@Choice Band: Crunch/Superpower/Aerial Ace/AncientPower, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. rock slide is the fourth worst attack in the game/Mamoswine/Froslass/Articuno

Missionary@Focus Sash: Rock Slide/Superpower/Protect/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Togekiss/Blissey/Regigigas/Tauros.

Dominatrix@Choice Scarf: Crunch/Superpower/Aerial Ace/Stomp, 252Atk/56Def/200Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Spiritomb/Crawdaunt/Cacturne/Sharpedo

Rohypnol@Focus Sash: Crunch/Earthquake/Counter/Protect, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Jolly, Lv100. Gengar/Tentacruel/Toxicroak/Roserade.

RockHard4U@Focus Sash: Iron Head/Superpower/Aqua Tail/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Jolly, Lv100. Solrock/Tyranitar/Golem/Relicanth (don't use AT unless you have to, as with all 90% acc moves [even if you're better than rs {what isn't |se focus blast and mm|}])

Dirty Girl@Choice Specs: Dark Pulse/Ice Beam/Surf/Hidden Power Grass, 60HP/252SpA/196Spe, IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31, Modest, Lv100. Claydol/Garchomp/Rhyperior/Swampert.


Cry for me@Focus Sash: Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Earthquake/Counter, 252HP/252SpD/4Spe, Gentle, Lv100.

the last one, Cry for me, was made because the "Hall Matron", Argenta, who you fight at Battle 50 and 170 and who can seriously use any pokemon she wants. which is ridiculous for something like Tyranitar that *can* beat every type with a given moveset, but (bear with me these logs are both funny and relevant [plus its my birthday and youre in my birthday thread you're actually banned if you dont read this {and i'll cry if i want to |lol see what i did there|}]):

1) RockHard4U@Focus Sash: Iron Head/Superpower/Aqua Tail/Counter isn't beating Max Defense, Hydro Pump Suicune (even though 8 or 9 do easily), she used this the first battle 50:

igarvey (9:02:22 PM): MATRON????????????????????????
igarvey (9:02:32 PM): MATRON
igarvey (9:02:35 PM): before you face matron
JumpXVI (9:02:36 PM): yes
igarvey (9:02:38 PM): tell me what poke you LEAST want to face
igarvey (9:02:39 PM): poliwrath?

JumpXVI (9:02:42 PM): well
JumpXVI (9:02:48 PM): no cause i wan tto know
JumpXVI (9:02:55 PM): and better now than in the 200s
igarvey (9:03:42 PM): ?
igarvey (9:03:45 PM): poliwrath?
igarvey (9:03:55 PM): poliwrath you lose
JumpXVI (9:04:06 PM): oh yeah

JumpXVI (9:04:15 PM): suicune
JumpXVI (9:04:16 PM): lol
JumpXVI (9:04:22 PM): hm
igarvey (9:04:28 PM): good luck with that
JumpXVI (9:04:31 PM): that's extremely gay
igarvey (9:04:42 PM): H283 | Golem | Brave | Quick Claw | Stone Edge | Earth Power | Hammer Arm | Sucker Punch | Atk/SpA
igarvey (9:04:45 PM): re
igarvey (9:04:50 PM): H422 | Suicune | Bold | Sitrus Berry | Mirror Coat | Facade | Hydro Pump | Reflect | Def/SpD

igarvey (9:04:52 PM): how fun with 361 def
igarvey (9:04:53 PM): reflect
igarvey (9:04:55 PM): and hydro pump
igarvey (9:04:57 PM): and sitrus berry

igarvey (9:05:08 PM): that matron is a cheating bitch im sorry
igarvey (9:05:14 PM): that defeats the whole entire purpose of the thing
igarvey (9:05:17 PM): if you cant select the type
JumpXVI (9:05:18 PM): yeah
igarvey (9:05:28 PM): isnt the WHOLE POINT = pick a type, you face it?

JumpXVI (9:05:34 PM): this is kind of gay
igarvey (9:05:35 PM): what the fuck gives her the right to break the rules?
igarvey (9:06:03 PM): stall it out of hydropump
igarvey (9:06:11 PM): then all it has is facade
JumpXVI (9:06:32 PM): ih/sp/at/counter
igarvey (9:06:40 PM): good luck lol
igarvey (9:06:50 PM): im not even joking though
igarvey (9:06:59 PM): why the hell can she choose any type she wants?
JumpXVI (9:07:14 PM): 367 Atk vs 361 Def & 341 HP (120 Base Power): 88 - 104 (25.81% - 30.50%)
JumpXVI (9:07:18 PM): i know
igarvey (9:07:31 PM): youre not going to win unless it misses 4 hydro pumps
JumpXVI (9:07:31 PM): well next time im listening to myself
JumpXVI (9:07:37 PM): i can ih hax or whatever
igarvey (9:07:40 PM): shut up
igarvey (9:07:42 PM): if you chose specs
igarvey (9:07:45 PM): it would have used a fighting type

JumpXVI (9:08:26 PM): fuck this
JumpXVI (9:08:33 PM): that's really really gay
igarvey (9:08:45 PM): yes
JumpXVI (9:08:48 PM): like
igarvey (9:08:49 PM): im sorry, i cant emphasize that enough
JumpXVI (9:08:52 PM): that's worse than factory gay
JumpXVI (9:08:54 PM): yeah


2) Dirty Girl@Choice Specs: Dark Pulse/Ice Beam/Surf/Hidden Power Grass isn't beating Jolly CC Heracross, she used this the second battle 50, and yes, she actually used a fighting type like ET said she would, which is even gayer than you think because even though there are only 14 fighters she can pick out of 207 pokemon:

JumpXVI (6:28:59 PM): heracross was the worst man
igarvey (6:29:08 PM): if she uses lucario
JumpXVI (6:29:09 PM): im not kidding, 12 of 17 beat it every time
igarvey (6:29:11 PM): you can laugh all day

because of counter sash (and my scarf one has Rock Slide which is better than, well, a slower Specs Tyra), but anyway,

3) lets spoon@Focus Sash: Crunch/Shadow Claw/Aerial Ace/Counter isn't beating Max Special Attack/Defense Quiet Focus Blast Vacuum Wave Poliwrath (only 2-3 do but two are my Water and Fighting ones obviously):

JumpXVI (5:43:51 PM): 59-05657-83458
JumpXVI (5:43:57 PM): lol you've gotta watch that
igarvey went away at 6:18:57 PM
igarvey returned at 6:18:59 PM
igarvey (6:21:11 PM): rofl
igarvey (6:21:16 PM): hahahahahaahahahahahah
igarvey (6:21:24 PM): the music
JumpXVI (6:21:25 PM): you wouldn't really believe me
igarvey (6:22:32 PM): im literally loling
igarvey (6:22:48 PM): what an unbelievable bitch

igarvey (6:22:57 PM): why did you use lets spoon for round 5
JumpXVI (6:23:02 PM): it very literally is
JumpXVI (6:23:12 PM): adamant, crunch and counter sash
igarvey (6:23:21 PM): hahahaha
JumpXVI (6:23:35 PM): i'm kinda like confused
JumpXVI (6:23:46 PM): it doesnt seem to matter what i use for round 5
JumpXVI (6:24:02 PM): at any rate, thank you for ensuring i never breed again

igarvey (6:24:18 PM): thats so hilarious
igarvey (6:24:24 PM): she used oneof only two fighting types that could beat you
igarvey (6:24:26 PM): i think
igarvey (6:24:37 PM): lucario and poliwrqath
igarvey (6:24:41 PM): really thats hilarious

igarvey (6:24:45 PM): really truly

igarvey (6:24:51 PM): ok
igarvey (6:24:53 PM): do the same exact thing
igarvey (6:24:58 PM): see if she uses poliwrath again
igarvey (6:24:59 PM): or lucario
JumpXVI (6:25:00 PM): okay
igarvey (6:25:01 PM): if she does
JumpXVI (6:25:07 PM): i really think psychic is a good choice
igarvey (6:25:09 PM): then you know the AI has gotten unbelievable
JumpXVI (6:25:21 PM): yeah and it wont be fun


4) lets spoon@Focus Sash: Crunch/Shadow Claw/Aerial Ace/Counter isn't beating Bold Max Defense Flash Cannon Magnezone, even though 13 of my 17 Tyranitar do:

JumpXVI (6:49:12 PM): she takes like 30 seconds
JumpXVI (6:49:16 PM): i really want to rape her
JumpXVI (6:49:31 PM): it's seemed like a big joke so far
igarvey (6:49:39 PM): what do you mean 30 seconds
JumpXVI (6:49:51 PM): after "marton wants to fight you."
igarvey (6:49:56 PM): oh

JumpXVI (6:50:01 PM): magnezone
JumpXVI (6:50:09 PM): that isnt cool
JumpXVI (6:50:23 PM): H455 | Magnezone | Bold | Ganlon Berry | Flash Cannon | Tri Attack | Thunder | Mirror Coat | Def/SpA
JumpXVI (6:50:27 PM): ffs lol
igarvey (6:50:34 PM): H455 | Magnezone | Bold | Ganlon Berry | Flash Cannon | Tri Attack | Thunder | Mirror Coat | Def/SpA
igarvey (6:50:40 PM): thats kind of hilarious

JumpXVI (6:50:50 PM): def lowered
igarvey (6:50:57 PM): youre not surviving two flash cannons
JumpXVI (6:50:57 PM): FC
JumpXVI (6:51:09 PM): 153/341
JumpXVI (6:51:12 PM): this is kind of gay

"kind of gay" is an understatement, one those of you who actually followed the logs and understand the hall will agree with. I finally had to make Cry For Me as it had the best chance of beating all the pokes when i did battle 50 and 170. i finally did so after facing slaking for battle 50 and arcanine for battle 170, then realized you had to play one type at a time from 171 onwards, which is extremely lame. anyway, as for the name:

igarvey (8:15:53 PM): sigh i really want you to ues dont cryh fo rme.............
JumpXVI (8:15:59 PM): too late
JumpXVI (8:16:01 PM): dont worry i'll lose
igarvey (8:16:31 PM): im amazed how quick you came up with cry for me
igarvey (8:16:34 PM): that is literally the perfect nickname
igarvey (8:16:35 PM): lol

JumpXVI (8:16:37 PM): lol
JumpXVI (8:16:40 PM): i actually have that album
JumpXVI (8:16:42 PM): and love it
igarvey (8:16:48 PM): youre a homosexual

JumpXVI (8:16:51 PM): so when i see "argenta"
JumpXVI (8:16:57 PM): not really it's good music
JumpXVI (8:17:13 PM): by have album
igarvey (8:17:18 PM): 1) madonna
igarvey (8:17:20 PM): 2) musical
JumpXVI (8:17:21 PM): i mean like 10 years ago my dad go tit
igarvey (8:17:22 PM): you = gay
JumpXVI (8:17:27 PM): it's a movie?

igarvey (8:17:32 PM): its a musical movie
igarvey (8:17:39 PM): and before that a musical
JumpXVI (8:17:39 PM): i saw it with my parents
JumpXVI (8:17:41 PM): family
JumpXVI (8:17:43 PM): it was like 1998
igarvey (8:17:47 PM): me too
JumpXVI (8:17:50 PM): if i hadn't i doubt i would have

annnnnnnnnnyway yeah, et and i spent a lot of time on this stuff so thought i'd post it. make fun of me now for liking evita.
Sand Veil
252 ATK / 252 SPE / 6 HP
~ Outrage
~ Earthquake
~ Crunch
~ Aerial Ace

Natural Cure
252 DEF / 40 SPA / 214 SPD
~ Flamethrower
~ Aromatherapy
~ Softboiled
~ Toxic

252 HP / 80 ATK / 176 DEF
~ Spikes
~ Roost
~ Brave Bird
~ Whirlwind

That is neat.Peterko did use 2 stall pokes plus latios to rape the diamond battle tower so here's an option/suggestion!

Use peterko's subroosting skarm!that would help considering spikes + whirlwind combo sucks in 3 v 3.
As for garchomp,im not sure maybe salamance would do better with intimidate helping the stall + monstrous attack stat and if you want you can run mixed!
That is neat.Peterko did use 2 stall pokes plus latios to rape the diamond battle tower so here's an option/suggestion!

Use peterko's subroosting skarm!that would help considering spikes + whirlwind combo sucks in 3 v 3.
As for garchomp,im not sure maybe salamance would do better with intimidate helping the stall + monstrous attack stat and if you want you can run mixed!

The Subroosting skarm might be better, its' moveset looks nice.
Garchomp was chosen because it's the fastest dragon without any set-up. And can fire un-boosted outrages, and still rip apart the teams.
I Might try Salamence, just because of the intimidate bonus.
The Subroosting skarm might be better, its' moveset looks nice.
Garchomp was chosen because it's the fastest dragon without any set-up. And can fire un-boosted outrages, and still rip apart the teams.
I Might try Salamence, just because of the intimidate bonus.

Well if you do run peterko's skarm then run the evs as well!
note as well chomp has a 130 base attack while sala has 135.
besides 2 base spe isnt much.And sala can anhilate teams.
This one is just for Peterko ;)

Lol nah. I just wanted to post this and get my Battle Video here (before I forget it). I used Garchomp in the Battle Hall, yeh, I know, original. But I just wanted to get the Gold Print out of the way before I try something unique in that facility. So, I've got to the 170 but I thought I'd like to share a few of my scares along the way.

Dusclops - At first I wasn't too worried about this, I knew I could only 2HKO it, but I thought it'd be a breeze. I then remembered this one has Quick Claw, so after my first Outrage hit and didn't KO, I was just begging that Quick Claw wouldn't activate and allow Dusclops to finish me off first. Thankfully, it didn't.

Spiritomb - This one wasn't so bad, it was just about me being a bit nervous as I was getting close to the 170 mark by this point. Outrage obviously didn't OHKO, and I was hit with Icy Wind. Spiritomb didn't outspeed me next turn despite the Speed drop so I KOed with a second Outrage.

Vespiquen - This was a surprising one. I didn't trust Stone Edge for some reason (maybe I should've for once) and went for Outrage. I did good damage so was sure of a 2HKO - Vespiquen hit me with Attack Order. So, looking good. However, my next Outrage misses due to BrightPowder, and Vespiquen scores a critical hit with Attack Order, leaving me on 1 HP! Lucky or what? I also got the third Outrage which hit, and gave me the win. (I tried to save this but accidently clicked no somehow).

Poliwrath - Who knows what could've happened here? I know that this thing has Hypnosis with a Zoom Lens and Surf would probably 2HKO me. But I get a critical hit Outrage turn one and all my worries are brushed aside.

That bastard Fake Out Infernape was there for both of my Fighting- and Fire-type Rank 10's, but I did the clever thing and switched out Fire Fang on my move-set for Protect to use during the Fighting- and Fire-type play throughs, so I could block Fake Out and then KO with Earthquake.

The Frontier Brain had a Sceptile last, which hit me with Leaf Storm and was then OHKOed by Outrage for my victory.

Battle Video No.: 49-54312-94365
kind of an important matter so here you go

Originally Posted by Fat EeveeTrainer
Peterko, Jump and I request that Battle Hall streaks only be recognized post-170... actually, no facility's streak should be recognized for our purposes before attaining the gold print. But it is especially the case for the Hall because it is so different after 170.

well, we have to start somewhere, don´t you think? I mean do you want to see 3 records in the factory? jump don´t dare to rub your streak under my nose :p -> I think I had a pretty good sense for those "lowest streaks to make the list" right from the start where I didn´t really know the facilities don´t you think? seeing as you need gold everywhere beside fagtory and arcade which are the "worst" random-wise

the second hall record list was made so that more pokémon are being used...I thought about a suitable number of wins and 120 may seem low, but that´s just a starting line...119 wins means you beat rank 7 on each type, maybe 136 would be more apropriate but whatever...yeah there will always be those "I-have-to-just-make-the-list-whores" but after a while those will be jumped remember how 105 was "the whoring record" in the DP tower for such a long time?

you see what happened after I posted the new list...2-3 garchomps just to make fun of me or what? ridiculous. I am getting sick of "needed the gold print" excuses (exaggerating here, I don´t care)...then don´t post it because that´s not a record... (here I cut out the swearing and calling garchomp streaks worthless sht not records lol, because someone might get offended)

whatever I am just pissed at how awful I am doing everywhere in the frontier, yeah I am probably that weak...what happened today to me in a multi-battle was so freaking depressing

vespiquen @ lefties, double team, defend order, heal order, toxic...pressure

I couldn´t hit it in 20890188412730704555340004 rounds and lost +6 snorlax and lum latias before that shit died, only due to an early fire punch burn from back a 3/4 hour ago where I could land a metagross just sat there and missed all of his 7 MMs and like 167 bullet punches (not that a BP would do considerable damage lol)

so yeah it died after an hour and then the F**KING trainer sent out marowak which is like the only F**KING thing that can OHKO my occa metagross F**K
(the swearing here was appropriate though)

being the pokémon masochist I am, I´m back at 21 wins...I think I only face DP tower pokémon though, is each plat. + plat. multi wi-fi by the way (?) because diamond + plat. is wireless communication

hmm well if I make 170 the lowest record to make the first battle hall list seriously I doubt there will be enough pokémon to make the I am going with 120 wins for now

yeah and total win-streak in the hall is an inapropriate record IMO, so it won´t be added
In Platinum, both Link and Wi-Fi Multi are available, where the Link record is kept at the usual screen and the Wi-Fi record (per partner) in the address book. I could offer a 136 Tower streak as a start if you are planning to finally include Wi-Fi lists.

Btw, playing Multi with oneself is uncool, there's the regular doubles mode for single players. :( (...which is actually not as annoying to play because the game won't be loading like forever)
Well, I just thought I'd carry on with Chomp until I lost, and that loss came at battle 183 vs. Glaceon - so my record is 182 in the Battle Hall. I'll work on playing through it with something other than Salamence / Garchomp once I get Gold Prints in the other facilities.
just a thought about records in battle hall.

perhaps there could be two lists:
  • one which has each players longest streak (with a fixed pokemon)
  • a second which lists the number of individual pokemon that trainer has done 170+ with
eg, if i have streaks of 170 (garchomp), 222 (salamence), 199 (latios), then i would have 222 on the first list, and 3 on the second.

would save having people get totals in the thousands just because they did 50 with virtually every pokemon..
Got a streak of 56 in Platinum Battle Castle (Single). Lost at the 57th battle >_>


Here's my team:


Tyranitar @ Lum Berry ** PrimoEdus
Nature: Adamant
EV: 6 HP,252 Atk, 252 Spe
-Dragon Dance
-Rock Slide

Basically my team uses the same strategy. Set-up if deemed safe, if not i'll whack the enemy with whatever they are afraid of . I choose Rock Slide over Stone Edge due to accuracy ,besides with STAB Rock Slide aint that bad.With PrimoEdus's sandstorm ability it renders *inserts pkmn with no immunity to sanstorm name*'s focus sash useless.

Garchomp @ Yache Berry ** Secondo
Nature: Adamant
EV: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
-Swords Dance
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang

Yache berry is there should Secondo take damage from a ice attack. Dragon Claw and Earthquake for STAB. Fire Fang is used against grass types and those steel pokemon who don’t take damage from EQ.


Scizor @ Life Orb ** Terzo
Nature: Adamant
EV: 24 HP,56 Spe, 252 Atk, 176 SpD
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

Not much to say. I'll SD if i deem it safe to. If not i'll whack using Bullet Punch to those who doesn't resist it. If not i'll Superpower those who resist Bullet Punch(mainly water pokemon though) U-Turn is used if for whatever reason Scizor is fighting a fire pokemon, then i u-turn into Garchomp. I cant remember why i use the EVs spread this way though.

How I lost at the 57th battle:
I was watching TV when I was playing. It was PrimoEdus against Togekiss. I started out with a rock slide hoping to outspeed togekiss, but Togekiss was faster thus OHKing my PrimoEdus with Aura Sphere.
Afterwhich I send out Terzo and Bullet Punched Togekiss twice it to death.Then Wailord was up next, Terzo superpowered it but the Wailord did not faint. Terzo was knocked out by a hydro pump
I send Secondo my last pokemon in. Wailord was faster and used blizzard, leaving Secondo with 38 HP. Secondo Dragon Clawed Wailord to its doom. The last pokemon was Slaking. Secondo used dragon claw but failed to OHK Slaking .Slaking used Hammer Arm and got rid of Secondo. I should have used EQ instead of Dragon Claw >_>

Anyway im playing another round of castle till i lose before i continue my tower(77*) and factory(28*)
I just found a kinda weird Battle Video. 60-53941-26522. The trainer used a Jigglypuff. Argenta used a Nidoran F. Doe the Hall go easy on you if you use weaker stuff?
moving up a tiny step on the lv 50 factory records with a new win streak of 32 (21 swaps if it matters). I don't remember much about it but I wanted to type this up while things were still fresh in my head. All I remember is the last battle and the battle with thorton, who I now am almost 99% sure just makes up the number at the beginning of the battle.

I'm saying this because before I go to battle him with my team of Magmar/Scizor/Jumpluff, I am informed that he runs avalanche glalie. So I think to myself, oh cool, I can burn it with Magmar and then run to Scizor, SD up, and sweep. He comes out, and yada yada yada then says 23, and I'm thinking "wtf? Your last pokemon must be like Camperupt and Moltres or w/e because you're pretty fucked using Glalie."

So out comes Glalie (I know its whole set thanks to Avalanche and it literaly cannot touch Scizor, making me so happy), and out goes my Magmar. I go to Will-o-wisp it, but miss (I'm the will-o-wisp mach punch fire punch smokescreen? variant too lazy to check the number), as he Paybacks and does ~50%, which surprises me. Luckily Flame Body kicks in. Next turn I switch to Scizor, who takes practically no damage (I'm the impish sd bp bp one, again too lazy to check). I SD 3 times, and I'm still almost at full health happily enough. Yeah so then I Bullet punch, destroying Glalie, and out comes Quagsire. X-Scissor for the OHKO. Then out comes Gyarados. I check for Flamethrower just in case (I haven't really memorized the lists if you can't tell lol), and then attack with X-Scissor while it Rain Dances for the KO.

I don't know how he pulls out the number 23 there unless he just makes it up, so yeah, just wanted to share. Unless maybe the number is somehow based off of the numbers of your pokemon and the numbers of his, but that seems so random (and it is because I literally just thought of it while typing it up), and I can't see how you would actually get anything from that lol.

Ok, so onto my loss... which I "could have won" but ehh. I'm informed my opponent has no bias of types, and that's cool. My team is LO Tauros, Dragonite (the Dragon Rush/elemental punches kind), and Starmie (Surf/TWave/Confuse Ray/Psychic). He sends out Snorlax and I'm instantly thinking I'm going to lose a poke. He Curses twice while I facade twice. Then I Facade again, putting him in the red, and he Returns for the KO.

I send out Starmie and faint him with Surf. Then he sends in Honchkrow and I'm like ohfuck. I check for Sucker Punch but the earlier ones dont get it. It does get Night Slash though. I consider switching to Dragonite but don't, because I don't think I outspeed and am probably 2hkoed. I also consider going for Confusion hax but then decide I don't want luck fucking me over, so I Surf. I think it puts him in the yellow, but then he Night Slashes and I faint.

In comes Dragonite who faints it with Ice Punch. I also went first which is slightly aggrevating but good. At this point I'm pretty sure I've lost, since there are a shitload of pokemon that can beat me. In comes Rhyperior and I sigh. I could Ice Punch or Dragon Rush. If it's Solid Rock Dragon Rush is better. If it's not Ice punch is, if only for reliablity. I Ice Punch, hoping for a bit of luck. It does around 3 8ths of 2 5ths or something like that, and he Crunches. I know if he Crunches again I have a shot at winning (though it has Focus Band since it has Crunch). I decide to Dragon Rush since if it has Solid Rock that gives me the best chance of winning.

Unfortunately it's not Solid Rock, and Dragon Rush hits but doesn't kill. He Rock Wreckers, and KOs so I lose....

In theory I could have won by going to Dragonite and Ice Punching Honchkrow. Even if it didn't kill I would have been able to finish it off with Starmie, who beats Rhyperior bar Focus Band activation. So yeah... good job EM >_>

I didn't save the battle but I can take a pic or whatever if you need me to.

I plan on eventually getting the damn gold in factory though !!__!!
I got my Silver Print in the Battle Castle yesterday. My team is:

Hasty (bah) / Swarm (double bah)
-Night Slash
-False Swipe (replaced with Iron Head)
-Bullet Punch

-Metal Sound
-Lava Plume

Bashful (triple bah)
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang
-Aerial Ace

Interestingly, this team is all-female. I didn't buy many items, just a Shell Bell for Salamence.
300+ BT Platinum

I just got 250+ wins on the Battle Tower in Platinum with this team:


Uxie (Serenity) @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Bold
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 255 Hp 255 Def

- Trick
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock
- Memento

This is my Trick-lead with slightly lesser defensive capabilities than Cresselia but gets the one move that is perfect for any Tricker: Memento. Trick almost every lead, followed by Thunder Wave to drop the opponents speed and get the speed advantage once more. Then prioritise between Stealth Rock or Memento if HP is getting low, otherwise get both before sending Scizor into the brawl. Memento is also nice to give a free switch in for Scizor if the opponent is locked into a status move. After Thunder Wave, Scizor can outspeed the opponent and set up a substitute before being affected.

The physical defences are for the super effective bug, dark and ghost moves which tend to be more frequent than their special counterparts and may be trouble for Uxie.

Scizor (Eclipse) @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Trait: Technician
EVs: 30Hp, 255 Att, 225 Def

- Bullet Punch
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Roost

Note: I got a new shiny Scizor with a whole bunch of ribbons. Same as the previous, just way cooler :D

Paralysed, with squat speed, attack cut in half and stuck in one move that usually is not effective, setting up Scizor is usually fairly straightforward. Get attack to the max while setting up a substitute and it is pretty much game over, Bullet Punching to victory. Just be ready for those pesky critical hits and keep HP high or have a sub to guard for them when you can afford it.

With Swords Dance raising attack by 2 stages, he can even set up on pokemon “struggling” to survive after stalling them out of PP with Uxie/ Suicune (Overheat, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Dynamic Punch…). Can pretty set up against anything except Fire moves. Despite the lack of special defences, Scizor has a lot of special resistances that are only compounded by Uxie’s Memento.

EVs are obviously maximised for attack, then distributed to optimise physical defence because it works better for me than sharing them between Sp. Def and Def.


Suicune @ Chesto Berry
Nature: Bold
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 255 Hp, 255 Def

- Surf
- Calm Mind
- Toxic
- Rest

Although Uxie/Scizor is a formidable duo, Fire moves will crop up from time to time. Absorbing these while setting up or PP stalling to set Scizor up is Suicune’s main objective. Another is acting as a target in the unlikely event Trick locked the opponent’s lead into a OHKO move and hoping they are not too lucky (depending on lead I can take on OHKO-users if the OHKO moves have no more than about 66% accuracy).

Finally, Trick-leads are nice, but obviously they are not flawless and things will go wrong in some way. For this reason, I need a bulky pokemon that can take hits like a martyr while setting up and sweep a team all on its own. Surf works against most, Toxic is for those pesky Focus Sash-MirrorCoat/Metal Burst users to which I am otherwise powerless when set up. Since Suicune is built for bulkiness, the super effective Ice Beam hits are not really that crucial and Toxic can be a very handy move in many situations.

EVs are in Def and HP to absorb physical attacks whilst being able to use Calm Mind vs Special moves, with the Chesto Berry for a quick restore. With decent speed stats already, Suicune can take on a surprising number of foes without trouble.

Things to watch out for:

- OHKO leads
- Crit Hits whilst setting up
- Status Hax on things like Ice Beam & Thunderbolt while setting up
- Charge Beam users need to be killed quickly!

Threat List/ Near losses so far:

- A kingdra (no. 882) that lost all its Sp. Att after being locked in Draco Meteor. After Uxie died, it hardly did any damage to Scizor so I figured I was fine but then it got a critical hit and killed Scizor. I was ignorant and should have made a substitute before setting up. Now I know that a critical hit ignores attack that has been reduced...

- Lead Jolteon (no. 861) critical hits Uxie with Shadow Ball then proceeds with Thunderbolt after Trick... Yes this happened and it sucked because I barely made it out alive! Only managed to get one SD up with Scizor before I had to start attacking. I got lucky that he had nothing next that was both resistant to Scizor's Bullet Punch and could also take on Suicune.

- Magnezone (no. 876) with Brightpowder which Scizor keeps missing after having set up, that piece of scrap metal resists Bullet Punches like a machine when I do hit... Then Thunderbolts do not make Suicune a happy camper... I only missed twice because of brightpowder and fortunately I didn't get any critical hits landed either. It was the last pokemon so Suicune finished it with a Surf after Scizor died.

I've recorded one entire Battle tower challenge if you'd like to see this team in action:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


Game: Platinum
Frontier: Arcade, Single.
Streak: 65

The top scores don't seem hard to reach until you start climbing...

People say the Arcade is relatively easy and that's probably because it is. In the end though I was screwed over by reaction time, especially seeing as though the match before got me a board speed increase. Anyways, the team!

Salamence Adamant 252Atk/252Spd/Def
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Stone Edge
Comment: You'll notice that this team is out of date, but these three are the only pokemon I've ever been attached to, and that's fine as long as they actually go somewhere. Don't use Stone Edge at a frontier...just don't. I think if I ever go through this hell again I'll use Aerial Ace over Stone Edge because evasion is a big deal in the Arcade.

Metagross Adamant 252Atk/112HP/12Def/132Spd
Meteor Mash
Bullet Punch
Comment: The obvious compliment to a Salamence. It might make more sense to make one a special attacker, or a mixed. Explosion is a brilliant way to make sure a match gets finished. Thunder Punch could fit somewhere to help with water types.

Milotic Bold 252HP/252Def/4Spd
Ice Beam
Comment: You might think that with the chance of being statused before the match Marvel Scale is a godsend, but to be honest it rarely plays out that way once you get the rhythm of the board. Still, it's there at least. This defensive drake receives the added benefit of Salamences intimidate and sadly enough is my main way of dealing with water types. I just poison them and wait, which does actually work (empoleon and Tentacruel get Earthquaked)

My streak ended quite shamefully against a team of starters; Torterra, Charizard and Sceptile. The Torterra fell fast to Milotic, but the Sceptile used Double Team and Leech Seed and took my team downtown like a clown. I wish that I could say the board was against me, but it landed on Battle Points. I realise this post is a little long, and that the rankings for arcade aren't too competitive so that's why I got on, but I'm proud so shut up.
no thats ok, thanks for the post and thanks especially for "defensive drake". the record for arcade may not seem competitive, but in many ways you have to pay closer attention in the arcade than in any other facility. maybe people arent playing arcade that much and maybe they are, but either way by now we'd have more records over 70 in a facility where you know exactly what pokemon the AI will use and that they dont have items if it were really as easy as all that.
105 wins

Finally, I got 105 Wins at the Battle Tower in Pokemon Platinum.

1. Gengar: Focus Sash, Timid, 252 SAT, 252 Speed, 6 hp.
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Destiny Bond

My lead, and I use to thought that this thing sucked because my other lead Starmie kept 0HK0 almost every single lead, but then I stuck with this, it two hits a lot of things, then Destiny Bonds the next, great pokemon to use.

2. Gyarados: Adamant, Wacan Berry/Leftovers/Lum Berry: 252 ATK, 252 Speed, 6hp.
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

REALLY JUST GREAT! Has caught me off many Jams with its ""amazing Defense ""(after Intimidate) and its good/usable HP/SDEF, this is what i give credit to most of my wins. Standardly, DD, then STAB Waterfall (I LOVE ITS FLINCH HAX, IT HAS SAVED ME 10000S OF TIMES), Ice Fang, or Earthquake for kills. Wacan Berry saves me from 4x to 2x electric, leftovers gives me hp, Lum Berry takes away status.

3. Electivire: Adamant/Jolly, Life Orb, 252 ATK, 252 Speed, 6hp.
Earthquake/Fire Punch
Cross Chop

I DO RELIEZE i have NO TANKS on all my sets, even though tanks are helpful, i need a electric absorber, and this thing GETS THE JOB DONE, 13/17 super effective, i had no fire moves so fire punch is an option.
My Battle Hall record (for now)

I started with a Specsjolt that was doing well (got up to 86and started with the biggest threats like Steel/Ground/Rock) but the Focus Sash Pokémon were irritating me so I decided to play that game with a Pokémon who was promoted to Ubers because of surviving a turn to setup on a regular basis. That Pokémon is Yachechomp, but instead of using the Yacheberry, I decided to switch to something a little more reliable because I don't have to worry about spikes or stealth rocks....Focus Sash Garchomp. It only took me 3 times to get through towards the 170 goal (first loss was to a Yanmega and second was Hypno that kept me asleep for 4 turns and inflicted me with nightmare).

1. Pokémon: Platinum
Battle Hall
191 win streak

2. Garchompr: Focus Sash, Jolly, 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 hp.
Fire Fang
Swords Dance

3. Well, since it's battle hall and Garchomp, I think the strategy is pretty obvious. Hit 'em as hard as you can and if they some how manage to survive (Dewgong is one in particular that I recall consistently surviving the first attack), the Focus Sash would ensure I would get a second attakc that would usually finish off the opponent.

4. Turn 1-Garchomp uses Outrage and inflicts approximately 58% or 59% (I remember it was enough that the HP was just barely still orange after leftovers). Snorlax uses Crunch (Crit Hit and defense drop) that results in a loss of 65%. Snorlax recovers with Leftovers.
Turn 2-Garchomp continues outrage and Snorlax survives by a single pixel and uses Crunch again to finish off my Garchomp. I'd definitely say it was that "just enough nudge" of luck that ended my streak because that crit hit + defense drop of crunch or the same damage as the first attack would have taken down the Snorlax.

5. Other Pokémon that I considered a dangerous threat for this Garchomp were:
1) Yanmega (Bug Buzz + Speed Boost + the good enough defense results in Yanmega reliably surviving either Outrage or Fire Fang and then the Speed Boost makes it faster on the second turn to finish the job)
2) Cloyster (Skill Link + Icicle Spear + 180 base defense can help it survive the first attack and return 5 Icicle spears...however with that mere base 50 HP, it can still be OHKO'd)
3) Bulky Pokemon that can survive one attack and put Garchomp out of commission (one I found particularly noteworthy example is a bulky Hypno that survives the first attack and puts Garchomp to sleep)
4) Speedy Focus Sash-ers that can 2HKO Garchomp (I did not see a Weaville with Ice Punch and Ice Shard but it would be able to get the job done)
5) Using Fire Fang and missing (in particular Abomasnow because of the 100% accuracy blizzard and the snow warning to finish off the Focus Sash survivability)

And since I'm not that well known yet on Smogon, I've enclosed a link to a picture of the records as proof of my streak.
(Note: I know it's not the best or clearest picture in the world because of the DS backlight and will remember that for future pictures, but the full-size does show the Battle Frontier location, that it is singles, that it is Garchomp I am viewing and that the record streak is 191).

Now onto a new facility...probably Battle Factory.
4. Turn 1-Garchomp uses Outrage and inflicts approximately 58% or 59% (I remember it was enough that the HP was just barely still orange after leftovers). Snorlax uses Crunch (Crit Hit and defense drop) that results in a loss of 65%. Snorlax recovers with Leftovers.
Turn 2-Garchomp continues outrage and Snorlax survives by a single pixel and uses Crunch again to finish off my Garchomp. I'd definitely say it was that "just enough nudge" of luck that ended my streak because that crit hit + defense drop of crunch or the same damage as the first attack would have taken down the Snorlax.
Snorlax is holding Choice Band, not leftovers, so I guess you either remembered the scenario wrong... or it was actually a Miltank holding Leftovers and using Iron Tail causing the defense drop. EDIT: Oh, I guess that means you remembered the scenario wrong either way haha.