haha thanks all especially ET i love you guys
since at least the tyranitar definitely need explanation, those tyranitar were the 17 that we theorymonned for the Battle Hall in the Battle Frontier. you have to use one species for every type and fight 10 in a row but you're allowed to change movesets and EVs and everything (until after battle 170 for some reason but whatever).
after we were done we came up with those nicknames for each type, so I'm going to copypaste what i had for all those types so that stuff makes a little more sense. they correspond with the types Tyra was facing and hoping to beat, ET came up with Missionary, Dominatrix, Kama Sutra, lets spoon, Necrophile, RockHard4U and Dirty Girl...keep in mind that there's a 10-character limit and that trying to stay in a theme for 17 different Pokemon wasn't easy!
first this post has the battle hall types and the pokemon you face, click it if you care about the battle hall and want to make sense out of our theorymon:
Are u wet?@Choice Specs, 252SpA/172SpD/84Spe, Thunderbolt/HP Grass/Dragon Pulse/Dark Pulse, Modest, Lv100. 341HP/317SpA/279SpD/179Spe. Poliwrath/Swampert/Kingdra/Ludicolo
I put out.@Focus Sash, 4Def/252SpA/252Spe, Earth Power/Surf/Protect/Counter, Modest, Lv100. heatran/moltres/everything/magmar.
RubberLove@Choice Scarf: Crunch/Earthquake/Rock Slide/OUTRAGE, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe Jolly, Lv100. Rotom/lol/Zapdos/o_OUTRAGE
Spank me...@Focus Sash: Superpower/Protect/Spite/Counter, 252HP/252Def/4Spe, Impish, Lv100. Lucario/Infernape/Machamp/Hitmonchan
Deflowered@Focus Sash, Fire Punch/Aerial Ace/Avalanche/Taunt, 252Atk/56Def/124SpD/76Spe, Adamant, Lv100. cradily/cacturne/torterra/ludicolo.
Sucked Dry@Focus Sash: AncientPower/Flamethrower/Aerial Ace/Counter, Impish, 252HP/252Def/4SpA, Lv100. Yanmega/Scizor/Vespiquen/Scyther.
Handcuffs@Focus Sash: Superpower/Earthquake/Flamethrower/Counter, Impish, 252HP/252Def/4SpA, Lv100. Empoleon/Heatran/Scizor/Metagross (iirc)
Mile High@Focus Sash: AncientPower/Rock Slide/Ice Beam/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Yanmega/Togekiss/Gliscor/Scyther
lets spoon@Focus Sash: Crunch/Shadow Claw/Aerial Ace/Counter, 252Atk/100SpD/156Spe, Adamant, Lv100. lol/Medicham/Jynx/Metagross
Kama Sutra@Focus Sash: Outrage/Avalanche/Protect/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Kingdra/Salamence/Garchomp/Garchomp.
Necrophile@Focus Sash: Crunch/Bite/Protect/Sleep Talk, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. lol/Gengar/Dusknoir/Gengar.
North Pole@Choice Band: Crunch/Superpower/Aerial Ace/AncientPower, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. rock slide is the fourth worst attack in the game/Mamoswine/Froslass/Articuno
Missionary@Focus Sash: Rock Slide/Superpower/Protect/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Togekiss/Blissey/Regigigas/Tauros.
Dominatrix@Choice Scarf: Crunch/Superpower/Aerial Ace/Stomp, 252Atk/56Def/200Spe, Adamant, Lv100. Spiritomb/Crawdaunt/Cacturne/Sharpedo
Rohypnol@Focus Sash: Crunch/Earthquake/Counter/Protect, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Jolly, Lv100. Gengar/Tentacruel/Toxicroak/Roserade.
RockHard4U@Focus Sash: Iron Head/Superpower/Aqua Tail/Counter, 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, Jolly, Lv100. Solrock/Tyranitar/Golem/Relicanth (don't use AT unless you have to, as with all 90% acc moves [even if you're better than rs {what isn't |se focus blast and mm|}])
Dirty Girl@Choice Specs: Dark Pulse/Ice Beam/Surf/Hidden Power Grass, 60HP/252SpA/196Spe, IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31, Modest, Lv100. Claydol/Garchomp/Rhyperior/Swampert.
Cry for me@Focus Sash: Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Earthquake/Counter, 252HP/252SpD/4Spe, Gentle, Lv100.
the last one, Cry for me, was made because the "Hall Matron", Argenta, who you fight at Battle 50 and 170 and who can seriously use any pokemon she wants. which is ridiculous for something like Tyranitar that *can* beat every type with a given moveset, but (bear with me these logs are both funny and relevant [plus its my birthday and youre in my birthday thread you're actually banned if you dont read this {and i'll cry if i want to |lol see what i did there|}]):
1) RockHard4U@Focus Sash: Iron Head/Superpower/Aqua Tail/Counter isn't beating Max Defense, Hydro Pump Suicune (even though 8 or 9 do easily), she used this the first battle 50:
igarvey (9:02:22 PM): MATRON????????????????????????
igarvey (9:02:32 PM): MATRON
igarvey (9:02:35 PM): before you face matron
JumpXVI (9:02:36 PM): yes
igarvey (9:02:38 PM): tell me what poke you LEAST want to face
igarvey (9:02:39 PM): poliwrath?
JumpXVI (9:02:42 PM): well
JumpXVI (9:02:48 PM): no cause i wan tto know
JumpXVI (9:02:55 PM): and better now than in the 200s
igarvey (9:03:42 PM): ?
igarvey (9:03:45 PM): poliwrath?
igarvey (9:03:55 PM): poliwrath you lose
JumpXVI (9:04:06 PM): oh yeah
JumpXVI (9:04:15 PM): suicune
JumpXVI (9:04:16 PM): lol
JumpXVI (9:04:22 PM): hm
igarvey (9:04:28 PM): good luck with that
JumpXVI (9:04:31 PM): that's extremely gay
igarvey (9:04:42 PM): H283 | Golem | Brave | Quick Claw | Stone Edge | Earth Power | Hammer Arm | Sucker Punch | Atk/SpA
igarvey (9:04:45 PM): re
igarvey (9:04:50 PM): H422 | Suicune | Bold | Sitrus Berry | Mirror Coat | Facade | Hydro Pump | Reflect | Def/SpD
igarvey (9:04:52 PM): how fun with 361 def
igarvey (9:04:53 PM): reflect
igarvey (9:04:55 PM): and hydro pump
igarvey (9:04:57 PM): and sitrus berry
igarvey (9:05:08 PM): that matron is a cheating bitch im sorry
igarvey (9:05:14 PM): that defeats the whole entire purpose of the thing
igarvey (9:05:17 PM): if you cant select the type
JumpXVI (9:05:18 PM): yeah
igarvey (9:05:28 PM): isnt the WHOLE POINT = pick a type, you face it?
JumpXVI (9:05:34 PM): this is kind of gay
igarvey (9:05:35 PM): what the fuck gives her the right to break the rules?
igarvey (9:06:03 PM): stall it out of hydropump
igarvey (9:06:11 PM): then all it has is facade
JumpXVI (9:06:32 PM): ih/sp/at/counter
igarvey (9:06:40 PM): good luck lol
igarvey (9:06:50 PM): im not even joking though
igarvey (9:06:59 PM): why the hell can she choose any type she wants?
JumpXVI (9:07:14 PM): 367 Atk vs 361 Def & 341 HP (120 Base Power): 88 - 104 (25.81% - 30.50%)
JumpXVI (9:07:18 PM): i know
igarvey (9:07:31 PM): youre not going to win unless it misses 4 hydro pumps
JumpXVI (9:07:31 PM): well next time im listening to myself
JumpXVI (9:07:37 PM): i can ih hax or whatever
igarvey (9:07:40 PM): shut up
igarvey (9:07:42 PM): if you chose specs
igarvey (9:07:45 PM): it would have used a fighting type
JumpXVI (9:08:26 PM): fuck this
JumpXVI (9:08:33 PM): that's really really gay
igarvey (9:08:45 PM): yes
JumpXVI (9:08:48 PM): like
igarvey (9:08:49 PM): im sorry, i cant emphasize that enough
JumpXVI (9:08:52 PM): that's worse than factory gay
JumpXVI (9:08:54 PM): yeah
2) Dirty Girl@Choice Specs: Dark Pulse/Ice Beam/Surf/Hidden Power Grass isn't beating Jolly CC Heracross, she used this the second battle 50, and yes, she
actually used a fighting type like ET said she would, which is even gayer than you think because even though there are only 14 fighters she can pick out of 207 pokemon:
JumpXVI (6:28:59 PM): heracross was the worst man
igarvey (6:29:08 PM): if she uses lucario
JumpXVI (6:29:09 PM): im not kidding, 12 of 17 beat it every time
igarvey (6:29:11 PM): you can laugh all day
because of counter sash (and my scarf one has Rock Slide which is better than, well, a slower Specs Tyra), but anyway,
3) lets spoon@Focus Sash: Crunch/Shadow Claw/Aerial Ace/Counter isn't beating Max Special Attack/Defense Quiet Focus Blast Vacuum Wave Poliwrath (only 2-3 do but two are my Water and Fighting ones obviously):
JumpXVI (5:43:51 PM): 59-05657-83458
JumpXVI (5:43:57 PM): lol you've gotta watch that
igarvey went away at 6:18:57 PM
igarvey returned at 6:18:59 PM
igarvey (6:21:11 PM): rofl
igarvey (6:21:16 PM): hahahahahaahahahahahah
igarvey (6:21:24 PM): the music
JumpXVI (6:21:25 PM): you wouldn't really believe me
igarvey (6:22:32 PM): im literally loling
igarvey (6:22:48 PM): what an unbelievable bitch
igarvey (6:22:57 PM): why did you use lets spoon for round 5
JumpXVI (6:23:02 PM): it very literally is
JumpXVI (6:23:12 PM): adamant, crunch and counter sash
igarvey (6:23:21 PM): hahahaha
JumpXVI (6:23:35 PM): i'm kinda like confused
JumpXVI (6:23:46 PM): it doesnt seem to matter what i use for round 5
JumpXVI (6:24:02 PM): at any rate, thank you for ensuring i never breed again
igarvey (6:24:18 PM): thats so hilarious
igarvey (6:24:24 PM): she used oneof only two fighting types that could beat you
igarvey (6:24:26 PM): i think
igarvey (6:24:37 PM): lucario and poliwrqath
igarvey (6:24:41 PM): really thats hilarious
igarvey (6:24:45 PM): really truly
igarvey (6:24:51 PM): ok
igarvey (6:24:53 PM): do the same exact thing
igarvey (6:24:58 PM): see if she uses poliwrath again
igarvey (6:24:59 PM): or lucario
JumpXVI (6:25:00 PM): okay
igarvey (6:25:01 PM): if she does
JumpXVI (6:25:07 PM): i really think psychic is a good choice
igarvey (6:25:09 PM): then you know the AI has gotten unbelievable
JumpXVI (6:25:21 PM): yeah and it wont be fun
4) lets spoon@Focus Sash: Crunch/Shadow Claw/Aerial Ace/Counter isn't beating Bold Max Defense Flash Cannon Magnezone, even though
13 of my 17 Tyranitar do:
JumpXVI (6:49:12 PM): she takes like 30 seconds
JumpXVI (6:49:16 PM): i really want to rape her
JumpXVI (6:49:31 PM): it's seemed like a big joke so far
igarvey (6:49:39 PM): what do you mean 30 seconds
JumpXVI (6:49:51 PM): after "marton wants to fight you."
igarvey (6:49:56 PM): oh
JumpXVI (6:50:01 PM): magnezone
JumpXVI (6:50:09 PM): that isnt cool
JumpXVI (6:50:23 PM): H455 | Magnezone | Bold | Ganlon Berry | Flash Cannon | Tri Attack | Thunder | Mirror Coat | Def/SpA
JumpXVI (6:50:27 PM): ffs lol
igarvey (6:50:34 PM): H455 | Magnezone | Bold | Ganlon Berry | Flash Cannon | Tri Attack | Thunder | Mirror Coat | Def/SpA
igarvey (6:50:40 PM): thats kind of hilarious
JumpXVI (6:50:50 PM): def lowered
igarvey (6:50:57 PM): youre not surviving two flash cannons
JumpXVI (6:50:57 PM): FC
JumpXVI (6:51:09 PM): 153/341
JumpXVI (6:51:12 PM): this is kind of gay
"kind of gay" is an understatement, one those of you who actually followed the logs and understand the hall will agree with. I finally had to make Cry For Me as it had the best chance of beating all the pokes when i did battle 50 and 170. i finally did so after facing slaking for battle 50 and arcanine for battle 170, then realized you had to play one type at a time from 171 onwards, which is extremely lame. anyway, as for the name:
igarvey (8:15:53 PM): sigh i really want you to ues dont cryh fo rme.............
JumpXVI (8:15:59 PM): too late
JumpXVI (8:16:01 PM): dont worry i'll lose
igarvey (8:16:31 PM): im amazed how quick you came up with cry for me
igarvey (8:16:34 PM): that is literally the perfect nickname
igarvey (8:16:35 PM): lol
JumpXVI (8:16:37 PM): lol
JumpXVI (8:16:40 PM): i actually have that album
JumpXVI (8:16:42 PM): and love it
igarvey (8:16:48 PM): youre a homosexual
JumpXVI (8:16:51 PM): so when i see "argenta"
JumpXVI (8:16:57 PM): not really it's good music
JumpXVI (8:17:13 PM): by have album
igarvey (8:17:18 PM): 1) madonna
igarvey (8:17:20 PM): 2) musical
JumpXVI (8:17:21 PM): i mean like 10 years ago my dad go tit
igarvey (8:17:22 PM): you = gay
JumpXVI (8:17:27 PM): it's a movie?
igarvey (8:17:32 PM): its a musical movie
igarvey (8:17:39 PM): and before that a musical
JumpXVI (8:17:39 PM): i saw it with my parents
JumpXVI (8:17:41 PM): family
JumpXVI (8:17:43 PM): it was like 1998
igarvey (8:17:47 PM): me too
JumpXVI (8:17:50 PM): if i hadn't i doubt i would have
annnnnnnnnnyway yeah, et and i spent a lot of time on this stuff so thought i'd post it. make fun of me now for liking evita.