Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

don't repost deleted posts, you are not supposed to ask for team help in this thread because it is a records thread. there are dozens and dozens of teams linked to in the op with explanations on how they work, start there and then come back with an actual question after you have tried your team
i appologize jumpman, and everybody else( and i hope i dont get in more trouble for posting this msg lol) but yea im sorry i didnt know it was deleted i just thought i never posted it ..once again sorry, wont happen again
Impish articuno, max defense/HP and give it lock-on with sheer cold. What do you guys think?

"this" right after jump responded to what oc-kaos posted seems like a troll to me...oh well, whatever

my answer is: please go on, try it yourself and make a record or get burned trying, then come back here and post your record/why you failed and convince us why that´s a good strategy in your eyes...

judging by the teams that made the list so far:

a) you´ve created an awesome strategy that noone else has thought about,
b) noone used it because it doesn´t work, or
c) anyone who used it didn´t get far

I am not making fun of you, but that is exactly the kind of post (just one pokémon, no EVs, no specified facility, etc.) we´d rather not see here

on topic: this feels like summertime, everyone is having a break from the frontier

anyway, I am rebreding my 459 tower team and will try the better IV latias and do 2 single runs simultaneously on two DS´, looks like my old DS isn´t as crazy anymore as it hasn´t switched itself off in ages (thus I was able to do multi)

bred two impish 31/31/31/21/31/31 skarms in diamond on saturday, each took two soft resets lol...the training took way longer

I really miss the "emerald-sapphire secret base 6 x lv.100 chansey mass beating" training when I breed in DP :/
Hey I got a new streak for you
Pokemon Platinum Double Battle Tower Streak: 152


Infernape “AMERICA”@Focus Sash
Trait: Blaze
Nature: Hasty (+Speed, -Def)
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 SpA, 4 HP
- Fake Out
- Heat wave
- Protect
- Grass Knot

Aerodactyl “Petrie” @Lum Berry
Triat: Pressure
Nature: Adamant (+ Att, -SpA)
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Att, 4 HP
- Rock Slide
- Taunt
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw

Metagross “GANON” @Occa Berry
Trait: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant (+ Att, -SpA)
EVs: 252 Att, 244 HP, 4 Speed, 4 SpD, 4 Def
- Bullet Punch
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Protect

Milotic “Sammy Step” @Choice Scarf
Trait: Marvel Scale
Nature: Modest (+ SpA, -Att)
EVs: 252 SpA, 174 Speed, 84 HP
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- HP Electric 70
- Dragon Pulse

Infernape: I chose a special attacking Infernape because I don’t like leading with two of the same type attackers. This makes it harder for me to be walled. Fake out is to let Aerodactyl get taunt off and for giving me an extra turn to take out a water type lead. Grass Knot is more taking out water, rock, and ground types, but its mainly for Swampert. I gave him a focus sash to take advantage of his ability. I pretty much just spam Heat wave with him and once the sash activates, so does blaze, which raises heat wave’s power by 1.5. Having so much speed he can usually he some blazed heat waves off. Protect is just a good move to have and it lets my Metagross use Earthquake when he’s out with Infernape.

Aerodactyl: When I was looking at pokemon that can use rock slide and taunt I found Aerodactyl. His speed and attack really impressed me. Rock slide is his main move. He gets STAB from it and the thirty percent to flinch has helped me on many an occasion. Crunch is to take care of ghost, psychic, Bronzong, and Metagross. Dragon Claw is to take out any dragon types. I chose dragon claw over Ice Fang because it has a high base power and there is more dragon that doesn’t get hit hard by it.( Except Dialga but he’s an Uber) Taunt is to stop trick room from being setup. (I have this because this team isn’t made for the battle tower it was made for competitive play.) My Aerodactyl is completely walled by steel types, but this is why he goes so well with Infernape.

Metagross: Metagross is just an absolute monster. I saw Zerowing have great success with his so I just used the same EVs. Meteor Mash is just a good attack that hits everything hard. Bullet Punch is here because every team should have a priority move and this his nasty on him. Protect is to give him an extra turn of life while Milotic takes out the threat.

Milotic: Milotic is my clean up man. There ain’t nobody who can do it like he can. No but seriously I was disappointed with Milotic, btw his nick name is “Sammy Step” because Sammy Stephens (Google It) wouldn’t fit as a nickname. Milotic has a massive SpA, good speed, and it very bulky. The speed EVs let it outspeed any base 115 pokemon. The moves are just for great type coverage.

Pokemon who annoy me:
1. Jolteon: He is a complete tool to fight against. He out speeds all of my pokemon, and can either OHKO or THKO all of my pokemon.
2. Swampert: He can completely wall my team if Infernape isn’t around.
3. Electrode: He does the same thing as Jolteon just not as good.
4. Mamoswine: This is lucky Mofo that finished me off. He always seems to be out when my Metagross and my Infernape are out. I never really pay much attention to him and then he Earthquakes me for HUGE damage.
5. Vaporeon: He isn’t that hard to kill, but he is very bulky and grass knot is only base 60 to him.

I never really got cheated by OHKO’s. I had some but they never hit me. The biggest story of Hax I have happen around the tenth battle. The opponent had a Wartortle w/ a Focus Band. He hung on FIVE times. Damn Battle Tower Hax.

I lost on battle 153: The opponent had a Glaceon, Dewgong, Weavile, and Mamoswine

Here’s the video code if you wanna watch it: 94-50102-27138

Turn 1: He lead with Dewgong and Dewgong. I used heatwave and rock slide. It KOed Glaceon and left Dewgon with little HP. Dewgong OHKOed my Aerodactyl with ice beam

Turn 2: He brought out Mamoswine and I brought out Metagross. I bullet punched Dewgong for the kill. Infernape use heat wave and it MISSED Mamoswine. His Mamoswine used hail.

Turn 3: He brought out Weavile. His Weavile used Night Slash and got the crit on my Metagross. I used heat wave and it brought both of his pokemon to red health. I had meteor mash coming on his mamoswine, but he outsped me and used earthquake and killed all three people on the field.

Turn 4: I was feeling really good right here cause I thought I had this game won. I brought out my Milotic. I decided to use ice beam because I didn’t want to miss with with hydro pump. I used Ice Beam and it MISSED. Mamoswine use superpower and got a CRIT which finished me.

It really sucks that Mamoswine had so much hax, but it happens and I still got a good streak out of it.
Turn 3: ... I used heat wave and it brought both of his pokemon to red health. I had meteor mash coming on his mamoswine, but he outsped me and used earthquake and killed all three people on the field.
I think you meant to use EQ to kill both opponents and not MM, right??? But even then, you should have Bullet Punched Mamo instead of MM/EQ, since you know that your Metagross doesn't run much speed and so wouldn't even outspeed a 0 speed Mamo which is 10 base speed higher. Good job on your streak though!

I'm starting another run for a double battle tower streak too... not doing nearly as well.
just posting a 105* streak in battle castle. will go into more details of the team when it finishes (which will probably be very soon, given that my streaks always end when i post a progress score here :/). i love being allowed to hire multiple items:
  • salamence - choice band
  • milotic - leftovers
  • blissey - leftovers
going for 200 now! i've got about 250 CP which has been more or less stable for the last 50 or so matches. i've only passed one match so far - it was against electrode (focus sash + explosion urgghhh) + exploding claydol + some OHKO thing. usually i check moves of likely OHKO'ers and drop their level if they have one. since they're the main problem with my team, it makes things quite a bit easier.....
No i meant to use meteor mash but ur right i should have bullet punched.
Usually my metagross can take one mamoswine EQ but the crit from night slash put me over the edge. plus i didn't wanna miss with heatwave and hav e bullet punch leave him with a sliver of health, i wanted him gone.
sorry for the size of the photo. but here is the evidence for my 211 battle hall streak with salamence:



Jolly / Intimidate / Male
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 21 / 31 / 31
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP
Item: Focus sash
Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide

bred in emerald of course. the strategy? lol.

here is the video of my demise:
sorry for the double post but it is regarding my battle castle streak which has now come to an end at 120 :(


i never check the lists, but if i had there is no way i would have lost the match. this is how the streak ended:

i checked my oponents team - tentacruel, flareon, tyranitar. i was trying to conserve CP because i had taken a bit of a hit in that department after a couple of close battles, and needing to check movesets of potential OHKO'ers. so i figured CB salamence would just EQ tenta and flareon, then EQ ttar for about 80% and let milotic finish it off with surf if sala got killed. but it turns out that there is a timid tentacruel, which won the speed tie and ice beamed me. blissey finished it off with no problems, then milotic disposed of flareon, getting a burn in the process. i figured it could only help against ttar, so i didnt bother with aromatherapy. then it went:
  • surf (about 40%), stone edge (about 40% - i was down to about 30-40% now with burn etc).
  • recover, dragon dance. i was really hoping to recover for a few turns and stall it out of stone edge, or for one to miss.
  • stone edge (in KO range now), surf (down to 20%ish)
  • stone edge, dead milotic.
  • stone edge, dead blissey.
my team:

Salamence - TROY
Jolly - Intimidate - Male
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 21 / 31 / 31
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP
Item: Focus Sash
Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Slide

Milotic - AL
Bold - Marvel Scale - Male
IVs: 31 / 14 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 31
EVs: 252 Defence / 252 HP / 6 Speed
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Toxic, Recover

Blissey - HAPPY
Bold - Natural Cure - Female
IVs: 31 / 19 / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
EVs: 252 Defence / 252 HP / 6 Speed
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Seismic Toss, Flamethrower, Softboiled, Aromatherapy

strategy pretty similar to what i do in the battle tower, except i get to have leftovers on both walls. i always check the identity of the opponents pokes before the match, and check movesets of potential OHKO users, and if necessary reduce their level.

if i ever get motivated to try it again, i'll prob look up the lists to make it easier, and keep more battle points up my sleeve....

actually i thought i was going to lose the 115th match because when it started, i realised that even though i had checked the opponents team, i had forgotten to heal my own. salamence had fainted in the previous match (so started 115 with 1 hp), milotic was at <50% health, and blissey was at about 3/4.

somehow i managed to pull it off, but in the end it all came down to whether the opponent's quick claw activated. it was a cool match so i put it on youtube:
um... I'm new to these forums, and I'm not sure if this is a good place to make my first post, but I had a question.
I have access to a copy of both pokemon platinum and pokemon pearl. Which will be easiest to conquer the battle tower on? is pearl somehow easier?
depends on what you mean by conquer, if you're trying to get to 100 wins for your trainer card pearl may be easier because platinum moves seem to make a lot of pokes more versatile, but if you're going for a/the record then platinum is probably the way to go
Floatzel has finally met the requirement

Finally got the time to give it a go and I'm proud to say that on my first try that I got Floatzel over the 120 requirement for Battle Hall (however, not by much). I got up to 123 wins and got ruined by H341 | Whiscash | Quiet | Lax Incense | Earth Power | Water Pulse | Future Sight | Blizzard | SpA/SpD (Crunch missed about bad hax X_X )'s my setup...


Focus Sash *
6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
Brick Break
Ice Punch​

Basically my plan of attack was to start off with the 5 types I foresaw giving me the greatest difficulty and run through them 10 times. The 5 types I chose were: Electric (while usually frail, do have a tendancy to have static hax that could ruin the streak), Water (no super effective and usually bulky), Dragon (I know better than to underestimate them and I did luck out against the Kingdra with FRZ hax), Grass (not as bulky as water but had Super Effective hits and statuses to ruin the Sash), and Normal (they are such a wild card). My plan after that was to finish off a few "easy targets" (such as fire that I know I can get through easily from competitive experience). After that, I took some advice from Shiny Regice to start going through and splitting up the types and going through the first majorities of the ranks (up to rank 7). Well...after that point it was going to be hoping for the best and last as long as I possibly can. Not much more to say beyond that.

So...123 wins for my mighty Floatzel (I did the best I could against the laptop's glare).


Also, for more proof, I recorded my battle against Suicune (definitely made me reconsider Focus Sash because of it...stupid Reflect>_<) from early on: 52-66456-41247
Quick summary of my plan: I was choice band and was hoping for Crunch's defense drop...otherwise I'd Brick Break that reflect it did first turn. (And yes, it is shiny, legit, and Adament or I wouldn't have this video to proove it...especially since I don't own an AR anyways and one person I do battle against has let slip-ups of bad hacks and GTS informs me of them because it won't upload the video to the database)

* = (I did start off with Life Orb by accident because I use that for my competitive one...then shifted to Choice Band for 2 full 10-sets and considered Focus Sash a better item to use for Battle Hall and Floatzel's frail defenses)
why would a floatzel crunch a whiscash is an appropriate question here :/

gonna clean up some of the mess in the records (basically no proof, you´re out)
ugh... ... all the pics I take from my digicam came out way too blurry to read. O well. I'll just have to wait until I get to use a better one.
Got to a streak of 184 with Azelf in Double Battle Hall :)


Naive @ Choice Band
Evs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4HP
Zen Headbutt
Fire Punch


Naive @ Focus Sash
Evs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4HP

Pretty basic strategy. Protect/Explode on most things (a choice banded explosion takes out anything that doesn't resist it pretty much), except if:
They have Brightpowder
They have Protect
They resist it

Psychic and Fire moves for coverage, and U-turn for those tough Darks and Opposing Psychics. Swift is there to take out sashers after I explode. I'm looking at you Weavile, Sharpedo, Scyther and Scizor. My only threats are Alakazam (outspeeds and KOs with Signal beam), Heatran (magma storms while I fail to KO), and Tyranitar (crunches while I fail to KO). My loss was actually from a Heatran. I was thinking of getting HP fighting on one and HP ground on other, and just switching the move pool for different types. However, I didn't wanna go through all that trouble :P.

Will theorymon for Kingdra and Gengar next. I'm quite proud of this achievement considering I didn't use 'Gross or Salamence/Garchomp.

Good job on that! I thought about using Azelf too, but then I can't get two Azelfs (I'm one of those people that never use any external device/cloning/etc.), so I didn't. Also, yah, I didn't see how Azelf could beat Heatran either.

I thought about Gengar too, just cuz it's cool to just be able to explode without having to protect (so room for another moveslot), but then I found that even a choice band neutral nature Brick Break (from Gengar) can't OHKO Tyranitar, and HP fighting also won't KO without Specs, so I didn't like that. Plus, Heatran will be again be troublesome as well.

Since I'm on the topic of exploders for double hall... I thought about scarf Lickilicky (paired with a sashed one), since Licki has a pretty huge movepool for coverage, but then not having a priority move (like Metagross does) really makes it too risky since it is slow. Also thought about Sunny Day + Fake Out (Chlorophyll) Shiftry (both holding sash), which will be able to take care of damp pokemon and ghost pokemon with a lot more ease... but then I realized Shiftrys will have a very hard time with steels, especially with Sunny Day/ Fake Out / Protect / Explosion taking up half the moveslots already and then only enough room for grass/dark STAB or whatever. Then I just gave up.
Lickilicky may work, just needs more though :P.

Gengar wouldn't work, considering you'd still have to deal with Alakazam, Weavile, Starmie, Tyranitar, Heatran, and probably others. That's just too much.
Props to Bozo for recording a loss... that Umbreon is a humongous (BAN ME PLEASE).

thanks man :) actually my previous video was the 50th match, against the brain, and also the battle that convinced me that focus sash was better than choice band:
  1. salamence used outrage - about 90% damage to lapras. lapras used blizzard - missed.
  2. salamence used outrage - dead lapras.
lol so i didnt have much qualms about recording over it......

ive been meaning to put up a couple of emerald battle tower hax'd matches, including one where a lapras froze my blissey and then proceeded to ~10HKO it without it ever thawing out :/
I've got several prints without competitive EV'd nor IV'd pokemon in my Platinum, but only with my Basic team to win the game (yes, I'm lazy).
I have a Garchomp with random IV's and EV's that got me through the battle hall:

Garchomp @ Coice Band / Coice Scarf / Yache Berry
-Fire Blast
-Draco Meteor

I altered between DM + Choice Items and DM + Yache. It almost got me through the whole thing, but I was beaten by an Ice Punch Weavile that critted me through Yache in about the 150'th battle. Great. >_>
it didnt need the ch, weavile has a focus sash and ice shard and you therefore had a ~0.4% chance of winning since you need:

1) weavile to not ch you
2) weavile to not freeze you (or you to thaw instantly if so)
3) you to hit with fire blast
4) you to ch with fire blast (you wouldn't ohko even without focus sash or even do up to the 87.5% needed to make the next point relevant)
5) you to burn with fire blast to negate weavile's focus sash

and this is assuming you would have used FB which i doubt if you didn't know it had a focus sash

something tells me you havent read a word of this thread lol
@to Jumpman: Well, when it comes to in-game stuff like that, then sure, I don't know much. I barely entered the frontier at all and did the Battle Hall just for fun really. I only wanted to sum up the 'landmarks' of my career in Platinum's Frontier. I don't know all of the things there, so sure, I didn't know it had a sash. And you bet I didn't read a word here ;)