Infernape is also something that I've wanted to try because it's just a beast. I'm not sure whether I'd go classic wall-breaker of purely special with Nasty Plot/Flamethrower/Grass Knot/Vacuum Wave (or Hidden Power Ice in there somewhere). Purely special means even set up I need some luck to beat Blissey (random 89+damage to 2HKO with flamethrower at +6), but mix loses priority which I'm coming to appreciate and splits EVs. Grass Knot also has the issue of something like Lanturn popping up and being an ass. And since with the four-moveslot syndrome of Infernape, I could be quick clawed to hell quite easily too, which is less appealing now that I've written it out... lol
yeah i want to use infernape too mainly because of this
684 Atk vs 182 Def & 325 HP (156 Base Power): 330 - 388 (101.54% - 119.38%)
this is modest +6 wise glasses blaze ft on 21/21 hp/SpD iv modest blissey. and blaze is possible if you use sub instead of worrying about perfect coverage. obviously this is the most favorable situation you can have besides flame plate (dont use lo), but i'm not sure how you calced cause even a timid +6 no blaze or boosting item +6 ft on calm 31/31 hp/SpD iv blissey will 2hko 98% of the time. either way that calc should tell you something—if you arent one of two blissey, thick fat snorlax, kingdra, or a flash fire pokemon, you have no chance of surviving +6 Modest WG Blaze FT. some of those pokes die to the slightly stronger +6 vacuum wave (40 vs 35.62), including probably all the flash fire pokes, kingdra 90% of the time, etc. you get the picture...blaze FT is absolutely sick, and base 104 SpA isn't even all that impressive for a bt sweeper
VW's priority preempts quick claw btw, which is almost the real main reason to use infernape, so dont worry about getting QCed by the myriad pokemon that have it...even more, literally over 75% of them at a glance are weak to fighting and are going to die to +6 VW
Jumpman, any tips for using Kingdra?
yeah i guess i should finally post about this, lol. the first set i used was DD/Outrage/Yawn/Protect@Sash, because this "literally beats everything" and lets you EVs for HP and Attack. as you noted, this beats every single dragon type because none have sash, only a first turn sandstorm from garchomp has a remote change of beating this kingdra and that never happened. im gonna post some of my theorymon like i did with tyra or whatever and bold the relevant parts instead of reinventing the wheel:
ok, if 292 speed, need: sub or sash or chople.
292 speed is faster than all Lv 96 dragons
259 Def needed to survive infernape LO FO+CC
Infernape is a bith and that Def is required if no Protect
Chilan: helps against infernape and lax, but still requires 292 speed. protect helps against ape too
lax is CB and has GI, originally a massive threat till i realized it never ever used GI. seriously gave chilan thought with thinking this was a threat and knowing what ape would do too
if 292 speed and no chilan OR sash OR protect: Jolly, 260/259/292 atk/def/spe (EVs: 136/132/240). this means yawn/sub/dd/or@chilan pretty much.
this means that salamence OHKOs 19.23% of the time with DC…lol nm more like 95% because of liechi, sheesh
at the time i didnt realize that DDing on turn one would be the way to go
ok outrage never kills salamence even at 289 attack because of intim. you can drop attack for more defense if you still want to use chilan to make sure you never activate its liechi while still being faster and not being killed by DC (DM would be nice here, huh), but even 226 attack does 64.78-77.36%. at least lv96 389 atk DC only does 93.56% max but do you kill stuff like dragonite now? nope, only 7.69% of the time. chilan is out
…but why wouldn’t i just dd on sala?
ding ok and miscalc, sala at lv96 like it’s supposed to be only ohkos 2.56% of the time on 291hp/259def and never on 260 def, think i can spare 4EVs if it’s worth it. this now means 259Atk/260Def/292Spe…now it’s a 7.69% chance that dragonite messes you up (aside from CHing)…i guess it would make more sense to add more attack. 261/258/292 is same 2.56% chance of salamence killing you, which is a little higher thanks to CH chance (cause you have to DD), but may be worth it compared to 7.69% (it is [if chilan set actually works lol]). oh yeah infernape…don’t really care, max+max isn’t happening, ch chance is a lot higher.
so, sash 292 speed. still need 259 def for infernape. 260 attack is a 99.39% OHKO on dragonite so may want 261 (infernape’s not doing max damage twice and it CHing is a non-issue). this at first means yawn/sub/dd/or@sash. thankfully DD/GI, OR/recharge, OR/recharge always kills lax, doing 51.81% min.
ok right now, or/dd/yawn/protect. no longer need to outspeed garchomp. can just DD on literally every dragon, no speed needed there. magnezone 2hkos with thunder literally no matter what
(referring to even max hp/SpD kingdra), so i guess that’s good. also if you don’t have to outspeed stuff anymore, why not boost another stat? (hint: attack)
291hp/259def still dies on average to meta’s zh+zh+bp, at 46.39 46.39 11.68. i do 33.22% on average with +1 outrage at 317 attack
(max). however, +3 does 51.21% min with 317 attack. dropping attack to 308 magic point still does 49.83% min, which 2hkoes 99.41% of the time. but first, with 317 attack:
yawn (hope for LS)/zh, 54%.
protect/whatever, falls sleep.
dd/sleep (please)
then: dd/wake, zh, 8%, you lose. OR dd/sleep, or/wake, zh, 8%, bp, dead. "
OR" is or, "or" is outrage lol
therefore, with 317atk/259def, you still die to avg zh+zh+bp damage, even if it sleeps three turns.
so 308atk/268def/237spe (which doesn’t give magic point boost for some reason)…even though you don’t need to outpace maggy anymore (keep that in mind)
EeveeTrainer had mentioned the confuse ray/sb/mean look/perish song mismagius as being gay the day i wrote this but i didnt know he was talking about tower, which obviously has difference set, so yeah
metagross does 44.33% on average with zh, and 11.34% on average with bp which of course is exactly a 3HKO on average. i don’t even know what this means with miss chances and ch chances and qc chances (and qc flinch chances), but whatever.
(meaning it's more likely misses and qc and flinches would play a part than "average damage over three turns") as for speed absolutely needed?
infernape takes 82% min from 308 attack outrage btw, so just protect/or
(because it will CC and drop its defenses [besides being at 90% after LO recoil]). primeape and maggy also die
wrath is 2hkoed 87.51% of the time by unboosted 317 atk outrage, only 67.78% of the time by 308
(mattered because of hypnosis). does 49% min with focus blast. at least machamp is always 2HKoed by 308 atk or
(mattered because of no guard dynamic punch).
sorry gliscor, you never 2hko 291/268 with EQ (49.83% max). eq/yawn
317 atk means 35.19% average damage to zone after 1 dd
(zone is megalame because of max defense and GANLON BERRY lol). +2 only does 42-50% so you will probably have to have a 3-turn OR no matter what (even then it’s not like you’re guaranteed to hit yourself
[and meaning going for more than one DD for a 2hko made less sense]). 308 +1 or on lv96 zone is 34.44% average damage, so really see if you need 237 speed
okay. aero is 344 speed, and you need 230 speed to outpace it after a DD. however, its se only does 50.86% max to kingdra, a 2.56% chance of a “2HKO”. so 230 speed is a *maybe*.
unboosted outrage didnt ohko so i had to dd, and being slower after one dd would suck since it could win with out taking a hit etc.
308 atk means 87.18% chance of OHKO on zapdos with +1 OR. it’s 226 speed. faster means 230 speed and therefore 315atk/268def/230spe: thunder/yawn, protect/whatever, dd/sleep, or/death, lol absolute min needed to ohko zappy (100.32%). slower means…nothing there’s no reason lol
it didnt make sense to just outrage because i had to take a thunder either way and if i got paralyzed at least zapdos would be asleep
staraptor does 66.32% max with cc or bb. qa does 22.68% max. bb or cc/yawn, protect/whatever, fall asleep. sleep/dd. if bb, then it’s at max 244 HP. at +0 (intim), 315 atk or does a minimum of…240 hp lol. 317 does min of 243…it’s probably not worth it to trade those 8 EVs though because metagross is gay (if cc it takes 122% min from “unboosted” or)
315 atk +2 OR does 51.54% min to skarmory. CH DP does 68.04% max, non ch does 34.02% max. “ok.”
+1 OR does 52.31% min to regigigas. lum so just dd and OR and get it over with before it gets its act together.
+1 OR easily 2HKOes licky (63.58% min, 50.26% max unboosted). you take 32-37% from bs, so yeah don’t get PARed (lol remember chilan berry? way to waste your time wasting your time
granbull (assuming intimidate): yawn/return (47.77-56.70%). protect/whatever. dd/sleep, or/please don’t wake up lol also don’t do max damage
tauros (assuming intimidate): or/yawn. protect/whatever. dd/sleep, or/please don’t wake up lol
kangaskhan? just outrage, you’re faster, 2HKO every time, and it cant just outrage then sucker punch turn 2 lol
clefable: cute charm and lum
(meaning yawn is a bad idea). its return does 34-40%, so dd twice and fire away i guess…or OR straight up, do 54% min, and never lose if it doesn’t have cute charm
always 2HKO rhyperior with +1 315atk OR (exactly 50.00% min).
always ohko garchomp now so definitely just or first turn, don’t give it two chances to sandstorm…or dd since a miss is a miss anyway…or yawn and protect no matter what, giving yourself a 100% win if it used dig, 100% chance to win if it used outrage (since it has to be asleep for one turn and you always ohko), 80% chance to win if it used twister (lol =/) which you can’t do anything about without max speed, and at worst an 80% chance to win if it used sandstorm (asleep for only one turn and you miss, 96% if asleep two turns, etc)
103% min with +1 315 atk or on claydol
has scarf for effective 268 speed and wasnt ohkoed by unboosted OR
lol need differential of +5 to ensure 2hko on steelix…good thing it doesn’t have eq
curse, sandstorm to break my sash, and atk/def EVs, this was a pain but i never lost to it with this set thanks in part to SNIPER
i guess female kingdra since you’re less likely to lose to nidoking thanks to your def and his own being worse than nidoqueen’s)
attract obviously
need +4 to ensure 2HKO on aggron. 44.33-52.58% with SE. “ugh”.
metal burst
+2 ensures 3HKO on bastiodon. +4 for 2HKO.
gonna want +3 on bronzong because of leftovers, please tr (BAN ME PLEASE)
slowbro only does 44.33-52.58% with psychic. +1 or always 2hkoes it (62.70% min, fuck your sitrus berry)
forry has a lum berry watch out for that i guess
and uh watch out for skuntank aftermath too
or does 62.28% min to regice (sitrus)…”ok”.
naïve raikou hits 347 speed. 70.10% max with thunder (please ch)
this always used light screen in practice meaning i always won with yawn, dd, outrage
Kingdra@Focus Sash: Outrage/Dragon Dance/Yawn/Protect, 244Atk/168Def/96Spe, Adamant, Sniper, Lv100.
enough speed to outpace aero with 345 speed after a dd, enough defense to give myseelf the best chance to beat metagross, and rest in attack
however (there's more??????????), that does run into problems with faster pokes with status and flinching moves, so i used a variety of sets before 170.
steel: .338 Lapua #1
electric: .338 Lapua #2
normal: Picked Off (snorlax) #3
flying: Picked Off (salamence, crobat) #4
fighting: Picked Off (infernape) #5
psychic: .338 Lapua #6
bug: Bounce Picked Off #7
ice: No Scope #8
ghost: No Scope #9
ground: .338 Lapua@Focus Sash (garchomp, steelix) #10
rock: .338 Lapua #11
dark: Picked Off (sharpedo) #12
poison: Picked Off (crobat, venusaur) #13
grass: Picked Off (venusaur, meganium) #14
fire: Picked Off (infernape) #15
water: Picked Off (sharpedo) #16
dragon: Picked Off (garchomp) #17
this order was very, very important, had to do the harder ones first and make sure the sets were optimized for each type
".338 Lapua" was my Modest Specs Kingdra with Surf/DP/DM/Signal Beam for grasses pre-170, and this was the first poke to get the "Lapua" name i gave to Scizor (Dr. Lapua) because as i said months ago a .338 Lapua round "bullet" is used in many sniper rifles and given kingdra's Ability do the math, lol
"No Scope" was a Lum Berry Adamant Kingdra with Bounce for pre-170 Shedinja
I raised the speed of Picked Off to 246 to outpace Dragonite when I decided Lum was better in the long run than losing to random CHes from non-dragon pokemon, which of course then happened against an alakazam at battle ~178 and sceptile at battle ~175 to remember a few of them. salamence's DC almost never killed so it was less of an issue
i finally settled on this kingdra for my non-DD option after battle 170:
Ready...aim... (Kingdra) (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 16 HP/240 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Surf
- Draco Meteor
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Ground]
had to outspeed all dragons and needed hp ground for magnezone
so paired with "Picked Off" this is how i eventually got to 208 or whatever i did, i could do better but i lost at least a dozen times to random CHes and misclicks over battle 100...
hows that for an answer