Hey I got a new streak for you
Pokemon Platinum Double Battle Tower Streak: 152
Infernape “AMERICA”@Focus Sash
Trait: Blaze
Nature: Hasty (+Speed, -Def)
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 SpA, 4 HP
- Fake Out
- Heat wave
- Protect
- Grass Knot
Aerodactyl “Petrie” @Lum Berry
Triat: Pressure
Nature: Adamant (+ Att, -SpA)
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Att, 4 HP
- Rock Slide
- Taunt
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw
Metagross “GANON” @Occa Berry
Trait: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant (+ Att, -SpA)
EVs: 252 Att, 244 HP, 4 Speed, 4 SpD, 4 Def
- Bullet Punch
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Protect
Milotic “Sammy Step” @Choice Scarf
Trait: Marvel Scale
Nature: Modest (+ SpA, -Att)
EVs: 252 SpA, 174 Speed, 84 HP
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- HP Electric 70
- Dragon Pulse
Infernape: I chose a special attacking Infernape because I don’t like leading with two of the same type attackers. This makes it harder for me to be walled. Fake out is to let Aerodactyl get taunt off and for giving me an extra turn to take out a water type lead. Grass Knot is more taking out water, rock, and ground types, but its mainly for Swampert. I gave him a focus sash to take advantage of his ability. I pretty much just spam Heat wave with him and once the sash activates, so does blaze, which raises heat wave’s power by 1.5. Having so much speed he can usually he some blazed heat waves off. Protect is just a good move to have and it lets my Metagross use Earthquake when he’s out with Infernape.
Aerodactyl: When I was looking at pokemon that can use rock slide and taunt I found Aerodactyl. His speed and attack really impressed me. Rock slide is his main move. He gets STAB from it and the thirty percent to flinch has helped me on many an occasion. Crunch is to take care of ghost, psychic, Bronzong, and Metagross. Dragon Claw is to take out any dragon types. I chose dragon claw over Ice Fang because it has a high base power and there is more dragon that doesn’t get hit hard by it.( Except Dialga but he’s an Uber) Taunt is to stop trick room from being setup. (I have this because this team isn’t made for the battle tower it was made for competitive play.) My Aerodactyl is completely walled by steel types, but this is why he goes so well with Infernape.
Metagross: Metagross is just an absolute monster. I saw Zerowing have great success with his so I just used the same EVs. Meteor Mash is just a good attack that hits everything hard. Bullet Punch is here because every team should have a priority move and this his nasty on him. Protect is to give him an extra turn of life while Milotic takes out the threat.
Milotic: Milotic is my clean up man. There ain’t nobody who can do it like he can. No but seriously I was disappointed with Milotic, btw his nick name is “Sammy Step” because Sammy Stephens (Google It) wouldn’t fit as a nickname. Milotic has a massive SpA, good speed, and it very bulky. The speed EVs let it outspeed any base 115 pokemon. The moves are just for great type coverage.
Pokemon who annoy me:
1. Jolteon: He is a complete tool to fight against. He out speeds all of my pokemon, and can either OHKO or THKO all of my pokemon.
2. Swampert: He can completely wall my team if Infernape isn’t around.
3. Electrode: He does the same thing as Jolteon just not as good.
4. Mamoswine: This is lucky Mofo that finished me off. He always seems to be out when my Metagross and my Infernape are out. I never really pay much attention to him and then he Earthquakes me for HUGE damage.
5. Vaporeon: He isn’t that hard to kill, but he is very bulky and grass knot is only base 60 to him.
I never really got cheated by OHKO’s. I had some but they never hit me. The biggest story of Hax I have happen around the tenth battle. The opponent had a Wartortle w/ a Focus Band. He hung on FIVE times. Damn Battle Tower Hax.
I lost on battle 153: The opponent had a Glaceon, Dewgong, Weavile, and Mamoswine
Here’s the video code if you wanna watch it: 94-50102-27138
Turn 1: He lead with Dewgong and Dewgong. I used heatwave and rock slide. It KOed Glaceon and left Dewgon with little HP. Dewgong OHKOed my Aerodactyl with ice beam
Turn 2: He brought out Mamoswine and I brought out Metagross. I bullet punched Dewgong for the kill. Infernape use heat wave and it MISSED Mamoswine. His Mamoswine used hail.
Turn 3: He brought out Weavile. His Weavile used Night Slash and got the crit on my Metagross. I used heat wave and it brought both of his pokemon to red health. I had meteor mash coming on his mamoswine, but he outsped me and used earthquake and killed all three people on the field.
Turn 4: I was feeling really good right here cause I thought I had this game won. I brought out my Milotic. I decided to use ice beam because I didn’t want to miss with with hydro pump. I used Ice Beam and it MISSED. Mamoswine use superpower and got a CRIT which finished me.
It really sucks that Mamoswine had so much hax, but it happens and I still got a good streak out of it.